/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "td/utils/bits.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include #include namespace td { class uint128_emulated { public: using uint128 = uint128_emulated; uint128_emulated(uint64 hi, uint64 lo) : hi_(hi), lo_(lo) { } template ::value>> uint128_emulated(T lo) : uint128_emulated(0, lo) { } uint128_emulated() = default; uint64 hi() const { return hi_; } uint64 lo() const { return lo_; } uint64 rounded_hi() const { return hi_ + (lo_ >> 63); } static uint128 from_signed(int64 x) { if (x >= 0) { return uint128(0, x); } return uint128(std::numeric_limits::max(), static_cast(x)); } static uint128 from_unsigned(uint64 x) { return uint128(0, x); } uint128 add(uint128 other) const { uint128 res(other.hi() + hi(), other.lo() + lo()); if (res.lo() < lo()) { res.hi_++; } return res; } uint128 shl(int cnt) const { if (cnt == 0) { return *this; } if (cnt < 64) { return uint128((hi() << cnt) | (lo() >> (64 - cnt)), lo() << cnt); } if (cnt < 128) { return uint128(lo() << (cnt - 64), 0); } return uint128(); } uint128 shr(int cnt) const { if (cnt == 0) { return *this; } if (cnt < 64) { return uint128(hi() >> cnt, (lo() >> cnt) | (hi() << (64 - cnt))); } if (cnt < 128) { return uint128(0, hi() >> (cnt - 64)); } return uint128(); } uint128 mult(uint128 other) const { uint64 a_lo = lo() & 0xffffffff; uint64 a_hi = lo() >> 32; uint64 b_lo = other.lo() & 0xffffffff; uint64 b_hi = other.lo() >> 32; uint128 res(lo() * other.hi() + hi() * other.lo() + a_hi * b_hi, a_lo * b_lo); uint128 add1(0, a_lo * b_hi); uint128 add2(0, a_hi * b_lo); return res.add(add1.shl(32)).add(add2.shl(32)); } uint128 mult(uint64 other) const { return mult(uint128(0, other)); } uint128 mult_signed(int64 other) const { return mult(uint128::from_signed(other)); } bool is_zero() const { return lo() == 0 && hi() == 0; } uint128 sub(uint128 other) const { uint32 carry = 0; if (other.lo() > lo()) { carry = 1; } return uint128(hi() - other.hi() - carry, lo() - other.lo()); } void divmod(uint128 other, uint128 *div_res, uint128 *mod_res) const { CHECK(!other.is_zero()); auto from = *this; auto ctz = from.count_leading_zeroes(); auto other_ctz = other.count_leading_zeroes(); if (ctz > other_ctz) { *div_res = uint128(); *mod_res = from; return; } auto shift = other_ctz - ctz; auto res = uint128(); for (int i = shift; i >= 0; i--) { auto sub = other.shl(i); res = res.shl(1); if (from.greater_or_equal(sub)) { from = from.sub(sub); res = res.set_lower_bit(); } } *div_res = res; *mod_res = from; } uint128 div(uint128 other) const { uint128 a, b; divmod(other, &a, &b); return a; } uint128 mod(uint128 other) const { uint128 a, b; divmod(other, &a, &b); return b; } void divmod_signed(int64 y, int64 *quot, int64 *rem) const { CHECK(y != 0); auto x = *this; int x_sgn = x.is_negative(); int y_sgn = y < 0; if (x_sgn) { x = x.negate(); } uint128 uy = from_signed(y); if (uy.is_negative()) { uy = uy.negate(); } uint128 t_quot, t_mod; x.divmod(uy, &t_quot, &t_mod); *quot = t_quot.lo(); *rem = t_mod.lo(); if (x_sgn != y_sgn) { *quot = -*quot; } if (x_sgn) { *rem = -*rem; } } private: uint64 hi_{0}; uint64 lo_{0}; bool is_negative() const { return (hi_ >> 63) == 1; } int32 count_leading_zeroes() const { if (hi() == 0) { return 64 + count_leading_zeroes64(lo()); } return count_leading_zeroes64(hi()); } uint128 set_lower_bit() const { return uint128(hi(), lo() | 1); } bool greater_or_equal(uint128 other) const { return hi() > other.hi() || (hi() == other.hi() && lo() >= other.lo()); } uint128 negate() const { uint128 res(~hi(), ~lo() + 1); if (res.lo() == 0) { return uint128(res.hi() + 1, 0); } return res; } }; #if TD_HAVE_INT128 class uint128_intrinsic { public: using ValueT = unsigned __int128; using uint128 = uint128_intrinsic; explicit uint128_intrinsic(ValueT value) : value_(value) { } uint128_intrinsic(uint64 hi, uint64 lo) : value_((ValueT(hi) << 64) | lo) { } uint128_intrinsic() = default; static uint128 from_signed(int64 x) { return uint128(static_cast(x)); } static uint128 from_unsigned(uint64 x) { return uint128(static_cast(x)); } uint64 hi() const { return uint64(value() >> 64); } uint64 lo() const { return uint64(value() & std::numeric_limits::max()); } uint64 rounded_hi() const { return uint64((value() + (1ULL << 63)) >> 64); } uint128 add(uint128 other) const { return uint128(value() + other.value()); } uint128 sub(uint128 other) const { return uint128(value() - other.value()); } uint128 shl(int cnt) const { if (cnt >= 128) { return uint128(); } return uint128(value() << cnt); } uint128 shr(int cnt) const { if (cnt >= 128) { return uint128(); } return uint128(value() >> cnt); } uint128 mult(uint128 other) const { return uint128(value() * other.value()); } uint128 mult(uint64 other) const { return uint128(value() * other); } uint128 mult_signed(int64 other) const { return uint128(value() * other); } bool is_zero() const { return value() == 0; } void divmod(uint128 other, uint128 *div_res, uint128 *mod_res) const { CHECK(!other.is_zero()); *div_res = uint128(value() / other.value()); *mod_res = uint128(value() % other.value()); } uint128 div(uint128 other) const { CHECK(!other.is_zero()); return uint128(value() / other.value()); } uint128 mod(uint128 other) const { CHECK(!other.is_zero()); return uint128(value() % other.value()); } void divmod_signed(int64 y, int64 *quot, int64 *rem) const { CHECK(y != 0); *quot = (int64)(signed_value() / y); *rem = (int64)(signed_value() % y); } private: unsigned __int128 value_{0}; ValueT value() const { return value_; } __int128 signed_value() const { return static_cast<__int128>(value()); } }; #endif #if TD_HAVE_INT128 using uint128 = uint128_intrinsic; #else using uint128 = uint128_emulated; #endif } // namespace td