2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-04-10 19:06:01 +00:00
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
#include "shard.hpp"
#include "message-queue.hpp"
#include "validator-set.hpp"
#include "vm/boc.h"
2020-05-27 18:10:46 +00:00
#include "td/db/utils/BlobView.h"
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
#include "vm/db/StaticBagOfCellsDb.h"
#include "vm/cellslice.h"
#include "vm/cells/MerkleUpdate.h"
#include "block/block-parse.h"
#include "block/block-auto.h"
2022-05-15 14:51:24 +00:00
#include "td/utils/filesystem.h"
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
namespace ton {
namespace validator {
using td::Ref;
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
ShardStateQ::ShardStateQ(const ShardStateQ& other)
: blkid(other.blkid)
, rhash(other.rhash)
, data(other.data.is_null() ? td::BufferSlice{} : other.data.clone())
, bocs_(other.bocs_)
, root(other.root)
, lt(other.lt)
, utime(other.utime)
, before_split_(other.before_split_)
, fake_split_(other.fake_split_)
, fake_merge_(other.fake_merge_) {
ShardStateQ* ShardStateQ::make_copy() const {
return new ShardStateQ(*this);
ShardStateQ::ShardStateQ(const BlockIdExt& _id, td::BufferSlice _data) : blkid(_id), data(std::move(_data)) {
ShardStateQ::ShardStateQ(const BlockIdExt& _id, Ref<vm::Cell> _root, td::BufferSlice _data)
: blkid(_id), data(std::move(_data)), root(std::move(_root)) {
td::Result<Ref<ShardStateQ>> ShardStateQ::fetch(const BlockIdExt& _id, td::BufferSlice _data, Ref<vm::Cell> _root) {
if (_id.is_masterchain()) {
auto res = MasterchainStateQ::fetch(_id, std::move(_data), std::move(_root));
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
} else {
return Ref<ShardStateQ>{res.move_as_ok()};
Ref<ShardStateQ> res{true, _id, std::move(_root), std::move(_data)};
td::Status err = res.unique_write().init();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(res);
td::Status ShardStateQ::init() {
if (root.is_null()) {
if (data.empty()) {
return td::Status::Error(
-668, "cannot initialize shardchain state without either a root cell or a BufferSlice with serialized data");
vm::StaticBagOfCellsDbLazy::Options options;
options.check_crc32c = true;
2020-05-27 18:10:46 +00:00
auto res = vm::StaticBagOfCellsDbLazy::create(td::BufferSliceBlobView::create(data.clone()), options);
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
auto boc = res.move_as_ok();
auto rc = boc->get_root_count();
if (rc.is_error()) {
return rc.move_as_error();
if (rc.move_as_ok() != 1) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "shardchain state BoC is invalid");
auto res3 = boc->get_root_cell(0);
auto res3 = vm::std_boc_deserialize(data.as_slice());
if (res3.is_error()) {
return res3.move_as_error();
root = res3.move_as_ok();
if (root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "cannot extract root cell out of a shardchain state BoC");
rhash = root->get_hash().bits();
block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record info;
if (!tlb::unpack_cell(root, info)) {
return td::Status::Error(-668,
"shardchain state for block "s + blkid.id.to_str() + " does not contain a valid header");
lt = info.gen_lt;
utime = info.gen_utime;
before_split_ = info.before_split;
block::ShardId id{info.shard_id};
ton::BlockId hdr_id{ton::ShardIdFull(id), info.seq_no};
if (!id.is_valid() || get_shard() != ton::ShardIdFull(id) || get_seqno() != info.seq_no) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "header of unpacked shardchain state for block "s + blkid.id.to_str() +
" contains BlockId " + hdr_id.to_str() +
" different from the one originally required");
2024-02-21 13:13:55 +00:00
if (info.r1.master_ref.write().fetch_long(1)) {
BlockIdExt mc_id;
if (!block::tlb::t_ExtBlkRef.unpack(info.r1.master_ref, mc_id, nullptr)) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "cannot unpack master_ref in shardchain state of "s + blkid.to_str());
master_ref = mc_id;
} else {
master_ref = {};
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
return td::Status::OK();
td::Status ShardStateQ::validate_deep() const {
if (data.empty()) {
return td::Status::Error(-668,
"cannot validate serialized shard state because no serialized shard state is present");
auto res = vm::std_boc_deserialize(data.as_slice());
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
auto root = res.move_as_ok();
if (root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "cannot extract root cell out of a shardchain state BoC");
if (rhash != root->get_hash().bits()) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "root hash mismatch in a shardchain state BoC : expected "s + rhash.to_hex() +
" , found " + root->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256));
return td::Status::OK();
td::Result<Ref<MessageQueue>> ShardStateQ::message_queue() const {
