/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . */ #include "tolk.h" namespace tolk { /* * * PEEPHOLE OPTIMIZER * */ void Optimizer::set_code(AsmOpConsList code) { code_ = std::move(code); unpack(); } void Optimizer::unpack() { int i = 0, j = 0; for (AsmOpCons *p = code_.get(); p && i < optimize_depth; p = p->cdr.get(), ++j) { if (p->car->is_very_custom()) { break; } if (p->car->is_comment()) { continue; } op_cons_[i] = p; op_[i] = std::move(p->car); offs_[i] = j; ++i; } l_ = i; indent_ = (i ? op_[0]->indent : 0); } void Optimizer::pack() { for (int i = 0; i < l_; i++) { op_cons_[i]->car = std::move(op_[i]); op_cons_[i] = nullptr; } l_ = 0; } void Optimizer::apply() { if (!p_ && !q_) { return; } tolk_assert(p_ > 0 && p_ <= l_ && q_ >= 0 && q_ <= optimize_depth && l_ <= optimize_depth); for (int i = p_; i < l_; i++) { tolk_assert(op_[i]); op_cons_[i]->car = std::move(op_[i]); op_cons_[i] = nullptr; } for (int c = offs_[p_ - 1]; c >= 0; --c) { code_ = std::move(code_->cdr); } for (int j = q_ - 1; j >= 0; j--) { tolk_assert(oq_[j]); oq_[j]->indent = indent_; code_ = AsmOpCons::cons(std::move(oq_[j]), std::move(code_)); } l_ = 0; } AsmOpConsList Optimizer::extract_code() { pack(); return std::move(code_); } void Optimizer::show_head() const { if (!debug_) { return; } std::cerr << "optimizing"; for (int i = 0; i < l_; i++) { if (op_[i]) { std::cerr << ' ' << *op_[i] << ' '; } else { std::cerr << " (null) "; } } std::cerr << std::endl; } void Optimizer::show_left() const { if (!debug_) { return; } std::cerr << "// *** rewriting"; for (int i = 0; i < p_; i++) { if (op_[i]) { std::cerr << ' ' << *op_[i] << ' '; } else { std::cerr << " (null) "; } } } void Optimizer::show_right() const { if (!debug_) { return; } std::cerr << "->"; for (int i = 0; i < q_; i++) { if (oq_[i]) { std::cerr << ' ' << *oq_[i] << ' '; } else { std::cerr << " (null) "; } } std::cerr << std::endl; } bool Optimizer::say(std::string str) const { if (debug_) { std::cerr << str << std::endl; } return true; } bool Optimizer::find_const_op(int* op_idx, int cst) { for (int i = 0; i < l2_; i++) { if (op_[i]->is_gconst() && tr_[i].get(0) == cst) { *op_idx = i; return true; } } return false; } bool Optimizer::is_push_const(int* i, int* c) const { return pb_ >= 3 && pb_ <= l2_ && tr_[pb_ - 1].is_push_const(i, c); } // PUSHCONST c ; PUSH s(i+1) ; SWAP -> PUSH s(i) ; PUSHCONST c bool Optimizer::rewrite_push_const(int i, int c) { p_ = pb_; q_ = 2; int idx = -1; if (!(p_ >= 2 && find_const_op(&idx, c) && idx < p_)) { return false; } show_left(); oq_[1] = std::move(op_[idx]); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[!idx]); *oq_[0] = AsmOp::Push(i); show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::is_const_rot(int* c) const { return pb_ >= 3 && pb_ <= l2_ && tr_[pb_ - 1].is_const_rot(c); } bool Optimizer::rewrite_const_rot(int c) { p_ = pb_; q_ = 2; int idx = -1; if (!(p_ >= 2 && find_const_op(&idx, c) && idx < p_)) { return false; } show_left(); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[idx]); oq_[1] = std::move(op_[!idx]); *oq_[1] = AsmOp::Custom("ROT", 3, 3); show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::is_const_pop(int* c, int* i) const { return pb_ >= 3 && pb_ <= l2_ && tr_[pb_ - 1].is_const_pop(c, i); } bool Optimizer::rewrite_const_pop(int c, int i) { p_ = pb_; q_ = 2; int idx = -1; if (!(p_ >= 2 && find_const_op(&idx, c) && idx < p_)) { return false; } show_left(); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[idx]); oq_[1] = std::move(op_[!idx]); *oq_[1] = AsmOp::Pop(i); show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::is_const_push_xchgs() { if (!(pb_ >= 2 && pb_ <= l2_ && op_[0]->is_gconst())) { return false; } StackTransform t; int pos = 0, i; for (i = 1; i < pb_; i++) { int a, b; if (op_[i]->is_xchg(&a, &b)) { if (pos == a) { pos = b; } else if (pos == b) { pos = a; } else { t.apply_xchg(a - (a > pos), b - (b > pos)); } } else if (op_[i]->is_push(&a)) { if (pos == a) { return false; } t.apply_push(a - (a > pos)); ++pos; } else { return false; } } if (pos) { return false; } t.apply_push_newconst(); if (t <= tr_[i - 1]) { p_ = i; return true; } else { return false; } } bool Optimizer::rewrite_const_push_xchgs() { if (!p_) { return false; } show_left(); auto c_op = std::move(op_[0]); tolk_assert(c_op->is_gconst()); StackTransform t; q_ = 0; int pos = 0; for (int i = 1; i < p_; i++) { int a, b; if (op_[i]->is_xchg(&a, &b)) { if (a == pos) { pos = b; } else if (b == pos) { pos = a; } else { oq_[q_] = std::move(op_[i]); if (a > pos) { oq_[q_]->a = a - 1; } if (b > pos) { oq_[q_]->b = b - 1; } tolk_assert(apply_op(t, *oq_[q_])); ++q_; } } else { tolk_assert(op_[i]->is_push(&a)); tolk_assert(a != pos); oq_[q_] = std::move(op_[i]); if (a > pos) { oq_[q_]->a = a - 1; } tolk_assert(apply_op(t, *oq_[q_])); ++q_; ++pos; } } tolk_assert(!pos); t.apply_push_newconst(); tolk_assert(t <= tr_[p_ - 1]); oq_[q_++] = std::move(c_op); show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::rewrite(int p, AsmOp&& new_op) { tolk_assert(p > 0 && p <= l_); p_ = p; q_ = 1; show_left(); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[0]); *oq_[0] = new_op; show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::rewrite(int p, AsmOp&& new_op1, AsmOp&& new_op2) { tolk_assert(p > 1 && p <= l_); p_ = p; q_ = 2; show_left(); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[0]); *oq_[0] = new_op1; oq_[1] = std::move(op_[1]); *oq_[1] = new_op2; show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::rewrite(int p, AsmOp&& new_op1, AsmOp&& new_op2, AsmOp&& new_op3) { tolk_assert(p > 2 && p <= l_); p_ = p; q_ = 3; show_left(); oq_[0] = std::move(op_[0]); *oq_[0] = new_op1; oq_[1] = std::move(op_[1]); *oq_[1] = new_op2; oq_[2] = std::move(op_[2]); *oq_[2] = new_op3; show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::rewrite_nop() { tolk_assert(p_ > 0 && p_ <= l_); q_ = 0; show_left(); show_right(); return true; } bool Optimizer::is_pred(const std::function& pred, int min_p) { min_p = std::max(min_p, pb_); for (int p = l2_; p >= min_p; p--) { if (pred(tr_[p - 1])) { p_ = p; return true; } } return false; } bool Optimizer::is_same_as(const StackTransform& trans, int min_p) { return is_pred([&trans](const auto& t) { return t >= trans; }, min_p); } // s1 s3 XCHG ; s0 s2 XCHG -> 2SWAP bool Optimizer::is_2swap() { static const StackTransform t_2swap{2, 3, 0, 1, 4}; return is_same_as(t_2swap); } // s3 PUSH ; s3 PUSH -> 2OVER bool Optimizer::is_2over() { static const StackTransform t_2over{2, 3, 0}; return is_same_as(t_2over); } bool Optimizer::is_2dup() { static const StackTransform t_2dup{0, 1, 0}; return is_same_as(t_2dup); } bool Optimizer::is_tuck() { static const StackTransform t_tuck{0, 1, 0, 2}; return is_same_as(t_tuck); } bool Optimizer::is_2drop() { static const StackTransform t_2drop{2}; return is_same_as(t_2drop); } bool Optimizer::is_rot() { return is_pred([](const auto& t) { return t.is_rot(); }); } bool Optimizer::is_rotrev() { return is_pred([](const auto& t) { return t.is_rotrev(); }); } bool Optimizer::is_nop() { return is_pred([](const auto& t) { return t.is_id(); }, 1); } bool Optimizer::is_xchg(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_xchg(i, j) && ((*i < 16 && *j < 16) || (!*i && *j < 256)); }); } bool Optimizer::is_xchg_xchg(int* i, int* j, int* k, int* l) { return is_pred([i, j, k, l](const auto& t) { return t.is_xchg_xchg(i, j, k, l) && (*i < 2 && *j < (*i ? 16 : 256) && *k < 2 && *l < (*k ? 16 : 256)); }) && (!(p_ == 2 && op_[0]->is_xchg(*i, *j) && op_[1]->is_xchg(*k, *l))); } bool Optimizer::is_push(int* i) { return is_pred([i](const auto& t) { return t.is_push(i) && *i < 256; }); } bool Optimizer::is_pop(int* i) { return is_pred([i](const auto& t) { return t.is_pop(i) && *i < 256; }); } bool Optimizer::is_pop_pop(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_pop_pop(i, j) && *i < 256 && *j < 256; }, 3); } bool Optimizer::is_push_rot(int* i) { return is_pred([i](const auto& t) { return t.is_push_rot(i) && *i < 16; }, 3); } bool Optimizer::is_push_rotrev(int* i) { return is_pred([i](const auto& t) { return t.is_push_rotrev(i) && *i < 16; }, 3); } bool Optimizer::is_push_xchg(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_push_xchg(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 16; }) && !