# git_watcher.cmake # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrew-hardin/cmake-git-version-tracking/master/git_watcher.cmake # # Released under the MIT License. # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrew-hardin/cmake-git-version-tracking/master/LICENSE # This file defines a target that monitors the state of a git repo. # If the state changes (e.g. a commit is made), then a file gets reconfigured. # Here are the primary variables that control script behavior: # # PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE (REQUIRED) # -- The path to the file that'll be configured. # # POST_CONFIGURE_FILE (REQUIRED) # -- The path to the configured PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE. # # GIT_STATE_FILE (OPTIONAL) # -- The path to the file used to store the previous build's git state. # Defaults to the current binary directory. # # GIT_WORKING_DIR (OPTIONAL) # -- The directory from which git commands will be run. # Defaults to the directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt. # # GIT_EXECUTABLE (OPTIONAL) # -- The path to the git executable. It'll automatically be set if the # user doesn't supply a path. # # DESIGN # - This script was designed similar to a Python application # with a Main() function. I wanted to keep it compact to # simplify "copy + paste" usage. # # - This script is invoked under two CMake contexts: # 1. Configure time (when build files are created). # 2. Build time (called via CMake -P). # The first invocation is what registers the script to # be executed at build time. # # MODIFICATIONS # You may wish to track other git properties like when the last # commit was made. There are two sections you need to modify, # and they're tagged with a ">>>" header. # Short hand for converting paths to absolute. macro(PATH_TO_ABSOLUTE var_name) get_filename_component(${var_name} "${${var_name}}" ABSOLUTE) endmacro() # Check that a required variable is set. macro(CHECK_REQUIRED_VARIABLE var_name) if(NOT DEFINED ${var_name}) message(FATAL_ERROR "The \"${var_name}\" variable must be defined.") endif() PATH_TO_ABSOLUTE(${var_name}) endmacro() # Check that an optional variable is set, or, set it to a default value. macro(CHECK_OPTIONAL_VARIABLE var_name default_value) if(NOT DEFINED ${var_name}) set(${var_name} ${default_value}) endif() PATH_TO_ABSOLUTE(${var_name}) endmacro() CHECK_REQUIRED_VARIABLE(PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE) CHECK_REQUIRED_VARIABLE(POST_CONFIGURE_FILE) CHECK_OPTIONAL_VARIABLE(GIT_STATE_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/git-state-hash") CHECK_OPTIONAL_VARIABLE(GIT_WORKING_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") # Check the optional git variable. # If it's not set, we'll try to find it using the CMake packaging system. if(NOT DEFINED GIT_EXECUTABLE) find_package(Git QUIET REQUIRED) endif() CHECK_REQUIRED_VARIABLE(GIT_EXECUTABLE) set(_state_variable_names GIT_RETRIEVED_STATE GIT_HEAD_SHA1 GIT_IS_DIRTY GIT_AUTHOR_NAME GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL GIT_COMMIT_DATE_ISO8601 GIT_COMMIT_SUBJECT GIT_COMMIT_BODY GIT_DESCRIBE # >>> # 1. Add the name of the additional git variable you're interested in monitoring # to this list. ) # Macro: RunGitCommand # Description: short-hand macro for calling a git function. Outputs are the # "exit_code" and "output" variables. macro(RunGitCommand) execute_process(COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" ${ARGV} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_working_dir}" RESULT_VARIABLE exit_code OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_RETRIEVED_STATE} "false") endif() endmacro() # Function: GetGitState # Description: gets the current state of the git repo. # Args: # _working_dir (in) string; the directory from which git commands will be executed. function(GetGitState _working_dir) # This is an error code that'll be set to FALSE if the # RunGitCommand ever returns a non-zero exit code. set(ENV{GIT_RETRIEVED_STATE} "true") # Get whether or not the working tree is dirty. RunGitCommand(status --porcelain) if(NOT exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_IS_DIRTY} "false") else() if(NOT "${output}" STREQUAL "") set(ENV{GIT_IS_DIRTY} "true") else() set(ENV{GIT_IS_DIRTY} "false") endif() endif() # There's a long list of attributes grabbed from git show. set(object HEAD) RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%H" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_HEAD_SHA1} ${output}) else() set(ENV{GIT_HEAD_SHA1} "$ENV{GIT_REVISION}") endif() RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%an" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} "${output}") endif() RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%ae" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} "${output}") endif() RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%ci" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_COMMIT_DATE_ISO8601} "${output}") else() set(ENV{GIT_COMMIT_DATE_ISO8601} "$ENV{GIT_REVISION_DATE}") endif() RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%s" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) # Escape