;; Elector smartcontract #include "stdlib.fc"; (slice, cell) loadDict(slice s) pure { return load_dict(s); } (slice, int) loadGrams(slice s) pure { return load_grams(s); } (slice, int) loadUint(slice s, int len) pure { return load_uint(s, len); } () endParse(slice s) { return end_parse(s); } builder storeDict(builder b, cell c) pure { return store_dict(b, c); } builder storeUint(builder b, int x, int len) pure { return store_uint(b, x, len); } () throwUnless(int excno, int cond) { return throw_unless(excno, cond); } cell configParam(int paramNo) pure { return config_param(paramNo); } forall X -> int isNull(X x) pure { return null?(x); } (slice, int) tryUDictGet(cell dict, int keyLen, int index) pure { return udict_get?(dict, keyLen, index); } ;; cur_elect credits past_elections grams active_id active_hash (cell, cell, cell, int, int, int) load_data() inline_ref { var cs = get_data().begin_parse(); var res = (cs~loadDict(), cs~loadDict(), cs~load_dict(), cs~loadGrams(), cs~loadUint(32), cs~load_uint(256)); cs.endParse(); return res; } ;; cur_elect credits past_elections grams active_id active_hash () store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) inline_ref { set_data(begin_cell() .storeDict(elect) .store_dict(credits) .storeDict(past_elections) .store_grams(grams) .store_uint(active_id, 32) .storeUint(active_hash, 256) .end_cell()); } ;; elect -> elect_at elect_close min_stake total_stake members failed finished _ unpack_elect(elect) inline_ref { var es = elect.begin_parse(); var res = (es~load_uint(32), es~load_uint(32), es~load_grams(), es~load_grams(), es~load_dict(), es~load_int(1), es~load_int(1)); es.end_parse(); return res; } cell pack_elect(elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) inline_ref { return begin_cell() .store_uint(elect_at, 32) .store_uint(elect_close, 32) .store_grams(min_stake) .store_grams(total_stake) .store_dict(members) .store_int(failed, 1) .store_int(finished, 1) .end_cell(); } ;; slice -> unfreeze_at stake_held vset_hash frozen_dict total_stake bonuses complaints _ unpack_past_election(slice fs) inline_ref { var res = (fs~load_uint(32), fs~load_uint(32), fs~load_uint(256), fs~load_dict(), fs~load_grams(), fs~load_grams(), fs~load_dict()); fs.end_parse(); return res; } builder pack_past_election(int unfreeze_at, int stake_held, int vset_hash, cell frozen_dict, int total_stake, int bonuses, cell complaints) inline_ref { return begin_cell() .store_uint(unfreeze_at, 32) .store_uint(stake_held, 32) .store_uint(vset_hash, 256) .store_dict(frozen_dict) .store_grams(total_stake) .store_grams(bonuses) .store_dict(complaints); } ;; complaint_status#2d complaint:^ValidatorComplaint voters:(HashmapE 16 True) ;; vset_id:uint256 weight_remaining:int64 = ValidatorComplaintStatus; _ unpack_complaint_status(slice cs) inline_ref { throwUnless(9, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x2d); var res = (cs~load_ref(), cs~load_dict(), cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_int(64)); cs.end_parse(); return res; } builder pack_complaint_status(cell complaint, cell voters, int vset_id, int weight_remaining) inline_ref { return begin_cell() .storeUint(0x2d, 8) .store_ref(complaint) .store_dict(voters) .store_uint(vset_id, 256) .store_int(weight_remaining, 64); } ;; validator_complaint#bc validator_pubkey:uint256 description:^ComplaintDescr ;; created_at:uint32 severity:uint8 reward_addr:uint256 paid:Grams suggested_fine:Grams ;; suggested_fine_part:uint32 = ValidatorComplaint; _ unpack_complaint(slice cs) inline_ref { throw_unless(9, cs~load_int(8) == 0xbc - 0x100); var res = (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_ref(), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(8), cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_uint(32)); cs.end_parse(); return res; } builder pack_complaint(int validator_pubkey, cell description, int created_at, int severity, int reward_addr, int paid, int suggested_fine, int suggested_fine_part) inline_ref { return begin_cell() .store_int(0xbc - 0x100, 8) .store_uint(validator_pubkey, 256) .store_ref(description) .store_uint(created_at, 32) .store_uint(severity, 8) .store_uint(reward_addr, 256) .store_grams(paid) .store_grams(suggested_fine) .store_uint(suggested_fine_part, 32); } ;; complaint_prices#1a deposit:Grams bit_price:Grams cell_price:Grams = ComplaintPricing; (int, int, int) parse_complaint_prices(cell info) inline { var cs = info.begin_parse(); throw_unless(9, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x1a); var res = (cs~load_grams(), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_grams()); cs.end_parse(); return res; } ;; deposit bit_price cell_price (int, int, int) get_complaint_prices() inline_ref { var info = configParam(13); return info.isNull() ? (1 << 36, 1, 512) : info.parse_complaint_prices(); } ;; elected_for elections_begin_before elections_end_before stake_held_for (int, int, int, int) get_validator_conf() { var cs = config_param(15).begin_parse(); return (cs~load_int(32), cs~load_int(32), cs~load_int(32), cs.preload_int(32)); } ;; next three functions return information about current validator set (config param #34) ;; they are borrowed from config-code.fc (cell, int, cell) get_current_vset() inline_ref { var vset = config_param(34); var cs = begin_parse(vset); ;; validators_ext#12 utime_since:uint32 utime_until:uint32 ;; total:(## 16) main:(## 16) { main <= total } { main >= 1 } ;; total_weight:uint64 throw_unless(40, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x12); cs~skip_bits(32 + 32 + 16 + 16); var (total_weight, dict) = (cs~load_uint(64), cs~load_dict()); cs.end_parse(); return (vset, total_weight, dict); } (slice, int) get_validator_descr(int idx) inline_ref { var (vset, total_weight, dict) = get_current_vset(); var (value, _) = dict.udict_get?