/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2019-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "archive-manager.hpp" #include "td/actor/MultiPromise.h" #include "td/utils/overloaded.h" #include "files-async.hpp" #include "td/db/RocksDb.h" #include "common/delay.h" namespace ton { namespace validator { std::string PackageId::path() const { if (temp) { return "/files/packages/"; } else if (key) { char s[24]; sprintf(s, "key%03d", id / 1000000); return PSTRING() << "/archive/packages/" << s << "/"; } else { char s[20]; sprintf(s, "arch%04d", id / 100000); return PSTRING() << "/archive/packages/" << s << "/"; } } std::string PackageId::name() const { if (temp) { return PSTRING() << "temp.archive." << id; } else if (key) { char s[20]; sprintf(s, "%06d", id); return PSTRING() << "key.archive." << s; } else { char s[10]; sprintf(s, "%05d", id); return PSTRING() << "archive." << s; } } ArchiveManager::ArchiveManager(td::actor::ActorId root, std::string db_root, td::Ref opts) : db_root_(db_root), opts_(opts) { } void ArchiveManager::add_handle(BlockHandle handle, td::Promise promise) { if (handle->handle_moved_to_archive()) { update_handle(std::move(handle), std::move(promise)); return; } auto p = handle->id().is_masterchain() ? get_package_id_force(handle->masterchain_ref_block(), handle->id().shard_full(), handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), handle->inited_is_key_block() && handle->is_key_block()) : get_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()); auto f = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), p, handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), true); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_handle, std::move(handle), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::update_handle(BlockHandle handle, td::Promise promise) { const FileDescription *f; if (handle->handle_moved_to_archive()) { CHECK(handle->inited_unix_time()); if (!handle->need_flush()) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } f = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), true); if (!f) { handle->flushed_upto(handle->version()); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } } else { f = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_temp_package_id(), 0, 0, 0, true); CHECK(f); } td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::update_handle, std::move(handle), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::add_file(BlockHandle handle, FileReference ref_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise) { bool copy_to_key = false; if (handle->inited_is_key_block() && handle->is_key_block() && handle->inited_unix_time() && handle->inited_logical_time() && handle->inited_masterchain_ref_block()) { copy_to_key = (ref_id.ref().get_offset() == ref_id.ref().offset()) || (ref_id.ref().get_offset() == ref_id.ref().offset()); } if (!handle->handle_moved_to_archive()) { td::MultiPromise mp; auto ig = mp.init_guard(); ig.add_promise(std::move(promise)); auto f1 = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_temp_package_id(), 0, 0, 0, true); td::actor::send_closure(f1->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, nullptr, std::move(ref_id), data.clone(), ig.get_promise()); if (copy_to_key) { auto f2 = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_key_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), true); td::actor::send_closure(f2->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, nullptr, ref_id, std::move(data), ig.get_promise()); } return; } CHECK(handle->inited_is_key_block()); td::MultiPromise mp; auto ig = mp.init_guard(); ig.add_promise(std::move(promise)); auto f1 = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), true); td::actor::send_closure(f1->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, handle, ref_id, data.clone(), ig.get_promise()); if (copy_to_key) { auto f2 = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_key_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), handle->id().seqno(), handle->unix_time(), handle->logical_time(), true); td::actor::send_closure(f2->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, handle, ref_id, std::move(data), ig.get_promise()); } } void ArchiveManager::add_key_block_proof(UnixTime ts, BlockSeqno seqno, LogicalTime lt, FileReference ref_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_file_desc(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, get_key_package_id(seqno), seqno, ts, lt, true); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, nullptr, std::move(ref_id), std::move(data), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::add_temp_file_short(FileReference ref_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_file_desc(ref_id.shard(), get_temp_package_id(), 0, 0, 0, true); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::add_file, nullptr, std::move(ref_id), std::move(data), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::get_handle(BlockIdExt block_id, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_file_desc_by_seqno(block_id.shard_full(), block_id.seqno(), false); if (f) { auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), block_id, idx = get_max_temp_file_desc_idx(), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { promise.set_value(R.move_as_ok()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_handle_cont, block_id, idx, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_handle, block_id, std::move(P)); } else { get_handle_cont(block_id, get_max_temp_file_desc_idx(), std::move(promise)); } } void ArchiveManager::get_handle_cont(BlockIdExt block_id, PackageId idx, td::Promise promise) { if (idx.is_empty()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "block handle not in db")); return; } auto f = get_temp_file_desc_by_idx(idx); if (!f) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "block handle not in db")); return; } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), block_id, idx = get_prev_temp_file_desc_idx(idx), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_handle_finish, R.move_as_ok(), std::move(promise)); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_handle_cont, block_id, idx, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_handle, block_id, std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::get_handle_finish(BlockHandle handle, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_file_desc_by_seqno(handle->id().shard_full(), handle->id().seqno(), false); if (!f) { promise.set_value(std::move(handle)); return; } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([handle, promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { promise.set_value(R.move_as_ok()); } else { promise.set_value(std::move(handle)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_handle, handle->id(), std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::get_file_short(FileReference ref_id, td::Promise promise) { bool search_in_key = false; BlockIdExt block_id; ref_id.ref().visit(td::overloaded( [&](const fileref::Proof &p) { search_in_key = p.block_id.is_masterchain(); block_id = p.block_id; }, [&](const fileref::ProofLink &p) { search_in_key = p.block_id.is_masterchain(); block_id = p.block_id; }, [&](const auto &p) {})); if (search_in_key) { auto f = get_file_desc_by_seqno(block_id.shard_full(), block_id.seqno(), true); if (f) { auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), ref_id, promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { promise.set_value(R.move_as_ok()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_temp_file_short, std::move(ref_id), std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_file, nullptr, ref_id, std::move(P)); return; } } get_temp_file_short(std::move(ref_id), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::get_key_block_proof(FileReference ref_id, td::Promise promise) { bool search_in_key = false; BlockIdExt block_id; ref_id.ref().visit(td::overloaded( [&](const fileref::Proof &p) { search_in_key = p.block_id.is_masterchain(); block_id = p.block_id; }, [&](const fileref::ProofLink &p) { search_in_key = p.block_id.is_masterchain(); block_id = p.block_id; }, [&](const auto &p) {})); if (search_in_key) { auto f = get_file_desc_by_seqno(block_id.shard_full(), block_id.seqno(), true); if (f) { td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_file, nullptr, ref_id, std::move(promise)); } else { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "key proof not in db")); } } else { promise.set_error( td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, "only proof/prooflink supported in get_key_block_proof")); } } void ArchiveManager::get_temp_file_short(FileReference ref_id, td::Promise promise) { get_file_short_cont(std::move(ref_id), get_max_temp_file_desc_idx(), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::get_file_short_cont(FileReference ref_id, PackageId idx, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_temp_file_desc_by_idx(idx); if (!f) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "file not in db")); return; } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), ref_id, idx = get_prev_temp_file_desc_idx(idx), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { promise.set_value(R.move_as_ok()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_file_short_cont, std::move(ref_id), idx, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_file, nullptr, std::move(ref_id), std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::get_file(ConstBlockHandle handle, FileReference ref_id, td::Promise promise) { if (handle->moved_to_archive()) { auto f = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), 0, 0, 0, false); if (f) { td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_file, std::move(handle), std::move(ref_id), std::move(promise)); return; } } if (handle->handle_moved_to_archive()) { auto f = get_file_desc(handle->id().shard_full(), get_package_id(handle->masterchain_ref_block()), 0, 0, 0, false); if (f) { auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), ref_id, idx = get_max_temp_file_desc_idx(), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok()) { promise.set_value(R.move_as_ok()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::get_file_short_cont, ref_id, idx, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_file, std::move(handle), std::move(ref_id), std::move(P)); return; } } get_file_short_cont(std::move(ref_id), get_max_temp_file_desc_idx(), std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::written_perm_state(FileReferenceShort