/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "td/utils/bits.h" #include "block/block.h" #include "block/block-auto.h" #include "block/block-parse.h" #include "block/mc-config.h" #include "ton/ton-shard.h" #include "common/bigexp.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/tl_storers.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "vm/fmt.hpp" namespace block { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; td::Result PublicKey::from_bytes(td::Slice key) { if (key.size() != 32) { return td::Status::Error("Ed25519 public key must be exactly 32 bytes long"); } PublicKey res; res.key = key.str(); return res; } td::Result PublicKey::parse(td::Slice key) { if (key.size() != 48) { return td::Status::Error("Serialized Ed25519 public key must be exactly 48 characters long"); } td::uint8 buf[36]; if (!buff_base64_decode(td::MutableSlice(buf, 36), key, true)) { return td::Status::Error("Public key is not serialized in base64 encoding"); } td::uint16 hash = static_cast((static_cast(buf[34]) << 8) + buf[35]); if (hash != td::crc16(td::Slice(buf, 34))) { return td::Status::Error("Public key has incorrect crc16 hash"); } if (buf[0] != 0x3e) { return td::Status::Error("Not a public key"); } if (buf[1] != 0xe6) { return td::Status::Error("Not an ed25519 public key"); } return from_bytes(td::Slice(buf + 2, 32)); } std::string PublicKey::serialize(bool base64_url) { CHECK(key.size() == 32); std::string buf(36, 0); td::MutableSlice bytes(buf); bytes[0] = static_cast(0x3e); bytes[1] = static_cast(0xe6); bytes.substr(2).copy_from(key); auto hash = td::crc16(bytes.substr(0, 34)); bytes[34] = static_cast(hash >> 8); bytes[35] = static_cast(hash & 255); std::string res(48, 0); buff_base64_encode(res, bytes, base64_url); return res; } bool pack_std_smc_addr_to(char result[48], bool base64_url, ton::WorkchainId wc, const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool bounceable, bool testnet) { if (wc < -128 || wc >= 128) { return false; } unsigned char buffer[36]; buffer[0] = (unsigned char)(0x51 - bounceable * 0x40 + testnet * 0x80); buffer[1] = (unsigned char)wc; std::memcpy(buffer + 2, addr.data(), 32); unsigned crc = td::crc16(td::Slice{buffer, 34}); buffer[34] = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8); buffer[35] = (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff); CHECK(buff_base64_encode(td::MutableSlice{result, 48}, td::Slice{buffer, 36}, base64_url) == 48); return true; } std::string pack_std_smc_addr(bool base64_url, ton::WorkchainId wc, const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool bounceable, bool testnet) { char result[48]; if (pack_std_smc_addr_to(result, base64_url, wc, addr, bounceable, testnet)) { return std::string{result, 48}; } else { return ""; } } bool unpack_std_smc_addr(const char packed[48], ton::WorkchainId& wc, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool& bounceable, bool& testnet) { unsigned char buffer[36]; wc = ton::workchainInvalid; if (!buff_base64_decode(td::MutableSlice{buffer, 36}, td::Slice{packed, 48}, true)) { return false; } unsigned crc = td::crc16(td::Slice{buffer, 34}); if (buffer[34] != (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) || buffer[35] != (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff)) { return false; } if ((buffer[0] & 0x3f) != 0x11) { return false; } testnet = (buffer[0] & 0x80); bounceable = !(buffer[0] & 0x40); wc = (td::int8)buffer[1]; std::memcpy(addr.data(), buffer + 2, 32); return true; } bool unpack_std_smc_addr(td::Slice packed, ton::WorkchainId& wc, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool& bounceable, bool& testnet) { return packed.size() == 48 && unpack_std_smc_addr(packed.data(), wc, addr, bounceable, testnet); } bool unpack_std_smc_addr(std::string packed, ton::WorkchainId& wc, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool& bounceable, bool& testnet) { return packed.size() == 48 && unpack_std_smc_addr(packed.data(), wc, addr, bounceable, testnet); } StdAddress::StdAddress(std::string serialized) { rdeserialize(std::move(serialized)); } StdAddress::StdAddress(td::Slice from) { rdeserialize(std::move(from)); } std::string StdAddress::rserialize(bool base64_url) const { char buffer[48]; return rserialize_to(buffer, base64_url) ? std::string{buffer, 48} : ""; } bool StdAddress::rserialize_to(td::MutableSlice to, bool base64_url) const { return to.size() == 48 && rserialize_to(to.data(), base64_url); } bool StdAddress::rserialize_to(char to[48], bool base64_url) const { return pack_std_smc_addr_to(to, base64_url, workchain, addr, bounceable, testnet); } bool StdAddress::rdeserialize(td::Slice from) { return from.size() == 48 && unpack_std_smc_addr(from.data(), workchain, addr, bounceable, testnet); } bool StdAddress::rdeserialize(std::string from) { return from.size() == 48 && unpack_std_smc_addr(from.data(), workchain, addr, bounceable, testnet); } bool StdAddress::rdeserialize(const char from[48]) { return unpack_std_smc_addr(from, workchain, addr, bounceable, testnet); } bool StdAddress::operator==(const StdAddress& other) const { return workchain == other.workchain && addr == other.addr && bounceable == other.bounceable && testnet == other.testnet; } int parse_hex_digit(int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } c |= 0x20; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { return c - 'a' + 10; } return -1; } bool StdAddress::parse_addr(td::Slice acc_string) { if (rdeserialize(acc_string)) { return true; } testnet = false; bounceable = true; auto pos = acc_string.find(':'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { if (pos > 10) { return invalidate(); } auto tmp = acc_string.substr(0, pos); auto r_wc = td::to_integer_safe(tmp); if (r_wc.is_error()) { return invalidate(); } workchain = r_wc.move_as_ok(); if (workchain == ton::workchainInvalid) { return invalidate(); } ++pos; } else { pos = 0; } // LOG(DEBUG) << "parsing " << acc_string << " address"; if (acc_string.size() != pos + 64) { return invalidate(); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int x = parse_hex_digit(acc_string[pos + i]), m = 15; if (x < 0) { return invalidate(); } if (!(i & 1)) { x <<= 4; m <<= 4; } addr.data()[i >> 1] = (unsigned char)((addr.data()[i >> 1] & ~m) | x); } return true; } bool parse_std_account_addr(td::Slice acc_string, ton::WorkchainId& wc, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, bool* bounceable, bool* testnet_only) { StdAddress a; if (!a.parse_addr(acc_string)) { return false; } wc = a.workchain; addr = a.addr; if (testnet_only) { *testnet_only = a.testnet; } if (bounceable) { *bounceable = a.bounceable; } return true; } td::Result StdAddress::parse(td::Slice acc_string) { StdAddress res; if (res.parse_addr(acc_string)) { return res; } return td::Status::Error("Failed to parse account address"); } void ShardId::init() { if (!shard_pfx) { shard_pfx = (1ULL << 63); shard_pfx_len = 0; } else { shard_pfx_len = 63 - td::count_trailing_zeroes_non_zero64(shard_pfx); } } ShardId::ShardId(ton::WorkchainId wc_id, unsigned long long sh_pfx) : workchain_id(wc_id), shard_pfx(sh_pfx) { init(); } ShardId::ShardId(ton::ShardIdFull ton_shard_id) : workchain_id(ton_shard_id.workchain), shard_pfx(ton_shard_id.shard) { init(); } ShardId::ShardId(ton::BlockId ton_block_id) : workchain_id(ton_block_id.workchain), shard_pfx(ton_block_id.shard) { init(); } ShardId::ShardId(const ton::BlockIdExt& ton_block_id) : workchain_id(ton_block_id.id.workchain), shard_pfx(ton_block_id.id.shard) { init(); } ShardId::ShardId(ton::WorkchainId wc_id, unsigned long long sh_pfx, int sh_pfx_len) : workchain_id(wc_id), shard_pfx_len(sh_pfx_len) { if (sh_pfx_len < 0) { shard_pfx_len = 0; shard_pfx = (1ULL << 63); } else if (sh_pfx_len > 63) { shard_pfx_len = 63; shard_pfx = sh_pfx | 1; } else { unsigned long long pow = 1ULL << (63 - sh_pfx_len); shard_pfx = (sh_pfx | pow) & (pow - 1); } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ShardId& shard_id) { shard_id.show(os); return os; } void ShardId::show(std::ostream& os) const { if (workchain_id == ton::workchainInvalid) { os << '?'; return; } os << workchain_id << ':' << shard_pfx_len << ','; unsigned long long t = shard_pfx; int cnt = 0; while ((t & ((1ULL << 63) - 1)) != 0) { static const char hex_digit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; os << (char)hex_digit[t >> 60]; t <<= 4; ++cnt; } if (!t || !cnt) { os << '_'; } } std::string ShardId::to_str() const { std::ostringstream os; show(os); return os.str(); } bool ShardId::serialize(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { if (workchain_id == ton::workchainInvalid || cb.remaining_bits() < 104) { return false; } return cb.store_long_bool(0, 2) && cb.store_ulong_rchk_bool(shard_pfx_len, 6) && cb.store_long_bool(workchain_id, 32) && cb.store_long_bool(shard_pfx & (shard_pfx - 1)); } bool ShardId::deserialize(vm::CellSlice& cs) { if (cs.fetch_ulong(2) == 0 && cs.fetch_uint_to(6, shard_pfx_len) && cs.fetch_int_to(32, workchain_id) && workchain_id != ton::workchainInvalid && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, shard_pfx)) { auto pow2 = (1ULL << (63 - shard_pfx_len)); if (!(shard_pfx & (pow2 - 1))) { shard_pfx |= pow2; return true; } } invalidate(); return false; } MsgProcessedUptoCollection::MsgProcessedUptoCollection(ton::ShardIdFull _owner, Ref cs_ref) : owner(_owner) { vm::Dictionary dict{std::move(cs_ref), 96}; valid = dict.check_for_each([&](Ref value, td::ConstBitPtr key, int n) -> bool { if (value->size_ext() != 64 + 256) { return false; } list.emplace_back(); MsgProcessedUpto& z = list.back(); z.shard = key.get_uint(64); z.mc_seqno = (unsigned)((key + 64).get_uint(32)); z.last_inmsg_lt = value.write().fetch_ulong(64); // std::cerr << "ProcessedUpto shard " << std::hex << z.shard << std::dec << std::endl; return value.write().fetch_bits_to(z.last_inmsg_hash) && z.shard && ton::shard_contains(owner.shard, z.shard); }); } std::unique_ptr MsgProcessedUptoCollection::unpack(ton::ShardIdFull _owner, Ref cs_ref) { auto v = std::make_unique(_owner, std::move(cs_ref)); return v && v->valid ? std::move(v) : std::unique_ptr{}; } bool MsgProcessedUpto::contains(const MsgProcessedUpto& other) const& { return ton::shard_is_ancestor(shard, other.shard) && mc_seqno >= other.mc_seqno && (last_inmsg_lt > other.last_inmsg_lt || (last_inmsg_lt == other.last_inmsg_lt && !(last_inmsg_hash < other.last_inmsg_hash))); } bool MsgProcessedUpto::contains(ton::ShardId other_shard, ton::LogicalTime other_lt, td::ConstBitPtr other_hash, ton::BlockSeqno other_mc_seqno) const& { return ton::shard_is_ancestor(shard, other_shard) && mc_seqno >= other_mc_seqno && (last_inmsg_lt > other_lt || (last_inmsg_lt == other_lt && !