/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "func.h" namespace funC { /* * * ABSTRACT CODE * */ TmpVar::TmpVar(var_idx_t _idx, int _cls, TypeExpr* _type, SymDef* sym, const SrcLocation* loc) : v_type(_type), idx(_idx), cls(_cls), coord(0) { if (sym) { name = sym->sym_idx; sym->value->idx = _idx; } if (loc) { where = std::make_unique(*loc); } if (!_type) { v_type = TypeExpr::new_hole(); } } void TmpVar::set_location(const SrcLocation& loc) { if (where) { *where = loc; } else { where = std::make_unique(loc); } } void TmpVar::dump(std::ostream& os) const { show(os); os << " : " << v_type << " (width "; v_type->show_width(os); os << ")"; if (coord > 0) { os << " = _" << (coord >> 8) << '.' << (coord & 255); } else if (coord < 0) { int n = (~coord >> 8), k = (~coord & 0xff); if (k) { os << " = (_" << n << ".._" << (n + k - 1) << ")"; } else { os << " = ()"; } } os << std::endl; } void TmpVar::show(std::ostream& os, int omit_idx) const { if (cls & _Named) { os << sym::symbols.get_name(name); if (omit_idx && (omit_idx >= 2 || (cls & _UniqueName))) { return; } } os << '_' << idx; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TmpVar& var) { var.show(os); return os; } void VarDescr::show_value(std::ostream& os) const { if (val & _Int) { os << 'i'; } if (val & _Const) { os << 'c'; } if (val & _Zero) { os << '0'; } if (val & _NonZero) { os << '!'; } if (val & _Pos) { os << '>'; } if (val & _Neg) { os << '<'; } if (val & _Bool) { os << 'B'; } if (val & _Bit) { os << 'b'; } if (val & _Even) { os << 'E'; } if (val & _Odd) { os << 'O'; } if (val & _Finite) { os << 'f'; } if (val & _Nan) { os << 'N'; } if (int_const.not_null()) { os << '=' << int_const; } } void VarDescr::show(std::ostream& os, const char* name) const { if (flags & _Last) { os << '*'; } if (flags & _Unused) { os << '?'; } if (name) { os << name; } os << '_' << idx; show_value(os); } void VarDescr::set_const(long long value) { return set_const(td::make_refint(value)); } void VarDescr::set_const(td::RefInt256 value) { int_const = std::move(value); if (!int_const->signed_fits_bits(257)) { int_const.write().invalidate(); } val = _Const | _Int; int s = sgn(int_const); if (s < -1) { val |= _Nan | _NonZero; } else if (s < 0) { val |= _NonZero | _Neg | _Finite; if (*int_const == -1) { val |= _Bool; } } else if (s > 0) { val |= _NonZero | _Pos | _Finite; } else if (!s) { if (*int_const == 1) { val |= _Bit; } val |= _Zero | _Neg | _Pos | _Finite | _Bool | _Bit; } if (val & _Finite) { val |= int_const->get_bit(0) ? _Odd : _Even; } } void VarDescr::set_const(std::string value) { str_const = value; val = _Const; } void VarDescr::set_const_nan() { set_const(td::make_refint()); } void VarDescr::operator|=(const VarDescr& y) { val &= y.val; if (is_int_const() && cmp(int_const, y.int_const) != 0) { val &= ~_Const; } if (!(val & _Const)) { int_const.clear(); } } void VarDescr::operator&=(const VarDescr& y) { val |= y.val; if (y.int_const.not_null() && int_const.is_null()) { int_const = y.int_const; } } void VarDescr::set_value(const VarDescr& y) { val = y.val; int_const = y.int_const; } void VarDescr::set_value(VarDescr&& y) { val = y.val; int_const = std::move(y.int_const); } void VarDescr::clear_value() { val = 0; int_const.clear(); } void VarDescrList::show(std::ostream& os) const { if (unreachable) { os << " "; } os << "["; for (const auto& v : list) { os << ' ' << v; } os << " ]\n"; } void Op::flags_set_clear(int set, int clear) { flags = (flags | set) & ~clear; for (auto& op : block0) { op.flags_set_clear(set, clear); } for (auto& op : block1) { op.flags_set_clear(set, clear); } } void Op::split_vars(const std::vector& vars) { split_var_list(left, vars); split_var_list(right, vars); for (auto& op : block0) { op.split_vars(vars); } for (auto& op : block1) { op.split_vars(vars); } } void Op::split_var_list(std::vector& var_list, const std::vector& vars) { int new_size = 0, changes = 0; for (var_idx_t v : var_list) { int c = vars.at(v).coord; if (c < 0) { ++changes; new_size += (~c & 0xff); } else { ++new_size; } } if (!changes) { return; } std::vector new_var_list; new_var_list.reserve(new_size); for (var_idx_t v : var_list) { int c = vars.at(v).coord; if (c < 0) { int n = (~c >> 8), k = (~c & 0xff); while (k-- > 0) { new_var_list.push_back(n++); } } else { new_var_list.push_back(v); } } var_list = std::move(new_var_list); } void Op::show(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& vars, std::string pfx, int mode) const { if (mode & 2) { os << pfx << " ["; for (const auto& v : var_info.list) { os << ' '; if (v.flags & VarDescr::_Last) { os << '*'; } if (v.flags & VarDescr::_Unused) { os << '?'; } os << vars[v.idx]; if (mode & 4) { os << ':'; v.show_value(os); } } os << " ]\n"; } std::string dis = disabled() ? " " : ""; if (noreturn()) { dis += " "; } if (!is_pure()) { dis += " "; } switch (cl) { case _Undef: os << pfx << dis << "???