/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "func.h" namespace funC { /* * * GENERATE TVM STACK CODE * */ StackLayout Stack::vars() const { StackLayout res; res.reserve(s.size()); for (auto x : s) { res.push_back(x.first); } return res; } int Stack::find(var_idx_t var, int from) const { for (int i = from; i < depth(); i++) { if (at(i).first == var) { return i; } } return -1; } // finds var in [from .. to) int Stack::find(var_idx_t var, int from, int to) const { for (int i = from; i < depth() && i < to; i++) { if (at(i).first == var) { return i; } } return -1; } // finds var outside [from .. to) int Stack::find_outside(var_idx_t var, int from, int to) const { from = std::max(from, 0); if (from >= to) { return find(var); } else { int t = find(var, 0, from); return t >= 0 ? t : find(var, to); } } int Stack::find_const(const_idx_t cst, int from) const { for (int i = from; i < depth(); i++) { if (at(i).second == cst) { return i; } } return -1; } void Stack::forget_const() { for (auto& vc : s) { if (vc.second != not_const) { vc.second = not_const; } } } void Stack::issue_pop(int i) { validate(i); if (output_enabled()) { o << AsmOp::Pop(i); } at(i) = get(0); s.pop_back(); modified(); } void Stack::issue_push(int i) { validate(i); if (output_enabled()) { o << AsmOp::Push(i); } s.push_back(get(i)); modified(); } void Stack::issue_xchg(int i, int j) { validate(i); validate(j); if (i != j && get(i) != get(j)) { if (output_enabled()) { o << AsmOp::Xchg(i, j); } std::swap(at(i), at(j)); modified(); } } int Stack::drop_vars_except(const VarDescrList& var_info, int excl_var) { int dropped = 0, changes; do { changes = 0; int n = depth(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var_idx_t idx = at(i).first; if (((!var_info[idx] || var_info[idx]->is_unused()) && idx != excl_var) || find(idx, 0, i - 1) >= 0) { // unneeded issue_pop(i); changes = 1; break; } } dropped += changes; } while (changes); return dropped; } void Stack::show(int flags) { std::ostringstream os; for (auto i : s) { os << ' '; o.show_var_ext(os, i); } o << AsmOp::Comment(os.str()); mode |= _Shown; } void Stack::forget_var(var_idx_t idx) { for (auto& x : s) { if (x.first == idx) { x = std::make_pair(_Garbage, not_const); modified(); } } } void Stack::push_new_var(var_idx_t idx) { forget_var(idx); s.emplace_back(idx, not_const); modified(); } void Stack::push_new_const(var_idx_t idx, const_idx_t cidx) { forget_var(idx); s.emplace_back(idx, cidx); modified(); } void Stack::assign_var(var_idx_t new_idx, var_idx_t old_idx) { int i = find(old_idx); func_assert(i >= 0 && "variable not found in stack"); if (new_idx != old_idx) { at(i).first = new_idx; modified(); } } void Stack::do_copy_var(var_idx_t new_idx, var_idx_t old_idx) { int i = find(old_idx); func_assert(i >= 0 && "variable not found in stack"); if (find(old_idx, i + 1) < 0) { issue_push(i); func_assert(at(0).first == old_idx); } assign_var(new_idx, old_idx); } void Stack::enforce_state(const StackLayout& req_stack) { int k = (int)req_stack.size(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { var_idx_t x = req_stack[i]; if (i < depth() && s[i].first == x) { continue; } while (depth() > 0 && std::find(req_stack.cbegin(), req_stack.cend(), get(0).first) == req_stack.cend()) { // current TOS entry is unused in req_stack, drop it issue_pop(0); } int j = find(x); if (j >= depth() - i) { issue_push(j); j = 0; } issue_xchg(j, depth() - i - 1); func_assert(s[i].first == x); } while (depth() > k) { issue_pop(0); } func_assert(depth() == k); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { func_assert(s[i].first == req_stack[i]); } } void Stack::merge_const(const Stack& req_stack) { func_assert(s.size() == req_stack.s.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { func_assert(s[i].first == req_stack.s[i].first); if (s[i].second != req_stack.s[i].second) { s[i].second = not_const; } } } void Stack::merge_state(const Stack& req_stack) { enforce_state(req_stack.vars()); merge_const(req_stack); } void Stack::rearrange_top(const StackLayout& top, std::vector last) { while (last.size() < top.size()) { last.push_back(false); } int k = (int)top.size(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++) { if (top[i] == top[j]) { last[i] = false; break; } } } int ss = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (last[i]) { ++ss; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { var_idx_t x = top[i]; // find s(j) containing x with j not in [ss, ss+i) int j = find_outside(x, ss, ss + i); if (last[i]) { // rearrange x to be at