(last_inmsg_hash < other_hash))); } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::insert(ton::BlockSeqno mc_seqno, ton::LogicalTime last_proc_lt, td::ConstBitPtr last_proc_hash) { if (!last_proc_lt) { return false; } for (const auto& z : list) { if (z.contains(owner.shard, last_proc_lt, last_proc_hash, mc_seqno)) { return true; } } list.emplace_back(owner.shard, mc_seqno, last_proc_lt, last_proc_hash); return true; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::insert_infty(ton::BlockSeqno mc_seqno, ton::LogicalTime last_proc_lt) { return insert(mc_seqno, last_proc_lt, td::Bits256::ones().bits()); } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::is_reduced() const { if (!valid) { return false; } for (auto it = list.begin(); it < list.end(); ++it) { for (auto it2 = it + 1; it2 < list.end(); ++it2) { if (it->contains(*it2) || it2->contains(*it)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::contains(const MsgProcessedUpto& p_upto) const { for (const auto& z : list) { if (z.contains(p_upto)) { return true; } } return false; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::contains(const MsgProcessedUptoCollection& other) const { for (const auto& w : other.list) { if (!contains(w)) { return false; } } return true; } const MsgProcessedUpto* MsgProcessedUptoCollection::is_simple_update_of(const MsgProcessedUptoCollection& other, bool& ok) const { ok = false; if (!contains(other)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "does not cointain the previous value"; return nullptr; } if (other.contains(*this)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "coincides with the previous value"; ok = true; return nullptr; } const MsgProcessedUpto* found = nullptr; for (const auto& z : list) { if (!other.contains(z)) { if (found) { LOG(DEBUG) << "has more than two new entries"; return found; // ok = false: update is not simple } found = &z; } } ok = true; return found; } ton::BlockSeqno MsgProcessedUptoCollection::min_mc_seqno() const { ton::BlockSeqno min_mc_seqno = ~0U; for (const auto& z : list) { min_mc_seqno = std::min(min_mc_seqno, z.mc_seqno); } return min_mc_seqno; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::compactify() { std::sort(list.begin(), list.end()); std::size_t i, j, k = 0, m = 0, n = list.size(); std::vector mark(n, false); assert(mark.size() == n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (j != i && !mark[j] && list[j].contains(list[i])) { mark[i] = true; ++m; break; } } } if (m) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!mark[i]) { list[k++] = list[i]; } } list.resize(k); } return true; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::pack(vm::CellBuilder& cb) { if (!compactify()) { return false; } vm::Dictionary dict{96}; for (const auto& z : list) { td::BitArray<96> key; vm::CellBuilder cb2; key.bits().store_uint(z.shard, 64); (key.bits() + 64).store_uint(z.mc_seqno, 32); if (!(cb2.store_long_bool(z.last_inmsg_lt) && cb2.store_bits_bool(z.last_inmsg_hash) && dict.set_builder(key, cb2, vm::Dictionary::SetMode::Add))) { return false; } } return std::move(dict).append_dict_to_bool(cb); } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::split(ton::ShardIdFull new_owner) { if (!ton::shard_is_ancestor(owner, new_owner)) { return false; } if (owner == new_owner) { return true; } std::size_t n = list.size(), i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (ton::shard_intersects(list[i].shard, new_owner.shard)) { list[i].shard = ton::shard_intersection(list[i].shard, new_owner.shard); if (j < i) { list[j] = std::move(list[i]); } j++; } } list.resize(j); owner = new_owner; return compactify(); } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::combine_with(const MsgProcessedUptoCollection& other) { if (!(other.owner == owner || ton::shard_is_sibling(other.owner, owner))) { return false; } list.insert(list.end(), other.list.begin(), other.list.end()); if (owner != other.owner) { owner = ton::shard_parent(owner); } return compactify(); } bool MsgProcessedUpto::already_processed(const EnqueuedMsgDescr& msg) const { // LOG(DEBUG) << "compare msg (" << msg.lt_ << "," << msg.hash_.to_hex() << ") against record's (" << last_inmsg_lt // << "," << last_inmsg_hash.to_hex() << ")"; if (msg.lt_ > last_inmsg_lt) { return false; } if (!ton::shard_contains(shard, msg.next_prefix_.account_id_prefix)) { return false; } if (msg.lt_ == last_inmsg_lt && last_inmsg_hash < msg.hash_) { return false; } if (msg.same_workchain() && ton::shard_contains(shard, msg.cur_prefix_.account_id_prefix)) { // this branch is needed only for messages generated in the same shard // (such messages could have been processed without a reference from the masterchain) // ? enable this branch only if an extra boolean parameter is set ? return true; } auto shard_end_lt = compute_shard_end_lt(msg.cur_prefix_); // LOG(DEBUG) << "enqueued_lt = " << msg.enqueued_lt_ << " , shard_end_lt = " << shard_end_lt; return msg.enqueued_lt_ < shard_end_lt; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::already_processed(const EnqueuedMsgDescr& msg) const { // LOG(DEBUG) << "checking message with cur_addr=" << msg.cur_prefix_.to_str() // << " next_addr=" << msg.next_prefix_.to_str() << " against ProcessedUpto of neighbor " << owner.to_str(); if (!ton::shard_contains(owner, msg.next_prefix_)) { return false; } for (const auto& rec : list) { if (rec.already_processed(msg)) { return true; } } return false; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::can_check_processed() const { for (const auto& entry : list) { if (!entry.can_check_processed()) { return false; } } return true; } bool MsgProcessedUptoCollection::for_each_mcseqno(std::function func) const { for (const auto& entry : list) { if (!func(entry.mc_seqno)) { return false; } } return true; } std::ostream& MsgProcessedUpto::print(std::ostream& os) const { return os << "[" << ton::shard_to_str(shard) << "," << mc_seqno << "," << last_inmsg_lt << "," << last_inmsg_hash.to_hex() << "]"; } std::ostream& MsgProcessedUptoCollection::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << "MsgProcessedUptoCollection of " << owner.to_str() << " = {"; int i = 0; for (const auto& entry : list) { if (i++) { os << ", "; } os << entry; } os << "}"; return os; } std::string MsgProcessedUpto::to_str() const { std::ostringstream os; print(os); return os.str(); } std::string MsgProcessedUptoCollection::to_str() const { std::ostringstream os; print(os); return os.str(); } // unpacks some fields from EnqueuedMsg bool EnqueuedMsgDescr::unpack(vm::CellSlice& cs) { block::gen::EnqueuedMsg::Record enq; block::tlb::MsgEnvelope::Record_std env; block::gen::CommonMsgInfo::Record_int_msg_info info; if (!(tlb::unpack(cs, enq) && tlb::unpack_cell(enq.out_msg, env) && tlb::unpack_cell_inexact(env.msg, info))) { return invalidate(); } src_prefix_ = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(std::move(info.src)); dest_prefix_ = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(std::move(info.dest)); if (!(src_prefix_.is_valid() && dest_prefix_.is_valid())) { return invalidate(); } cur_prefix_ = interpolate_addr(src_prefix_, dest_prefix_, env.cur_addr); next_prefix_ = interpolate_addr(src_prefix_, dest_prefix_, env.next_addr); unsigned long long lt; if (!tlb::t_MsgEnvelope.get_emitted_lt(vm::load_cell_slice(enq.out_msg), lt)) { return invalidate(); } lt_ = lt; enqueued_lt_ = enq.enqueued_lt; hash_ = env.msg->get_hash().bits(); msg_ = std::move(env.msg); msg_env_ = std::move(enq.out_msg); return true; } bool EnqueuedMsgDescr::check_key(td::ConstBitPtr key) const { return key.get_int(32) == next_prefix_.workchain && (key + 32).get_uint(64) == next_prefix_.account_id_prefix && hash_ == key + 96; } bool ParamLimits::deserialize(vm::CellSlice& cs) { return cs.fetch_ulong(8) == 0xc3 // param_limits#c3 && cs.fetch_uint_to(32, limits_[0]) // underload:uint32 && cs.fetch_uint_to(32, limits_[1]) // soft_limit:uint32 && cs.fetch_uint_to(32, limits_[3]) // hard_limit:uint32 && limits_[0] <= limits_[1] // { underload <= soft_limit } && limits_[1] <= limits_[3] // { soft_limit <= hard_limit } = ParamLimits; && compute_medium_limit(); } bool BlockLimits::deserialize(vm::CellSlice& cs) { return cs.fetch_ulong(8) == 0x5d // block_limits#5d && bytes.deserialize(cs) // bytes:ParamLimits && gas.deserialize(cs) // gas:ParamLimits && lt_delta.deserialize(cs); // lt_delta:ParamLimits } int ParamLimits::classify(td::uint64 value) const { int a = -1, b = limits_cnt; while (b - a > 1) { int c = (a + b) >> 1; if (value >= limits_[c]) { a = c; } else { b = c; } } return a + 1; } bool ParamLimits::fits(unsigned cls, td::uint64 value) const { return cls >= limits_cnt || value < limits_[cls]; } int BlockLimits::classify_size(td::uint64 size) const { return bytes.classify(size); } int BlockLimits::classify_gas(td::uint64 gas_value) const { return gas.classify(gas_value); } int BlockLimits::classify_lt(ton::LogicalTime lt) const { return lt_delta.classify(lt - start_lt); } int BlockLimits::classify(td::uint64 size, td::uint64 gas, ton::LogicalTime lt) const { return std::max(std::max(classify_size(size), classify_gas(gas)), classify_lt(lt)); } bool BlockLimits::fits(unsigned cls, td::uint64 size, td::uint64 gas_value, ton::LogicalTime lt) const { return bytes.fits(cls, size) && gas.fits(cls, gas_value) && lt_delta.fits(cls, lt - start_lt); } td::uint64 BlockLimitStatus::estimate_block_size(const vm::NewCellStorageStat::Stat* extra) const { auto sum = st_stat.get_total_stat(); if (extra) { sum += *extra; } return 2000 + (sum.bits >> 3) + sum.cells * 12 + sum.internal_refs * 3 + sum.external_refs * 40 + accounts * 200 + transactions * 200 + (extra ? 