/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include #include "vm/log.h" #include "vm/opctable.h" #include "vm/stack.hpp" #include "vm/continuation.h" #include "vm/excno.hpp" #include "common/bigint.hpp" #include "common/refint.h" #include "vm/dictops.h" #include "vm/dict.h" namespace vm { template void push_dict(Stack& stack, T&& dict) { stack.push_maybe_cell(std::move(dict).extract_root_cell()); } template void push_dict(Stack& stack, const T& dict) { stack.push_maybe_cell(dict.get_root_cell()); } int exec_dict_empty(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICTEMPTY"; auto dict = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (!dict->have(1)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und}; } stack.push_smallint(~dict->prefetch_long(1)); return 0; } int exec_store_dict(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute STDICT"; stack.check_underflow(2); auto cb = stack.pop_builder(); auto d = stack.pop_maybe_cell(); if (!cb.write().store_maybe_ref(std::move(d))) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov}; } stack.push_builder(std::move(cb)); return 0; } int dict_nonempty(const CellSlice& dict) { if (!dict.have(1)) { return -1; } int res = (int)dict.prefetch_ulong(1); return dict.have_refs(res) ? res : -1; } int dict_nonempty_chk(const CellSlice& dict) { int res = dict_nonempty(dict); if (res < 0) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und}; } return res; } int exec_skip_dict(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute SKIPDICT\n"; auto dict = stack.pop_cellslice(); int res = dict_nonempty_chk(*dict); dict.write().advance_ext(1, res); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(dict)); return 0; } int exec_load_optref(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute LDOPTREF\n"; auto dict = stack.pop_cellslice(); int res = dict_nonempty_chk(*dict); dict.write().advance(1); if (res) { auto cell = dict.write().fetch_ref(); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(dict)); stack.push_cell(std::move(cell)); } else { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(dict)); } stack.push_smallint(-res); return 0; } int exec_preload_optref(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute PLDOPTREF\n"; auto dict = stack.pop_cellslice(); int res = dict_nonempty_chk(*dict); if (res) { stack.push_cell(dict->prefetch_ref()); } stack.push_smallint(-res); return 0; } int exec_load_dict_slice(VmState* st, unsigned args) { bool preload = args & 1, quiet = args & 2; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute " << (preload ? "P" : "") << "LDDICTS" << (quiet ? "Q\n" : "\n"); auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); int res = dict_nonempty(*cs); if (res < 0) { if (!quiet) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und}; } if (!preload) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); } } else { if (preload) { stack.push_cellslice(cs->prefetch_subslice(1, res)); } else { stack.push_cellslice(cs.write().fetch_subslice(1, res)); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); } } if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(res >= 0); } return 0; } int exec_load_dict(VmState* st, unsigned args) { bool preload = args & 1, quiet = args & 2; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute " << (preload ? "P" : "") << "LDDICT" << (quiet ? "Q\n" : "\n"); auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); int res = dict_nonempty(*cs); if (res < 0) { if (!quiet) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und}; } if (!preload) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); } } else { stack.push_maybe_cell(res ? cs->prefetch_ref() : Ref{}); if (!preload) { cs.write().advance_ext(1, res); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); } } if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(res >= 0); } return 0; } std::string dump_dictop(unsigned args, const char* name) { std::ostringstream os{"DICT"}; if (args & 4) { os << (args & 2 ? 'U' : 'I'); } os << name; if (args & 1) { os << "REF"; } return os.str(); } std::string dump_dictop2(unsigned args, const char* name) { std::ostringstream os{"DICT"}; if (args & 2) { os << (args & 1 ? 'U' : 'I'); } os << name; return os.str(); } std::string dump_subdictop2(unsigned args, const char* name) { std::ostringstream os{"SUBDICT"}; if (args & 2) { os << (args & 1 ? 'U' : 'I'); } os << name; return os.str(); } int exec_dict_get(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "GET" << (args & 1 ? "REF" : ""); stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 4) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int_finite(), n, !(args & 2), buffer, true); if (!key.is_valid()) { stack.push_smallint(0); return 0; } } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } if (args & 1) { auto value = dict.lookup_ref(key); if (value.not_null()) { stack.push_cell(std::move(value)); stack.push_smallint(-1); } else { stack.push_smallint(0); } } else { auto value = dict.lookup(key); if (value.not_null()) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(value)); stack.push_smallint(-1); } else { stack.push_smallint(0); } } return 0; } int exec_dict_get_optref(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 2 ? (args & 1 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "GETOPTREF"; stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 2) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int_finite(), n, !