if (root.is_null()) {
return {}; // GIGO
vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVmOrd(), root};
if (!cs.have(64, 1) || cs.prefetch_ulong(32) != (unsigned)block::tlb::ShardState::shard_state) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "state for block "s + blkid.id.to_str() + " is invalid");
if (fake_split_ || fake_merge_) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "cannot obtain message queue from a virtually split or merged state");
auto out_queue_info = cs.prefetch_ref();
return Ref<MessageQueue>(Ref<MessageQueueQ>{true, blkid, std::move(out_queue_info)});
td::Status ShardStateQ::apply_block(BlockIdExt newid, td::Ref<BlockData> block) {
if (block.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "the block to be applied to a previous state is absent");
Ref<vm::Cell> block_root = block->root_cell();
if (root.is_null() || block_root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot apply an (empty) block to an (empty) state");
if (newid != block->block_id()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "block id mismatch in apply_block()");
RootHash blk_rhash{block_root->get_hash().bits()};
if (blk_rhash != newid.root_hash) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot apply a block because its root hash differs from expected");
if (before_split_ != fake_split_) {
return td::Status::Error(
-666, "cannot apply a block because previous state has before_split set, but it has not been split virtually");
vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVmOrd{}, block_root};
if (cs.prefetch_ulong(32) != 0x11ef55aa || !cs.have_refs(4)) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "invalid shardchain block header for block "s + block->block_id().id.to_str());
Ref<vm::Cell> update = cs.prefetch_ref(2); // Merkle update
auto next_state_root = vm::MerkleUpdate::apply(root, update);
if (next_state_root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error("cannot apply Merkle update from block "s + block->block_id().id.to_str() +
" to previous state");
blkid = block->block_id();
// boc.reset(); // keep old lazy static bag of cells in case undeserialized branches are inherited by the current state
root = std::move(next_state_root);
rhash = root->get_hash().bits();
block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record info;
if (!tlb::unpack_cell(root, info)) {
return td::Status::Error(
-668, "newly-computed shardchain state for block "s + blkid.id.to_str() + " does not contain a valid header");
lt = info.gen_lt;
utime = info.gen_utime;
before_split_ = info.before_split;
fake_split_ = fake_merge_ = false;
block::ShardId id{info.shard_id};
ton::BlockId hdr_id{ton::ShardIdFull(id), info.seq_no};
if (!id.is_valid() || get_shard() != ton::ShardIdFull(id) || get_seqno() != info.seq_no) {
return td::Status::Error(-668, "header of newly-computed shardchain state for block "s + blkid.id.to_str() +
" contains a BlockId " + hdr_id.to_str() +
" different from the one originally required");
return td::Status::OK();
td::Result<td::Ref<ShardState>> ShardStateQ::merge_with(const ShardState& with) const {
const ShardStateQ& other = dynamic_cast<const ShardStateQ&>(with);
if (fake_split_ || fake_merge_ || other.fake_split_ || other.fake_merge_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge blockchain states which have been split or merged immediately before");
if (before_split_ || other.before_split_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge blockchain states which have before_split flag set");
if (blkid.is_masterchain()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge masterchain states");
auto shard1 = blkid.shard_full(), shard2 = other.blkid.shard_full();
if (shard1 == shard2 || !ton::shard_is_sibling(shard1, shard2)) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "cannot merge states of shards " << shard1.to_str() << " and "
<< shard2.to_str() << " that are not siblings");
Ref<vm::Cell> root, root1 = root_cell(), root2 = other.root_cell();
if (shard1.shard > shard2.shard) {
std::swap(root1, root2);
if (!block::gen::t_ShardState.cell_pack_split_state(root, std::move(root1), std::move(root2))) {
return td::Status::Error(-667, "cannot construct a virtual split_state after a merge");
auto m = Ref<ShardStateQ>{
ton::BlockIdExt{blkid.id.workchain, ton::shard_parent(blkid.id.shard),
std::max(blkid.seqno(), other.blkid.seqno()), ton::Bits256::zero(), ton::Bits256::zero()},
auto& ms = m.unique_write();
ms.fake_merge_ = true;
ms.rhash = root->get_hash().bits();
ms.lt = std::max(lt, other.lt);
ms.utime = std::max(utime, other.utime);
ms.bocs_ = bocs_;
ms.bocs_.insert(ms.bocs_.end(), other.bocs_.begin(), other.bocs_.end());
return std::move(m);
td::Result<std::pair<td::Ref<ShardState>, td::Ref<ShardState>>> ShardStateQ::split() const {