(16, idx); return (value, total_weight); } (int, int) unpack_validator_descr(slice cs) inline { ;; ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a pubkey:bits256 = SigPubKey; ;; validator#53 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 = ValidatorDescr; ;; validator_addr#73 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 adnl_addr:bits256 = ValidatorDescr; throw_unless(41, (cs~load_uint(8) & ~ 0x20) == 0x53); throw_unless(41, cs~load_uint(32) == 0x8e81278a); return (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(64)); } () send_message_back(addr, ans_tag, query_id, body, grams, mode) inline_ref { ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool src:MsgAddress -> 011000 var msg = begin_cell() .store_uint(0x18, 6) .store_slice(addr) .store_grams(grams) .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1) .store_uint(ans_tag, 32) .store_uint(query_id, 64); if (body >= 0) { msg~store_uint(body, 32); } send_raw_message(msg.end_cell(), mode); } () return_stake(addr, query_id, reason) inline_ref { return send_message_back(addr, 0xee6f454c, query_id, reason, 0, 64); } () send_confirmation(addr, query_id, comment) inline_ref { return send_message_back(addr, 0xf374484c, query_id, comment, 1000000000, 2); } () send_validator_set_to_config(config_addr, vset, query_id) inline_ref { var msg = begin_cell() .store_uint(0xc4ff, 17) ;; 0 11000100 0xff .store_uint(config_addr, 256) .store_grams(1 << 30) ;; ~1 gram of value to process and obtain answer .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1) .store_uint(0x4e565354, 32) .store_uint(query_id, 64) .store_ref(vset); send_raw_message(msg.end_cell(), 1); } ;; credits 'amount' to 'addr' inside credit dictionary 'credits' _ ~credit_to(credits, addr, amount) inline_ref { var (val, f) = credits.tryUDictGet(256, addr); if (f) { amount += val~load_grams(); } credits~udict_set_builder(256, addr, begin_cell().store_grams(amount)); return (credits, ()); } () process_new_stake(s_addr, msg_value, cs, query_id) inline_ref { var (src_wc, src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); var ds = get_data().begin_parse(); var elect = ds~load_dict(); if (elect.null?() | (src_wc + 1)) { ;; no elections active, or source is not in masterchain ;; bounce message return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 0); } ;; parse the remainder of new stake message var validator_pubkey = cs~load_uint(256); var stake_at = cs~load_uint(32); var max_factor = cs~load_uint(32); var adnl_addr = cs~load_uint(256); var signature = cs~load_ref().begin_parse().preload_bits(512); cs.end_parse(); ifnot (check_data_signature(begin_cell() .store_uint(0x654c5074, 32) .store_uint(stake_at, 32) .store_uint(max_factor, 32) .store_uint(src_addr, 256) .store_uint(adnl_addr, 256) .end_cell().begin_parse(), signature, validator_pubkey)) { ;; incorrect signature, return stake return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 1); } if (max_factor < 0x10000) { ;; factor must be >= 1. = 65536/65536 return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 6); } ;; parse current election data var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); ;; elect_at~dump(); msg_value -= 1000000000; ;; deduct GR$1 for sending confirmation if ((msg_value << 12) < total_stake) { ;; stake smaller than 1/4096 of the total accumulated stakes, return return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 2); } total_stake += msg_value; ;; (provisionally) increase total stake if (stake_at != elect_at) { ;; stake for some other elections, return return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 3); } if (finished) { ;; elections already finished, return stake return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 0); } var (mem, found) = members.udict_get?(256, validator_pubkey); if (found) { ;; entry found, merge stakes msg_value += mem~load_grams(); mem~load_uint(64); ;; skip timestamp and max_factor found = (src_addr != mem~load_uint(256)); } if (found) { ;; can make stakes for a public key from one address only return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 4); } if (msg_value < min_stake) { ;; stake too small, return it return return_stake(s_addr, query_id, 5); } throw_unless(44, msg_value); accept_message(); ;; store stake in the dictionary members~udict_set_builder(256, validator_pubkey, begin_cell() .store_grams(msg_value) .store_uint(now(), 32) .store_uint(max_factor, 32) .store_uint(src_addr, 256) .store_uint(adnl_addr, 256)); ;; gather and save election data elect = pack_elect(elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, false, false); set_data(begin_cell().store_dict(elect).store_slice(ds).end_cell()); ;; return confirmation message if (query_id) { return send_confirmation(s_addr, query_id, 0); } return (); } (cell, int) unfreeze_without_bonuses(credits, freeze_dict, tot_stakes) inline_ref { var total = var recovered = 0; var pubkey = -1; do { (pubkey, var cs, var f) = freeze_dict.udict_get_next?