;; operations (constant values taken from crc32 on op message in the companion .tlb files and appear during build) int op::increment() asm "0x37491f2f PUSHINT"; int op::deposit() asm "0x47d54391 PUSHINT"; int op::withdraw() asm "0x41836980 PUSHINT"; int op::transfer_ownership() asm "0x2da38aaf PUSHINT"; ;; errors int error::unknown_op() asm "101 PUSHINT"; int error::access_denied() asm "102 PUSHINT"; int error::insufficient_balance() asm "103 PUSHINT"; ;; other int const::min_tons_for_storage() asm "10000000 PUSHINT"; ;; 0.01 TON ;; 6905(computational_gas_price) * 1000(cur_gas_price) = 6905000 ;; ceil(6905000) = 10000000 ~= 0.01 TON int const::provide_address_gas_consumption() asm "10000000 PUSHINT";