id) { perm_states_.emplace(id.hash(), id); } void ArchiveManager::add_zero_state(BlockIdExt block_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::ZeroState{block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) != perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } auto path = db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + id.filename_short(); auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda( [SelfId = actor_id(this), id = id.shortref(), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_error()) { promise.set_error(R.move_as_error()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::written_perm_state, id); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } }); td::actor::create_actor("writefile", db_root_ + "/archive/tmp/", path, std::move(data), std::move(P)) .release(); } void ArchiveManager::add_persistent_state(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise) { auto create_writer = [&](std::string path, td::Promise P) { td::actor::create_actor("writefile", db_root_ + "/archive/tmp/", std::move(path), std::move(data), std::move(P)) .release(); }; add_persistent_state_impl(block_id, masterchain_block_id, std::move(promise), std::move(create_writer)); } void ArchiveManager::add_persistent_state_gen(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, std::function write_state, td::Promise promise) { auto create_writer = [&](std::string path, td::Promise P) { td::actor::create_actor("writefile", db_root_ + "/archive/tmp/", std::move(path), std::move(write_state), std::move(P)) .release(); }; add_persistent_state_impl(block_id, masterchain_block_id, std::move(promise), std::move(create_writer)); } void ArchiveManager::add_persistent_state_impl(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, td::Promise promise, std::function)> create_writer) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::PersistentState{block_id, masterchain_block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) != perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } auto path = db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + id.filename_short(); auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda( [SelfId = actor_id(this), id = id.shortref(), promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_error()) { promise.set_error(R.move_as_error()); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::written_perm_state, id); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } }); create_writer(std::move(path), std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::get_zero_state(BlockIdExt block_id, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::ZeroState{block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) == perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "zerostate not in db")); return; } auto path = db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + id.filename_short(); td::actor::create_actor("readfile", path, 0, -1, 0, std::move(promise)).release(); } void ArchiveManager::check_zero_state(BlockIdExt block_id, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::ZeroState{block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) == perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_result(false); return; } promise.set_result(true); } void ArchiveManager::get_persistent_state(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::PersistentState{block_id, masterchain_block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) == perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "state file not in db")); return; } auto path = db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + id.filename_short(); td::actor::create_actor("readfile", path, 0, -1, 0, std::move(promise)).release(); } void ArchiveManager::get_persistent_state_slice(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, td::int64 offset, td::int64 max_size, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::PersistentState{block_id, masterchain_block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) == perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "state file not in db")); return; } auto path = db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + id.filename_short(); td::actor::create_actor("readfile", path, offset, max_size, 0, std::move(promise)).release(); } void ArchiveManager::check_persistent_state(BlockIdExt block_id, BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id, td::Promise promise) { auto id = FileReference{fileref::PersistentState{block_id, masterchain_block_id}}; auto hash = id.hash(); if (perm_states_.find(hash) == perm_states_.end()) { promise.set_result(false); return; } promise.set_result(true); } void ArchiveManager::get_block_by_unix_time(AccountIdPrefixFull account_id, UnixTime ts, td::Promise promise) { auto f1 = get_file_desc_by_unix_time(account_id, ts, false); auto f2 = get_next_file_desc(f1, account_id, false); if (!f1) { std::swap(f1, f2); } if (f1) { td::actor::ActorId aid; if (f2) { aid = f2->file_actor_id(); } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda( [aid, account_id, ts, promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok() || R.error().code() != ErrorCode::notready || aid.empty()) { promise.set_result(std::move(R)); } else { td::actor::send_closure(aid, &ArchiveSlice::get_block_by_unix_time, account_id, ts, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f1->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_block_by_unix_time, account_id, ts, std::move(P)); } else { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "ts not in db")); } } void ArchiveManager::get_block_by_lt(AccountIdPrefixFull account_id, LogicalTime lt, td::Promise promise) { auto f1 = get_file_desc_by_lt(account_id, lt, false); auto f2 = get_next_file_desc(f1, account_id, false); if (!f1) { std::swap(f1, f2); } if (f1) { td::actor::ActorId aid; if (f2) { aid = f2->file_actor_id(); } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda( [aid, account_id, lt, promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { if (R.is_ok() || R.error().code() != ErrorCode::notready || aid.empty()) { promise.set_result(std::move(R)); } else { td::actor::send_closure(aid, &ArchiveSlice::get_block_by_lt, account_id, lt, std::move(promise)); } }); td::actor::send_closure(f1->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_block_by_lt, account_id, lt, std::move(P)); } else { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "lt not in db")); } } void ArchiveManager::get_block_by_seqno(AccountIdPrefixFull account_id, BlockSeqno seqno, td::Promise promise) { auto f = get_file_desc_by_seqno(account_id, seqno, false); if (f) { td::actor::send_closure(f->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_block_by_seqno, account_id, seqno, std::move(promise)); } else { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "seqno not in db")); } } void ArchiveManager::delete_package(PackageId id, td::Promise promise) { auto key = create_serialize_tl_object(id.id, id.key, id.temp); std::string value; auto v = index_->get(key.as_slice(), value); v.ensure(); CHECK(v.move_as_ok() == td::KeyValue::GetStatus::Ok); auto R = fetch_tl_object(value, true); R.ensure(); auto x = R.move_as_ok(); if (x->deleted_) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } auto &m = get_file_map(id); auto it = m.find(id); if (it == m.end() || it->second.deleted) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } it->second.deleted = true; auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda( [SelfId = actor_id(this), id, promise = std::move(promise)](td::Result R) mutable { R.ensure(); td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::deleted_package, id, std::move(promise)); }); td::actor::send_closure(it->second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::destroy, std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::deleted_package(PackageId id, td::Promise promise) { auto key = create_serialize_tl_object(id.id, id.key, id.temp); std::string value; auto v = index_->get(key.as_slice(), value); v.ensure(); CHECK(v.move_as_ok() == td::KeyValue::GetStatus::Ok); auto R = fetch_tl_object(value, true); R.ensure(); auto x = R.move_as_ok(); if (x->deleted_) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); return; } x->deleted_ = true; index_->begin_transaction().ensure(); index_->set(key, serialize_tl_object(x, true)).ensure(); index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); auto &m = get_file_map(id); auto it = m.find(id); CHECK(it != m.end()); CHECK(it->second.deleted); it->second.file.reset(); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } void ArchiveManager::load_package(PackageId id) { auto &m = get_file_map(id); if (m.count(id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate id " << id.name(); return; } auto key = create_serialize_tl_object(id.id, id.key, id.temp); std::string value; auto v = index_->get(key.as_slice(), value); v.ensure(); CHECK(v.move_as_ok() == td::KeyValue::GetStatus::Ok); auto R = fetch_tl_object(value, true); R.ensure(); auto x = R.move_as_ok(); if (x->deleted_) { return; } std::string prefix = PSTRING() << db_root_ << id.path() << id.name(); auto f = td::FileFd::open(prefix + ".pack", td::FileFd::Read); if (f.is_error()) { x->deleted_ = true; return; } FileDescription desc{id, false}; if (!id.temp) { for (auto &e : x->firstblocks_) { desc.first_blocks[ShardIdFull{e->workchain_, static_cast(e->shard_)}] = FileDescription::Desc{ static_cast(e->seqno_), static_cast(e->unixtime_), static_cast(e->lt_)}; } } desc.file = td::actor::create_actor("slice", id.id, id.key, id.temp, false, db_root_, archive_lru_.get()); m.emplace(id, std::move(desc)); update_permanent_slices(); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc(ShardIdFull shard, PackageId id, BlockSeqno seqno, UnixTime ts, LogicalTime lt, bool force) { auto &f = get_file_map(id); auto it = f.find(id); if (it != f.end()) { if (it->second.deleted) { return nullptr; } if (force && !id.temp) { update_desc(f, it->second, shard, seqno, ts, lt); } return &it->second; } if (!force) { return nullptr; } return add_file_desc(shard, id, seqno, ts, lt); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::add_file_desc(ShardIdFull shard, PackageId id, BlockSeqno seqno, UnixTime ts, LogicalTime