(256, pubkey); if (f) { var (addr, weight, stake, banned) = (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(64), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_int(1)); cs.end_parse(); if (banned) { recovered += stake; } else { credits~credit_to(addr, stake); } total += stake; } } until (~ f); throw_unless(59, total == tot_stakes); return (credits, recovered); } (cell, int) unfreeze_with_bonuses(credits, freeze_dict, tot_stakes, tot_bonuses) inline_ref { var total = var recovered = var returned_bonuses = 0; var pubkey = -1; do { (pubkey, var cs, var f) = freeze_dict.udict_get_next?(256, pubkey); if (f) { var (addr, weight, stake, banned) = (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(64), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_int(1)); cs.end_parse(); if (banned) { recovered += stake; } else { var bonus = muldiv(tot_bonuses, stake, tot_stakes); returned_bonuses += bonus; credits~credit_to(addr, stake + bonus); } total += stake; } } until (~ f); throw_unless(59, (total == tot_stakes) & (returned_bonuses <= tot_bonuses)); return (credits, recovered + tot_bonuses - returned_bonuses); } int stakes_sum(frozen_dict) inline_ref { var total = 0; var pubkey = -1; do { (pubkey, var cs, var f) = frozen_dict.udict_get_next?(256, pubkey); if (f) { cs~skip_bits(256 + 64); total += cs~load_grams(); } } until (~ f); return total; } _ unfreeze_all(credits, past_elections, elect_id) inline_ref { var (fs, f) = past_elections~udict_delete_get?(32, elect_id); ifnot (f) { ;; no elections with this id return (credits, past_elections, 0); } var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, fdict, tot_stakes, bonuses, complaints) = fs.unpack_past_election(); ;; tot_stakes = fdict.stakes_sum(); ;; TEMP BUGFIX var unused_prizes = (bonuses > 0) ? credits~unfreeze_with_bonuses(fdict, tot_stakes, bonuses) : credits~unfreeze_without_bonuses(fdict, tot_stakes); return (credits, past_elections, unused_prizes); } () config_set_confirmed(s_addr, cs, query_id, ok) inline_ref { var (src_wc, src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); var config_addr = config_param(0).begin_parse().preload_uint(256); var ds = get_data().begin_parse(); var elect = ds~load_dict(); if ((src_wc + 1) | (src_addr != config_addr) | elect.isNull()) { ;; not from config smc, somebody's joke? ;; or no elections active (or just completed) return (); } var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); if ((elect_at != query_id) | ~ finished) { ;; not these elections, or elections not finished yet return (); } accept_message(); ifnot (ok) { ;; cancel elections, return stakes var (credits, past_elections, grams) = (ds~load_dict(), ds~load_dict(), ds~load_grams()); (credits, past_elections, var unused_prizes) = unfreeze_all(credits, past_elections, elect_at); set_data(begin_cell() .store_int(false, 1) .store_dict(credits) .store_dict(past_elections) .store_grams(grams + unused_prizes) .store_slice(ds) .end_cell()); } ;; ... do not remove elect until we see this set as the next elected validator set } () process_simple_transfer(s_addr, msg_value) inline_ref { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); (int src_wc, int src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); if (src_addr | (src_wc + 1) | (active_id == 0)) { ;; simple transfer to us (credit "nobody's" account) ;; (or no known active validator set) grams += msg_value; return store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); } ;; zero source address -1:00..00 (collecting validator fees) var (fs, f) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, active_id); ifnot (f) { ;; active validator set not found (?) grams += msg_value; } else { ;; credit active validator set bonuses var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, hash, dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints) = fs.unpack_past_election(); bonuses += msg_value; past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, active_id, pack_past_election(unfreeze_at, stake_held, hash, dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints)); } return store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); } () recover_stake(op, s_addr, cs, query_id) inline_ref { (int src_wc, int src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); if (src_wc + 1) { ;; not from masterchain, return error return send_message_back(s_addr, 0xfffffffe, query_id, op, 0, 64); } var ds = get_data().begin_parse(); var (elect, credits) = (ds~load_dict(), ds~load_dict()); var (cs, f) = credits~udict_delete_get?