200 : 0) + extra_out_msgs * 300 + public_library_diff * 700; } int BlockLimitStatus::classify() const { return limits.classify(estimate_block_size(), gas_used, cur_lt); } bool BlockLimitStatus::fits(unsigned cls) const { return cls >= ParamLimits::limits_cnt || (limits.gas.fits(cls, gas_used) && limits.lt_delta.fits(cls, cur_lt - limits.start_lt) && limits.bytes.fits(cls, estimate_block_size())); } bool BlockLimitStatus::would_fit(unsigned cls, ton::LogicalTime end_lt, td::uint64 more_gas, const vm::NewCellStorageStat::Stat* extra) const { return cls >= ParamLimits::limits_cnt || (limits.gas.fits(cls, gas_used + more_gas) && limits.lt_delta.fits(cls, std::max(cur_lt, end_lt) - limits.start_lt) && limits.bytes.fits(cls, estimate_block_size(extra))); } // SETS: account_dict, shard_libraries_, mc_state_extra // total_balance{,_extra}, total_validator_fees // SETS: out_msg_queue, processed_upto_, ihr_pending (via unpack_out_msg_queue_info) // SETS: utime_, lt_ td::Status ShardState::unpack_state(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, Ref prev_state_root) { if (!blkid.is_valid()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "invalid block id supplied to ShardState::unpack"); } if (prev_state_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "the root cell supplied for the shardchain state "s + blkid.to_str() + " is null"); } block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record state; if (!tlb::unpack_cell(prev_state_root, state)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack header of shardchain state "s + blkid.to_str()); } if ((unsigned)state.seq_no != blkid.seqno()) { return td::Status::Error( -666, PSTRING() << "shardchain state for " << blkid.to_str() << " has incorrect seqno " << state.seq_no); } auto shard1 = ton::ShardIdFull(block::ShardId{state.shard_id}); if (shard1 != blkid.shard_full()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "shardchain state for "s + blkid.to_str() + " corresponds to incorrect workchain or shard " + shard1.to_str()); } id_ = blkid; root_ = std::move(prev_state_root); vert_seqno_ = state.vert_seq_no; before_split_ = state.before_split; account_dict_ = std::make_unique( vm::load_cell_slice(std::move(state.accounts)).prefetch_ref(), 256, block::tlb::aug_ShardAccounts); // check that all keys in account_dict have correct prefixes td::BitArray<64> acc_pfx{(long long)shard1.shard}; int acc_pfx_len = shard_prefix_length(shard1); if (!account_dict_->has_common_prefix(acc_pfx.bits(), acc_pfx_len)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "account dictionary of previous state of "s + id_.to_str() + " does not have " + acc_pfx.bits().to_hex(acc_pfx_len) + " as common key prefix"); } // get overload / underload history overload_history_ = state.r1.overload_history; underload_history_ = state.r1.underload_history; // get shard libraries shard_libraries_ = std::make_unique(state.r1.libraries->prefetch_ref(), 256); if (!shard_libraries_->is_empty() && !shard1.is_masterchain()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "shardchain state "s + id_.to_str() + " has a non-trivial shard libraries collection, but it is not in the masterchain"); } mc_state_extra_ = state.custom->prefetch_ref(); vm::CellSlice cs{*state.r1.master_ref}; // master_ref:(Maybe BlkMasterInfo) if ((int)cs.fetch_ulong(1) == 1) { if (!(block::tlb::t_ExtBlkRef.unpack(cs, mc_blk_ref_, &mc_blk_lt_) && cs.empty_ext())) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack master_ref in shardchain state of "s + id_.to_str()); } mc_blk_seqno_ = mc_blk_ref_.seqno(); } else { mc_blk_seqno_ = 0; mc_blk_lt_ = 0; mc_blk_ref_.invalidate(); } min_ref_mc_seqno_ = state.min_ref_mc_seqno; global_id_ = state.global_id; utime_ = state.gen_utime; lt_ = state.gen_lt; if (!total_balance_.validate_unpack(state.r1.total_balance)) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "cannot unpack total_balance:CurrencyCollection from previous ShardState of "s + id_.to_str()); } auto accounts_extra = account_dict_->get_root_extra(); CurrencyCollection old_total_balance; if (!(accounts_extra.write().advance(5) && old_total_balance.fetch(accounts_extra.write()))) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "cannot extract total account balance from ShardAccounts contained in previous ShardState of "s + id_.to_str()); } if (old_total_balance != total_balance_) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "invalid previous ShardState for "s + id_.to_str() + ": declared total balance " + total_balance_.to_str() + " differs from " + old_total_balance.to_str() + " obtained by summing over all Accounts"); } if (!(total_validator_fees_.validate_unpack(state.r1.total_validator_fees) && !total_validator_fees_.has_extra())) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "cannot unpack total_validator_fees:CurrencyCollection from previous ShardState of "s + id_.to_str()); } if (is_masterchain()) { if (mc_state_extra_.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardState of "s + id_.to_str() + " does not contain McStateExtra"); } block::gen::McStateExtra::Record extra; if (!tlb::unpack_cell(mc_state_extra_, extra)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack McStateExtra in ShardState of "s + id_.to_str()); } if (!global_balance_.validate_unpack(extra.global_balance)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardState of "s + id_.to_str() + " does not contain a valid global_balance"); } if (extra.r1.flags & 1) { if (extra.r1.block_create_stats->prefetch_ulong(8) == 0x17) { block_create_stats_ = std::make_unique(extra.r1.block_create_stats->prefetch_ref(), 256); } else { return td::Status::Error(-666, "ShardState of "s + id_.to_str() + " does not contain a valid BlockCreateStats"); } } else { block_create_stats_ = std::make_unique(256); } } return unpack_out_msg_queue_info(std::move(state.out_msg_queue_info)); } // SETS: out_msg_queue, processed_upto_, ihr_pending td::Status ShardState::unpack_out_msg_queue_info(Ref out_msg_queue_info) { block::gen::OutMsgQueueInfo::Record qinfo; if (!tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(out_msg_queue_info), qinfo)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack OutMsgQueueInfo in the state of "s + id_.to_str()); } out_msg_queue_ = std::make_unique(std::move(qinfo.out_queue), 352, block::tlb::aug_OutMsgQueue); if (verbosity >= 3 * 1) { LOG(DEBUG) << "unpacking ProcessedUpto of our previous block " << id_.to_str(); block::gen::t_ProcessedInfo.print(std::cerr, qinfo.proc_info); } if (!block::gen::t_ProcessedInfo.validate_csr(1024, qinfo.proc_info)) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "ProcessedInfo in the state of "s + id_.to_str() + " is invalid according to automated validity checks"); } processed_upto_ = block::MsgProcessedUptoCollection::unpack(ton::ShardIdFull(id_), std::move(qinfo.proc_info)); ihr_pending_ = std::make_unique(320); if (qinfo.extra.write().fetch_long(1)) { block::gen::OutMsgQueueExtra::Record extra; if (!block::tlb::csr_unpack(qinfo.extra, extra)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot unpack OutMsgQueueExtre in the state of "s + id_.to_str()); } dispatch_queue_ = std::make_unique(extra.dispatch_queue, 256, tlb::aug_DispatchQueue); if (extra.out_queue_size.write().fetch_long(1)) { out_msg_queue_size_ = extra.out_queue_size->prefetch_ulong(48); } } else { dispatch_queue_ = std::make_unique(256, tlb::aug_DispatchQueue); } auto shard1 = id_.shard_full(); td::BitArray<64> pfx{(long long)shard1.shard}; int pfx_len = shard_prefix_length(shard1); if (!ihr_pending_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "IhrPendingInfo in the state of "s + id_.to_str() + " does not have " + pfx.bits().to_hex(pfx_len) + " as common key prefix"); } return td::Status::OK(); } // UPDATES: prev_state_utime_, prev_state_lt_ bool ShardState::update_prev_utime_lt(ton::UnixTime& prev_utime, ton::LogicalTime& prev_lt) const { prev_utime = std::max(prev_utime, utime_); prev_lt = std::max(prev_lt, lt_); return true; } td::Status ShardState::check_before_split(bool req_before_split) const { CHECK(id_.is_valid()); if (before_split_ != req_before_split) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "previous state for " << id_.to_str() << " has before_split=" << before_split_ << ", but we have after_split=" << req_before_split); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status ShardState::check_global_id(int req_global_id) const { if (global_id_ != req_global_id) { return td::Status::Error(-666, PSTRING() << "global blockchain id mismatch in shard state of " << id_.to_str() << ": expected " << req_global_id << ", found " << global_id_); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status ShardState::check_mc_blk_seqno(ton::BlockSeqno last_mc_block_seqno) const { if (mc_blk_seqno_ > last_mc_block_seqno) { return td::Status::Error( -666, PSTRING() << "previous block refers to masterchain block with seqno " << mc_blk_seqno_ << " larger than the latest known masterchain block seqno " << last_mc_block_seqno); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status ShardState::unpack_state_ext(ton::BlockIdExt id, Ref state_root, int global_id, ton::BlockSeqno prev_mc_block_seqno, bool after_split, bool clear_history, std::function for_each_mcseqno_func) { TRY_STATUS(unpack_state(id, std::move(state_root))); TRY_STATUS(check_global_id(global_id)); TRY_STATUS(check_mc_blk_seqno(prev_mc_block_seqno)); TRY_STATUS(check_before_split(after_split)); clear_load_history_if(clear_history); if (!for_each_mcseqno(std::move(for_each_mcseqno_func))) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "cannot perform necessary actions for each mc_seqno mentioned in ProcessedUpto of "s + id_.to_str()); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status ShardState::merge_with(ShardState& sib) { // 1. check that the two states are valid and belong to sibling shards if (!is_valid() || !sib.is_valid()) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge invalid or uninitialized states"); } if (!ton::shard_is_sibling(id_.shard_full(), sib.id_.shard_full())) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge non-sibling states of "s + id_.to_str() + " and " + sib.id_.to_str()); } ton::ShardIdFull shard = ton::shard_parent(id_.shard_full()); // 2. compute total_balance and total_validator_fees total_balance_ += std::move(sib.total_balance_); if (!total_balance_.is_valid()) { return td::Status::Error(-667, "cannot add total_balance_extra of the two states being merged"); } total_validator_fees_ += std::move(sib.total_validator_fees_); // 3. merge account_dict with sibling_account_dict LOG(DEBUG) << "merging account dictionaries"; if (!account_dict_->combine_with(*sib.account_dict_)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge account dictionaries of the two ancestors"); } sib.account_dict_.reset(); // 3.1. check that all keys in merged account_dict have correct prefixes td::BitArray<64> pfx{(long long)shard.shard}; int pfx_len = shard_prefix_length(shard); if (!account_dict_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "merged account dictionary of previous states of "s + shard.to_str() + " does not have " + pfx.bits().to_hex(pfx_len) + " as common key prefix"); } // 3.2. check total balance of the new account_dict auto accounts_extra = account_dict_->get_root_extra(); CurrencyCollection old_total_balance; if (!