/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include #include namespace td { namespace detail { template class ParserImpl { public: explicit ParserImpl(SliceT data) : ptr_(data.begin()), end_(data.end()), status_() { } ParserImpl(ParserImpl &&other) : ptr_(other.ptr_), end_(other.end_), status_(std::move(other.status_)) { other.clear(); } ParserImpl &operator=(ParserImpl &&other) { if (&other == this) { return *this; } ptr_ = other.ptr_; end_ = other.end_; status_ = std::move(other.status_); other.clear(); return *this; } ParserImpl(const ParserImpl &) = delete; ParserImpl &operator=(const ParserImpl &) = delete; ~ParserImpl() = default; bool empty() const { return ptr_ == end_; } void clear() { ptr_ = SliceT().begin(); end_ = ptr_; status_ = Status::OK(); } SliceT read_till_nofail(char c) { if (status_.is_error()) { return SliceT(); } auto till = static_cast(std::memchr(ptr_, c, end_ - ptr_)); if (till == nullptr) { till = end_; } SliceT result(ptr_, till); ptr_ = till; return result; } SliceT read_till_nofail(Slice str) { if (status_.is_error()) { return SliceT(); } auto best_till = end_; for (auto c : str) { auto till = static_cast(std::memchr(ptr_, c, end_ - ptr_)); if (till != nullptr && till < best_till) { best_till = till; } } SliceT result(ptr_, best_till); ptr_ = best_till; return result; } template SliceT read_while(const F &f) { auto save_ptr = ptr_; while (ptr_ != end_ && f(*ptr_)) { ptr_++; } return SliceT(save_ptr, ptr_); } SliceT read_all() { auto save_ptr = ptr_; ptr_ = end_; return SliceT(save_ptr, ptr_); } SliceT read_till(char c) { if (status_.is_error()) { return SliceT(); } SliceT res = read_till_nofail(c); if (ptr_ == end_ || ptr_[0] != c) { status_ = Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Read till " << tag("char", c) << " failed"); return SliceT(); } return res; } char peek_char() { if (ptr_ == end_) { return 0; } return *ptr_; } char *ptr() { return ptr_; } void skip_nofail(char c) { if (ptr_ != end_ && ptr_[0] == c) { ptr_++; } } void skip(char c) { if (status_.is_error()) { return; } if (ptr_ == end_ || ptr_[0] != c) { status_ = Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Skip " << tag("char", c) << " failed"); return; } ptr_++; } bool try_skip(char c) { if (ptr_ != end_ && ptr_[0] == c) { ptr_++; return true; } return false; } void skip_till_not(Slice str) { while (ptr_ != end_) { if (std::memchr(str.data(), *ptr_, str.size()) == nullptr) { break; } ptr_++; } } void skip_whitespaces() { skip_till_not(" \t\r\n"); } SliceT read_word() { skip_whitespaces(); return read_till_nofail(" \t\r\n"); } SliceT data() const { return SliceT(ptr_, end_); } Status &status() { return status_; } bool start_with(Slice prefix) const { if (prefix.size() > static_cast(end_ - ptr_)) { return false; } return prefix == Slice(ptr_, prefix.size()); } bool skip_start_with(Slice prefix) { if (start_with(prefix)) { advance(prefix.size()); return true; } return false; } void advance(size_t diff) { ptr_ += diff; CHECK(ptr_ <= end_); } private: decltype(std::declval().begin()) ptr_; decltype(std::declval().end()) end_; Status status_; }; } // namespace detail using Parser = detail::ParserImpl; using ConstParser = detail::ParserImpl; } // namespace td