lt) { auto &f = get_file_map(id); CHECK(f.count(id) == 0); FileDescription new_desc{id, false}; td::mkdir(db_root_ + id.path()).ensure(); std::string prefix = PSTRING() << db_root_ << id.path() << id.name(); new_desc.file = td::actor::create_actor("slice", id.id, id.key, id.temp, false, db_root_, archive_lru_.get()); const FileDescription &desc = f.emplace(id, std::move(new_desc)); if (!id.temp) { update_desc(f, desc, shard, seqno, ts, lt); } std::vector> vec; for (auto &e : desc.first_blocks) { vec.push_back(create_tl_object(e.first.workchain, e.first.shard, e.second.seqno, e.second.ts, e.second.lt)); } index_->begin_transaction().ensure(); // add package info to list of packages { std::vector t; std::vector tk; std::vector tt; for (auto &e : files_) { t.push_back(e.first.id); } for (auto &e : key_files_) { tk.push_back(e.first.id); } for (auto &e : temp_files_) { tt.push_back(e.first.id); } index_ ->set(create_serialize_tl_object().as_slice(), create_serialize_tl_object(std::move(t), std::move(tk), std::move(tt)) .as_slice()) .ensure(); } // add package info key { index_ ->set(create_serialize_tl_object(id.id, id.key, id.temp).as_slice(), create_serialize_tl_object(id.id, id.key, id.temp, std::move(vec), false) .as_slice()) .ensure(); } index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); update_permanent_slices(); return &desc; } void ArchiveManager::update_desc(FileMap &f, const FileDescription &desc, ShardIdFull shard, BlockSeqno seqno, UnixTime ts, LogicalTime lt) { auto it = desc.first_blocks.find(shard); if (it != desc.first_blocks.end() && it->second.seqno <= seqno) { return; } f.set_shard_first_block(desc, shard, FileDescription::Desc{seqno, ts, lt}); std::vector> vec; for (auto &e : desc.first_blocks) { vec.push_back(create_tl_object(e.first.workchain, e.first.shard, e.second.seqno, e.second.ts, e.second.lt)); } index_->begin_transaction().ensure(); index_ ->set(create_serialize_tl_object(desc.id.id, desc.id.key, desc.id.temp).as_slice(), create_serialize_tl_object(desc.id.id, desc.id.key, desc.id.temp, std::move(vec), false) .as_slice()) .ensure(); index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_seqno(ShardIdFull shard, BlockSeqno seqno, bool key_block) { return get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}).get_file_desc_by_seqno(shard, seqno); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_unix_time(ShardIdFull shard, UnixTime ts, bool key_block) { return get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}).get_file_desc_by_unix_time(shard, ts); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_lt(ShardIdFull shard, LogicalTime lt, bool key_block) { return get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}).get_file_desc_by_lt(shard, lt); } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_seqno(AccountIdPrefixFull account, BlockSeqno seqno, bool key_block) { if (account.is_masterchain()) { return get_file_desc_by_seqno(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, seqno, key_block); } auto &f = get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}); const FileDescription *result = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) { const FileDescription *desc = f.get_file_desc_by_seqno(shard_prefix(account, i), seqno); if (desc && (!result || result->id < desc->id)) { result = desc; } else if (result && (!desc || desc->id < result->id)) { break; } } return result; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_unix_time(AccountIdPrefixFull account, UnixTime ts, bool key_block) { if (account.is_masterchain()) { return get_file_desc_by_unix_time(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, ts, key_block); } auto &f = get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}); const FileDescription *result = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) { const FileDescription *desc = f.get_file_desc_by_unix_time(shard_prefix(account, i), ts); if (desc && (!result || result->id < desc->id)) { result = desc; } else if (result && (!desc || desc->id < result->id)) { break; } } return result; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_file_desc_by_lt(AccountIdPrefixFull account, LogicalTime lt, bool key_block) { if (account.is_masterchain()) { return get_file_desc_by_lt(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, lt, key_block); } auto &f = get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}); const FileDescription *result = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) { const FileDescription *desc = f.get_file_desc_by_lt(shard_prefix(account, i), lt); if (desc && (!result || result->id < desc->id)) { result = desc; } else if (result && (!desc || desc->id < result->id)) { break; } } return result; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_next_file_desc(const FileDescription *f, AccountIdPrefixFull shard, bool key_block) { auto &m = get_file_map(PackageId{0, key_block, false}); const FileDescription *result = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i <= 60; i++) { const FileDescription *desc = m.get_next_file_desc(shard_prefix(shard, i), f); if (desc && (!result || desc->id < result->id)) { result = desc; } else if (result && (!desc || result->id < desc->id)) { break; } } return result; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::get_temp_file_desc_by_idx(PackageId idx) { auto it = temp_files_.find(idx); if (it != temp_files_.end()) { if (it->second.deleted) { return nullptr; } else { return &it->second; } } else { return nullptr; } } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_max_temp_file_desc_idx() { if (temp_files_.size() == 0) { return PackageId::empty(false, true); } else { return temp_files_.rbegin()->first; } } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_prev_temp_file_desc_idx(PackageId idx) { auto it = temp_files_.lower_bound(idx); if (it == temp_files_.begin()) { return PackageId::empty(false, true); } it--; return it->first; } void ArchiveManager::start_up() { td::mkdir(db_root_).ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/archive/").ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/archive/tmp/").ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/archive/packages/").ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/archive/states/").ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/files/").ensure(); td::mkdir(db_root_ + "/files/packages/").ensure(); if (opts_->get_max_open_archive_files() > 0) { archive_lru_ = td::actor::create_actor("archive_lru", opts_->get_max_open_archive_files()); } index_ = std::make_shared(td::RocksDb::open(db_root_ + "/files/globalindex").move_as_ok()); std::string value; auto v = index_->get(create_serialize_tl_object().as_slice(), value); v.ensure(); if (v.move_as_ok() == td::KeyValue::GetStatus::Ok) { auto R = fetch_tl_object(value, true); R.ensure(); auto x = R.move_as_ok(); for (auto &d : x->packages_) { load_package(PackageId{static_cast(d), false, false}); } for (auto &d : x->key_packages_) { load_package(PackageId{static_cast(d), true, false}); } for (auto &d : x->temp_packages_) { load_package(PackageId{static_cast(d), false, true}); } } v = index_->get("finalizedupto", value); v.ensure(); if (v.move_as_ok() == td::KeyValue::GetStatus::Ok) { auto R = td::to_integer_safe(value); R.ensure(); finalized_up_to_ = R.move_as_ok(); } td::WalkPath::run(db_root_ + "/archive/states/", [&](td::CSlice fname, td::WalkPath::Type t) -> void { if (t == td::WalkPath::Type::NotDir) { LOG(ERROR) << "checking file " << fname; auto pos = fname.rfind(TD_DIR_SLASH); if (pos != td::Slice::npos) { fname.remove_prefix(pos + 1); } auto R = FileReferenceShort::create(fname.str()); if (R.is_error()) { auto R2 = FileReference::create(fname.str()); if (R2.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "deleting bad state file '" << fname << "': " << R.move_as_error() << R2.move_as_error(); td::unlink(db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + fname.str()).ignore(); return; } auto d = R2.move_as_ok(); auto newfname = d.filename_short(); td::rename(db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + fname.str(), db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + newfname).ensure(); R = FileReferenceShort::create(newfname); R.ensure(); } auto f = R.move_as_ok(); auto hash = f.hash(); perm_states_[hash] = std::move(f); } }).ensure(); persistent_state_gc(FileHash::zero()); } void ArchiveManager::run_gc(UnixTime mc_ts, UnixTime gc_ts, UnixTime archive_ttl) { auto p = get_temp_package_id_by_unixtime(std::max(gc_ts, mc_ts - TEMP_PACKAGES_TTL)); std::vector vec; for (auto &x : temp_files_) { if (x.first < p) { vec.push_back(x.first); } else { break; } } if (vec.size() > 1) { vec.resize(vec.size() - 1, PackageId::empty(false, true)); for (auto &x : vec) { delete_package(x, [](td::Unit) {}); } } vec.clear(); if (archive_ttl > 0) { for (auto &f : files_) { auto &desc = f.second; if (desc.deleted) { continue; } auto it = desc.first_blocks.find(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}); if (it == desc.first_blocks.end()) { continue; } if (it->second.ts < gc_ts - archive_ttl) { vec.push_back(f.first); } } if (vec.size() > 1) { vec.resize(vec.size() - 1, PackageId::empty(false, true)); for (auto &x : vec) { LOG(ERROR) << "WARNING: deleting package " << x.id; delete_package(x, [](td::Unit) {}); } } } } void ArchiveManager::persistent_state_gc(FileHash last) { if (perm_states_.size() == 0) { delay_action( [hash = FileHash::zero(), SelfId = actor_id(this)]() { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::persistent_state_gc, hash); }, td::Timestamp::in(1.0)); return; } auto it = perm_states_.lower_bound(last); if (it != perm_states_.end() && it->first == last) { it++; } if (it == perm_states_.end()) { it = perm_states_.begin(); } auto &F = it->second; auto hash = F.hash(); int res = 0; BlockSeqno seqno = 0; F.ref().visit(td::overloaded([&](const fileref::ZeroStateShort &x) { res = 1; }, [&](const fileref::PersistentStateShort &x) { res = 0; seqno = x.masterchain_seqno; }, [&](const auto &obj) { res = -1; })); if (res == -1) { td::unlink(db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + F.filename_short()).ignore(); perm_states_.erase(it); } if (res != 0) { delay_action([hash, SelfId = actor_id( this)]() { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::persistent_state_gc, hash); }, td::Timestamp::in(1.0)); return; } auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this), hash](td::Result