s(ss-1) issue_xchg(--ss, j); func_assert(get(ss).first == x); } else { // create a new copy of x issue_push(j); issue_xchg(0, ss); func_assert(get(ss).first == x); } } func_assert(!ss); } void Stack::rearrange_top(var_idx_t top, bool last) { int i = find(top); if (last) { issue_xchg(0, i); } else { issue_push(i); } func_assert(get(0).first == top); } bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) { stack.opt_show(); stack.drop_vars_except(var_info); stack.opt_show(); bool inline_func = stack.mode & Stack::_InlineFunc; switch (cl) { case _Nop: case _Import: return true; case _Return: { stack.enforce_state(left); if (stack.o.retalt_ && (stack.mode & Stack::_NeedRetAlt)) { stack.o << "RETALT"; } stack.opt_show(); return false; } case _IntConst: { auto p = next->var_info[left[0]]; if (!p || p->is_unused()) { return true; } auto cidx = stack.o.register_const(int_const); int i = stack.find_const(cidx); if (i < 0) { stack.o << push_const(int_const); stack.push_new_const(left[0], cidx); } else { func_assert(stack.at(i).second == cidx); stack.do_copy_var(left[0], stack[i]); } return true; } case _SliceConst: { auto p = next->var_info[left[0]]; if (!p || p->is_unused()) { return true; } stack.o << AsmOp::Const("x{" + str_const + "} PUSHSLICE"); stack.push_new_var(left[0]); return true; } case _GlobVar: if (dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value)) { bool used = false; for (auto i : left) { auto p = next->var_info[i]; if (p && !p->is_unused()) { used = true; } } if (!used || disabled()) { return true; } std::string name = sym::symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx); stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " GETGLOB", 0, 1); if (left.size() != 1) { func_assert(left.size() <= 15); stack.o << AsmOp::UnTuple((int)left.size()); } for (auto i : left) { stack.push_new_var(i); } return true; } else { func_assert(left.size() == 1); auto p = next->var_info[left[0]]; if (!p || p->is_unused() || disabled()) { return true; } stack.o << "CONT:<{"; stack.o.indent(); auto func = dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value); if (func) { // TODO: create and compile a true lambda instead of this (so that arg_order and ret_order would work correctly) std::vector args0, res; TypeExpr::remove_indirect(func->sym_type); func_assert(func->get_type()->is_map()); auto wr = func->get_type()->args.at(0)->get_width(); auto wl = func->get_type()->args.at(1)->get_width(); func_assert(wl >= 0 && wr >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < wl; i++) { res.emplace_back(0); } for (int i = 0; i < wr; i++) { args0.emplace_back(0); } func->compile(stack.o, res, args0, where); // compile res := f (args0) } else { std::string name = sym::symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx); stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size()); } stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; stack.push_new_var(left.at(0)); return true; } case _Let: { func_assert(left.size() == right.size()); int i = 0; std::vector active; active.reserve(left.size()); for (std::size_t k = 0; k < left.size(); k++) { var_idx_t y = left[k]; // "y" = "x" auto p = next->var_info[y]; active.push_back(p && !p->is_unused()); } for (std::size_t k = 0; k < left.size(); k++) { if (!active[k]) { continue; } var_idx_t x = right[k]; // "y" = "x" bool is_last = true; for (std::size_t l = k + 1; l < right.size(); l++) { if (right[l] == x && active[l]) { is_last = false; } } if (is_last) { auto info = var_info[x]; is_last = (info && info->is_last()); } if (is_last) { stack.assign_var(--i, x); } else { stack.do_copy_var(--i, x); } } i = 0; for (std::size_t k = 0; k < left.size(); k++) { if (active[k]) { stack.assign_var(left[k], --i); } } return true; } case _Tuple: case _UnTuple: { if (disabled()) { return true; } std::vector last; for (var_idx_t x : right) { last.push_back(var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last()); } stack.rearrange_top(right, std::move(last)); stack.opt_show(); int k = (int)stack.depth() - (int)right.size(); func_assert(k >= 0); if (cl == _Tuple) { stack.o << AsmOp::Tuple((int)right.size()); func_assert(left.size() == 1); } else { stack.o << AsmOp::UnTuple((int)left.size()); func_assert(right.size() == 1); } stack.s.resize(k); for (int i = 0; i < (int)left.size(); i++) { stack.push_new_var(left.at(i)); } return true; } case _Call: case _CallInd: { if (disabled()) { return true; } SymValFunc* func = (fun_ref ? dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value) : nullptr); auto arg_order = (func ? func->get_arg_order() : nullptr); auto ret_order = (func ? func->get_ret_order() : nullptr); func_assert(!arg_order || arg_order->size() == right.size()); func_assert(!ret_order || ret_order->size() == left.size()); std::vector right1; if (args.size()) { func_assert(args.size() == right.