#!/usr/bin/fift -s "TonUtil.fif" include "Asm.fif" include { ."usage: " @' $0 type ." []" cr ."Creates a new wallet in specified workchain, with private key saved to or loaded from .pk" cr ."('new-wallet.pk' by default)" cr 1 halt } : usage def? $# { @' $# 1- -2 and ' usage if } if Basechain constant wc // create a wallet in workchain 0 (basechain) def? $1 { @' $1 parse-workchain-id =: wc } if // set workchain id from command line argument def? $2 { @' $2 } { "new-wallet" } cond constant file-base ."Creating new wallet in workchain " wc . cr // Create new simple wallet <{ SETCP0 DUP IFNOTRET INC 32 THROWIF // return if recv_internal, fail unless recv_external 512 INT LDSLICEX DUP 32 PLDU // sign cs cnt c4 PUSHCTR CTOS 32 LDU 256 LDU ENDS // sign cs cnt cnt' pubk s1 s2 XCPU // sign cs cnt pubk cnt' cnt EQUAL 33 THROWIFNOT // ( seqno mismatch? ) s2 PUSH HASHSU // sign cs cnt pubk hash s0 s4 s4 XC2PU // pubk cs cnt hash sign pubk CHKSIGNU // pubk cs cnt ? 34 THROWIFNOT // signature mismatch ACCEPT SWAP 32 LDU NIP DUP SREFS IF:<{ 8 LDU LDREF // pubk cnt mode msg cs s0 s2 XCHG SENDRAWMSG // pubk cnt cs ; ( message sent ) }> ENDS INC NEWC 32 STU 256 STU ENDC c4 POPCTR }>c // >libref // code // data null // no libraries // Libs{ x{ABACABADABACABA} drop x{AAAA} s>c public_lib x{1234} x{5678} |_ s>c public_lib }Libs // create StateInit dup ."StateInit: " dup ."signing message: " dup ."External message for initialization is " B dup Bx. cr file-base +"-query.boc" tuck B>file ."(Saved wallet creating query to file " type .")" cr