#!/usr/bin/fift -s "TonUtil.fif" include { ."usage: " @' $0 type ." []" cr ."Creates a request to simple configuration smart contract requesting to change elector smart contract code to the one currently stored in auto/elector-code.fif, " ."with private key loaded from file .pk, " ."and saves it into .boc ('config-query.boc' by default)" cr 1 halt } : usage $# dup 2 < swap 3 > or ' usage if "config-master" constant file-base 0 constant seqno -1 constant idx true constant bounce "auto/elector-code.fif" constant elector-source 100 constant interval // valid for 100 seconds $1 =: file-base $2 parse-int =: seqno def? $3 { @' $3 } { "config-query" } cond constant savefile file-base +".addr" load-address 2dup 2constant config_addr ."Configuration smart contract address = " 2dup .addr cr 6 .Addr cr file-base +".pk" load-keypair nip constant config_pk ."Loading new elector smart contract code from file " elector-source type cr "Asm.fif" include elector-source include dup dup ."signing message: " dup ."resulting external message: " B dup Bx. cr savefile +".boc" tuck B>file ."(Saved to file " type .")" cr