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)right.size(); i++) { int j = arg_order ? arg_order->at(i) : i; const VarDescr& arg = args.at(j); if (!arg.is_unused()) { func_assert(var_info[arg.idx] && !var_info[arg.idx]->is_unused()); right1.push_back(arg.idx); } } } else if (arg_order) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)right.size(); i++) { right1.push_back(right.at(arg_order->at(i))); } } else { right1 = right; } std::vector last; for (var_idx_t x : right1) { last.push_back(var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last()); } stack.rearrange_top(right1, std::move(last)); stack.opt_show(); int k = (int)stack.depth() - (int)right1.size(); func_assert(k >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < (int)right1.size(); i++) { if (stack.s[k + i].first != right1[i]) { std::cerr << stack.o; } func_assert(stack.s[k + i].first == right1[i]); } auto exec_callxargs = [&](int args, int ret) { if (args <= 15 && ret <= 15) { stack.o << exec_arg2_op("CALLXARGS", args, ret, args + 1, ret); } else { func_assert(args <= 254 && ret <= 254); stack.o << AsmOp::Const(PSTRING() << args << " PUSHINT"); stack.o << AsmOp::Const(PSTRING() << ret << " PUSHINT"); stack.o << AsmOp::Custom("CALLXVARARGS", args + 3, ret); } }; if (cl == _CallInd) { exec_callxargs((int)right.size() - 1, (int)left.size()); } else { auto func = dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value); if (func) { std::vector res; res.reserve(left.size()); for (var_idx_t i : left) { res.emplace_back(i); } func->compile(stack.o, res, args, where); // compile res := f (args) } else { auto fv = dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value); std::string name = sym::symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx); bool is_inline = (fv && (fv->flags & 3)); if (is_inline) { stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " INLINECALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size()); } else if (fv && fv->code && fv->code->require_callxargs) { stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + (" PREPAREDICT"), 0, 2); exec_callxargs((int)right.size() + 1, (int)left.size()); } else { stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size()); } } } stack.s.resize(k); for (int i = 0; i < (int)left.size(); i++) { int j = ret_order ? ret_order->at(i) : i; stack.push_new_var(left.at(j)); } return true; } case _SetGlob: { func_assert(fun_ref && dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value)); std::vector last; for (var_idx_t x : right) { last.push_back(var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last()); } stack.rearrange_top(right, std::move(last)); stack.opt_show(); int k = (int)stack.depth() - (int)right.size(); func_assert(k >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < (int)right.size(); i++) { if (stack.s[k + i].first != right[i]) { std::cerr << stack.o; } func_assert(stack.s[k + i].first == right[i]); } if (right.size() > 1) { stack.o << AsmOp::Tuple((int)right.size()); } if (!right.empty()) { std::string name = sym::symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx); stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " SETGLOB", 1, 0); } stack.s.resize(k); return true; } case _If: { if (block0->is_empty() && block1->is_empty()) { return true; } if (!next->noreturn() && (block0->noreturn() != block1->noreturn())) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } var_idx_t x = left[0]; stack.rearrange_top(x, var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last()); func_assert(stack[0] == x); stack.opt_show(); stack.s.pop_back(); stack.modified(); if (inline_func && (block0->noreturn() || block1->noreturn())) { bool is0 = block0->noreturn(); Op* block_noreturn = is0 ? block0.get() : block1.get(); Op* block_other = is0 ? block1.get() : block0.get(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack.o << (is0 ? "IF:<{" : "IFNOT:<{"); stack.o.indent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}; block_noreturn->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>ELSE<{"; stack.o.indent(); block_other->generate_code_all(stack); if (!block_other->noreturn()) { next->generate_code_all(stack); } stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return false; } if (block1->is_empty() || block0->is_empty()) { bool is0 = block1->is_empty(); Op* block = is0 ? block0.get() : block1.get(); // if (left) block0; ... // if (!left) block1; ... if (block->noreturn()) { stack.o << (is0 ? "IFJMP:<{" : "IFNOTJMP:<{"); stack.o.indent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}; stack_copy.