This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see .
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
#pragma once
#include "validator/interfaces/validator-manager.h"
#include "validator/interfaces/shard.h"
namespace ton {
namespace validator {
class ValidateBroadcast : public td::actor::Actor {
BlockBroadcast broadcast_;
BlockHandle last_masterchain_block_handle_;
td::Ref last_masterchain_state_;
BlockHandle last_known_masterchain_block_handle_;
ProofLink::BasicHeaderInfo header_info_;
td::actor::ActorId manager_;
td::Timestamp timeout_;
td::Promise promise_;
td::Ref data_;
td::Ref sig_set_;
td::Ref proof_;
td::Ref proof_link_;
BlockHandle handle_;
td::PerfWarningTimer perf_timer_;
bool exact_key_block_handle_;
td::Ref key_proof_link_;
td::Ref zero_state_;
ValidateBroadcast(BlockBroadcast broadcast, BlockHandle last_masterchain_block_handle,
td::Ref last_masterchain_state, BlockHandle last_known_masterchain_block_handle,
td::actor::ActorId manager, td::Timestamp timeout, td::Promise promise)
: broadcast_(std::move(broadcast))
, last_masterchain_block_handle_(std::move(last_masterchain_block_handle))
, last_masterchain_state_(std::move(last_masterchain_state))
, last_known_masterchain_block_handle_(std::move(last_known_masterchain_block_handle))
, manager_(manager)
, timeout_(timeout)
, promise_(std::move(promise))
, perf_timer_("validatebroadcast", 0.1, [manager](double duration) {
send_closure(manager, &ValidatorManager::add_perf_timer_stat, "validatebroadcast", duration);
}) {
void start_up() override;
void got_key_block_id(BlockIdExt block_id);
void got_key_block_handle(ConstBlockHandle block_handle);
void got_key_block_proof_link(td::Ref proof_link);
void got_zero_state(td::Ref state);
void check_signatures_common(td::Ref conf);
void checked_signatures();
void got_block_handle(BlockHandle handle);
void written_block_data();
void checked_proof();
void abort_query(td::Status reason);
void finish_query();
void alarm() override;
} // namespace validator
} // namespace ton