/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "td/utils/int_types.h" #include "td/utils/buffer.h" #include "auto/tl/ton_api.h" #include "td/utils/UInt.h" #include "td/utils/Variant.h" #include "td/actor/actor.h" #include "crypto/common/bitstring.h" #include "crypto/Ed25519.h" #include "common/errorcode.h" namespace ton { class Encryptor; class EncryptorAsync; class Decryptor; class DecryptorAsync; class PublicKeyHash { public: explicit PublicKeyHash(td::Bits256 value) : value_(value) { } explicit PublicKeyHash(const tl_object_ptr &value); PublicKeyHash() { } static PublicKeyHash zero() { return PublicKeyHash{td::Bits256::zero()}; } explicit PublicKeyHash(td::Slice data) { CHECK(data.size() == 32); value_.as_slice().copy_from(data); } td::UInt256 uint256_value() const { td::UInt256 x; x.as_slice().copy_from(value_.as_slice()); return x; } td::Bits256 bits256_value() const { return value_; } auto tl() const { return value_; } bool operator<(const PublicKeyHash &with) const { return value_ < with.value_; } bool operator==(const PublicKeyHash &with) const { return value_ == with.value_; } bool operator!=(const PublicKeyHash &with) const { return value_ != with.value_; } td::Slice as_slice() const { return td::as_slice(value_); } bool is_zero() const { return value_.is_zero(); } private: td::Bits256 value_; }; namespace pubkeys { class Ed25519 { private: td::Bits256 data_; public: Ed25519(const ton_api::pub_ed25519 &obj) { data_ = obj.key_; } Ed25519(td::Bits256 id) : data_(id) { } Ed25519() { } Ed25519(td::Ed25519::PublicKey pk); td::Ed25519::PublicKey export_key() { return td::Ed25519::PublicKey{td::SecureString(data_.as_slice())}; } auto raw() const { return data_; } td::uint32 serialized_size() const { return 36; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const; bool operator==(const Ed25519 &with) const { return data_ == with.data_; } bool operator!=(const Ed25519 &with) const { return data_ != with.data_; } }; class AES { private: td::Bits256 data_; public: ~AES() { data_.set_zero_s(); } AES(const ton_api::pub_aes &obj) { data_ = obj.key_; } AES(td::Slice data) { CHECK(data.size() == 32); data_.as_slice().copy_from(data); } AES(td::Bits256 data) : data_(data) { } td::uint32 serialized_size() const { return 36; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const; bool operator==(const AES &with) const { return data_ == with.data_; } bool operator!=(const AES &with) const { return data_ != with.data_; } }; class Unenc { private: td::SharedSlice data_; public: Unenc(const ton_api::pub_unenc &obj) { data_ = td::SharedSlice{obj.data_.as_slice()}; } Unenc(const Unenc &obj) { data_ = obj.data_.clone(); } explicit Unenc(td::BufferSlice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data.as_slice()}) { } explicit Unenc(td::Slice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data}) { } explicit Unenc(td::SharedSlice data) : data_(std::move(data)) { } td::uint32 serialized_size() const { return static_cast(data_.size()) + 8; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const; bool operator==(const Unenc &with) const { return data_.as_slice() == with.data_.as_slice(); } bool operator!=(const Unenc &with) const { return data_.as_slice() != with.data_.as_slice(); } }; // namespace pubkeys class Overlay { private: td::SharedSlice data_; public: Overlay(const ton_api::pub_overlay &obj) { data_ = td::SharedSlice{obj.name_.as_slice()}; } Overlay(const Overlay &obj) { data_ = obj.data_.clone(); } explicit Overlay(td::BufferSlice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data.as_slice()}) { } explicit Overlay(td::Slice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data}) { } explicit Overlay(td::SharedSlice data) : data_(std::move(data)) { } td::uint32 serialized_size() const { return static_cast(data_.size()) + 8; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const; bool operator==(const Overlay &with) const { return data_.as_slice() == with.data_.as_slice(); } bool operator!=(const Overlay &with) const { return data_.as_slice() != with.data_.as_slice(); } }; } // namespace pubkeys class PublicKey { private: class Empty { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { UNREACHABLE(); } td::uint32 serialized_size() const { UNREACHABLE(); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const { UNREACHABLE(); } bool operator==(const Empty &with) const { return false; } bool operator!=(const Empty &with) const { return true; } }; td::Variant pub_key_{Empty{}}; public: explicit PublicKey(const tl_object_ptr &id); PublicKey() { } PublicKey(pubkeys::Ed25519 pub) : pub_key_(std::move(pub)) { } PublicKey(pubkeys::AES pub) : pub_key_(std::move(pub)) { } PublicKey(pubkeys::Unenc pub) : pub_key_(std::move(pub)) { } PublicKey(pubkeys::Overlay pub) : pub_key_(std::move(pub)) { } bool empty() const; PublicKeyHash compute_short_id() const; td::uint32 serialized_size() const; tl_object_ptr tl() const; td::BufferSlice export_as_slice() const; static td::Result import(td::Slice s); bool is_ed25519() const { return pub_key_.get_offset() == pub_key_.offset(); } pubkeys::Ed25519 ed25519_value() const { CHECK(pub_key_.get_offset() == pub_key_.offset()); return pub_key_.get(); } td::Result> create_encryptor() const; td::Result> create_encryptor_async() const; bool operator==(const PublicKey &with) const { return pub_key_ == with.pub_key_; } bool operator!