(256, src_addr); ifnot (f) { ;; no credit for sender, return error return send_message_back(s_addr, 0xfffffffe, query_id, op, 0, 64); } var amount = cs~load_grams(); cs.end_parse(); ;; save data set_data(begin_cell().store_dict(elect).store_dict(credits).store_slice(ds).end_cell()); ;; send amount to sender in a new message send_raw_message(begin_cell() .store_uint(0x18, 6) .store_slice(s_addr) .store_grams(amount) .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1) .store_uint(0xf96f7324, 32) .store_uint(query_id, 64) .end_cell(), 64); } () after_code_upgrade(slice s_addr, slice cs, int query_id) method_id(1666) { var op = 0x4e436f64; return send_message_back(s_addr, 0xce436f64, query_id, op, 0, 64); } int upgrade_code(s_addr, cs, query_id) inline_ref { var c_addr = config_param(0); if (c_addr.null?()) { ;; no configuration smart contract known return false; } var config_addr = c_addr.begin_parse().preload_uint(256); var (src_wc, src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); if ((src_wc + 1) | (src_addr != config_addr)) { ;; not from configuration smart contract, return error return false; } accept_message(); var code = cs~load_ref(); set_code(code); ifnot(cs.slice_empty?()) { set_c3(code.begin_parse().bless()); after_code_upgrade(s_addr, cs, query_id); throw(0); } return true; } int register_complaint(s_addr, complaint, msg_value) { var (src_wc, src_addr) = parse_std_addr(s_addr); if (src_wc + 1) { ;; not from masterchain, return error return -1; } if (complaint.slice_depth() >= 128) { return -3; ;; invalid complaint } var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var election_id = complaint~load_uint(32); var (fs, f) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, election_id); ifnot (f) { ;; election not found return -2; } var expire_in = fs.preload_uint(32) - now(); if (expire_in <= 0) { ;; already expired return -4; } var (validator_pubkey, description, created_at, severity, reward_addr, paid, suggested_fine, suggested_fine_part) = unpack_complaint(complaint); reward_addr = src_addr; created_at = now(); ;; compute complaint storage/creation price var (deposit, bit_price, cell_price) = get_complaint_prices(); var (_, bits, refs) = slice_compute_data_size(complaint, 4096); var pps = (bits + 1024) * bit_price + (refs + 2) * cell_price; paid = pps * expire_in + deposit; if (msg_value < paid + (1 << 30)) { ;; not enough money return -5; } ;; re-pack modified complaint cell complaint = pack_complaint(validator_pubkey, description, created_at, severity, reward_addr, paid, suggested_fine, suggested_fine_part).end_cell(); var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints) = unpack_past_election(fs); var (fs, f) = frozen_dict.udict_get?(256, validator_pubkey); ifnot (f) { ;; no such validator, cannot complain return -6; } fs~skip_bits(256 + 64); ;; addr weight var validator_stake = fs~load_grams(); int fine = suggested_fine + muldiv(validator_stake, suggested_fine_part, 1 << 32); if (fine > validator_stake) { ;; validator's stake is less than suggested fine return -7; } if (fine <= paid) { ;; fine is less than the money paid for creating complaint return -8; } ;; create complaint status var cstatus = pack_complaint_status(complaint, null(), 0, 0); ;; save complaint status into complaints var cpl_id = complaint.cell_hash(); ifnot (complaints~udict_add_builder?(256, cpl_id, cstatus)) { return -9; ;; complaint already exists } ;; pack past election info past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, election_id, pack_past_election(unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints)); ;; pack persistent data ;; next line can be commented, but it saves a lot of stack manipulations var (elect, credits, _, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); return paid; } (cell, cell, int, int) punish(credits, frozen, complaint) inline_ref { var (validator_pubkey, description, created_at, severity, reward_addr, paid, suggested_fine, suggested_fine_part) = complaint.begin_parse().unpack_complaint(); var (cs, f) = frozen.udict_get?(256, validator_pubkey); ifnot (f) { ;; no validator to punish return (credits, frozen, 0, 0); } var (addr, weight, stake, banned) = (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(64), cs~load_grams(), cs~load_int(1)); cs.end_parse(); int fine = min(stake, suggested_fine + muldiv(stake, suggested_fine_part, 1 << 32)); stake -= fine; frozen~udict_set_builder(256, validator_pubkey, begin_cell() .store_uint(addr, 256) .store_uint(weight, 64) .store_grams(stake) .store_int(banned, 1)); int reward = min(fine >> 3, paid * 8); credits~credit_to(reward_addr, reward); return (credits, frozen, fine - reward, fine); } (cell, cell, int) register_vote(complaints, chash, idx, weight) inline_ref { var (cstatus, found?) = complaints.udict_get?(256, chash); ifnot (found?) { ;; complaint not found return (complaints, null(), -1); } var (cur_vset, total_weight, _) = get_current_vset(); int cur_vset_id = cur_vset.cell_hash(); var (complaint, voters, vset_id, weight_remaining) = unpack_complaint_status(cstatus); int vset_old? = (vset_id != cur_vset_id); if ((weight_remaining < 0) & vset_old?) { ;; previous validator set already collected 2/3 votes, skip new votes return (complaints, null(), -3); } if (vset_old?) { ;; complaint votes belong to a previous validator set, reset voting vset_id = cur_vset_id; voters = null(); weight_remaining = muldiv(total_weight, 2, 3); } var (_, found?) = voters.udict_get?