(args & 1), buffer, true); if (!key.is_valid()) { stack.push_null(); return 0; } } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } stack.push_maybe_cell(dict.lookup_ref(key)); return 0; } int exec_dict_set(VmState* st, unsigned args, Dictionary::SetMode mode, const char* name, bool bld = false) { args <<= (bld ? 1 : 0); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? "U" : "I") : "") << name << (args & 1 ? "REF" : (bld ? "B" : "")); stack.check_underflow(4); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 4) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int(), n, !(args & 2), buffer); } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } bool res; if (bld) { auto new_value = stack.pop_builder(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } res = dict.set_builder(key, std::move(new_value), mode); } else if (!(args & 1)) { auto new_value = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } res = dict.set(key, std::move(new_value), mode); } else { auto new_value_ref = stack.pop_cell(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } res = dict.set_ref(key, std::move(new_value_ref), mode); } push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); if (mode == Dictionary::SetMode::Set) { st->ensure_throw(res); } else { stack.push_bool(res); } return 0; } int exec_dict_setget(VmState* st, unsigned args, Dictionary::SetMode mode, const char* name, bool bld = false) { args <<= (bld ? 1 : 0); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? "U" : "I") : "") << name << (args & 1 ? "REF\n" : (bld ? "B\n" : "\n")); stack.check_underflow(4); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 4) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int(), n, !(args & 2), buffer); } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } bool ok_f = (mode != Dictionary::SetMode::Add); if (bld) { auto new_value = stack.pop_builder(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } auto res = dict.lookup_set_builder(key, std::move(new_value), mode); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); if (res.not_null()) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); stack.push_bool(ok_f); } else { stack.push_bool(!ok_f); } } else if (!(args & 1)) { auto new_value = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } auto res = dict.lookup_set(key, std::move(new_value), mode); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); if (res.not_null()) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); stack.push_bool(ok_f); } else { stack.push_bool(!ok_f); } } else { auto new_value_ref = stack.pop_cell(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } auto res = dict.lookup_set_ref(key, std::move(new_value_ref), mode); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); if (res.not_null()) { stack.push_cell(std::move(res)); stack.push_bool(ok_f); } else { stack.push_bool(!ok_f); } } return 0; } int exec_dict_delete(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 2 ? (args & 1 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "DEL\n"; stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 2) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int_finite(), n, !(args & 1), buffer); if (!key.is_valid()) { push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_smallint(0); return 0; } } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } bool res = dict.lookup_delete(key).not_null(); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_bool(res); return 0; } int exec_dict_deleteget(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "DELGET" << (args & 1 ? "REF\n" : "\n"); stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 4) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int_finite(), n, !(args & 2), buffer); if (!key.is_valid()) { push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_smallint(0); return 0; } } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } if (!(args & 1)) { auto res = dict.lookup_delete(key); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); bool ok = res.not_null(); if (ok) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); } stack.push_bool(ok); } else { auto res = dict.lookup_delete_ref(key); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); bool ok = res.not_null(); if (ok) { stack.push_cell(std::move(res)); } stack.push_bool(ok); } return 0; } int exec_dict_setget_optref(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 2 ? (args & 1 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "SETGETOPTREF"; stack.check_underflow(4); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 2) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int(), n, !(args & 1), buffer); } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); } auto new_value = stack.pop_maybe_cell(); if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key"}; } Ref value; if (new_value.not_null()) { value = dict.lookup_set_ref(key, std::move(new_value)); } else { value = dict.lookup_delete_ref(key); } push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_maybe_cell(std::move(value)); return 0; } int exec_dict_getmin(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? "U" : "I") : "") << (args & 16 ? "REM" : "") << (args & 8 ? "MAX" : "MIN") << (args & 1 ? "REF\n" : "\n"); stack.check_underflow(2); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(args & 4 ? (args & 2 ? 