This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see .
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
#pragma once
#include "ton/ton-types.h"
#include "td/actor/actor.h"
#include "td/utils/Time.h"
#include "interfaces/block-handle.h"
#include "interfaces/validator-manager.h"
#include "interfaces/shard.h"
#include "block.hpp"
#include "shard.hpp"
#include "proof.hpp"
#include "block/block-auto.h"
namespace ton {
namespace validator {
using td::Ref;
class LiteQuery : public td::actor::Actor {
td::BufferSlice query_;
td::actor::ActorId manager_;
td::Timestamp timeout_;
td::Promise promise_;
td::Promise,UnixTime,LogicalTime,std::unique_ptr>> acc_state_promise_;
int pending_{0};
int mode_{0};
WorkchainId acc_workchain_;
StdSmcAddress acc_addr_;
LogicalTime trans_lt_;
Bits256 trans_hash_;
BlockIdExt base_blk_id_, base_blk_id_alt_, blk_id_;
Ref mc_state_, mc_state0_;
Ref state_;
Ref mc_block_, block_;
Ref mc_proof_, mc_proof_alt_;
Ref proof_link_;
td::BufferSlice buffer_;
std::function continuation_;
bool cont_set_{false};
td::BufferSlice shard_proof_;
std::vector[> roots_;
std::vector][> aux_objs_;
std::vector blk_ids_;
std::unique_ptr chain_;
Ref stack_;
enum {
default_timeout_msec = 4500, // 4.5 seconds
max_transaction_count = 16, // fetch at most 16 transactions in one query
client_method_gas_limit = 300000 // gas limit for liteServer.runSmcMethod
enum {
ls_version = 0x101,
ls_capabilities = 7
}; // version 1.1; +1 = build block proof chains, +2 = masterchainInfoExt, +4 = runSmcMethod
LiteQuery(td::BufferSlice data, td::actor::ActorId manager,
td::Promise promise);
LiteQuery(WorkchainId wc, StdSmcAddress acc_addr, td::actor::ActorId manager,
td::Promise,UnixTime,LogicalTime,std::unique_ptr>> promise);
static void run_query(td::BufferSlice data, td::actor::ActorId manager,
td::Promise promise);
static void fetch_account_state(WorkchainId wc, StdSmcAddress acc_addr, td::actor::ActorId manager,
td::Promise,UnixTime,LogicalTime,std::unique_ptr>> promise);
bool fatal_error(td::Status error);
bool fatal_error(std::string err_msg, int err_code = -400);
bool fatal_error(int err_code, std::string err_msg = "");
void abort_query(td::Status reason);
void abort_query_ext(td::Status reason, std::string err_msg);
bool finish_query(td::BufferSlice result);
void alarm() override;
void start_up() override;
void perform_getTime();
void perform_getVersion();
void perform_getMasterchainInfo(int mode);
void continue_getMasterchainInfo(Ref mc_state, BlockIdExt blkid, int mode);
void gotMasterchainInfoForAccountState(Ref mc_state, BlockIdExt blkid, int mode);
void perform_getBlock(BlockIdExt blkid);
void continue_getBlock(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref block);
void perform_getBlockHeader(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode);
void continue_getBlockHeader(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, Ref block);
void perform_getState(BlockIdExt blkid);
void continue_getState(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref state);
void continue_getZeroState(BlockIdExt blkid, td::BufferSlice state);
void perform_sendMessage(td::BufferSlice ext_msg);
void perform_getAccountState(BlockIdExt blkid, WorkchainId workchain, StdSmcAddress addr, int mode);
void continue_getAccountState_0(Ref mc_state, BlockIdExt blkid);
void continue_getAccountState();
void finish_getAccountState(td::BufferSlice shard_proof);
void perform_fetchAccountState();
void perform_runSmcMethod(BlockIdExt blkid, WorkchainId workchain, StdSmcAddress addr, int mode, td::int64 method_id,
td::BufferSlice params);
void finish_runSmcMethod(td::BufferSlice shard_proof, td::BufferSlice state_proof, Ref acc_root,
UnixTime gen_utime, LogicalTime gen_lt);
void perform_getLibraries(std::vector library_list);
void continue_getLibraries(Ref mc_state, BlockIdExt blkid, std::vector library_list);
void perform_getOneTransaction(BlockIdExt blkid, WorkchainId workchain, StdSmcAddress addr, LogicalTime lt);
void continue_getOneTransaction();
void perform_getTransactions(WorkchainId workchain, StdSmcAddress addr, LogicalTime lt, Bits256 hash, unsigned count);
void continue_getTransactions(unsigned remaining, bool exact);
void continue_getTransactions_2(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref block, unsigned remaining);
void abort_getTransactions(td::Status error, ton::BlockIdExt blkid);