(16, idx); if (found?) { ;; already voted for this proposal, ignore vote return (complaints, null(), 0); } ;; register vote voters~udict_set_builder(16, idx, begin_cell().store_uint(now(), 32)); int old_wr = weight_remaining; weight_remaining -= weight; old_wr ^= weight_remaining; ;; save voters and weight_remaining complaints~udict_set_builder(256, chash, pack_complaint_status(complaint, voters, vset_id, weight_remaining)); if (old_wr >= 0) { ;; not enough votes or already accepted return (complaints, null(), 1); } ;; complaint wins, prepare punishment return (complaints, complaint, 2); } int proceed_register_vote(election_id, chash, idx, weight) inline_ref { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var (fs, f) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, election_id); ifnot (f) { ;; election not found return -2; } var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints) = unpack_past_election(fs); (complaints, var accepted_complaint, var status) = register_vote(complaints, chash, idx, weight); if (status <= 0) { return status; } ifnot (accepted_complaint.null?()) { (credits, frozen_dict, int fine_unalloc, int fine_collected) = punish(credits, frozen_dict, accepted_complaint); grams += fine_unalloc; total_stake -= fine_collected; } past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, election_id, pack_past_election(unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints)); store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); return status; } () recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) { ;; do nothing for internal messages var cs = in_msg_cell.begin_parse(); var flags = cs~load_uint(4); ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool if (flags & 1) { ;; ignore all bounced messages return (); } var s_addr = cs~load_msg_addr(); if (in_msg.slice_empty?()) { ;; inbound message has empty body return process_simple_transfer(s_addr, msg_value); } int op = in_msg~load_uint(32); if (op == 0) { ;; simple transfer with comment, return return process_simple_transfer(s_addr, msg_value); } int query_id = in_msg~load_uint(64); if (op == 0x4e73744b) { ;; new stake message return process_new_stake(s_addr, msg_value, in_msg, query_id); } if (op == 0x47657424) { ;; recover stake request return recover_stake(op, s_addr, in_msg, query_id); } if (op == 0x4e436f64) { ;; upgrade code (accepted only from configuration smart contract) var ok = upgrade_code(s_addr, in_msg, query_id); return send_message_back(s_addr, ok ? 0xce436f64 : 0xffffffff, query_id, op, 0, 64); } var cfg_ok = (op == 0xee764f4b); if (cfg_ok | (op == 0xee764f6f)) { ;; confirmation from configuration smart contract return config_set_confirmed(s_addr, in_msg, query_id, cfg_ok); } if (op == 0x52674370) { ;; new complaint var price = register_complaint(s_addr, in_msg, msg_value); int mode = 64; int ans_tag = - price; if (price >= 0) { ;; ok, debit price raw_reserve(price, 4); ans_tag = 0; mode = 128; } return send_message_back(s_addr, ans_tag + 0xf2676350, query_id, op, 0, mode); } if (op == 0x56744370) { ;; vote for a complaint var signature = in_msg~load_bits(512); var msg_body = in_msg; var (sign_tag, idx, elect_id, chash) = (in_msg~load_uint(32), in_msg~load_uint(16), in_msg~load_uint(32), in_msg~load_uint(256)); in_msg.end_parse(); throw_unless(37, sign_tag == 0x56744350); var (vdescr, total_weight) = get_validator_descr(idx); var (val_pubkey, weight) = unpack_validator_descr(vdescr); throw_unless(34, check_data_signature(msg_body, signature, val_pubkey)); int res = proceed_register_vote(elect_id, chash, idx, weight); return send_message_back(s_addr, res + 0xd6745240, query_id, op, 0, 64); } ifnot (op & (1 << 31)) { ;; unknown query, return error return send_message_back(s_addr, 0xffffffff, query_id, op, 0, 64); } ;; unknown answer, ignore return (); } int postpone_elections() { return false; } ;; computes the total stake out of the first n entries of list l _ compute_total_stake(l, n, m_stake) inline_ref { int tot_stake = 0; repeat (n) { (var h, l) = uncons(l); var stake = h.at(0); var max_f = h.at(1); stake = min(stake, (max_f * m_stake) >> 16); tot_stake += stake; } return tot_stake; } (cell, cell, int, cell, int, int) try_elect(credits, members, min_stake, max_stake, min_total_stake, max_stake_factor) { var cs = 16.config_param().begin_parse(); var (max_validators, _, min_validators) = (cs~load_uint(16), cs~load_uint(16), cs~load_uint(16)); cs.end_parse(); min_validators = max(min_validators, 1); int n = 0; var sdict = new_dict(); var pubkey = -1; do { (pubkey, var cs, var f) = members.udict_get_next?