=(const PublicKey &with) const { return !(pub_key_ == with.pub_key_); } }; namespace privkeys { class Ed25519 { private: td::Bits256 data_; public: ~Ed25519() { data_.set_zero_s(); } Ed25519(const ton_api::pk_ed25519 &obj) { data_ = obj.key_; } Ed25519(td::Bits256 id) : data_(id) { id.set_zero_s(); } Ed25519(td::Slice data) { CHECK(data.size() == 32); data_.as_slice().copy_from(data); } Ed25519() { } Ed25519(td::Ed25519::PrivateKey pk); td::Ed25519::PrivateKey export_key() { return td::Ed25519::PrivateKey{td::SecureString(data_.as_slice())}; } td::SecureString export_as_slice() const { td::SecureString s{36}; auto id = ton_api::pk_ed25519::ID; s.as_mutable_slice().copy_from(td::Slice{reinterpret_cast(&id), 4}); s.as_mutable_slice().remove_prefix(4).copy_from(data_.as_slice()); return s; } bool exportable() const { return true; } static td::Result import(td::Slice slice) { if (slice.size() != 32) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::error, "bad length"); } return Ed25519{slice}; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_); } tl_object_ptr pub_tl() const; pubkeys::Ed25519 pub() const; td::Result> create_decryptor() const; static Ed25519 random(); }; class AES { private: td::Bits256 data_; public: ~AES() { data_.set_zero_s(); } AES(const ton_api::pk_aes &obj) { data_ = obj.key_; } AES(td::Slice data) { CHECK(data.size() == 32); data_.as_slice().copy_from(data); } td::SecureString export_as_slice() const { td::SecureString s{40}; auto id = ton_api::pk_aes::ID; s.as_mutable_slice().copy_from(td::Slice{reinterpret_cast(&id), 4}); s.as_mutable_slice().remove_prefix(4).copy_from(data_.as_slice()); return s; } bool exportable() const { return true; } static td::Result import(td::Slice slice) { if (slice.size() != 32) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::error, "bad length"); } return AES{slice}; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_); } tl_object_ptr pub_tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_); } pubkeys::AES pub() const { return pubkeys::AES{data_}; } td::Result> create_decryptor() const; }; class Unenc { private: td::SharedSlice data_; public: Unenc(const ton_api::pk_unenc &obj) { data_ = td::SharedSlice{obj.data_.as_slice()}; } Unenc(const Unenc &obj) { data_ = obj.data_.clone(); } explicit Unenc(td::BufferSlice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data.as_slice()}) { } explicit Unenc(td::Slice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data}) { } explicit Unenc(td::SharedSlice data) : data_(std::move(data)) { } td::SecureString export_as_slice() const { UNREACHABLE(); } bool exportable() const { return false; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } tl_object_ptr pub_tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } pubkeys::Unenc pub() const { return pubkeys::Unenc{data_.clone()}; } td::Result> create_decryptor() const; }; class Overlay { private: td::SharedSlice data_; public: Overlay(const ton_api::pk_overlay &obj) { data_ = td::SharedSlice{obj.name_.as_slice()}; } Overlay(const Overlay &obj) { data_ = obj.data_.clone(); } explicit Overlay(td::BufferSlice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data.as_slice()}) { } explicit Overlay(td::Slice data) : data_(td::SharedSlice{data}) { } explicit Overlay(td::SharedSlice data) : data_(std::move(data)) { } td::SecureString export_as_slice() const { UNREACHABLE(); } bool exportable() const { return false; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } tl_object_ptr pub_tl() const { return create_tl_object(data_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } pubkeys::Overlay pub() const { return pubkeys::Overlay{data_.clone()}; } td::Result> create_decryptor() const; }; } // namespace privkeys class PrivateKey { private: class Empty { public: td::SecureString export_as_slice() const { UNREACHABLE(); } bool exportable() const { return false; } tl_object_ptr tl() const { UNREACHABLE(); } tl_object_ptr pub_tl() const { UNREACHABLE(); } PublicKey pub() const { UNREACHABLE(); } td::Result> create_decryptor() const { UNREACHABLE(); } }; td::Variant priv_key_{Empty{}}; public: explicit PrivateKey(const tl_object_ptr &pk); template PrivateKey(T key) : priv_key_(std::move(key)) { } PrivateKey() { } bool empty() const; PublicKey compute_public_key() const; PublicKeyHash compute_short_id() const; td::SecureString export_as_slice() const; static td::Result import(td::Slice s); bool exportable() const; tl_object_ptr tl() const; td::Result> create_decryptor() const; td::Result> create_decryptor_async() const; }; } // namespace ton