(accounts_extra.write().advance(5) && old_total_balance.fetch(accounts_extra.write()))) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot extract total account balance from merged accounts dictionary"); } if (old_total_balance != total_balance_) { return td::Status::Error( -666, "invalid merged account dictionary: declared total balance differs from one obtained by summing over all " "Accounts"); } // 4. merge shard libraries CHECK(shard_libraries_->is_empty() && sib.shard_libraries_->is_empty()); // 5. merge out_msg_queue LOG(DEBUG) << "merging outbound message queues"; if (!out_msg_queue_->combine_with(*sib.out_msg_queue_)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge outbound message queues of the two ancestor states"); } sib.out_msg_queue_.reset(); // 6. merge processed_upto LOG(DEBUG) << "merging ProcessedUpto structures"; if (!processed_upto_->combine_with(*sib.processed_upto_)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge ProcessedUpto structures of the two ancestor states"); } sib.processed_upto_.reset(); // 7. merge ihr_pending LOG(DEBUG) << "merging IhrPendingInfo"; if (!ihr_pending_->combine_with(*sib.ihr_pending_)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge IhrPendingInfo of the two ancestors"); } sib.ihr_pending_.reset(); // 7.1. check whether all keys of the new ihr_pending have correct prefix if (!ihr_pending_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "merged IhrPendingInfo of the two previous states of "s + shard.to_str() + " does not have " + pfx.bits().to_hex(pfx_len) + " as common key prefix"); } // 8. compute merged utime_ and lt_ utime_ = std::max(utime_, sib.utime_); lt_ = std::max(lt_, sib.lt_); // 9. compute underload & overload history underload_history_ = overload_history_ = 0; // 10. compute vert_seqno vert_seqno_ = std::max(vert_seqno_, sib.vert_seqno_); // 11. merge dispatch_queue (same as account dict) if (!dispatch_queue_->combine_with(*sib.dispatch_queue_)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot merge dispatch queues of the two ancestors"); } sib.dispatch_queue_.reset(); // 11. merge out_msg_queue_size if (out_msg_queue_size_ && sib.out_msg_queue_size_) { out_msg_queue_size_.value() += sib.out_msg_queue_size_.value(); } else { out_msg_queue_size_ = {}; } // Anything else? add here // ... // 100. compute new root if (!block::gen::t_ShardState.cell_pack_split_state(root_, std::move(root_), std::move(sib.root_))) { return td::Status::Error(-667, "cannot construct a virtual split_state after a merge"); } // 101. invalidate sibling, change id_ to the (virtual) common parent sib.invalidate(); id_.id.shard = shard.shard; id_.file_hash.set_zero(); id_.root_hash.set_zero(); return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result> ShardState::compute_split_out_msg_queue( ton::ShardIdFull subshard) { auto shard = id_.shard_full(); if (!ton::shard_is_parent(shard, subshard)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split subshard "s + subshard.to_str() + " from state of " + id_.to_str() + " because it is not a parent"); } CHECK(out_msg_queue_); auto subqueue = std::make_unique(*out_msg_queue_); int res = block::filter_out_msg_queue(*subqueue, shard, subshard); if (res < 0) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "error splitting OutMsgQueue of "s + id_.to_str()); } LOG(DEBUG) << "OutMsgQueue split counter: " << res << " messages"; return std::move(subqueue); } td::Result> ShardState::compute_split_processed_upto( ton::ShardIdFull subshard) { if (!ton::shard_is_parent(id_.shard_full(), subshard)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split subshard "s + subshard.to_str() + " from state of " + id_.to_str() + " because it is not a parent"); } CHECK(processed_upto_); auto sub_processed_upto = std::make_shared(*processed_upto_); if (!sub_processed_upto->split(subshard)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "error splitting ProcessedUpto of "s + id_.to_str()); } return std::move(sub_processed_upto); } td::Status ShardState::split(ton::ShardIdFull subshard) { if (!ton::shard_is_parent(id_.shard_full(), subshard)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "cannot split subshard "s + subshard.to_str() + " from state of " + id_.to_str() + " because it is not a parent"); } // Have to split: // 1. account_dict LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting account dictionary"; td::BitArray<64> pfx{(long long)subshard.shard}; int pfx_len = shard_prefix_length(subshard); CHECK(account_dict_); CHECK(account_dict_->cut_prefix_subdict(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); CHECK(account_dict_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); // 2. out_msg_queue LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting OutMsgQueue"; auto shard1 = id_.shard_full(); CHECK(ton::shard_is_parent(shard1, subshard)); CHECK(out_msg_queue_); td::uint64 queue_size; int res1 = block::filter_out_msg_queue(*out_msg_queue_, shard1, subshard, &queue_size); if (res1 < 0) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "error splitting OutMsgQueue of "s + id_.to_str()); } out_msg_queue_size_ = queue_size; LOG(DEBUG) << "split counters: " << res1; // 3. processed_upto LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting ProcessedUpto"; CHECK(processed_upto_); if (!processed_upto_->split(subshard)) { return td::Status::Error(-666, "error splitting ProcessedUpto of "s + id_.to_str()); } // 4. ihr_pending LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting IhrPending"; CHECK(ihr_pending_->cut_prefix_subdict(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); CHECK(ihr_pending_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); // 5. adjust total_balance LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting total_balance"; auto old_total_balance = total_balance_; auto accounts_extra = account_dict_->get_root_extra(); if (!(accounts_extra.write().advance(5) && total_balance_.validate_unpack(accounts_extra, 1024))) { LOG(ERROR) << "cannot unpack CurrencyCollection from the root of newly-split accounts dictionary"; return td::Status::Error( -666, "error splitting total balance in account dictionary of shardchain state "s + id_.to_str()); } LOG(DEBUG) << "split total balance from " << old_total_balance.to_str() << " to our share of " << total_balance_.to_str(); // 6. adjust total_fees LOG(DEBUG) << "split total validator fees (current value is " << total_validator_fees_.to_str() << ")"; total_validator_fees_.grams = (total_validator_fees_.grams + is_right_child(subshard)) >> 1; LOG(DEBUG) << "new total_validator_fees is " << total_validator_fees_.to_str(); // NB: if total_fees_extra will be allowed to be non-empty, split it here too // 7. reset overload/underload history overload_history_ = underload_history_ = 0; // 8. split dispatch_queue (same as account dict) LOG(DEBUG) << "splitting dispatch_queue"; CHECK(dispatch_queue_); CHECK(dispatch_queue_->cut_prefix_subdict(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); CHECK(dispatch_queue_->has_common_prefix(pfx.bits(), pfx_len)); // 999. anything else? id_.id.shard = subshard.shard; id_.file_hash.set_zero(); id_.root_hash.set_zero(); return td::Status::OK(); } int filter_out_msg_queue(vm::AugmentedDictionary& out_queue, ton::ShardIdFull old_shard, ton::ShardIdFull subshard, td::uint64* queue_size) { if (queue_size) { *queue_size = 0; } return out_queue.filter([=](vm::CellSlice& cs, td::ConstBitPtr key, int key_len) -> int { CHECK(key_len == 352); LOG(DEBUG) << "scanning OutMsgQueue entry with key " << key.to_hex(key_len); block::tlb::MsgEnvelope::Record_std env; block::gen::CommonMsgInfo::Record_int_msg_info info; if (!(cs.size_ext() == 0x10080 // (uint64) enqueued_lt:uint64 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope && tlb::unpack_cell(cs.prefetch_ref(), env) && tlb::unpack_cell_inexact(env.msg, info))) { LOG(ERROR) << "cannot unpack OutMsgQueue entry with key " << key.to_hex(key_len); return -1; } auto src_prefix = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(info.src); auto dest_prefix = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(info.dest); auto cur_prefix = block::interpolate_addr(src_prefix, dest_prefix, env.cur_addr); if (!(src_prefix.is_valid() && dest_prefix.is_valid() && cur_prefix.is_valid())) { LOG(ERROR) << "OutMsgQueue message with key " << key.to_hex(key_len) << " has invalid source or destination address"; return -1; } if (!ton::shard_contains(old_shard, cur_prefix)) { LOG(ERROR) << "OutMsgQueue message with key " << key.to_hex(key_len) << " does not contain current address belonging to shard " << old_shard.to_str(); return -1; } bool res = ton::shard_contains(subshard, cur_prefix); if (res && queue_size) { ++*queue_size; } return res; }); } bool CurrencyCollection::validate(int max_cells) const { return is_valid() && td::sgn(grams) >= 0 && validate_extra(max_cells); } bool CurrencyCollection::validate_extra(int max_cells) const { if (extra.is_null()) { return true; } vm::CellBuilder cb; return cb.store_maybe_ref(extra) && block::tlb::t_ExtraCurrencyCollection.validate_ref(max_cells, cb.finalize()); } bool CurrencyCollection::add(const CurrencyCollection& a, const CurrencyCollection& b, CurrencyCollection& c) { return (a.is_valid() && b.is_valid() && (c.grams = a.grams + b.grams).not_null() && c.grams->is_valid() && add_extra_currency(a.extra, b.extra, c.extra)) || c.invalidate(); } bool CurrencyCollection::add(const CurrencyCollection& a, CurrencyCollection&& b, CurrencyCollection& c) { return (a.is_valid() && b.is_valid() && (c.grams = a.grams + std::move(b.grams)).not_null() && c.grams->is_valid() && add_extra_currency(a.extra, std::move(b.extra), c.extra)) || c.invalidate(); } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator+=(const CurrencyCollection& other) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other.is_valid() && (grams += other.grams).not_null() && grams->is_valid() && add_extra_currency(extra, other.extra, extra))) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator+=(CurrencyCollection&& other) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other.is_valid() && (grams += std::move(other.grams)).not_null() && grams->is_valid() && add_extra_currency(extra, std::move(other.extra), extra))) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator+=(td::RefInt256 other_grams) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other_grams.not_null() && (grams += other_grams).not_null())) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator+(const CurrencyCollection& other) const { CurrencyCollection res; add(*this, other, res); return res; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator+(CurrencyCollection&& other) const { CurrencyCollection res; add(*this, std::move(other), res); return res; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator+(td::RefInt256 other_grams) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } auto sum = grams + other_grams; if (sum.not_null()) { return CurrencyCollection{std::move(sum), extra}; } else { return CurrencyCollection{}; } } bool CurrencyCollection::sub(const CurrencyCollection& a, const CurrencyCollection& b, CurrencyCollection& c) { return (a.is_valid() && b.is_valid() && (c.grams = a.grams - b.grams).not_null() && c.grams->is_valid() && td::sgn(c.grams) >= 0 && sub_extra_currency(a.extra, b.extra, c.extra)) || c.invalidate(); } bool CurrencyCollection::sub(const CurrencyCollection& a, CurrencyCollection&& b, CurrencyCollection& c) { return (a.is_valid() && b.is_valid() && (c.grams = a.grams - std::move(b.grams)).not_null() && c.grams->is_valid() && td::sgn(c.grams) >= 0 && sub_extra_currency(a.extra, std::move(b.extra), c.extra)) || c.invalidate(); } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator-=(const CurrencyCollection& other) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other.is_valid() && (grams -= other.grams).not_null() && grams->is_valid() && td::sgn(grams) >= 0 && sub_extra_currency(extra, other.extra, extra))) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator-=(CurrencyCollection&& other) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other.is_valid() && (grams -= std::move(other.grams)).not_null() && grams->is_valid() && td::sgn(grams) >= 0 && sub_extra_currency(extra, std::move(other.extra), extra))) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection& CurrencyCollection::operator-=(td::RefInt256 other_grams) { if (!is_valid()) { return *this; } if (!(other_grams.not_null() && (grams -= other_grams).not_null() && td::sgn(grams) >= 0)) { invalidate(); } return *this; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator-(const CurrencyCollection& other) const { CurrencyCollection res; sub(*this, other, res); return res; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator-(CurrencyCollection&& other) const { CurrencyCollection res; sub(*this, std::move(other), res); return res; } CurrencyCollection CurrencyCollection::operator-(td::RefInt256 other_grams) const { if (!(is_valid() && other_grams.not_null())) { return {}; } auto x = grams - other_grams; if (td::sgn(x) >= 0) { return CurrencyCollection{std::move(x), extra}; } else { return {}; } } bool CurrencyCollection::operator==(const CurrencyCollection& other) const { return is_valid() && other.is_valid() && !td::cmp(grams, other.grams) && (extra.not_null() == other.extra.not_null()) && (extra.is_null() || extra->get_hash() == other.extra->get_hash()); } bool CurrencyCollection::operator>=(const CurrencyCollection& other) const { Ref tmp; return is_valid() && other.is_valid() && td::cmp(grams, other.grams) >= 0 && sub_extra_currency(extra, other.extra, tmp); } bool CurrencyCollection::store(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { return is_valid() && store_CurrencyCollection(cb, grams, extra); } bool CurrencyCollection::store_or_zero(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { return is_valid() ? store(cb) : cb.store_long_bool(0, 5); } bool CurrencyCollection::fetch(vm::CellSlice& cs) { return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(cs, *this, true) || invalidate(); } bool CurrencyCollection::fetch_exact(vm::CellSlice& cs) { return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(cs, *this, false) || invalidate(); } bool CurrencyCollection::unpack(Ref csr) { return unpack_CurrencyCollection(std::move(csr), grams, extra) || invalidate(); } bool CurrencyCollection::validate_unpack(Ref csr, int max_cells) { return (csr.not_null() && block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.validate_upto(max_cells, *csr) && unpack_CurrencyCollection(std::move(csr), grams, extra)) || invalidate(); } Ref CurrencyCollection::pack() const { vm::CellBuilder cb; if (store(cb)) { return vm::load_cell_slice_ref(cb.finalize()); } else { return {}; } } bool CurrencyCollection::show(std::ostream& os) const { if (!is_valid()) { os << ""; return false; } if (extra.not_null()) { os << '('; } os << grams << "ng"; if (extra.not_null()) { vm::Dictionary dict{extra, 32}; if (!dict.check_for_each([&os](Ref csr, td::ConstBitPtr key, int n) { CHECK(n == 32); int x = (int)key.get_int(n); auto val = block::tlb::t_VarUIntegerPos_32.as_integer_skip(csr.write()); if (val.is_null() || !csr->empty_ext()) { os << "+.$" << x << "...)"; return false; } os << '+' << val << ".$" << x; return true; })) { return false; } os << ')'; } return true; } std::string CurrencyCollection::to_str() const { std::ostringstream os; show(os); return os.str(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CurrencyCollection& cc) { cc.show(os); return os; } bool ValueFlow::set_zero() { return from_prev_blk.set_zero() && to_next_blk.set_zero() && imported.set_zero() && exported.set_zero() && fees_collected.set_zero() && fees_imported.set_zero() && recovered.set_zero() && created.set_zero() && minted.set_zero() && burned.set_zero(); } bool ValueFlow::validate() const { return is_valid() && from_prev_blk + imported + fees_imported + created + minted + recovered == to_next_blk + exported + fees_collected + burned; } bool ValueFlow::store(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { vm::CellBuilder cb2; auto type = burned.is_zero() ? block::gen::ValueFlow::value_flow : block::gen::ValueFlow::value_flow_v2; return cb.store_long_bool(block::gen::ValueFlow::cons_tag[type], 32) // ^[ && from_prev_blk.store(cb2) // from_prev_blk:CurrencyCollection && to_next_blk.store(cb2) // to_next_blk:CurrencyCollection && imported.store(cb2) // imported:CurrencyCollection && exported.store(cb2) // exported:CurrencyCollection && cb.store_ref_bool(cb2.finalize()) // ] && fees_collected.store(cb) // fees_collected:CurrencyCollection && (burned.is_zero() || burned.store(cb)) // fees_burned:CurrencyCollection && fees_imported.store(cb2) // ^[ fees_imported:CurrencyCollection && recovered.store(cb2) // recovered:CurrencyCollection && created.store(cb2) // created:CurrencyCollection && minted.store(cb2) // minted:CurrencyCollection && cb.store_ref_bool(cb2.finalize()); // ] = ValueFlow; } bool ValueFlow::fetch(vm::CellSlice& cs) { if (cs.size() < 32) { return invalidate(); } auto tag = cs.prefetch_ulong(32); block::gen::ValueFlow::Record_value_flow f1; if (tag == block::gen::ValueFlow::cons_tag[block::gen::ValueFlow::value_flow] && tlb::unpack(cs, f1) && from_prev_blk.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r1.from_prev_blk)) && to_next_blk.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r1.to_next_blk)) && imported.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r1.imported)) && exported.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r1.exported)) && fees_collected.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.fees_collected)) && burned.set_zero() && fees_imported.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r2.fees_imported)) && recovered.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r2.recovered)) && created.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r2.created)) && minted.validate_unpack(std::move(f1.r2.minted))) { return true; } block::gen::ValueFlow::Record_value_flow_v2 f2; if (tag == block::gen::ValueFlow::cons_tag[block::gen::ValueFlow::value_flow_v2] && tlb::unpack(cs, f2) && from_prev_blk.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r1.from_prev_blk)) && to_next_blk.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r1.to_next_blk)) && imported.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r1.imported)) && exported.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r1.exported)) && fees_collected.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.fees_collected)) && burned.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.burned)) && fees_imported.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r2.fees_imported)) && recovered.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r2.recovered)) && created.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r2.created)) && minted.validate_unpack(std::move(f2.r2.minted))) { return true; } return invalidate(); } bool ValueFlow::unpack(Ref csr) { return (csr.not_null() && fetch(csr.write()) && csr->empty_ext()) || invalidate(); } static inline bool say(std::ostream& os, const char* str) { os << str; return true; } bool ValueFlow::show_one(std::ostream& os, const char* str, const CurrencyCollection& cc) const { return say(os, str) && cc.show(os); } bool ValueFlow::show(std::ostream& os) const { if (!is_valid()) { os << ""; return false; } return (say(os, "(value-flow ") && show_one(os, "from_prev_blk:", from_prev_blk) && show_one(os, " to_next_blk:", to_next_blk) && show_one(os, " imported:", imported) && show_one(os, " exported:", exported) && show_one(os, " fees_collected:", fees_collected) && show_one(os, " fees_imported:", fees_imported) && show_one(os, " recovered:", recovered) && show_one(os, " created:", created) && show_one(os, " minted:", minted) && (burned.is_zero() || show_one(os, " burned:", burned)) && say(os, ")")) || (say(os, "...)") && false); } std::string ValueFlow::to_str() const { std::ostringstream os; show(os); return os.str(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ValueFlow& vflow) { vflow.show(os); return os; } bool DiscountedCounter::increase_by(unsigned count, ton::UnixTime now) { if (!validate()) { return false; } td::uint64 scaled = (td::uint64(count) << 32); if (!total) { last_updated = now; total = count; cnt2048 = scaled; cnt65536 = scaled; return true; } if (count > ~total || cnt2048 > ~scaled || cnt65536 > ~scaled) { return false /* invalidate() */; // overflow } unsigned dt = (now >= last_updated ? now - last_updated : 0); if (dt > 0) { // more precise version of cnt2048 = llround(cnt2048 * exp(-dt / 2048.)); // (rounding error has absolute value < 1) cnt2048 = (dt >= 48 * 2048 ? 