#!/usr/bin/create-state -s "TonUtil.fif" include "Asm.fif" include "Lists.fif" include def? $1 { @' $1 } { "" } cond constant suffix { suffix $+ } : +suffix 256 1<<1- 15 / constant AllOnes wc_master setworkchain -239 setglobalid // negative value means a test instance of the blockchain // Initial state of Workchain 0 (Basic workchain) 0 mkemptyShardState cr ."initial basechain state is:" cr dup B dup Bx. cr dup "basestate0" +suffix +".boc" tuck B>file ."(Initial basechain state saved to file " type .")" cr Bhashu dup =: basestate0_fhash ."file hash=" dup 64x. space 256 u>B dup B>base64url type cr "basestate0" +suffix +".fhash" B>file hashu dup =: basestate0_rhash ."root hash=" dup 64x. space 256 u>B dup B>base64url type cr "basestate0" +suffix +".rhash" B>file basestate0_rhash basestate0_fhash now 0 2 32 0 add-std-workchain config.workchains! // SmartContract #1 (Simple wallet) <{ SETCP0 DUP IFNOTRET // return if recv_internal DUP 85143 INT EQUAL IFJMP:<{ // "seqno" get-method DROP c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 PLDU // cnt }> INC 32 THROWIF // fail unless recv_external 512 INT LDSLICEX DUP 32 PLDU // sign cs cnt c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 LDU 256 LDU ENDS // sign cs cnt cnt' pubk s1 s2 XCPU // sign cs cnt pubk cnt' cnt EQUAL 33 THROWIFNOT // ( seqno mismatch? ) s2 PUSH HASHSU // sign cs cnt pubk hash s0 s4 s4 XC2PU // pubk cs cnt hash sign pubk CHKSIGNU // pubk cs cnt ? 34 THROWIFNOT // signature mismatch ACCEPT SWAP 32 LDU NIP 8 LDU LDREF ENDS // pubk cnt mode msg SWAP SENDRAWMSG // pubk cnt ; ( message sent ) INC NEWC 32 STU 256 STU ENDC c4 POPCTR }>c // code // data Libs{ x{ABACABADABACABA} s>c public_lib x{1234} x{5678} |_ s>c private_lib }Libs // libraries GR$4999990000 // balance 0 // split_depth 0 // ticktock AllOnes 0 * // address 6 // mode: create+setaddr register_smc dup make_special dup constant smc1_addr Masterchain over 2dup ."wallet address = " .addr cr 2dup 6 .Addr cr "main-wallet" +suffix +".addr" save-address-verbose // SmartContract #2 (Simple money giver for test network) <{ SETCP0 DUP IFNOTRET // return if recv_internal DUP 85143 INT EQUAL IFJMP:<{ // "seqno" get-method DROP c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 PLDU // cnt }> INC 32 THROWIF // fail unless recv_external 32 LDU SWAP // cs cnt c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 LDU ENDS // cs cnt cnt' TUCK EQUAL 33 THROWIFNOT // ( seqno mismatch? ) ACCEPT // cs cnt' SWAP 8 LDU LDREF ENDS // cnt'' mode msg GR$20 INT 3 INT RAWRESERVE // reserve all but 20 Grams from the balance SWAP SENDRAWMSG INC NEWC 32 STU ENDC c4 POPCTR // store cnt'' }>c // code // data empty_cell // libraries GR$1000 // initial balance (1k test Grams) 0 0 AllOnes 6 * 6 register_smc dup make_special dup constant smc2_addr Masterchain over 2dup ."free test gram giver address = " .addr cr 2dup 6 .Addr cr "testgiver" +suffix +".addr" save-address-verbose // SmartContract #3 PROGRAM{ recv_internal x{} PROC run_ticktock PROC:<{ c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 LDU 256 LDU ENDS NEWC ROT INC 32 STUR OVER 256 STUR ENDC c4 POPCTR // first 32 bits of persistent data have been increased // remaining 256 bits with an address have been fetched // create new empty message with 0.1 Grams to that address NEWC b{00100010011111111} STSLICECONST TUCK 256 STU 100000000 INT STGRAMS // store 0.1 Grams 1 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1+ 1+ INT STZEROES ENDC // send raw message from Cell ZERO SENDRAWMSG -17 INT 256 STIR 130000000 INT STGRAMS 107 INT STZEROES ENDC ZERO // another message with 0.13 Grams to account -17 NEWC b{11000100100000} "test" $>s |+ STSLICECONST 123456789 INT STGRAMS 107 INT STZEROES "Hello, world!" $>s STSLICECONST ENDC ZERO SENDRAWMSG SENDRAWMSG // external message to address "test" }> }END>c // code // data // empty_cell // libraries Libs{ x{ABACABADABACABA} s>c public_lib x{1234} x{5678} |_ s>c public_lib }Libs // libraries GR$666 // balance 0 // split_depth 3 // ticktock: tick 2 // mode: create register_smc dup make_special dup constant smc3_addr ."address = " 64x. cr /* * * SmartContract #4 (elector) * */ "auto/elector-code.fif" include // code in separate source file // data: dict dict dict grams uint32 uint256 empty_cell // libraries GR$10 // balance: 10 grams 0 // split_depth 2 // ticktock: tick AllOnes 3 * // address: -1:333...333 6 // mode: create + setaddr register_smc dup make_special dup constant smc4_addr dup constant elector_addr Masterchain swap ."elector smart contract address = " 2dup .addr cr 2dup 7 .Addr cr "elector" +suffix +".addr" save-address-verbose /* * * Configuration Parameters * */ // version capabilities 1 capCreateStats capBounceMsgBody or capReportVersion or config.version! // max-validators max-main-validators min-validators // 9 4 1 config.validator_num! 1000 100 13 config.validator_num! // min-stake max-stake min-total-stake max-factor GR$10000 GR$10000000 GR$500000 sg~3 config.validator_stake_limits! // elected-for elect-start-before elect-end-before stakes-frozen-for // 400000 200000 4000 400000 config.election_params! // 4000 2000 500 1000 config.election_params! // DEBUG 65536 32768 8192 32768 config.election_params! // TestNet DEBUG // config-addr = -1:5555...5555 AllOnes 5 * constant config_addr config_addr config.config_smc! // elector-addr elector_addr config.elector_smc! // 1 sg* 100 sg* 1000 sg* 1000000 sg* config.storage_prices! // old values (too high) 1 500 1000 500000 config.storage_prices! config.special! // gas_price gas_limit special_gas_limit gas_credit block_gas_limit freeze_due_limit delete_due_limit flat_gas_limit flat_gas_price -- 1000 sg* 1 *M dup 10000 10 *M GR$0.1 GR$1.0 1000 1000000 config.gas_prices! 10000 sg* 1 *M 10 *M 10000 10 *M GR$0.1 GR$1.0 1000 10000000 config.mc_gas_prices! // lump_price bit_price cell_price ihr_factor first_frac next_frac 1000000 1000 sg* 100000 sg* 3/2 sg*/ 1/3 sg*/ 1/3 sg*/ config.fwd_prices! 10000000 10000 sg* 1000000 sg* 3/2 sg*/ 1/3 sg*/ 1/3 sg*/ config.mc_fwd_prices! // mc-cc-lifetime sh-cc-lifetime sh-val-lifetime sh-val-num 250 250 1000 7 config.catchain_params! // round-candidates next-cand-delay-ms consensus-timeout-ms fast-attempts attempt-duration cc-max-deps max-block-size max-collated-size 3 2000 16000 3 8 4 2 *Mi 2 *Mi config.consensus_params! 128 *Ki 512 *Ki 1 *Mi triple // [ underload soft hard ] : block bytes limit 100000 500000 1000000 triple // gas limits 1000 5000 10000 triple // lt limits triple dup untriple config.mc_block_limits! untriple config.block_limits! GR$1.7 GR$1 config.block_create_fees! // smc1_addr config.collector_smc! smc1_addr config.minter_smc! 1000000000000 -17 of-cc 666666666666 239 of-cc cc+ config.to_mint! ( 0 1 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 34 ) config.mandatory_params! ( -999 -1000 -1001 0 1 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 32 34 36 ) config.critical_params! // [ min_tot_rounds max_tot_rounds min_wins max_losses min_store_sec max_store_sec bit_pps cell_pps ] // first for ordinary proposals, then for critical proposals _( 2 3 2 2 1000000 10000000 1 500 ) _( 4 7 4 2 5000000 20000000 2 1000 ) config.param_proposals_setup! // deposit bit_pps cell_pps GR$100 1 500 config.complaint_prices! "validator-keys" +suffix +".pub" file>B { dup Blen } { 32 B| swap dup ."Validator public key = " Bx. cr 17 add-validator } while drop // newkeypair nip dup ."Validator #1 public key = " Bx. cr // 17 add-validator // newkeypair nip dup ."Validator #2 public key = " Bx. cr // 239 add-validator 100000 =: orig_vset_valid_for // original validator set valid 100000 seconds now dup orig_vset_valid_for + 0 config.validators! /* * * SmartContract #5 (Configuration smart contract) * */ "auto/config-code.fif" include // code in separate source file // data empty_cell // libraries GR$10 // balance 0 1 config_addr 6 register_smc // tock dup set_config_smc Masterchain swap ."config smart contract address = " 2dup .addr cr 2dup 7 .Addr cr "config-master" +suffix +".addr" save-address-verbose // Other data /* * * Initial wallets (test) * */ // pubkey amount `create-wallet1` or pubkey amount `create-wallet2` PK'PuZPPXK5Rff9SvtoS7Y9lUuEixvy-J6aishYFj3Qn6P0pJMb GR$1000000000 create-wallet1 PK'PuYiB1zAWzr4p8j6I681+sGUrRGcn6Ylf7vXl0xaUl/w6Xfg GR$1700000000 create-wallet0 /* * * Create state * */ create_state cr cr ."new state is:" cr dup B dup Bx. cr dup "zerostate" +suffix +".boc" tuck B>file ."(Initial masterchain state saved to file " type .")" cr Bhashu dup =: zerostate_fhash ."file hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B dup B>base64url type cr "zerostate" +suffix +".fhash" B>file hashu dup =: zerostate_rhash ."root hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B dup B>base64url type cr "zerostate" +suffix +".rhash" B>file basestate0_rhash ."Basestate0 root hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B B>base64url type cr basestate0_fhash ."Basestate0 file hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B B>base64url type cr zerostate_rhash ."Zerostate root hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B B>base64url type cr zerostate_fhash ."Zerostate file hash= " dup X. space 256 u>B B>base64url type cr