256 : 257) : Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; bool flip_first = !(args & 2); if (!(args & 1)) { auto res = (args & 16) ? dict.extract_minmax_key(buffer, n, args & 8, flip_first) : dict.get_minmax_key(buffer, n, args & 8, flip_first); if (args & 16) { push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); } if (res.is_null()) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); } else { auto res = (args & 16) ? dict.extract_minmax_key_ref(buffer, n, args & 8, flip_first) : dict.get_minmax_key_ref(buffer, n, args & 8, flip_first); if (args & 16) { push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); } if (res.is_null()) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } stack.push_cell(std::move(res)); } if (args & 4) { td::RefInt256 x{true}; x.unique_write().import_bits(td::ConstBitPtr{buffer}, n, !(args & 2)); stack.push_int(std::move(x)); } else { stack.push_cellslice(Ref{true, CellBuilder().store_bits(td::ConstBitPtr{buffer}, n).finalize()}); } stack.push_bool(true); return 0; } std::string dump_dictop_getnear(CellSlice& cs, unsigned args) { std::ostringstream os{"DICT"}; if (args & 8) { os << (args & 4 ? 'U' : 'I'); } os << "GET" << (args & 2 ? "PREV" : "NEXT") << (args & 1 ? "EQ" : ""); return os.str(); } int exec_dict_getnear(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 8 ? (args & 4 ? "U" : "I") : "") << "GET" << (args & 2 ? "PREV" : "NEXT") << (args & 1 ? "EQ\n" : "\n"); stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(args & 8 ? (args & 4 ? 256 : 257) : Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; bool sgnd = !(args & 4), go_up = !(args & 2), allow_eq = args & 1; if (!(args & 8)) { auto key_hint = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(n); if (!key_hint.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key hint"}; } td::BitPtr{buffer}.copy_from(key_hint.bits(), n); key_hint.forget(); auto res = dict.lookup_nearest_key(td::BitPtr{buffer}, n, go_up, allow_eq, false); if (res.is_null()) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); stack.push_cellslice(Ref{true, CellBuilder().store_bits(td::ConstBitPtr{buffer}, n).finalize()}); } else { auto key = stack.pop_int_finite(); Ref res; if (key->export_bits(td::BitPtr{buffer}, n, sgnd)) { res = dict.lookup_nearest_key(buffer, n, go_up, allow_eq, sgnd); } else if ((td::sgn(key) >= 0) ^ go_up) { res = dict.get_minmax_key(buffer, n, !go_up, sgnd); } if (res.is_null()) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res)); key.write().import_bits(td::ConstBitPtr{buffer}, n, sgnd); stack.push_int(std::move(key)); } stack.push_bool(true); return 0; } int exec_pfx_dict_set(VmState* st, Dictionary::SetMode mode, const char* name) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute PFXDICT" << name; stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(PrefixDictionary::max_key_bits); PrefixDictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; auto key_slice = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto new_value = stack.pop_cellslice(); bool res = dict.set(key_slice->data_bits(), key_slice->size(), std::move(new_value), mode); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_bool(res); return 0; } int exec_pfx_dict_delete(VmState* st) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute PFXDICTDEL\n"; stack.check_underflow(2); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(PrefixDictionary::max_key_bits); PrefixDictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; auto key_slice = stack.pop_cellslice(); bool res = dict.lookup_delete(key_slice->data_bits(), key_slice->size()).not_null(); push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); stack.push_bool(res); return 0; } int exec_dict_get_exec(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICT" << (args & 1 ? 'U' : 'I') << "GET" << (args & 2 ? "EXEC" : "JMP") << (args & 4 ? "Z" : ""); stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; auto idx = stack.pop_int_finite(); if (dict.integer_key_simple(idx, n, !(args & 1), td::BitPtr{buffer}, true)) { auto value = dict.lookup(td::BitPtr{buffer}, n); if (value.not_null()) { Ref cont{true, std::move(value), st->get_cp()}; return (args & 2) ? st->call(std::move(cont)) : st->jump(std::move(cont)); } } // key not found or out of range if (args & 4) { stack.push_int(std::move(idx)); } return 0; } std::string dump_dict_get_exec(CellSlice& cs, unsigned args) { return std::string{"DICT"} + (args & 1 ? 