(256, pubkey); if (f) { var (stake, time, max_factor, addr, adnl_addr) = (cs~load_grams(), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(256)); cs.end_parse(); var key = begin_cell() .store_uint(stake, 128) .store_int(- time, 32) .store_uint(pubkey, 256) .end_cell().begin_parse(); sdict~dict_set_builder(128 + 32 + 256, key, begin_cell() .store_uint(min(max_factor, max_stake_factor), 32) .store_uint(addr, 256) .store_uint(adnl_addr, 256)); n += 1; } } until (~ f); n = min(n, max_validators); if (n < min_validators) { return (credits, new_dict(), 0, new_dict(), 0, 0); } var l = nil; do { var (key, cs, f) = sdict~dict::delete_get_min(128 + 32 + 256); if (f) { var (stake, _, pubkey) = (min(key~load_uint(128), max_stake), key~load_uint(32), key.preload_uint(256)); var (max_f, _, adnl_addr) = (cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(256), cs.preload_uint(256)); l = cons([stake, max_f, pubkey, adnl_addr], l); } } until (~ f); ;; l is the list of all stakes in decreasing order int i = min_validators - 1; var l1 = l; repeat (i) { l1 = cdr(l1); } var (best_stake, m) = (0, 0); do { var stake = l1~list_next().at(0); i += 1; if (stake >= min_stake) { var tot_stake = compute_total_stake(l, i, stake); if (tot_stake > best_stake) { (best_stake, m) = (tot_stake, i); } } } until (i >= n); if ((m == 0) | (best_stake < min_total_stake)) { return (credits, new_dict(), 0, new_dict(), 0, 0); } ;; we have to select first m validators from list l l1 = touch(l); ;; l1~dump(); ;; DEBUG repeat (m - 1) { l1 = cdr(l1); } var m_stake = car(l1).at(0); ;; minimal stake ;; create both the new validator set and the refund set int i = 0; var tot_stake = 0; var tot_weight = 0; var vset = new_dict(); var frozen = new_dict(); do { var [stake, max_f, pubkey, adnl_addr] = l~list_next(); ;; lookup source address first var (val, f) = members.udict_get?(256, pubkey); throw_unless(61, f); (_, _, var src_addr) = (val~load_grams(), val~load_uint(64), val.preload_uint(256)); if (i < m) { ;; one of the first m members, include into validator set var true_stake = min(stake, (max_f * m_stake) >> 16); stake -= true_stake; ;; ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a pubkey:bits256 = SigPubKey; // 288 bits ;; validator_addr#73 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 adnl_addr:bits256 = ValidatorDescr; var weight = (true_stake << 60) / best_stake; tot_stake += true_stake; tot_weight += weight; var vinfo = begin_cell() .store_uint(adnl_addr ? 0x73 : 0x53, 8) ;; validator_addr#73 or validator#53 .store_uint(0x8e81278a, 32) ;; ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a .store_uint(pubkey, 256) ;; pubkey:bits256 .store_uint(weight, 64); ;; weight:uint64 if (adnl_addr) { vinfo~store_uint(adnl_addr, 256); ;; adnl_addr:bits256 } vset~udict_set_builder(16, i, vinfo); frozen~udict_set_builder(256, pubkey, begin_cell() .store_uint(src_addr, 256) .store_uint(weight, 64) .store_grams(true_stake) .store_int(false, 1)); } if (stake) { ;; non-zero unused part of the stake, credit to the source address credits~credit_to(src_addr, stake); } i += 1; } until (l.null?()); throw_unless(49, tot_stake == best_stake); return (credits, vset, tot_weight, frozen, tot_stake, m); } int conduct_elections(ds, elect, credits) { var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); if (now() < elect_close) { ;; elections not finished yet return false; } if (config_param(0).null?()) { ;; no configuration smart contract to send result to return postpone_elections(); } var cs = config_param(17).begin_parse(); min_stake = cs~load_grams(); var max_stake = cs~load_grams(); var min_total_stake = cs~load_grams(); var max_stake_factor = cs~load_uint(32); cs.end_parse(); if (total_stake < min_total_stake) { ;; insufficient total stake, postpone elections return postpone_elections(); } if (failed) { ;; do not retry failed elections until new stakes arrive return postpone_elections(); } if (finished) { ;; elections finished return false; } (credits, var vdict, var total_weight, var frozen, var total_stakes, var cnt) = try_elect(credits, members, min_stake, max_stake, min_total_stake, max_stake_factor); ;; pack elections; if cnt==0, set failed=true, finished=false. failed = (cnt == 0); finished = ~ failed; elect = pack_elect(elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished); ifnot (cnt) { ;; elections failed, set elect_failed to true set_data(begin_cell().store_dict(elect).store_dict(credits).store_slice(ds).end_cell()); return postpone_elections(); } ;; serialize a query to the configuration smart contract ;; to install the computed validator set as the next validator set var (elect_for, elect_begin_before, elect_end_before, stake_held) = get_validator_conf(); var start = max(now() + elect_end_before - 60, elect_at); var main_validators = config_param(16).begin_parse().skip_bits(16).preload_uint(16); var vset = begin_cell() .store_uint(0x12, 8) ;; validators_ext#12 .store_uint(start, 32) ;; utime_since:uint32 .store_uint(start + elect_for, 32) ;; utime_until:uint32 .store_uint(cnt, 16) ;; total:(## 16) .store_uint(min(cnt, main_validators), 16) ;; main:(## 16) .store_uint(total_weight, 64) ;; total_weight:uint64 .store_dict(vdict) ;; list:(HashmapE 16 ValidatorDescr) .end_cell(); var config_addr = config_param(0).begin_parse().preload_uint(256); send_validator_set_to_config(config_addr, vset, elect_at); ;; add