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack_copy.mode |= next->noreturn() ? 0 : Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } stack.o << (is0 ? "IF:<{" : "IFNOT:<{"); stack.o.indent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}, stack_target{stack}; stack_target.disable_output(); stack_target.drop_vars_except(next->var_info); stack_copy.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; block->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack_copy.drop_vars_except(var_info); stack_copy.opt_show(); if ((is0 && stack_copy == stack) || (!is0 && stack_copy.vars() == stack.vars())) { stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; if (!is0) { stack.merge_const(stack_copy); } return true; } // stack_copy.drop_vars_except(next->var_info); stack_copy.enforce_state(stack_target.vars()); stack_copy.opt_show(); if (stack_copy.vars() == stack.vars()) { stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; stack.merge_const(stack_copy); return true; } stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>ELSE<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.merge_state(stack_copy); stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } if (block0->noreturn() || block1->noreturn()) { bool is0 = block0->noreturn(); Op* block_noreturn = is0 ? block0.get() : block1.get(); Op* block_other = is0 ? block1.get() : block0.get(); stack.o << (is0 ? "IFJMP:<{" : "IFNOTJMP:<{"); stack.o.indent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}; stack_copy.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack_copy.mode |= (block_other->noreturn() || next->noreturn()) ? 0 : Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block_noreturn->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; block_other->generate_code_all(stack); return !block_other->noreturn(); } stack.o << "IF:<{"; stack.o.indent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}; stack_copy.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; block0->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack_copy.drop_vars_except(next->var_info); stack_copy.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>ELSE<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; block1->generate_code_all(stack); stack.merge_state(stack_copy); stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } case _Repeat: { var_idx_t x = left[0]; //stack.drop_vars_except(block0->var_info, x); stack.rearrange_top(x, var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last()); func_assert(stack[0] == x); stack.opt_show(); stack.s.pop_back(); stack.modified(); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } if (true || !next->is_empty()) { stack.o << "REPEAT:<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.forget_const(); if (block0->noreturn()) { Stack stack_copy{stack}; StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); stack_copy.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack_copy.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block0->generate_code_all(stack_copy); } else { StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block0->generate_code_all(stack); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); } stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } else { stack.o << "REPEATEND"; stack.forget_const(); StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); block0->generate_code_all(stack); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); return false; } } case _Again: { stack.drop_vars_except(block0->var_info); stack.opt_show(); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } if (!next->is_empty() || inline_func) { stack.o << "AGAIN:<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.forget_const(); StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block0->generate_code_all(stack); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } else { stack.o << "AGAINEND"; stack.forget_const(); StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); block0->generate_code_all(stack); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); return false; } } case _Until: { // stack.drop_vars_except(block0->var_info); // stack.opt_show(); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } if (true || !next->is_empty()) { stack.o << "UNTIL:<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.forget_const(); auto layout1 = stack.vars(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block0->generate_code_all(stack); layout1.push_back(left[0]); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; stack.s.pop_back(); stack.modified(); return true; } else { stack.o << "UNTILEND"; stack.forget_const(); StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); block0->generate_code_all(stack); layout1.push_back(left[0]); stack.