R) { if (R.is_error()) { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::got_gc_masterchain_handle, nullptr, hash); } else { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::got_gc_masterchain_handle, R.move_as_ok(), hash); } }); get_block_by_seqno(AccountIdPrefixFull{masterchainId, 0}, seqno, std::move(P)); } void ArchiveManager::got_gc_masterchain_handle(ConstBlockHandle handle, FileHash hash) { bool to_del = false; if (!handle || !handle->inited_unix_time() || !handle->unix_time()) { to_del = true; } else { auto ttl = ValidatorManager::persistent_state_ttl(handle->unix_time()); to_del = ttl < td::Clocks::system(); } auto it = perm_states_.find(hash); CHECK(it != perm_states_.end()); auto &F = it->second; if (to_del) { td::unlink(db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + F.filename_short()).ignore(); perm_states_.erase(it); } delay_action([hash, SelfId = actor_id( this)]() { td::actor::send_closure(SelfId, &ArchiveManager::persistent_state_gc, hash); }, td::Timestamp::in(1.0)); } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_temp_package_id() const { return get_temp_package_id_by_unixtime(static_cast(td::Clocks::system())); } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_temp_package_id_by_unixtime(UnixTime ts) const { return PackageId{ts - (ts % 3600), false, true}; } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_key_package_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const { return PackageId{seqno - seqno % key_archive_size(), true, false}; } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_package_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const { auto it = files_.upper_bound(PackageId{seqno, false, false}); CHECK(it != files_.begin()); it--; return it->first; } PackageId ArchiveManager::get_package_id_force(BlockSeqno masterchain_seqno, ShardIdFull shard, BlockSeqno seqno, UnixTime ts, LogicalTime lt, bool is_key) { PackageId p = PackageId::empty(false, false); if (!is_key) { auto it = files_.upper_bound(PackageId{masterchain_seqno, false, false}); p = PackageId{masterchain_seqno - (masterchain_seqno % archive_size()), false, false}; if (it != files_.begin()) { it--; if (p < it->first) { p = it->first; } } } else { p = PackageId{masterchain_seqno, false, false}; } auto it = files_.find(p); if (it != files_.end()) { return it->first; } add_file_desc(shard, p, seqno, ts, lt); it = files_.find(p); CHECK(it != files_.end()); return it->first; } void ArchiveManager::get_archive_id(BlockSeqno masterchain_seqno, td::Promise promise) { auto F = get_file_desc_by_seqno(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, masterchain_seqno, false); if (!F) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "archive not found")); return; } td::actor::send_closure(F->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_archive_id, masterchain_seqno, std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::get_archive_slice(td::uint64 archive_id, td::uint64 offset, td::uint32 limit, td::Promise promise) { auto arch = static_cast(archive_id); auto F = get_file_desc(ShardIdFull{masterchainId}, PackageId{arch, false, false}, 0, 0, 0, false); if (!F) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::notready, "archive not found")); return; } td::actor::send_closure(F->file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::get_slice, archive_id, offset, limit, std::move(promise)); } void ArchiveManager::commit_transaction() { if (!async_mode_ || huge_transaction_size_++ >= 100) { index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); if (async_mode_) { huge_transaction_size_ = 0; huge_transaction_started_ = false; } } } void ArchiveManager::set_async_mode(bool mode, td::Promise promise) { async_mode_ = mode; if (!async_mode_ && huge_transaction_started_) { index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); huge_transaction_size_ = 0; huge_transaction_started_ = false; } td::MultiPromise mp; auto ig = mp.init_guard(); ig.add_promise(std::move(promise)); for (auto &x : key_files_) { if (!x.second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(x.second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::set_async_mode, mode, ig.get_promise()); } } for (auto &x : temp_files_) { if (!x.second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(x.second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::set_async_mode, mode, ig.get_promise()); } } for (auto &x : files_) { if (!x.second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(x.second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::set_async_mode, mode, ig.get_promise()); } } } void ArchiveManager::truncate(BlockSeqno masterchain_seqno, ConstBlockHandle handle, td::Promise promise) { index_->begin_transaction().ensure(); td::MultiPromise mp; auto ig = mp.init_guard(); ig.add_promise(std::move(promise)); for (auto &x : temp_files_) { if (!x.second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(x.second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::destroy, ig.get_promise()); x.second.file.release(); } } temp_files_.clear(); { auto it = key_files_.begin(); while (it != key_files_.end()) { if (it->first.id <= masterchain_seqno) { if (!it->second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(it->second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::truncate, masterchain_seqno, handle, ig.get_promise()); } it++; } else { auto it2 = it; it++; if (!it2->second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(it2->second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::destroy, ig.get_promise()); } it2->second.file.release(); index_ ->erase(create_serialize_tl_object(it2->second.id.id, it2->second.id.key, it2->second.id.temp) .as_slice()) .ensure(); key_files_.erase(it2); } } } { auto it = files_.begin(); while (it != files_.end()) { if (it->first.id <= masterchain_seqno) { if (!it->second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(it->second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::truncate, masterchain_seqno, handle, ig.get_promise()); } it++; } else { auto it2 = it; it++; if (!it2->second.deleted) { td::actor::send_closure(it2->second.file_actor_id(), &ArchiveSlice::destroy, ig.get_promise()); } it2->second.file.release(); index_ ->erase(create_serialize_tl_object(it2->second.id.id, it2->second.id.key, it2->second.id.temp) .as_slice()) .ensure(); files_.erase(it2); } } } { std::vector t; std::vector tk; std::vector tt; for (auto &e : files_) { t.push_back(e.first.id); } for (auto &e : key_files_) { tk.push_back(e.first.id); } for (auto &e : temp_files_) { tt.push_back(e.first.id); } index_ ->set(create_serialize_tl_object().as_slice(), create_serialize_tl_object(std::move(t), std::move(tk), std::move(tt)) .as_slice()) .ensure(); } index_->commit_transaction().ensure(); { auto it = perm_states_.begin(); while (it != perm_states_.end()) { int res = 0; it->second.ref().visit(td::overloaded( [&](const fileref::ZeroStateShort &x) { res = -1; }, [&](const fileref::PersistentStateShort &x) { res = x.masterchain_seqno <= masterchain_seqno ? -1 : 1; }, [&](const auto &obj) { res = 1; })); if (res <= 0) { it++; } else { auto it2 = it; it++; td::unlink(db_root_ + "/archive/states/" + it2->second.filename_short()).ignore(); perm_states_.erase(it2); } } } update_permanent_slices(); } void ArchiveManager::FileMap::shard_index_add(const FileDescription &desc) { for (const auto &p : desc.first_blocks) { ShardIndex &s = shards_[p.first]; s.seqno_index_[p.second.seqno] = &desc; s.lt_index_[p.second.lt] = &desc; s.unix_time_index_[p.second.ts] = &desc; s.packages_index_[desc.id] = &desc; } } void ArchiveManager::FileMap::shard_index_del(const FileDescription &desc) { for (const auto &p : desc.first_blocks) { ShardIndex &s = shards_[p.first]; s.seqno_index_.erase(p.second.seqno); s.lt_index_.erase(p.second.lt); s.unix_time_index_.erase(p.second.ts); s.packages_index_.erase(desc.id); } } void ArchiveManager::FileMap::set_shard_first_block(const FileDescription &desc, ShardIdFull shard, FileDescription::Desc v) { ShardIndex &s = shards_[shard]; auto &d = const_cast(desc); auto it = d.first_blocks.find(shard); if (it != d.first_blocks.end()) { s.seqno_index_.erase(it->second.seqno); s.lt_index_.erase(it->second.lt); s.unix_time_index_.erase(it->second.ts); } d.first_blocks[shard] = v; s.seqno_index_[v.seqno] = &d; s.lt_index_[v.lt] = &d; s.unix_time_index_[v.ts] = &d; s.packages_index_[d.id] = &d; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::FileMap::get_file_desc_by_seqno(ShardIdFull shard, BlockSeqno seqno) const { auto it = shards_.find(shard); if (it == shards_.end()) { return nullptr; } const auto &map = it->second.seqno_index_; auto it2 = map.upper_bound(seqno); if (it2 == map.begin()) { return nullptr; } --it2; return it2->second->deleted ? nullptr : it2->second; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::FileMap::get_file_desc_by_lt(ShardIdFull shard, LogicalTime lt) const { auto it = shards_.find(shard); if (it == shards_.end()) { return nullptr; } const auto &map = it->second.lt_index_; auto it2 = map.upper_bound(lt); if (it2 == map.begin()) { return nullptr; } --it2; return it2->second->deleted ? nullptr : it2->second; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::FileMap::get_file_desc_by_unix_time(ShardIdFull shard, UnixTime ts) const { auto it = shards_.find(shard); if (it == shards_.end()) { return nullptr; } const auto &map = it->second.unix_time_index_; auto it2 = map.upper_bound(ts); if (it2 == map.begin()) { return nullptr; } --it2; return it2->second->deleted ? nullptr : it2->second; } const ArchiveManager::FileDescription *ArchiveManager::FileMap::get_next_file_desc(ShardIdFull shard, const FileDescription *desc) const { auto it = shards_.find(shard); if (it == shards_.end()) { return nullptr; } const auto &map = it->second.packages_index_; auto it2 = desc ? map.upper_bound(desc->id) : map.begin(); if (it2 == map.end()) { return nullptr; } return it2->second->deleted ? nullptr : it2->second; } void ArchiveManager::update_permanent_slices() { if (archive_lru_.empty()) { return; } std::vector ids; if (!files_.empty()) { ids.push_back(files_.rbegin()->first); } if (!key_files_.empty()) { ids.push_back(key_files_.rbegin()->first); } if (!temp_files_.empty()) { ids.push_back(temp_files_.rbegin()->first); } td::actor::send_closure(archive_lru_, &ArchiveLru::set_permanent_slices, std::move(ids)); } } // namespace validator } // namespace ton