/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "td/actor/actor.h" #include "td/net/UdpServer.h" #include "td/utils/tests.h" class PingPong : public td::actor::Actor { public: PingPong(int port, td::IPAddress dest, bool use_tcp, bool is_first) : port_(port), dest_(std::move(dest)), use_tcp_(use_tcp) { if (is_first) { state_ = Send; to_send_cnt_ = 5; to_send_cnt_ = 1; } } private: int port_; td::actor::ActorOwn udp_server_; td::IPAddress dest_; bool is_closing_{false}; bool is_closing_delayed_{false}; bool use_tcp_{false}; enum State { Send, Receive } state_{State::Receive}; int cnt_{0}; int to_send_cnt_{0}; void start_up() override { class Callback : public td::UdpServer::Callback { public: Callback(td::actor::ActorShared ping_pong) : ping_pong_(std::move(ping_pong)) { } private: td::actor::ActorShared ping_pong_; void on_udp_message(td::UdpMessage udp_message) override { send_closure(ping_pong_, &PingPong::on_udp_message, std::move(udp_message)); } }; if (use_tcp_) { udp_server_ = td::UdpServer::create_via_tcp(PSLICE() << "UdpServer(via tcp) " << td::tag("port", port_), port_, std::make_unique(actor_shared(this))) .move_as_ok(); } else { udp_server_ = td::UdpServer::create(PSLICE() << "UdpServer " << td::tag("port", port_), port_, std::make_unique(actor_shared(this))) .move_as_ok(); } alarm_timestamp() = td::Timestamp::in(0.1); } void on_udp_message(td::UdpMessage message) { if (is_closing_) { return; } if (message.error.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Got error " << message.error << " from " << message.address; return; } auto data_slice = message.data.as_slice(); LOG(INFO) << "Got query " << td::format::escaped(data_slice) << " from " << message.address; CHECK(state_ == State::Receive); if (data_slice.size() < 5) { CHECK(data_slice == "stop"); close(); } if (data_slice[5] == 'i') { state_ = State::Send; to_send_cnt_ = td::Random::fast(1, 4); to_send_cnt_ = 1; send_closure_later(actor_id(this), &PingPong::loop); } } void loop() override { if (state_ != State::Send || is_closing_) { return; } to_send_cnt_--; td::Slice msg; if (to_send_cnt_ <= 0) { state_ = State::Receive; cnt_++; if (cnt_ >= 1000) { msg = "stop"; } else { msg = "makgpingping"; } } else { msg = "magkpongpong"; } LOG(INFO) << "Send query: " << msg; send_closure_later(actor_id(this), &PingPong::loop); send_closure(udp_server_, &td::UdpServer::send, td::UdpMessage{dest_, td::BufferSlice(msg), {}}); if (msg.size() == 4) { close_delayed(); } } void alarm() override { if (is_closing_delayed_) { close(); return; } send_closure_later(actor_id(this), &PingPong::loop); } void close_delayed() { // Temporary hack to avoid ECONNRESET error is_closing_ = true; is_closing_delayed_ = true; alarm_timestamp() = td::Timestamp::in(0.1); } void close() { is_closing_ = true; udp_server_.reset(); } void hangup_shared() override { // udp_server_ was_closed stop(); } void tear_down() override { td::actor::SchedulerContext::get()->stop(); } }; void run_server(int from_port, int to_port, bool is_first, bool use_tcp) { td::IPAddress to_ip; to_ip.init_host_port("localhost", to_port).ensure(); td::actor::Scheduler scheduler({1}); scheduler.run_in_context([&] { td::actor::create_actor(td::actor::ActorOptions().with_name("PingPong"), from_port, to_ip, use_tcp, is_first) .release(); }); scheduler.run(); } TEST(Net, PingPong) { SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(VERBOSITY_NAME(ERROR)); for (auto use_tcp : {false, true}) { auto a = td::thread([use_tcp] { run_server(8091, 8092, true, use_tcp); }); auto b = td::thread([use_tcp] { run_server(8092, 8091, false, use_tcp); }); a.join(); b.join(); } }