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack.opt_show(); return false; } } case _While: { // while (block0 | left) block1; ...next var_idx_t x = left[0]; stack.drop_vars_except(block0->var_info); stack.opt_show(); StackLayout layout1 = stack.vars(); bool next_empty = false && next->is_empty(); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } stack.o << "WHILE:<{"; stack.o.indent(); stack.forget_const(); stack.mode &= ~Stack::_InlineFunc; stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; block0->generate_code_all(stack); stack.rearrange_top(x, !next->var_info[x] && !block1->var_info[x]); stack.opt_show(); stack.s.pop_back(); stack.modified(); stack.o.undent(); Stack stack_copy{stack}; stack.o << (next_empty ? "}>DO:" : "}>DO<{"); if (!next_empty) { stack.o.indent(); } stack_copy.opt_show(); block1->generate_code_all(stack_copy); stack_copy.enforce_state(std::move(layout1)); stack_copy.opt_show(); if (!next_empty) { stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>"; return true; } else { return false; } } case _TryCatch: { if (block0->is_empty() && block1->is_empty()) { return true; } if (block0->noreturn() || block1->noreturn()) { stack.o.retalt_ = true; } Stack catch_stack{stack.o}; std::vector catch_vars; std::vector catch_last; for (const VarDescr& var : block1->var_info.list) { if (stack.find(var.idx) >= 0) { catch_vars.push_back(var.idx); catch_last.push_back(!block0->var_info[var.idx]); } } const size_t block_size = 255; for (size_t begin = catch_vars.size(), end = begin; end > 0; end = begin) { begin = end >= block_size ? end - block_size : 0; for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i) { catch_stack.push_new_var(catch_vars[i]); } } catch_stack.push_new_var(left[0]); catch_stack.push_new_var(left[1]); stack.rearrange_top(catch_vars, catch_last); stack.opt_show(); stack.o << "c1 PUSH"; stack.o << "c3 PUSH"; stack.o << "c4 PUSH"; stack.o << "c5 PUSH"; stack.o << "c7 PUSH"; stack.o << "<{"; stack.o.indent(); if (block1->noreturn()) { catch_stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; } block1->generate_code_all(catch_stack); catch_stack.drop_vars_except(next->var_info); catch_stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>CONT"; stack.o << "c7 SETCONT"; stack.o << "c5 SETCONT"; stack.o << "c4 SETCONT"; stack.o << "c3 SETCONT"; stack.o << "c1 SETCONT"; for (size_t begin = catch_vars.size(), end = begin; end > 0; end = begin) { begin = end >= block_size ? end - block_size : 0; stack.o << std::to_string(end - begin) + " PUSHINT"; stack.o << "-1 PUSHINT"; stack.o << "SETCONTVARARGS"; } stack.s.erase(stack.s.end() - catch_vars.size(), stack.s.end()); stack.modified(); stack.o << "<{"; stack.o.indent(); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.mode |= Stack::_NeedRetAlt; } block0->generate_code_all(stack); if (block0->noreturn()) { stack.s = std::move(catch_stack.s); } else if (!block1->noreturn()) { stack.merge_state(catch_stack); } stack.opt_show(); stack.o.undent(); stack.o << "}>CONT"; stack.o << "c1 PUSH"; stack.o << "COMPOSALT"; stack.o << "SWAP"; stack.o << "TRY"; return true; } default: std::cerr << "fatal: unknown operation \n"; throw src::ParseError{where, "unknown operation in generate_code()"}; } } void Op::generate_code_all(Stack& stack) { int saved_mode = stack.mode; auto cont = generate_code_step(stack); stack.mode = (stack.mode & ~Stack::_ModeSave) | (saved_mode & Stack::_ModeSave); if (cont && next) { next->generate_code_all(stack); } } void CodeBlob::generate_code(AsmOpList& out, int mode) { Stack stack{out, mode}; func_assert(ops && ops->cl == Op::_Import); auto args = (int)ops->left.size(); for (var_idx_t x : ops->left) { stack.push_new_var(x); } ops->generate_code_all(stack); stack.apply_wrappers(require_callxargs && (mode & Stack::_InlineAny) ? args : -1); if (!(mode & Stack::_DisableOpt)) { optimize_code(out); } } void CodeBlob::generate_code(std::ostream& os, int mode, int indent) { AsmOpList out_list(indent, &vars); generate_code(out_list, mode); out_list.out(os, mode); } } // namespace funC