if (fake_split_ || fake_merge_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split blockchain state which has been split or merged immediately before");
if (!before_split_) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split blockchain state which does not have before_split flag set");
if (blkid.is_masterchain()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split masterchain state");
auto l = Ref<ShardStateQ>{true, *this};
auto r = Ref<ShardStateQ>{true, *this};
auto& ls = l.unique_write();
auto& rs = r.unique_write();
ls.fake_split_ = rs.fake_split_ = true;
ls.blkid.id.shard = ton::shard_child(blkid.id.shard, true);
rs.blkid.id.shard = ton::shard_child(blkid.id.shard, false);
return std::make_pair<Ref<ShardState>, Ref<ShardState>>(std::move(l), std::move(r));
td::Result<td::BufferSlice> ShardStateQ::serialize() const {
td::PerfWarningTimer perf_timer_{"serializestate", 0.1};
if (!data.is_null()) {
return data.clone();
if (root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot serialize an uninitialized state");
vm::BagOfCells new_boc;
auto res = new_boc.import_cells();
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
auto st_res = new_boc.serialize_to_slice(31);
if (st_res.is_error()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot serialize a shardchain state";
return st_res.move_as_error();
// data = st_res.move_as_ok();
// return data.clone();
return st_res.move_as_ok();
2022-05-15 14:51:24 +00:00
td::Status ShardStateQ::serialize_to_file(td::FileFd& fd) const {
td::PerfWarningTimer perf_timer_{"serializestate", 0.1};
if (!data.is_null()) {
auto cur_data = data.clone();
while (cur_data.size() > 0) {
TRY_RESULT(s, fd.write(cur_data.as_slice()));
return td::Status::OK();
if (root.is_null()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot serialize an uninitialized state");
vm::BagOfCells new_boc;
auto st_res = new_boc.serialize_to_file(fd, 31);
if (st_res.is_error()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot serialize a shardchain state";
return st_res.move_as_error();
return td::Status::OK();
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
MasterchainStateQ::MasterchainStateQ(const BlockIdExt& _id, td::BufferSlice _data)
: MasterchainState(), ShardStateQ(_id, std::move(_data)) {
MasterchainStateQ::MasterchainStateQ(const BlockIdExt& _id, Ref<vm::Cell> _root, td::BufferSlice _data)
: MasterchainState(), ShardStateQ(_id, std::move(_root), std::move(_data)) {
MasterchainStateQ* MasterchainStateQ::make_copy() const {
return new MasterchainStateQ(*this);
td::Result<Ref<MasterchainStateQ>> MasterchainStateQ::fetch(const BlockIdExt& _id, td::BufferSlice _data,
Ref<vm::Cell> _root) {
if (!ShardIdFull(_id).is_masterchain_ext()) {
return td::Status::Error(-666,
"invalid masterchain block/state id passed for creating a new masterchain state object");
Ref<MasterchainStateQ> res{true, _id, std::move(_root), std::move(_data)};
td::Status err = res.unique_write().mc_init();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
} else {
return std::move(res);
td::Status MasterchainStateQ::mc_init() {
auto err = init();
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
return mc_reinit();
td::Status MasterchainStateQ::mc_reinit() {
auto res = block::ConfigInfo::extract_config(
root_cell(), block::ConfigInfo::needStateRoot | block::ConfigInfo::needValidatorSet |
2022-07-20 12:39:50 +00:00
block::ConfigInfo::needShardHashes | block::ConfigInfo::needPrevBlocks |
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.move_as_error();
config_ = res.move_as_ok();
auto cv_root = config_->get_config_param(35, 34);
if (cv_root.not_null()) {
TRY_RESULT(validators, block::Config::unpack_validator_set(std::move(cv_root)));
cur_validators_ = std::move(validators);
auto nv_root = config_->get_config_param(37, 36);
if (nv_root.not_null()) {
TRY_RESULT(validators, block::Config::unpack_validator_set(std::move(nv_root)));
next_validators_ = std::move(validators);
zerostate_id_ = config_->get_zerostate_id();
return td::Status::OK();
td::Status MasterchainStateQ::apply_block(BlockIdExt id, td::Ref<BlockData> block) {
auto err = ShardStateQ::apply_block(id, block);
if (err.is_error()) {
return err;
err = mc_reinit();
if (err.is_error()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot extract masterchain-specific state data from newly-computed state for block "
<< id.id.to_str() << " : " << err.to_string();
return err;
td::Status MasterchainStateQ::prepare() {
if (config_) {
return td::Status::OK();
return mc_reinit();
Ref<ValidatorSet> MasterchainStateQ::compute_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard, const block::ValidatorSet& vset,
UnixTime time, CatchainSeqno ccseqno) const {
if (!config_) {
return {};
LOG(DEBUG) << "in compute_validator_set() for " << shard.to_str();
