/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "residue.h" // --- impl #include namespace arith { class Residue; class ResidueRing; void ResidueRing::init() { Zero = new Residue(0, td::Ref(this)); One = new Residue(1, td::Ref(this)); } ResidueRing::~ResidueRing() { delete Zero; delete One; delete Img_i; Zero = One = Img_i = 0; } const Residue operator+(const Residue& x, const Residue& y) { x.same_ring(y); Residue z(x.ring_ref()); bn_assert(BN_mod_add(z.val.bn_ptr(), x.val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), x.modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return z; } const Residue operator-(const Residue& x, const Residue& y) { x.same_ring(y); Residue z(x.ring_ref()); bn_assert(BN_mod_sub(z.val.bn_ptr(), x.val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), x.modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return z; } const Residue operator*(const Residue& x, const Residue& y) { x.same_ring(y); Residue z(x.ring_ref()); bn_assert(BN_mod_mul(z.val.bn_ptr(), x.val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), x.modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return z; } const Residue operator-(const Residue& x) { Residue z(x); z.val.negate(); return z.reduce(); } Residue& Residue::operator+=(const Residue& y) { same_ring(y); bn_assert(BN_mod_add(val.bn_ptr(), val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return *this; } Residue& Residue::operator-=(const Residue& y) { same_ring(y); bn_assert(BN_mod_sub(val.bn_ptr(), val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return *this; } Residue& Residue::operator*=(const Residue& y) { same_ring(y); bn_assert(BN_mod_mul(val.bn_ptr(), val.bn_ptr(), y.val.bn_ptr(), modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return *this; } bool operator==(const Residue& x, const Residue& y) { x.same_ring(y); return x.extract() == y.extract(); } bool operator!=(const Residue& x, const Residue& y) { x.same_ring(y); return x.extract() != y.extract(); } Residue sqr(const Residue& x) { Residue z(x.ring_ref()); bn_assert(BN_mod_sqr(z.val.bn_ptr(), x.val.bn_ptr(), x.modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return z; } Residue power(const Residue& x, const Bignum& y) { Residue z(x.ring_ref()); bn_assert(BN_mod_exp(z.val.bn_ptr(), x.val.bn_ptr(), y.bn_ptr(), x.modulus().bn_ptr(), get_ctx())); return z; } Residue inverse(const Residue& x) { assert(x.ring_ref()->is_prime()); return power(x, x.ring_ref()->get_modulus() - 2); } const Residue& ResidueRing::img_i() const { if (!Img_i) { assert(is_prime()); assert(modulus % 4 == 1); int g = 2; Bignum n = (modulus - 1) / 4; while (true) { Residue t = power(frac(g), n); if (t != one() && t != frac(-1)) { Img_i = new Residue(t); break; } g++; } } return *Img_i; } Residue sqrt(const Residue& x) { assert(x.ring_of().is_prime()); const ResidueRing& R = x.ring_of(); const Bignum& p = R.get_modulus(); if (x.is_zero() || !p.odd()) { return x; } if (p[1]) { // p=3 (mod 4) return power(x, (p + 1) >> 2); } else if (p[2]) { // p=5 (mod 8) Residue t = power(x, (p + 3) >> 3); return (sqr(t) == x) ? t : R.img_i() * t; } else { assert(p[2]); return R.zero(); } } Residue ResidueRing::frac(long num, long denom) const { assert(denom); if (denom < 0) { num = -num; denom = -denom; } if (!(num % denom)) { return Residue(num / denom, self_ref()); } else { return Residue(num, self_ref()) * inverse(Residue(denom, self_ref())); } } std::string Residue::to_str() const { return "Mod(" + val.to_str() + "," + modulus().to_str() + ")"; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Residue& x) { return os << x.to_str(); } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Residue& x) { std::string word; is >> word; x = dec_string(word); return is; } } // namespace arith