(p_ == 2 && op_[0]->is_push() && op_[1]->is_xchg()); } bool Optimizer::is_xchg2(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_xchg2(i, j) && *i < 16 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_xcpu(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_xcpu(i, j) && *i < 16 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_puxc(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_puxc(i, j) && *i < 16 && *j < 15; }); } bool Optimizer::is_push2(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_push2(i, j) && *i < 16 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_xchg3(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_xchg3(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_xc2pu(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_xc2pu(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_xcpuxc(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_xcpuxc(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 15; }); } bool Optimizer::is_xcpu2(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_xcpu2(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_puxc2(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred( [i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_puxc2(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 15 && *k < 15 && *j + *k != -1; }); } bool Optimizer::is_puxcpu(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_puxcpu(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 15 && *k < 15; }); } bool Optimizer::is_pu2xc(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_pu2xc(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 15 && *k < 14; }); } bool Optimizer::is_push3(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred([i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_push3(i, j, k) && *i < 16 && *j < 16 && *k < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_blkswap(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_blkswap(i, j) && *i > 0 && *j > 0 && *i <= 16 && *j <= 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_blkpush(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_blkpush(i, j) && *i > 0 && *i < 16 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_blkdrop(int* i) { return is_pred([i](const auto& t) { return t.is_blkdrop(i) && *i > 0 && *i < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_blkdrop2(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_blkdrop2(i, j) && *i > 0 && *i < 16 && *j > 0 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_reverse(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_reverse(i, j) && *i >= 2 && *i <= 17 && *j < 16; }); } bool Optimizer::is_nip_seq(int* i, int* j) { return is_pred([i, j](const auto& t) { return t.is_nip_seq(i, j) && *i >= 3 && *i <= 15; }); } bool Optimizer::is_pop_blkdrop(int* i, int* k) { return is_pred([i, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_pop_blkdrop(i, k) && *i >= *k && *k >= 2 && *k <= 15; }, 3); } bool Optimizer::is_2pop_blkdrop(int* i, int* j, int* k) { return is_pred( [i, j, k](const auto& t) { return t.is_2pop_blkdrop(i, j, k) && *i >= *k && *j >= *k && *k >= 2 && *k <= 15; }, 3); } bool Optimizer::compute_stack_transforms() { StackTransform trans; for (int i = 0; i < l_; i++) { if (!apply_op(trans, *op_[i])) { l2_ = i; return true; } tr_[i] = trans; } l2_ = l_; return true; } bool Optimizer::show_stack_transforms() const { show_head(); // slow version /* StackTransform trans2; std::cerr << "id = " << trans2 << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < l_; i++) { StackTransform op; if (!apply_op(op, *op_[i])) { std::cerr << "* (" << *op_[i] << " = invalid)\n"; break; } trans2 *= op; std::cerr << "* " << *op_[i] << " = " << op << " -> " << trans2 << std::endl; } */ // fast version StackTransform trans; for (int i = 0; i < l_; i++) { std::cerr << trans << std::endl << *op_[i] << " -> "; if (!apply_op(trans, *op_[i])) { std::cerr << " " << std::endl; return true; } } std::cerr << trans << std::endl; return true; } bool Optimizer::find_at_least(int pb) { p_ = q_ = 0; pb_ = pb; // show_stack_transforms(); int i, j, k, l, c; return (is_push_const(&i, &c) && rewrite_push_const(i, c)) || (is_nop() && rewrite_nop()) || (!(mode_ & 1) && is_const_rot(&c) && rewrite_const_rot(c)) || (is_const_push_xchgs() && rewrite_const_push_xchgs()) || (is_const_pop(&c, &i) && rewrite_const_pop(c, i)) || (is_xchg(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg(i, j))) || (is_push(&i) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push(i))) || (is_pop(&i) && rewrite(AsmOp::Pop(i))) || (is_pop_pop(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::Pop(i), AsmOp::Pop(j))) || (is_xchg_xchg(&i, &j, &k, &l) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg(i, j), AsmOp::Xchg(k, l))) || (!