auto nodes = config_->compute_validator_set_cc(shard, vset, time, &ccseqno);
if (nodes.empty()) {
return {};
return Ref<ValidatorSetQ>{true, ccseqno, shard, std::move(nodes)};
Ref<ValidatorSet> MasterchainStateQ::get_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard) const {
if (!config_ || !cur_validators_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "MasterchainStateQ::get_validator_set() : no config or no cur_validators";
return {};
return compute_validator_set(shard, *cur_validators_, config_->utime, 0);
Ref<ValidatorSet> MasterchainStateQ::get_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard, UnixTime ts, CatchainSeqno cc_seqno) const {
if (!config_ || !cur_validators_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "MasterchainStateQ::get_validator_set() : no config or no cur_validators";
return {};
auto nodes = config_->compute_validator_set(shard, *cur_validators_, ts, cc_seqno);
if (nodes.empty()) {
return {};
return Ref<ValidatorSetQ>{true, cc_seqno, shard, std::move(nodes)};
// next = -1 -> prev, next = 0 -> cur
Ref<ValidatorSet> MasterchainStateQ::get_total_validator_set(int next) const {
if (!config_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "MasterchainStateQ::get_total_validator_set() : no config";
return {};
auto nodes = config_->compute_total_validator_set(next);
if (nodes.empty()) {
return {};
return Ref<ValidatorSetQ>{true, 0, ton::ShardIdFull{}, std::move(nodes)};
Ref<ValidatorSet> MasterchainStateQ::get_next_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard) const {
if (!config_ || !cur_validators_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "MasterchainStateQ::get_next_validator_set() : no config or no cur_validators";
return {};
if (!next_validators_) {
return compute_validator_set(shard, *cur_validators_, config_->utime, 1);
bool is_mc = shard.is_masterchain();
auto ccv_cfg = config_->get_catchain_validators_config();
unsigned cc_lifetime = is_mc ? ccv_cfg.mc_cc_lifetime : ccv_cfg.shard_cc_lifetime;
if (next_validators_->utime_since > (config_->utime / cc_lifetime + 1) * cc_lifetime) {
return compute_validator_set(shard, *cur_validators_, config_->utime, 1);
} else {
return compute_validator_set(shard, *next_validators_, config_->utime, 1);
std::vector<Ref<McShardHash>> MasterchainStateQ::get_shards() const {
if (!config_) {
return {};
std::vector<ton::BlockId> shard_ids = config_->get_shard_hash_ids(true);
std::vector<Ref<McShardHash>> v;
for (const auto& b : shard_ids) {
return v;
td::Ref<McShardHash> MasterchainStateQ::get_shard_from_config(ShardIdFull shard) const {
if (!config_) {
return {};
return config_->get_shard_hash(shard);
bool MasterchainStateQ::rotated_all_shards() const {
if (!config_) {
return false;
return config_->rotated_all_shards();
bool MasterchainStateQ::get_old_mc_block_id(ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid,
ton::LogicalTime* end_lt) const {
return config_ && config_->get_old_mc_block_id(seqno, blkid, end_lt);
bool MasterchainStateQ::check_old_mc_block_id(const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, bool strict) const {
return config_ && config_->check_old_mc_block_id(blkid, strict);
2023-07-17 16:14:39 +00:00
td::uint32 MasterchainStateQ::monitor_min_split_depth(WorkchainId workchain_id) const {
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
if (!config_) {
return 0;
auto wc_info = config_->get_workchain_info(workchain_id);
2023-07-17 16:14:39 +00:00
return wc_info.not_null() ? wc_info->monitor_min_split : 0;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
2023-07-17 16:14:39 +00:00
td::uint32 MasterchainStateQ::min_split_depth(WorkchainId workchain_id) const {
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
if (!config_) {
return 0;
auto wc_info = config_->get_workchain_info(workchain_id);
return wc_info.not_null() ? wc_info->min_split : 0;
BlockSeqno MasterchainStateQ::min_ref_masterchain_seqno() const {
return config_ ? config_->min_ref_mc_seqno_ : 0;
BlockIdExt MasterchainStateQ::last_key_block_id() const {
BlockIdExt block_id;
LogicalTime lt = 0;
if (config_) {
config_->get_last_key_block(block_id, lt);
return block_id;
BlockIdExt MasterchainStateQ::next_key_block_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const {
BlockIdExt block_id;
if (config_) {
config_->get_next_key_block(seqno, block_id);
return block_id;
BlockIdExt MasterchainStateQ::prev_key_block_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const {
BlockIdExt block_id;
if (config_) {
config_->get_prev_key_block(seqno, block_id);
return block_id;
2022-09-27 13:33:27 +00:00
bool MasterchainStateQ::is_key_state() const {
return config_ ? config_->is_key_state() : false;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
} // namespace validator
} // namespace ton