0 : td::umulnexps32(cnt2048, dt << 5)); // more precise version of cnt65536 = llround(cnt65536 * exp(-dt / 65536.)); // (rounding error has absolute value < 1) cnt65536 = td::umulnexps32(cnt65536, dt); } total += count; cnt2048 += scaled; cnt65536 += scaled; last_updated = now; return true; } bool DiscountedCounter::validate() { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } if (!total) { if (cnt2048 | cnt65536) { return invalidate(); } } else if (!last_updated) { return invalidate(); } return true; } bool DiscountedCounter::fetch(vm::CellSlice& cs) { valid = (cs.fetch_uint_to(32, last_updated) && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, total) && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, cnt2048) && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, cnt65536)); return validate() || invalidate(); } bool DiscountedCounter::unpack(Ref csr) { return (csr.not_null() && fetch(csr.write()) && csr->empty_ext()) || invalidate(); } bool DiscountedCounter::store(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { return is_valid() && cb.store_long_bool(last_updated, 32) && cb.store_long_bool(total, 64) && cb.store_long_bool(cnt2048, 64) && cb.store_long_bool(cnt65536, 64); } Ref DiscountedCounter::pack() const { vm::CellBuilder cb; if (store(cb)) { return vm::load_cell_slice_ref(cb.finalize()); } else { return {}; } } bool DiscountedCounter::show(std::ostream& os) const { if (!is_valid()) { os << ""; return false; } os << "(counter last_updated:" << last_updated << " total:" << total << " cnt2048: " << (double)cnt2048 / (1LL << 32) << " cnt65536: " << (double)cnt65536 / (1LL << 32) << ")"; return true; } std::string DiscountedCounter::to_str() const { std::ostringstream stream; if (show(stream)) { return stream.str(); } else { return ""; } } bool fetch_CreatorStats(vm::CellSlice& cs, DiscountedCounter& mc_cnt, DiscountedCounter& shard_cnt) { return cs.fetch_ulong(4) == 4 // creator_info#4 && mc_cnt.fetch(cs) // mc_blocks:Counters && shard_cnt.fetch(cs); // shard_blocks:Counters } bool store_CreatorStats(vm::CellBuilder& cb, const DiscountedCounter& mc_cnt, const DiscountedCounter& shard_cnt) { return cb.store_long_bool(4, 4) // creator_info#4 && mc_cnt.store(cb) // mc_blocks:Counters && shard_cnt.store(cb); // shard_blocks:Counters } bool unpack_CreatorStats(Ref cs, DiscountedCounter& mc_cnt, DiscountedCounter& shard_cnt) { if (cs.is_null()) { return mc_cnt.set_zero() && shard_cnt.set_zero(); } else { return fetch_CreatorStats(cs.write(), mc_cnt, shard_cnt) && cs->empty_ext(); } } /* * * Monte Carlo simulator for computing the share of shardchain blocks generated by each validator * */ bool MtCarloComputeShare::compute() { ok = false; if (W.size() >= (1U << 31) || W.empty()) { return false; } K = std::min(K, N); if (K <= 0 || iterations <= 0) { return false; } double tot_weight = 0., acc = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (W[i] <= 0.) { return false; } tot_weight += W[i]; } CW.resize(N); RW.resize(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { CW[i] = acc; acc += W[i] /= tot_weight; RW[i] = 0.; } R0 = 0.; H.resize(N); A.resize(K); for (long long it = 0; it < iterations; ++it) { gen_vset(); } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { RW[i] = W[i] * (RW[i] + R0) / (double)iterations; } return ok = true; } void MtCarloComputeShare::gen_vset() { double total_wt = 1.; int hc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { CHECK(total_wt > 0); double inv_wt = 1. / total_wt; R0 += inv_wt; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { RW[A[j]] -= inv_wt; } // double p = drand48() * total_wt; double p = (double)td::Random::fast_uint64() * total_wt / (1. * (1LL << 32) * (1LL << 32)); for (int h = 0; h < hc; h++) { if (p < H[h].first) { break; } p += H[h].second; } int a = -1, b = N, c; while (b - a > 1) { c = ((a + b) >> 1); if (CW[c] <= p) { a = c; } else { b = c; } } CHECK(a >= 0 && a < N); CHECK(total_wt >= W[a]); total_wt -= W[a]; double x = CW[a]; c = hc++; while (c > 0 && H[c - 1].first > x) { H[c] = H[c - 1]; --c; } H[c].first = x; H[c].second = W[a]; A[i] = a; } } /* * * Other block-related functions * */ bool store_UInt7(vm::CellBuilder& cb, unsigned long long value) { return block::tlb::t_VarUInteger_7.store_long(cb, (long long)value); } bool store_UInt7(vm::CellBuilder& cb, unsigned long long value1, unsigned long long value2) { return store_UInt7(cb, value1) && store_UInt7(cb, value2); } bool store_Maybe_Grams(vm::CellBuilder& cb, td::RefInt256 value) { if (value.is_null()) { return cb.store_long_bool(0, 1); } else { return cb.store_long_bool(1, 1) && block::tlb::t_Grams.store_integer_ref(cb, std::move(value)); } } bool store_Maybe_Grams_nz(vm::CellBuilder& cb, td::RefInt256 value) { if (value.is_null() || !value->sgn()) { return cb.store_long_bool(0, 1); } else { return cb.store_long_bool(1, 1) && block::tlb::t_Grams.store_integer_ref(cb, std::move(value)); } } bool store_CurrencyCollection(vm::CellBuilder& cb, td::RefInt256 value, Ref extra) { return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.pack_special(cb, std::move(value), std::move(extra)); } bool fetch_CurrencyCollection(vm::CellSlice& cs, td::RefInt256& value, Ref& extra, bool inexact) { return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(cs, value, extra, inexact); } bool unpack_CurrencyCollection(Ref csr, td::RefInt256& value, Ref& extra) { if (csr.is_null()) { return false; } else if (csr->is_unique()) { return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(csr.write(), value, extra); } else { vm::CellSlice cs{*csr}; return block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(cs, value, extra); } } bool check_one_library(Ref cs_ref, td::ConstBitPtr key, int n) { assert(n == 256); if (cs_ref->size_ext() != 0x10001) { return false; } Ref cell = cs_ref->prefetch_ref(); const auto& cell_hash = cell->get_hash(); return !td::bitstring::bits_memcmp(cell_hash.bits(), key, n); } bool valid_library_collection(Ref cell, bool catch_errors) { if (cell.is_null()) { return true; } if (!catch_errors) { vm::Dictionary dict{std::move(cell), 256}; return dict.check_for_each(check_one_library); } try { vm::Dictionary dict{std::move(cell), 256}; return dict.check_for_each(check_one_library); } catch (vm::VmError&) { return false; } } bool check_one_config_param(Ref cs_ref, td::ConstBitPtr key, td::ConstBitPtr addr, bool relax_par0) { if (cs_ref->size_ext() != 0x10000) { return false; } Ref cell = cs_ref->prefetch_ref(); int idx = (int)key.get_int(32); if (!idx) { auto cs = load_cell_slice(std::move(cell)); return cs.size_ext() == 256 && (relax_par0 || cs.fetch_bits(256) == addr); } else if (idx < 0) { return true; } bool ok = block::gen::ConfigParam{idx}.validate_ref(1024, std::move(cell)); if (!ok) { LOG(ERROR) << "configuration parameter #" << idx << " is invalid"; } return ok; } const int mandatory_config_params[] = {18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34}; bool valid_config_data(Ref cell, const td::BitArray<256>& addr, bool catch_errors, bool relax_par0, Ref old_mparams) { using namespace std::placeholders; if (cell.is_null()) { return false; } if (catch_errors) { try { return valid_config_data(std::move(cell), addr, false, relax_par0, std::move(old_mparams)); } catch (vm::VmError&) { return false; } } vm::Dictionary dict{std::move(cell), 32}; if (!dict.check_for_each(std::bind(check_one_config_param, _1, _2, addr.cbits(), relax_par0))) { return false; } for (int x : mandatory_config_params) { if (!dict.int_key_exists(x)) { LOG(ERROR) << "mandatory configuration parameter #" << x << " is missing"; return false; } } return config_params_present(dict, dict.lookup_ref(td::BitArray<32>{9})) && config_params_present(dict, std::move(old_mparams)); } bool config_params_present(vm::Dictionary& dict, Ref param_dict_root) { auto res = block::Config::unpack_param_dict(std::move(param_dict_root)); if (res.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "invalid mandatory parameters dictionary while checking existence of all mandatory configuration parameters"; return false; } for (int x : res.move_as_ok()) { // LOG(DEBUG) << "checking whether mandatory configuration parameter #" << x << " exists"; if (!dict.int_key_exists(x)) { LOG(ERROR) << "configuration parameter #" << x << " (declared as mandatory in configuration parameter #9) is missing"; return false; } } // LOG(DEBUG) << "all mandatory configuration parameters present"; return true; } bool add_extra_currency(Ref extra1, Ref extra2, Ref& res) { if (extra2.is_null()) { res = extra1; return true; } else if (extra1.is_null()) { res = extra2; return true; } else { return block::tlb::t_ExtraCurrencyCollection.add_values_ref(res, std::move(extra1), std::move(extra2)); } } bool sub_extra_currency(Ref extra1, Ref extra2, Ref& res) { if (extra2.is_null()) { res = extra1; return true; } else if (extra1.is_null()) { res.clear(); return false; } else { return block::tlb::t_ExtraCurrencyCollection.sub_values_ref(res, std::move(extra1), std::move(extra2)) >= 0; } } // combine d bits from dest, remaining 64 - d bits from src ton::AccountIdPrefixFull interpolate_addr(const ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& src, const ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& dest, int d) { if (d <= 0) { return src; } else if (d >= 96) { return dest; } else if (d >= 32) { unsigned long long mask = (std::numeric_limits::max() >> (d - 32)); return ton::AccountIdPrefixFull{dest.workchain, (dest.account_id_prefix & ~mask) | (src.account_id_prefix & mask)}; } else { int mask = (int)(~0U >> d); return ton::AccountIdPrefixFull{(dest.workchain & ~mask) | (src.workchain & mask), src.account_id_prefix}; } } bool interpolate_addr_to(const ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& src, const ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& dest, int d, ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& res) { res = interpolate_addr(src, dest, d); return true; } // result: (transit_addr_dest_bits, nh_addr_dest_bits) std::pair perform_hypercube_routing(ton::AccountIdPrefixFull src, ton::AccountIdPrefixFull dest, ton::ShardIdFull cur, int used_dest_bits) { ton::AccountIdPrefixFull transit = interpolate_addr(src, dest, used_dest_bits); if (!ton::shard_contains(cur, transit)) { return {-1, -1}; } if (ton::shard_contains(cur, dest)) { // if destination is in this shard, set cur:=next_hop:=dest return {96, 96}; } if (transit.workchain == ton::masterchainId || dest.workchain == ton::masterchainId) { return {used_dest_bits, 96}; // route messages to/from masterchain directly } if (transit.workchain != dest.workchain) { return {used_dest_bits, 32}; } unsigned long long x = cur.shard & (cur.shard - 1), y = cur.shard | (cur.shard - 1); unsigned long long t = transit.account_id_prefix, q = dest.account_id_prefix ^ t; int i = (td::count_leading_zeroes64(q) & -4); // top i bits match, next 4 bits differ unsigned long long m = (std::numeric_limits::max() >> i), h; do { m >>= 4; h = t ^ (q & ~m); i += 4; } while (h >= x && h <= y); return {28 + i, 32 + i}; } bool compute_out_msg_queue_key(Ref msg_env, td::BitArray<352>& key) { block::tlb::MsgEnvelope::Record_std env; block::gen::CommonMsgInfo::Record_int_msg_info info; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(msg_env, env) && tlb::unpack_cell_inexact(env.msg, info))) { return false; } auto src_prefix = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(std::move(info.src)); auto dest_prefix = block::tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.get_prefix(std::move(info.dest)); auto next_hop = interpolate_addr(src_prefix, dest_prefix, env.next_addr); key.bits().store_int(next_hop.workchain, 32); (key.bits() + 32).store_int(next_hop.account_id_prefix, 64); (key.bits() + 96).copy_from(env.msg->get_hash().bits(), 256); return true; } bool unpack_block_prev_blk(Ref block_root, const ton::BlockIdExt& id, std::vector& prev, ton::BlockIdExt& mc_blkid, bool& after_split, ton::BlockIdExt* fetch_blkid) { return unpack_block_prev_blk_ext(std::move(block_root), id, prev, mc_blkid, after_split, fetch_blkid).is_ok(); } td::Status unpack_block_prev_blk_try(Ref block_root, const ton::BlockIdExt& id, std::vector& prev, ton::BlockIdExt& mc_blkid, bool& after_split, ton::BlockIdExt* fetch_blkid) { try { return unpack_block_prev_blk_ext(std::move(block_root), id, prev, mc_blkid, after_split, fetch_blkid); } catch (vm::VmError err) { return td::Status::Error(std::string{"error while processing Merkle proof: "} + err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError err) { return td::Status::Error(std::string{"error while processing Merkle proof: "} + err.get_msg()); } } td::Status unpack_block_prev_blk_ext(Ref block_root, const ton::BlockIdExt& id, std::vector& prev, ton::BlockIdExt& mc_blkid, bool& after_split, ton::BlockIdExt* fetch_blkid) { block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; block::gen::ExtBlkRef::Record mcref; // _ ExtBlkRef = BlkMasterInfo; ton::ShardIdFull shard; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(block_root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info) && !info.version && block::tlb::t_ShardIdent.unpack(info.shard.write(), shard) && (!info.not_master || tlb::unpack_cell(info.master_ref, mcref)))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack block header"); } if (fetch_blkid) { fetch_blkid->id = ton::BlockId{shard, (unsigned)info.seq_no}; fetch_blkid->root_hash = block_root->get_hash().bits(); fetch_blkid->file_hash.clear(); } else { ton::BlockId hdr_id{shard, (unsigned)info.seq_no}; if (id.id != hdr_id) { return td::Status::Error("block header contains block id "s + hdr_id.to_str() + ", expected " + id.id.to_str()); } if (id.root_hash != block_root->get_hash().bits()) { return td::Status::Error("block header has incorrect root hash "s + block_root->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256) + " instead of expected " + id.root_hash.to_hex()); } } if (info.not_master != !shard.is_masterchain()) { return td::Status::Error("block has invalid not_master flag in its (Merkelized) header"); } after_split = info.after_split; block::gen::ExtBlkRef::Record prev1, prev2; if (info.after_merge) { auto cs = vm::load_cell_slice(std::move(info.prev_ref)); CHECK(cs.size_ext() == 0x20000); // prev_blks_info$_ prev1:^ExtBlkRef prev2:^ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 1; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(cs.prefetch_ref(0), prev1) && tlb::unpack_cell(cs.prefetch_ref(1), prev2))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack two previous block references from block header"); } } else { // prev_blk_info$_ prev:ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 0; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(info.prev_ref), prev1))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack previous block reference from block header"); } } prev.clear(); ton::BlockSeqno prev_seqno = prev1.seq_no; if (!info.after_merge) { prev.emplace_back(shard.workchain, info.after_split ? ton::shard_parent(shard.shard) : shard.shard, prev1.seq_no, prev1.root_hash, prev1.file_hash); if (info.after_split && !prev1.seq_no) { return td::Status::Error("shardchains cannot be split immediately after initial state"); } } else { if (info.after_split) { return td::Status::Error("shardchains cannot be simultaneously split and merged at the same block"); } prev.emplace_back(shard.workchain, ton::shard_child(shard.shard, true), prev1.seq_no, prev1.root_hash, prev1.file_hash); prev.emplace_back(shard.workchain, ton::shard_child(shard.shard, false), prev2.seq_no, prev2.root_hash, prev2.file_hash); prev_seqno = std::max(prev1.seq_no, prev2.seq_no); if (!prev1.seq_no || !prev2.seq_no) { return td::Status::Error("shardchains cannot be merged immediately after initial state"); } } if (id.id.seqno != prev_seqno + 1) { return td::Status::Error("new block has invalid seqno (not equal to one plus maximum of seqnos of its ancestors)"); } if (shard.is_masterchain()) { mc_blkid = prev.at(0); } else { mc_blkid = ton::BlockIdExt{ton::masterchainId, ton::shardIdAll, mcref.seq_no, mcref.root_hash, mcref.file_hash}; } if (shard.is_masterchain() && info.vert_seqno_incr && !info.key_block) { return td::Status::Error("non-key masterchain block cannot have vert_seqno_incr set"); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status check_block_header(Ref block_root, const ton::BlockIdExt& id, ton::Bits256* store_shard_hash_to) { block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; ton::ShardIdFull shard; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(block_root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info) && !info.version && block::tlb::t_ShardIdent.unpack(info.shard.write(), shard))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack block header"); } ton::BlockId hdr_id{shard, (unsigned)info.seq_no}; if (id.id != hdr_id) { return td::Status::Error("block header contains block id "s + hdr_id.to_str() + ", expected " + id.id.to_str()); } if (id.root_hash != block_root->get_hash().bits()) { return td::Status::Error("block header has incorrect root hash "s + block_root->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256) + " instead of expected " + id.root_hash.to_hex()); } if (info.not_master != !shard.is_masterchain()) { return td::Status::Error("block has invalid not_master flag in its (Merkelized) header"); } if (store_shard_hash_to) { vm::CellSlice upd_cs{vm::NoVmSpec(), blk.state_update}; if (!(upd_cs.is_special() && upd_cs.prefetch_long(8) == 4 // merkle update && upd_cs.size_ext() == 0x20228)) { return td::Status::Error("invalid Merkle update in block header"); } auto upd_hash = upd_cs.prefetch_ref(1)->get_hash(0); *store_shard_hash_to = upd_hash.bits(); } return td::Status::OK(); } std::unique_ptr get_block_create_stats_dict(Ref state_root) { block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record info; block::gen::McStateExtra::Record extra; block::gen::BlockCreateStats::Record_block_create_stats cstats; if (!(::tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(state_root), info) && info.custom->size_refs() && ::tlb::unpack_cell(info.custom->prefetch_ref(), extra) && (extra.r1.flags & 1) && ::tlb::csr_unpack(std::move(extra.r1.block_create_stats), cstats))) { return {}; } return std::make_unique(std::move(cstats.counters), 256); } std::unique_ptr get_prev_blocks_dict(Ref state_root) { block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record info; block::gen::McStateExtra::Record extra_info; if (!(::tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(state_root), info) && info.custom->size_refs() && ::tlb::unpack_cell(info.custom->prefetch_ref(), extra_info))) { return {}; } return std::make_unique(extra_info.r1.prev_blocks, 32, block::tlb::aug_OldMcBlocksInfo); } bool get_old_mc_block_id(vm::AugmentedDictionary* prev_blocks_dict, ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt) { return prev_blocks_dict && get_old_mc_block_id(*prev_blocks_dict, seqno, blkid, end_lt); } bool get_old_mc_block_id(vm::AugmentedDictionary& prev_blocks_dict, ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt) { return unpack_old_mc_block_id(prev_blocks_dict.lookup(td::BitArray<32>{seqno}), seqno, blkid, end_lt); } bool unpack_old_mc_block_id(Ref old_blk_info, ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt) { return old_blk_info.not_null() && old_blk_info.write().advance(1) && block::tlb::t_ExtBlkRef.unpack(std::move(old_blk_info), blkid, end_lt) && blkid.seqno() == seqno; } bool check_old_mc_block_id(vm::AugmentedDictionary* prev_blocks_dict, const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid) { return prev_blocks_dict && check_old_mc_block_id(*prev_blocks_dict, blkid); } bool check_old_mc_block_id(vm::AugmentedDictionary& prev_blocks_dict, const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid) { if (!blkid.id.is_masterchain_ext()) { return false; } ton::BlockIdExt old_blkid; return unpack_old_mc_block_id(prev_blocks_dict.lookup(td::BitArray<32>{blkid.id.seqno}), blkid.id.seqno, old_blkid) && old_blkid == blkid; } td::Result> get_block_transaction(Ref block_root, ton::WorkchainId workchain, const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, ton::LogicalTime lt) { block::gen::Block::Record block; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(block_root), block) && tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(block.info), info))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack block header"); } Ref trans_root; if (lt > info.start_lt && lt < info.end_lt) { // lt belongs to this block block::gen::BlockExtra::Record extra; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(block.extra, extra))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack block extra information"); } vm::AugmentedDictionary account_blocks_dict{vm::load_cell_slice_ref(extra.account_blocks), 256, block::tlb::aug_ShardAccountBlocks}; auto ab_csr = account_blocks_dict.lookup(addr); if (ab_csr.not_null()) { // account block for this account exists block::gen::AccountBlock::Record acc_block; if (!