'U' : 'I') + "GET" + (args & 2 ? "EXEC" : "JMP") + (args & 4 ? "Z" : ""); } int exec_push_const_dict(VmState* st, CellSlice& cs, unsigned args, int pfx_bits) { if (!cs.have(pfx_bits)) { throw VmError{Excno::inv_opcode, "not enough data bits for a DICTPUSHCONST instruction"}; } if (!cs.have_refs(1)) { throw VmError{Excno::inv_opcode, "not enough references for a DICTPUSHCONST instruction"}; } Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); cs.advance(pfx_bits - 11); auto slice = cs.fetch_subslice(1, 1); int n = (int)cs.fetch_ulong(10); VM_LOG(st) << "execute DICTPUSHCONST " << n << " (" << slice << ")"; stack.push_cell(slice->prefetch_ref()); stack.push_smallint(n); return 0; } std::string dump_push_const_dict(CellSlice& cs, int pfx_bits, const char* name) { if (!cs.have(pfx_bits, 1)) { return ""; } cs.advance(pfx_bits - 11); auto slice = cs.fetch_subslice(1, 1); int n = (int)cs.fetch_ulong(10); std::ostringstream os{name}; os << ' ' << n << " ("; slice->dump_hex(os, false); os << ')'; return os.str(); } int compute_len_push_const_dict(const CellSlice& cs, unsigned args, int pfx_bits) { if (!cs.have(pfx_bits, 1)) { return 0; } return 0x10000 + pfx_bits; } int exec_pfx_dict_get(VmState* st, int op, const char* name_suff) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute PFXDICTGET" << name_suff; stack.check_underflow(3); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(PrefixDictionary::max_key_bits); PrefixDictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto res = dict.lookup_prefix(cs->data_bits(), cs->size()); if (res.first.is_null()) { if (op & 1) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot parse a prefix belonging to a given prefix code dictionary"}; } stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); if (!op) { stack.push_bool(false); } return 0; } stack.push_cellslice(cs.write().fetch_subslice(res.second)); if (!(op & 2)) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(res.first)); } stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs)); if (!op) { stack.push_bool(true); return 0; } if (op == 1) { return 0; } Ref cont{true, std::move(res.first), st->get_cp()}; return op & 1 ? st->call(std::move(cont)) : st->jump(std::move(cont)); } int exec_const_pfx_dict_switch(VmState* st, CellSlice& cs, unsigned args, int pfx_bits) { if (!cs.have(pfx_bits)) { throw VmError{Excno::inv_opcode, "not enough data bits for a PFXDICTSWITCH instruction"}; } if (!cs.have_refs(1)) { throw VmError{Excno::inv_opcode, "not enough references for a PFXDICTSWITCH instruction"}; } Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); cs.advance(pfx_bits - 11); auto dict_slice = cs.fetch_subslice(1, 1); int n = (int)cs.fetch_ulong(10); VM_LOG(st) << "execute PFXDICTSWITCH " << n << " (" << dict_slice << ")"; PrefixDictionary dict{std::move(dict_slice), n}; auto cs1 = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto res = dict.lookup_prefix(cs1->data_bits(), cs1->size()); if (res.first.is_null()) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs1)); return 0; } else { stack.push_cellslice(cs1.write().fetch_subslice(res.second)); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(cs1)); Ref cont{true, std::move(res.first), st->get_cp()}; return st->jump(std::move(cont)); } } int exec_subdict_get(VmState* st, unsigned args) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); VM_LOG(st) << "execute SUBDICT" << (args & 2 ? (args & 1 ? "U" : "I") : "") << (args & 4 ? "RP" : "") << "GET"; stack.check_underflow(4); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(Dictionary::max_key_bits); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), n}; int mk = (args & 2 ? (args & 1 ? 256 : 257) : Dictionary::max_key_bits); int k = stack.pop_smallint_range(std::min(mk, n)); BitSlice key; unsigned char buffer[Dictionary::max_key_bytes]; if (args & 2) { key = dict.integer_key(stack.pop_int_finite(), k, !(args & 1), buffer, true); } else { key = stack.pop_cellslice()->prefetch_bits(k); } if (!key.is_valid()) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "not enough bits for a dictionary key prefix"}; } if (!dict.cut_prefix_subdict(key.bits(), k, args & 4)) { throw VmError{Excno::dict_err, "cannot construct subdictionary by key prefix"}; } push_dict(stack, std::move(dict)); return 0; } void register_dictionary_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf400, 16, "STDICT", exec_store_dict)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf401, 16, "SKIPDICT", exec_skip_dict)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf402, 16, "LDDICTS", std::bind(exec_load_dict_slice, _1, 0))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf403, 16, "PLDDICTS", std::bind(exec_load_dict_slice, _1, 1))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf404, 16, "LDDICT", std::bind(exec_load_dict, _1, 0))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf405, 16, "PLDDICT", std::bind(exec_load_dict, _1, 1))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf406, 16, "LDDICTQ", std::bind(exec_load_dict, _1, 2))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf407, 16, "PLDDICTQ", std::bind(exec_load_dict, _1, 3))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf40a, 0xf410, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "GET"), exec_dict_get)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf412, 0xf418, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "SET"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Set, "SET", false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf41a, 0xf420, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "SETGET"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Set, "SETGET", false))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf422, 0xf428, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "REPLACE"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Replace, "REPLACE", false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange( 