(mode_ & 1) && ((is_rot() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("ROT", 3, 3))) || (is_rotrev() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("-ROT", 3, 3))) || (is_2dup() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("2DUP", 2, 4))) || (is_2swap() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("2SWAP", 2, 4))) || (is_2over() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("2OVER", 2, 4))) || (is_tuck() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("TUCK", 2, 3))) || (is_2drop() && rewrite(AsmOp::Custom("2DROP", 2, 0))) || (is_xchg2(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg2(i, j))) || (is_xcpu(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::XcPu(i, j))) || (is_puxc(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::PuXc(i, j))) || (is_push2(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push2(i, j))) || (is_blkswap(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::BlkSwap(i, j))) || (is_blkpush(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::BlkPush(i, j))) || (is_blkdrop(&i) && rewrite(AsmOp::BlkDrop(i))) || (is_push_rot(&i) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push(i), AsmOp::Custom("ROT"))) || (is_push_rotrev(&i) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push(i), AsmOp::Custom("-ROT"))) || (is_push_xchg(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push(i), AsmOp::Xchg(j, k))) || (is_reverse(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::BlkReverse(i, j))) || (is_blkdrop2(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::BlkDrop2(i, j))) || (is_nip_seq(&i, &j) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg(i, j), AsmOp::BlkDrop(i))) || (is_pop_blkdrop(&i, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Pop(i), AsmOp::BlkDrop(k))) || (is_2pop_blkdrop(&i, &j, &k) && (k >= 3 && k <= 13 && i != j + 1 && i <= 15 && j <= 14 ? rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg2(j + 1, i), AsmOp::BlkDrop(k + 2)) : rewrite(AsmOp::Pop(i), AsmOp::Pop(j), AsmOp::BlkDrop(k)))) || (is_xchg3(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xchg3(i, j, k))) || (is_xc2pu(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Xc2Pu(i, j, k))) || (is_xcpuxc(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::XcPuXc(i, j, k))) || (is_xcpu2(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::XcPu2(i, j, k))) || (is_puxc2(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::PuXc2(i, j, k))) || (is_puxcpu(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::PuXcPu(i, j, k))) || (is_pu2xc(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Pu2Xc(i, j, k))) || (is_push3(&i, &j, &k) && rewrite(AsmOp::Push3(i, j, k))))); } bool Optimizer::find() { if (!compute_stack_transforms()) { return false; } for (int pb = l_; pb > 0; --pb) { if (find_at_least(pb)) { return true; } } return false; } bool Optimizer::optimize() { bool f = false; while (find()) { f = true; apply(); unpack(); } return f; } AsmOpConsList optimize_code_head(AsmOpConsList op_list, int mode) { Optimizer opt(std::move(op_list), false, mode); opt.optimize(); return opt.extract_code(); } AsmOpConsList optimize_code(AsmOpConsList op_list, int mode) { std::vector> v; while (op_list) { if (!op_list->car->is_comment()) { op_list = optimize_code_head(std::move(op_list), mode); } if (op_list) { v.push_back(std::move(op_list->car)); op_list = std::move(op_list->cdr); } } for (auto it = v.rbegin(); it < v.rend(); ++it) { op_list = AsmOpCons::cons(std::move(*it), std::move(op_list)); } return std::move(op_list); } void optimize_code(AsmOpList& ops) { AsmOpConsList op_list; for (auto it = ops.list_.rbegin(); it < ops.list_.rend(); ++it) { op_list = AsmOpCons::cons(std::make_unique(std::move(*it)), std::move(op_list)); } for (int mode : {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}) { op_list = optimize_code(std::move(op_list), mode); } ops.list_.clear(); while (op_list) { ops.list_.push_back(std::move(*(op_list->car))); op_list = std::move(op_list->cdr); } } } // namespace tolk