void finish_getTransactions();
void perform_getShardInfo(BlockIdExt blkid, ShardIdFull shard, bool exact);
void perform_getAllShardsInfo(BlockIdExt blkid);
void continue_getShardInfo(ShardIdFull shard, bool exact);
void continue_getAllShardsInfo();
void perform_getConfigParams(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, std::vector param_list = {});
void continue_getConfigParams(int mode, std::vector param_list);
void perform_lookupBlock(BlockId blkid, int mode, LogicalTime lt, UnixTime utime);
void perform_listBlockTransactions(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, int count, Bits256 account, LogicalTime lt);
void finish_listBlockTransactions(int mode, int count);
void perform_listBlockTransactionsExt(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, int count, Bits256 account, LogicalTime lt);
void finish_listBlockTransactionsExt(int mode, int count);
void perform_getBlockProof(BlockIdExt from, BlockIdExt to, int mode);
void continue_getBlockProof(BlockIdExt from, BlockIdExt to, int mode, BlockIdExt baseblk,
Ref state);
void perform_getValidatorStats(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, int count, Bits256 start_after, UnixTime min_utime);
void continue_getValidatorStats(int mode, int limit, Bits256 start_after, UnixTime min_utime);
bool construct_proof_chain(BlockIdExt id);
bool construct_proof_link_forward(ton::BlockIdExt cur, ton::BlockIdExt next);
bool construct_proof_link_forward_cont(ton::BlockIdExt cur, ton::BlockIdExt next);
bool construct_proof_link_back(ton::BlockIdExt cur, ton::BlockIdExt next);
bool construct_proof_link_back_cont(ton::BlockIdExt cur, ton::BlockIdExt next);
bool adjust_last_proof_link(ton::BlockIdExt cur, Ref block_root);
bool finish_proof_chain(ton::BlockIdExt id);
void perform_getShardBlockProof(BlockIdExt blkid);
void continue_getShardBlockProof(Ref cur_block,
std::vector> result);
void load_prevKeyBlock(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, td::Promise>>);
void continue_loadPrevKeyBlock(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, td::Result, BlockIdExt>> res,
void finish_loadPrevKeyBlock(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, td::Result][> res,
td::Promise>> promise);
void get_block_handle_checked(BlockIdExt blkid, td::Promise promise);
bool request_block_data(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_block_state(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_block_data_state(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_proof_link(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_mc_block_data(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_mc_block_state(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_mc_block_data_state(BlockIdExt blkid);
bool request_mc_proof(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode = 0);
bool request_zero_state(BlockIdExt blkid);
void got_block_state(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref state);
void got_mc_block_state(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref state);
void got_block_data(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref data);
void got_mc_block_data(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref data);
void got_mc_block_proof(BlockIdExt blkid, int mode, Ref proof);
void got_block_proof_link(BlockIdExt blkid, Ref proof_link);
void got_zero_state(BlockIdExt blkid, td::BufferSlice zerostate);
void dec_pending() {
if (!--pending_) {
void check_pending();
bool set_continuation(std::function&& cont);
bool make_mc_state_root_proof(Ref& proof);
bool make_state_root_proof(Ref& proof);
bool make_state_root_proof(Ref& proof, Ref state, Ref block,
const BlockIdExt& blkid);
bool make_state_root_proof(Ref& proof, Ref state_root, Ref block_root,
const BlockIdExt& blkid);
bool make_shard_info_proof(Ref& proof, Ref& info, ShardIdFull shard,
ShardIdFull& true_shard, Ref& leaf, bool& found, bool exact = true);
bool make_shard_info_proof(Ref& proof, Ref& info, ShardIdFull shard, bool exact = true);
bool make_shard_info_proof(Ref& proof, Ref& info, AccountIdPrefixFull prefix);
bool make_shard_info_proof(Ref& proof, BlockIdExt& blkid, AccountIdPrefixFull prefix);
bool make_ancestor_block_proof(Ref& proof, Ref state_root, const BlockIdExt& old_blkid);
} // namespace validator
} // namespace ton