\n"; break; case _Nop: os << pfx << dis << "NOP\n"; break; case _Call: os << pfx << dis << "CALL: "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := " << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << " "; if ((mode & 4) && args.size() == right.size()) { show_var_list(os, args, vars); } else { show_var_list(os, right, vars); } os << std::endl; break; case _CallInd: os << pfx << dis << "CALLIND: "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := EXEC "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _Let: os << pfx << dis << "LET "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _Tuple: os << pfx << dis << "MKTUPLE "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _UnTuple: os << pfx << dis << "UNTUPLE "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _IntConst: os << pfx << dis << "CONST "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := " << int_const << std::endl; break; case _SliceConst: os << pfx << dis << "SCONST "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := " << str_const << std::endl; break; case _Import: os << pfx << dis << "IMPORT "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _Return: os << pfx << dis << "RETURN "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _GlobVar: os << pfx << dis << "GLOBVAR "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " := " << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << std::endl; break; case _SetGlob: os << pfx << dis << "SETGLOB "; os << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << " := "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; case _Repeat: os << pfx << dis << "REPEAT "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << ' '; show_block(os, block0.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << std::endl; break; case _If: os << pfx << dis << "IF "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << ' '; show_block(os, block0.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << " ELSE "; show_block(os, block1.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << std::endl; break; case _While: os << pfx << dis << "WHILE "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << ' '; show_block(os, block0.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << " DO "; show_block(os, block1.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << std::endl; break; case _Until: os << pfx << dis << "UNTIL "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << ' '; show_block(os, block0.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << std::endl; break; case _Again: os << pfx << dis << "AGAIN "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << ' '; show_block(os, block0.get(), vars, pfx, mode); os << std::endl; break; default: os << pfx << dis << " "; show_var_list(os, left, vars); os << " -- "; show_var_list(os, right, vars); os << std::endl; break; } } void Op::show_var_list(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& idx_list, const std::vector& vars) const { if (!idx_list.size()) { os << "()"; } else if (idx_list.size() == 1) { os << vars.at(idx_list[0]); } else { os << "(" << vars.at(idx_list[0]); for (std::size_t i = 1; i < idx_list.size(); i++) { os << "," << vars.at(idx_list[i]); } os << ")"; } } void Op::show_var_list(std::ostream& os, const std::vector& list, const std::vector& vars) const { auto n = list.size(); if (!n) { os << "()"; } else { os << "( "; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (i) { os << ", "; } if (list[i].is_unused()) { os << '?'; } os << vars.at(list[i].idx) << ':'; list[i].show_value(os); } os << " )"; } } void Op::show_block(std::ostream& os, const Op* block, const std::vector& vars, std::string pfx, int mode) { os << "{" << std::endl; std::string pfx2 = pfx + " "; for (const Op& op : block) { op.show(os, vars, pfx2, mode); } os << pfx << "}"; } void CodeBlob::flags_set_clear(int set, int clear) { for (auto& op : ops) { op.flags_set_clear(set, clear); } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CodeBlob& code) { code.print(os); return os; } // flags: +1 = show variable definition locations; +2 = show vars after each op; +4 = show var abstract value info after each op; +8 = show all variables at start void CodeBlob::print(std::ostream& os, int flags) const { os << "CODE BLOB: " << var_cnt << " variables, " << in_var_cnt << " input\n"; if ((flags & 8) != 0) { for (const auto& var : vars) { var.dump(os); if (var.where && (flags & 1) != 0) { var.where->show(os); os << " defined here:\n"; var.where->show_context(os); } } } os << "------- BEGIN --------\n"; for (const auto& op : ops) { op.show(os, vars, "", flags); } os << "-------- END ---------\n\n"; } var_idx_t CodeBlob::create_var(int cls, TypeExpr* var_type, SymDef* sym, const SrcLocation* location) { vars.emplace_back(var_cnt, cls, var_type, sym, location); if (sym) { sym->value->idx = var_cnt; } return var_cnt++; } bool CodeBlob::import_params(FormalArgList arg_list) { if (var_cnt || in_var_cnt || op_cnt) { return false; } std::vector list; for (const auto& par : arg_list) { TypeExpr* arg_type; SymDef* arg_sym; SrcLocation arg_loc; std::tie(arg_type, arg_sym, arg_loc) = par; list.push_back(create_var(arg_sym ? (TmpVar::_In | TmpVar::_Named) : TmpVar::_In, arg_type, arg_sym, &arg_loc)); } emplace_back(loc, Op::_Import, list); in_var_cnt = var_cnt; return true; } } // namespace funC