frozen to the dictionary of past elections var past_elections = ds~load_dict(); past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, elect_at, pack_past_election( start + elect_for + stake_held, stake_held, vset.cell_hash(), frozen, total_stakes, 0, null())); ;; store credits and frozen until end set_data(begin_cell() .store_dict(elect) .store_dict(credits) .store_dict(past_elections) .store_slice(ds) .end_cell()); return true; } int update_active_vset_id() { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var cur_hash = config_param(34).cell_hash(); if (cur_hash == active_hash) { ;; validator set unchanged return false; } if (active_id) { ;; active_id becomes inactive var (fs, f) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, active_id); if (f) { ;; adjust unfreeze time of this validator set var unfreeze_time = fs~load_uint(32); var fs0 = fs; var (stake_held, hash) = (fs~load_uint(32), fs~load_uint(256)); throw_unless(57, hash == active_hash); unfreeze_time = now() + stake_held; past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, active_id, begin_cell() .store_uint(unfreeze_time, 32) .store_slice(fs0)); } } ;; look up new active_id by hash var id = -1; do { (id, var fs, var f) = past_elections.udict_get_next?(32, id); if (f) { var (tm, hash) = (fs~load_uint(64), fs~load_uint(256)); if (hash == cur_hash) { ;; parse more of this record var (dict, total_stake, bonuses) = (fs~load_dict(), fs~load_grams(), fs~load_grams()); ;; transfer 1/8 of accumulated everybody's grams to this validator set as bonuses var amount = (grams >> 3); grams -= amount; bonuses += amount; ;; serialize back past_elections~udict_set_builder(32, id, begin_cell() .store_uint(tm, 64) .store_uint(hash, 256) .store_dict(dict) .store_grams(total_stake) .store_grams(bonuses) .store_slice(fs)); ;; found f = false; } } } until (~ f); active_id = (id.null?() ? 0 : id); active_hash = cur_hash; store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); return true; } int cell_hash_eq?(cell vset, int expected_vset_hash) inline_ref { return vset.null?() ? false : cell_hash(vset) == expected_vset_hash; } int validator_set_installed(ds, elect, credits) { var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); ifnot (finished) { ;; elections not finished yet return false; } var past_elections = ds~load_dict(); var (fs, f) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, elect_at); ifnot (f) { ;; no election data in dictionary return false; } ;; recover validator set hash var vset_hash = fs.skip_bits(64).preload_uint(256); if (config_param(34).cell_hash_eq?(vset_hash) | config_param(36).cell_hash_eq?(vset_hash)) { ;; this validator set has been installed, forget elections set_data(begin_cell() .store_int(false, 1) ;; forget current elections .store_dict(credits) .store_dict(past_elections) .store_slice(ds) .end_cell()); update_active_vset_id(); return true; } return false; } int check_unfreeze() { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); int id = -1; do { (id, var fs, var f) = past_elections.udict_get_next?(32, id); if (f) { var unfreeze_at = fs~load_uint(32); if ((unfreeze_at <= now()) & (id != active_id)) { ;; unfreeze! (credits, past_elections, var unused_prizes) = unfreeze_all(credits, past_elections, id); grams += unused_prizes; ;; unfreeze only one at time, exit loop store_data(elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash); ;; exit loop f = false; } } } until (~ f); return ~ id.null?(); } int announce_new_elections(ds, elect, credits) { var next_vset = config_param(36); ;; next validator set ifnot (next_vset.null?()) { ;; next validator set exists, no elections needed return false; } var elector_addr = config_param(1).begin_parse().preload_uint(256); var (my_wc, my_addr) = my_address().parse_std_addr(); if ((my_wc + 1) | (my_addr != elector_addr)) { ;; this smart contract is not the elections smart contract anymore, no new elections return false; } var cur_vset = config_param(34); ;; current validator set if (cur_vset.null?()) { return false; } var (elect_for, elect_begin_before, elect_end_before, stake_held) = get_validator_conf(); var cur_valid_until = cur_vset.begin_parse().skip_bits(8 + 32).preload_uint(32); var t = now(); var t0 = cur_valid_until - elect_begin_before; if (t < t0) { ;; too early for the next elections return false; } ;; less than elect_before_begin seconds left, create new elections if (t - t0 < 60) { ;; pretend that the elections started at t0 t = t0; } ;; get stake parameters (_, var min_stake) = config_param(17).begin_parse().load_grams(); ;; announce new elections var elect_at = t + elect_begin_before; ;; elect_at~dump(); var elect_close = elect_at - elect_end_before; elect = pack_elect(elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, 0, new_dict(), false, false); set_data(begin_cell().store_dict(elect).store_dict(credits).store_slice(ds).end_cell()); return true; } () run_ticktock(int is_tock) { ;; check whether an election is being conducted var ds = get_data().begin_parse(); var (elect, credits) = (ds~load_dict(), ds~load_dict()); ifnot (elect.null?