0xf42a, 0xf430, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "REPLACEGET"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Replace, "REPLACEGET", false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf432, 0xf438, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "ADD"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Add, "ADD", false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf43a, 0xf440, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "ADDGET"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Add, "ADDGET", false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf441, 0xf444, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "SETB"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Set, "SET", true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf445, 0xf448, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "SETGETB"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Set, "SETGET", true))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf449, 0xf44c, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "REPLACEB"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Replace, "REPLACE", true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange( 0xf44d, 0xf450, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "REPLACEGETB"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Replace, "REPLACEGET", true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf451, 0xf454, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "ADDB"), std::bind(exec_dict_set, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Add, "ADD", true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf455, 0xf458, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "ADDGETB"), std::bind(exec_dict_setget, _1, _2, Dictionary::SetMode::Add, "ADDGET", true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf459, 0xf45c, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "DEL"), exec_dict_delete)) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf462, 0xf468, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "DELGET"), exec_dict_deleteget)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf469, 0xf46c, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "GETOPTREF"), exec_dict_get_optref)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf46d, 0xf470, 16, 2, std::bind(dump_dictop2, _2, "SETGETOPTREF"), exec_dict_setget_optref)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf470, 16, "PFXDICTSET", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_set, _1, PrefixDictionary::SetMode::Set, "SET"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf471, 16, "PFXDICTREPLACE", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_set, _1, PrefixDictionary::SetMode::Replace, "REPLACE"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf472, 16, "PFXDICTADD", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_set, _1, PrefixDictionary::SetMode::Add, "ADD"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf473, 16, "PFXDICTDEL", exec_pfx_dict_delete)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf474, 0xf480, 16, 4, dump_dictop_getnear, exec_dict_getnear)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf482, 0xf488, 16, 5, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "MIN"), exec_dict_getmin)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf48a, 0xf490, 16, 5, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "MAX"), exec_dict_getmin)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf492, 0xf498, 16, 5, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "REMMIN"), exec_dict_getmin)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf49a, 0xf4a0, 16, 5, std::bind(dump_dictop, _2, "REMMAX"), exec_dict_getmin)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixed(0xf4a0 >> 2, 14, 2, dump_dict_get_exec, exec_dict_get_exec)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkextrange(0xf4a400, 0xf4a800, 24, 11, std::bind(dump_push_const_dict, _1, _3, "DICTPUSHCONST"), exec_push_const_dict, compute_len_push_const_dict)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf4a8, 16, "PFXDICTGETQ", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_get, _1, 0, "Q"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf4a9, 16, "PFXDICTGET", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_get, _1, 1, ""))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf4aa, 16, "PFXDICTGETJMP", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_get, _1, 2, "JMP"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf4ab, 16, "PFXDICTGETEXEC", std::bind(exec_pfx_dict_get, _1, 3, "EXEC"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkextrange(0xf4ac00, 0xf4b000, 24, 11, std::bind(dump_push_const_dict, _1, _3, "PFXDICTSWITCH"), exec_const_pfx_dict_switch, compute_len_push_const_dict)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf4b1, 0xf4b4, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_subdictop2, _2, "GET"), exec_subdict_get)) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf4b5, 0xf4b8, 16, 3, std::bind(dump_subdictop2, _2, "RPGET"), exec_subdict_get)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixed(0xf4bc >> 2, 14, 2, dump_dict_get_exec, exec_dict_get_exec)); } } // namespace vm