quotes string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" output "${output}") set(ENV{GIT_COMMIT_SUBJECT} "${output}") endif() RunGitCommand(show -s "--format=%b" ${object}) if(exit_code EQUAL 0) if(output) # Escape quotes string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" output "${output}") # Escape line breaks in the commit message. string(REPLACE "\r\n" "\\r\\n\\\r\n" safe "${output}") if(safe STREQUAL output) # Didn't have windows lines - try unix lines. string(REPLACE "\n" "\\n\\\n" safe "${output}") endif() else() # There was no commit body - set the safe string to empty. set(safe "") endif() set(ENV{GIT_COMMIT_BODY} "\"${safe}\"") else() set(ENV{GIT_COMMIT_BODY} "\"\"") # empty string. endif() # Get output of git describe RunGitCommand(describe --always ${object}) if(NOT exit_code EQUAL 0) set(ENV{GIT_DESCRIBE} "unknown") else() set(ENV{GIT_DESCRIBE} "${output}") endif() # >>> # 2. Additional git properties can be added here via the # "execute_process()" command. Be sure to set them in # the environment using the same variable name you added # to the "_state_variable_names" list. endfunction() # Function: GitStateChangedAction # Description: this function is executed when the state of the git # repository changes (e.g. a commit is made). function(GitStateChangedAction) foreach(var_name ${_state_variable_names}) set(${var_name} $ENV{${var_name}}) endforeach() configure_file("${PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE}" "${POST_CONFIGURE_FILE}" @ONLY) endfunction() # Function: HashGitState # Description: loop through the git state variables and compute a unique hash. # Args: # _state (out) string; a hash computed from the current git state. function(HashGitState _state) set(ans "") foreach(var_name ${_state_variable_names}) string(SHA256 ans "${ans}$ENV{${var_name}}") endforeach() set(${_state} ${ans} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Function: CheckGit # Description: check if the git repo has changed. If so, update the state file. # Args: # _working_dir (in) string; the directory from which git commands will be ran. # _state_changed (out) bool; whether or no the state of the repo has changed. function(CheckGit _working_dir _state_changed) # Get the current state of the repo. GetGitState("${_working_dir}") # Convert that state into a hash that we can compare against # the hash stored on-disk. HashGitState(state) # Issue 14: post-configure file isn't being regenerated. # # Update the state to include the SHA256 for the pre-configure file. # This forces the post-configure file to be regenerated if the # pre-configure file has changed. file(SHA256 ${PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE} preconfig_hash) string(SHA256 state "${preconfig_hash}${state}") # Check if the state has changed compared to the backup on disk. if(EXISTS "${GIT_STATE_FILE}") file(READ "${GIT_STATE_FILE}" OLD_HEAD_CONTENTS) if(OLD_HEAD_CONTENTS STREQUAL "${state}") # State didn't change. set(${_state_changed} "false" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endif() # The state has changed. # We need to update the state file on disk. # Future builds will compare their state to this file. file(WRITE "${GIT_STATE_FILE}" "${state}") set(${_state_changed} "true" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Function: SetupGitMonitoring # Description: this function sets up custom commands that make the build system # check the state of git before every build. If the state has # changed, then a file is configured. function(SetupGitMonitoring) add_custom_target(check_git ALL DEPENDS ${PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE} BYPRODUCTS ${POST_CONFIGURE_FILE} ${GIT_STATE_FILE} COMMENT "Checking the git repository for changes..." COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D_BUILD_TIME_CHECK_GIT=TRUE -DGIT_WORKING_DIR=${GIT_WORKING_DIR} -DGIT_EXECUTABLE=${GIT_EXECUTABLE} -DGIT_STATE_FILE=${GIT_STATE_FILE} -DPRE_CONFIGURE_FILE=${PRE_CONFIGURE_FILE} -DPOST_CONFIGURE_FILE=${POST_CONFIGURE_FILE} -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") endfunction() # Function: Main # Description: primary entry-point to the script. Functions are selected based # on whether it's configure or build time. function(Main) if(_BUILD_TIME_CHECK_GIT) # Check if the repo has changed. # If so, run the change action. CheckGit("${GIT_WORKING_DIR}" changed) if(changed OR NOT EXISTS "${POST_CONFIGURE_FILE}") GitStateChangedAction() endif() else() # >> Executes at configure time. SetupGitMonitoring() endif() endfunction() # And off we go... Main()