()) { ;; have an active election throw_if(0, conduct_elections(ds, elect, credits)); ;; elections conducted, exit throw_if(0, validator_set_installed(ds, elect, credits)); ;; validator set installed, current elections removed } else { throw_if(0, announce_new_elections(ds, elect, credits)); ;; new elections announced, exit } throw_if(0, update_active_vset_id()); ;; active validator set id updated, exit check_unfreeze(); } ;; Get methods ;; returns active election id or 0 int active_election_id() method_id { var elect = get_data().begin_parse().preload_dict(); return elect.null?() ? 0 : elect.begin_parse().preload_uint(32); } ;; checks whether a public key participates in current elections int participates_in(int validator_pubkey) method_id { var elect = get_data().begin_parse().preload_dict(); if (elect.null?()) { return 0; } var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); var (mem, found) = members.udict_get?(256, validator_pubkey); return found ? mem~load_grams() : 0; } ;; returns the list of all participants of current elections with their stakes _ participant_list() method_id { var elect = get_data().begin_parse().preload_dict(); if (elect.null?()) { return nil; } var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); var l = nil; var id = (1 << 255) + ((1 << 255) - 1); do { (id, var fs, var f) = members.udict_get_prev?(256, id); if (f) { l = cons([id, fs~load_grams()], l); } } until (~ f); return l; } ;; returns the list of all participants of current elections with their data _ participant_list_extended() method_id { var elect = get_data().begin_parse().preload_dict(); if (elect.null?()) { return (0, 0, 0, 0, nil, 0, 0); } var (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, members, failed, finished) = elect.unpack_elect(); var l = nil; var id = (1 << 255) + ((1 << 255) - 1); do { (id, var cs, var f) = members.udict_get_prev?(256, id); if (f) { var (stake, time, max_factor, addr, adnl_addr) = (cs~load_grams(), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(256)); cs.end_parse(); l = cons([id, [stake, max_factor, addr, adnl_addr]], l); } } until (~ f); return (elect_at, elect_close, min_stake, total_stake, l, failed, finished); } ;; computes the return stake int compute_returned_stake(int wallet_addr) method_id { var cs = get_data().begin_parse(); (_, var credits) = (cs~load_dict(), cs~load_dict()); var (val, f) = credits.udict_get?(256, wallet_addr); return f ? val~load_grams() : 0; } ;; returns the list of past election ids tuple past_election_ids() method_id { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var id = (1 << 32); var list = null(); do { (id, var fs, var f) = past_elections.udict_get_prev?(32, id); if (f) { list = cons(id, list); } } until (~ f); return list; } tuple past_elections() method_id { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var id = (1 << 32); var list = null(); do { (id, var fs, var found) = past_elections.udict_get_prev?(32, id); if (found) { list = cons([id, unpack_past_election(fs)], list); } } until (~ found); return list; } tuple past_elections_list() method_id { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var id = (1 << 32); var list = null(); do { (id, var fs, var found) = past_elections.udict_get_prev?(32, id); if (found) { var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints) = unpack_past_election(fs); list = cons([id, unfreeze_at, vset_hash, stake_held], list); } } until (~ found); return list; } _ complete_unpack_complaint(slice cs) inline_ref { var (complaint, voters, vset_id, weight_remaining) = cs.unpack_complaint_status(); var voters_list = null(); var voter_id = (1 << 32); do { (voter_id, _, var f) = voters.udict_get_prev?(16, voter_id); if (f) { voters_list = cons(voter_id, voters_list); } } until (~ f); return [[complaint.begin_parse().unpack_complaint()], voters_list, vset_id, weight_remaining]; } cell get_past_complaints(int election_id) inline_ref method_id { var (elect, credits, past_elections, grams, active_id, active_hash) = load_data(); var (fs, found?) = past_elections.udict_get?(32, election_id); ifnot (found?) { return null(); } var (unfreeze_at, stake_held, vset_hash, frozen_dict, total_stake, bonuses, complaints) = unpack_past_election(fs); return complaints; } _ show_complaint(int election_id, int chash) method_id { var complaints = get_past_complaints(election_id); var (cs, found) = complaints.udict_get?(256, chash); return found ? complete_unpack_complaint(cs) : null(); } tuple list_complaints(int election_id) method_id { var complaints = get_past_complaints(election_id); int id = (1 << 255) + ((1 << 255) - 1); var list = null(); do { (id, var cs, var found?) = complaints.udict_get_prev?(256, id); if (found?) { list = cons(pair(id, complete_unpack_complaint(cs)), list); } } until (~ found?); return list; } int complaint_storage_price(int bits, int refs, int expire_in) method_id { ;; compute complaint storage/creation price var (deposit, bit_price, cell_price) = get_complaint_prices(); var pps = (bits + 1024) * bit_price + (refs + 2) * cell_price; var paid = pps * expire_in + deposit; return paid + (1 << 30); }