(tlb::csr_unpack(std::move(ab_csr), acc_block) && acc_block.account_addr == addr)) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack AccountBlock"); } vm::AugmentedDictionary trans_dict{vm::DictNonEmpty(), acc_block.transactions, 64, block::tlb::aug_AccountTransactions}; return trans_dict.lookup_ref(td::BitArray<64>{static_cast(lt)}); } } return Ref{}; } td::Result> get_block_transaction_try(Ref block_root, ton::WorkchainId workchain, const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, ton::LogicalTime lt) { try { return get_block_transaction(std::move(block_root), workchain, addr, lt); } catch (vm::VmError err) { return td::Status::Error(std::string{"error while extracting transaction from block : "} + err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError err) { return td::Status::Error(std::string{"virtualization error while traversing transaction proof : "} + err.get_msg()); } } bool get_transaction_in_msg(Ref trans_ref, Ref& in_msg) { block::gen::Transaction::Record trans; if (!tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(trans_ref), trans)) { return false; } else { in_msg = trans.r1.in_msg->prefetch_ref(); return true; } } bool is_transaction_in_msg(Ref trans_ref, Ref msg) { Ref imsg; return get_transaction_in_msg(std::move(trans_ref), imsg) && imsg.not_null() == msg.not_null() && (imsg.is_null() || imsg->get_hash() == msg->get_hash()); } bool is_transaction_out_msg(Ref trans_ref, Ref msg) { block::gen::Transaction::Record trans; vm::CellSlice cs; unsigned long long created_lt; if (!(trans_ref.not_null() && msg.not_null() && tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(trans_ref), trans) && cs.load_ord(msg) && block::tlb::t_CommonMsgInfo.get_created_lt(cs, created_lt))) { return false; } if (created_lt <= trans.lt || created_lt > trans.lt + trans.outmsg_cnt) { return false; } try { auto o_msg = vm::Dictionary{trans.r1.out_msgs, 15}.lookup_ref(td::BitArray<15>{(long long)(created_lt - trans.lt - 1)}); return o_msg.not_null() && o_msg->get_hash() == msg->get_hash(); } catch (vm::VmError&) { return false; } } // transaction$0111 account_addr:bits256 lt:uint64 ... bool get_transaction_id(Ref trans_ref, ton::StdSmcAddress& account_addr, ton::LogicalTime& lt) { if (trans_ref.is_null()) { return false; } vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVmOrd(), trans_ref}; return cs.fetch_ulong(4) == 7 // transaction$0111 && cs.fetch_bits_to(account_addr) // account_addr:bits256 && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, lt); // lt:uint64 } bool get_transaction_owner(Ref trans_ref, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) { ton::LogicalTime lt; return get_transaction_id(std::move(trans_ref), addr, lt); } td::uint32 compute_validator_set_hash(ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno, ton::ShardIdFull from, const std::vector& nodes) { /* std::vector> s_vec; for (auto& n : nodes) { auto id = ValidatorFullId{n.key}.short_id(); s_vec.emplace_back(create_tl_object(id, n.weight)); } auto obj = create_tl_object(cc_seqno, std::move(s_vec)); auto B = serialize_tl_object(obj, true); return td::crc32c(B.as_slice()); */ CHECK(nodes.size() <= 0xffffffff); auto tot_size = 1 + 1 + 1 + nodes.size() * (8 + 2 + 8); auto buff = std::make_unique(tot_size); td::TlStorerUnsafe storer(reinterpret_cast(buff.get())); auto* begin = storer.get_buf(); storer.store_int(-1877581587); // magic inherited from test0.validatorSet storer.store_int(cc_seqno); storer.store_binary((td::uint32)nodes.size()); for (auto& n : nodes) { storer.store_binary(n.key.as_bits256()); storer.store_long(n.weight); storer.store_binary(n.addr); } auto* end = storer.get_buf(); CHECK(static_cast(end - begin) == 4 * tot_size); return td::crc32c(td::Slice(begin, end)); } td::Result> get_config_data_from_smc(Ref acc_root) { if (acc_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("configuration smart contract not found or it has no state, cannot extract configuration"); } block::gen::Account::Record_account acc; block::gen::AccountStorage::Record storage; block::gen::StateInit::Record state; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(acc_root, acc) && tlb::csr_unpack(acc.storage, storage) && storage.state.write().fetch_ulong(1) == 1 && tlb::csr_unpack(storage.state, state) && state.data->have_refs(1))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot extract persistent data from configuration smart contract state"); } Ref data_cell = state.data->prefetch_ref(); auto res = vm::load_cell_slice(data_cell).prefetch_ref(); if (res.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error( "configuration smart contract does not contain a valid configuration in the first reference of its persistent " "data"); } return std::move(res); } td::Result> get_config_data_from_smc(Ref acc_csr) { if (acc_csr.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("configuration smart contract not found, cannot extract configuration"); } if (acc_csr->size_ext() != 0x10140) { return td::Status::Error("configuration smart contract does not have a valid non-empty state"); } return get_config_data_from_smc(acc_csr->prefetch_ref()); } // when these parameters change, the block must be marked as a key block bool important_config_parameters_changed(Ref old_cfg_root, Ref new_cfg_root, bool coarse) { if (old_cfg_root->get_hash() == new_cfg_root->get_hash()) { return false; } if (coarse) { return true; } // for now, all parameters are "important" // at least the parameters affecting the computations of validator sets must be considered important // ... return true; } bool is_public_library(td::ConstBitPtr key, Ref val) { return val.not_null() && val->prefetch_ulong(1) == 1 && val->have_refs() && !key.compare(val->prefetch_ref()->get_hash().bits(), 256); } bool parse_hex_hash(const char* str, const char* end, td::Bits256& hash) { if (end - str != 64) { return false; } int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int c = *str++, x = c - '0'; if (x < 0) { return false; } else if (x > 10) { x = (c | 0x20) - ('a' - 10); if (x < 10 || x > 16) { return false; } } y = (y << 4) | x; if (i & 1) { hash.data()[i >> 1] = (unsigned char)y; y = 0; } } return true; } bool parse_hex_hash(td::Slice str, td::Bits256& hash) { return parse_hex_hash(str.begin(), str.end(), hash); } bool parse_block_id_ext(const char* str, const char* end, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid) { blkid.invalidate(); if (!str || !end || str >= end || end - str > 255) { return false; } if (*str != '(') { return false; } if (!std::memchr(str, ')', end - str)) { return false; } int wc, pos = 0; unsigned seqno; unsigned long long shard; if (std::sscanf(str, "(%d,%llx,%u):%n", &wc, &shard, &seqno, &pos) < 3 || pos <= 0 || pos >= end - str) { return false; } if (!shard || wc == ton::workchainInvalid) { return false; } str += pos; if (end - str != 64 * 2 + 1 || str[64] != ':') { return false; } blkid.id = ton::BlockId{wc, shard, seqno}; return (parse_hex_hash(str, str + 64, blkid.root_hash) && parse_hex_hash(str + 65, end, blkid.file_hash)) || blkid.invalidate(); } bool parse_block_id_ext(td::Slice str, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid) { return parse_block_id_ext(str.begin(), str.end(), blkid); } bool unpack_account_dispatch_queue(Ref csr, vm::Dictionary& dict, td::uint64& dict_size) { if (csr.not_null()) { block::gen::AccountDispatchQueue::Record rec; if (!block::tlb::csr_unpack(std::move(csr), rec)) { return false; } dict = vm::Dictionary{rec.messages, 64}; dict_size = rec.count; if (dict_size == 0 || dict.is_empty()) { return false; } } else { dict = vm::Dictionary{64}; dict_size = 0; } return true; } Ref pack_account_dispatch_queue(const vm::Dictionary& dict, td::uint64 dict_size) { if (dict_size == 0) { return {}; } // _ messages:(HashmapE 64 EnqueuedMsg) count:uint48 = AccountDispatchQueue; vm::CellBuilder cb; CHECK(dict.append_dict_to_bool(cb)); cb.store_long(dict_size, 48); return cb.as_cellslice_ref(); } Ref get_dispatch_queue_min_lt_account(const vm::AugmentedDictionary& dispatch_queue, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) { // TODO: This can be done more effectively vm::AugmentedDictionary queue{dispatch_queue.get_root(), 256, tlb::aug_DispatchQueue}; if (queue.is_empty()) { return {}; } auto root_extra = queue.get_root_extra(); if (root_extra.is_null()) { return {}; } ton::LogicalTime min_lt = root_extra->prefetch_long(64); while (true) { td::Bits256 key; int pfx_len = queue.get_common_prefix(key.bits(), 256); if (pfx_len < 0) { return {}; } if (pfx_len == 256) { addr = key; return queue.lookup(key); } key[pfx_len] = false; vm::AugmentedDictionary queue_cut{queue.get_root(), 256, tlb::aug_DispatchQueue}; if (!queue_cut.cut_prefix_subdict(key.bits(), pfx_len + 1)) { return {}; } root_extra = queue_cut.get_root_extra(); if (root_extra.is_null()) { return {}; } ton::LogicalTime cut_min_lt = root_extra->prefetch_long(64); if (cut_min_lt != min_lt) { key[pfx_len] = true; } if (!queue.cut_prefix_subdict(key.bits(), pfx_len + 1)) { return {}; } } } bool remove_dispatch_queue_entry(vm::AugmentedDictionary& dispatch_queue, const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr, ton::LogicalTime lt) { auto account_dispatch_queue = dispatch_queue.lookup(addr); if (account_dispatch_queue.is_null()) { return false; } vm::Dictionary dict{64}; td::uint64 dict_size; if (!unpack_account_dispatch_queue(std::move(account_dispatch_queue), dict, dict_size)) { return false; } td::BitArray<64> key; key.store_ulong(lt); auto entry = dict.lookup_delete(key); if (entry.is_null()) { return false; } --dict_size; account_dispatch_queue = pack_account_dispatch_queue(dict, dict_size); if (account_dispatch_queue.not_null()) { dispatch_queue.set(addr, account_dispatch_queue); } else { dispatch_queue.lookup_delete(addr); } return true; } bool MsgMetadata::unpack(vm::CellSlice& cs) { // msg_metadata#0 depth:uint32 initiator_addr:MsgAddressInt initiator_lt:uint64 = MsgMetadata; int tag; return cs.fetch_int_to(4, tag) && tag == 0 && cs.fetch_uint_to(32, depth) && cs.prefetch_ulong(3) == 0b100 && // std address, no anycast tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.extract_std_address(cs, initiator_wc, initiator_addr) && cs.fetch_uint_to(64, initiator_lt); } bool MsgMetadata::pack(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { // msg_metadata#0 depth:uint32 initiator_addr:MsgAddressInt initiator_lt:uint64 = MsgMetadata; return cb.store_long_bool(0, 4) && cb.store_long_bool(depth, 32) && tlb::t_MsgAddressInt.store_std_address(cb, initiator_wc, initiator_addr) && cb.store_long_bool(initiator_lt, 64); } std::string MsgMetadata::to_str() const { return PSTRING() << "[ depth=" << depth << " init=" << initiator_wc << ":" << initiator_addr.to_hex() << ":" << initiator_lt << " ]"; } bool MsgMetadata::operator==(const MsgMetadata& other) const { return depth == other.depth && initiator_wc == other.initiator_wc && initiator_addr == other.initiator_addr && initiator_lt == other.initiator_lt; } bool MsgMetadata::operator!=(const MsgMetadata& other) const { return !(*this == other); } } // namespace block