/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "td/db/utils/BlobView.h" #include "td/utils/port/FileFd.h" #include "td/utils/HashMap.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/port/RwMutex.h" #include "td/utils/port/MemoryMapping.h" #include #include namespace td { class BlobViewImpl { public: virtual ~BlobViewImpl() = default; td::Result view(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset); td::Result view_copy(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset); td::Result to_buffer_slice(); td::Result write(td::Slice data, td::uint64 offset); virtual td::Status sync() { return td::Status::OK(); } virtual td::uint64 size() = 0; private: virtual td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) = 0; virtual td::Result write_impl(td::Slice data, td::uint64 offset) { return td::Status::Error("Read only blob"); } }; BlobView::BlobView() = default; BlobView::BlobView(std::unique_ptr impl) : impl_(std::move(impl)) { } BlobView::BlobView(BlobView &&) = default; BlobView &BlobView::operator=(BlobView &&) = default; BlobView::~BlobView() { } td::Result BlobView::view(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) { CHECK(impl_); return impl_->view(slice, offset); } td::Result BlobView::write(td::Slice data, td::uint64 offset) { CHECK(impl_); return impl_->write(data, offset); } td::Result BlobView::to_buffer_slice() { td::BufferSlice res(size()); TRY_RESULT(read_size, view_copy(res.as_slice(), 0)); if (read_size != res.size()) { return td::Status::Error("Can't view the whole blob"); } return std::move(res); } td::Result BlobView::view_copy(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) { TRY_RESULT(res, view(slice, offset)); if (res.begin() != slice.begin()) { slice.copy_from(res); } return res.size(); } td::uint64 BlobView::size() { CHECK(impl_); return impl_->size(); } td::Result BlobViewImpl::view(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) { if (offset > size() || slice.size() > size() - offset) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "BlobView: invalid range requested " << td::tag("slice offset", offset) << td::tag("slice size", slice.size()) << td::tag("blob size", size())); } return view_impl(slice, offset); } td::Result BlobViewImpl::write(td::Slice slice, td::uint64 offset) { if (offset > size() || slice.size() > size() - offset) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "BlobView: invalid range requested " << td::tag("slice offset", offset) << td::tag("slice size", slice.size()) << td::tag("blob size", size())); } return write_impl(slice, offset); } namespace { class BufferSliceBlobViewImpl : public BlobViewImpl { public: BufferSliceBlobViewImpl(td::BufferSlice slice) : slice_(std::move(slice)) { } td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) override { // optimize anyway if (offset > std::numeric_limits::max()) { return td::Slice(); } return slice_.as_slice().substr(static_cast(offset), slice.size()); } td::Result write_impl(td::Slice data, td::uint64 offset) override { slice_.as_slice().substr(offset).copy_from(data); return data.size(); } td::uint64 size() override { return slice_.size(); } private: td::BufferSlice slice_; }; } // namespace BlobView BufferSliceBlobView::create(td::BufferSlice slice) { return BlobView(std::make_unique(std::move(slice))); } class FileBlobViewImpl : public BlobViewImpl { public: FileBlobViewImpl(td::FileFd fd, td::uint64 file_size) : fd_(std::move(fd)), file_size_(file_size) { } td::uint64 size() override { return file_size_; } td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) override { CHECK(offset < size()); CHECK(size() - offset >= slice.size()); slice.truncate(file_size_ - offset); auto first_page = offset / page_size; auto last_page = (offset + slice.size() - 1) / page_size; td::uint64 res_offset = 0; for (auto page_i = first_page; page_i <= last_page; page_i++) { auto page_offset = page_i * page_size; auto from = td::max(page_offset, offset); auto till = td::min(page_offset + page_size, offset + slice.size()); CHECK(from < till); TRY_RESULT(page, load_page(page_i)); auto len = till - from; slice.substr(res_offset, len).copy_from(page.substr(from - page_offset, len)); res_offset += len; } CHECK(slice.size() == res_offset); total_view_size_ += slice.size(); return slice; } ~FileBlobViewImpl() { //LOG(ERROR) << "LOADED " << pages_.size() << " " << total_view_size_; } private: td::FileFd fd_; td::uint64 file_size_; const td::uint64 page_size = 4096; td::uint64 total_view_size_{0}; td::RwMutex pages_rw_mutex_; td::HashMap pages_; std::mutex fd_mutex_; td::Result load_page(td::uint64 page_i) { { auto pages_guard = pages_rw_mutex_.lock_read(); auto it = pages_.find(page_i); if (it != pages_.end()) { return it->second.as_slice(); } } std::lock_guard fd_guard(fd_mutex_); { auto pages_guard = pages_rw_mutex_.lock_read(); auto it = pages_.find(page_i); if (it != pages_.end()) { return it->second.as_slice(); } } auto offset = page_i * page_size; auto size = td::min(file_size_ - offset, page_size); auto buffer_slice = td::BufferSlice(size); TRY_RESULT(read_size, fd_.pread(buffer_slice.as_slice(), offset)); if (read_size != buffer_slice.size()) { return td::Status::Error("not enough data in file"); } auto pages_guard = pages_rw_mutex_.lock_write(); auto &res = pages_[page_i]; res = std::move(buffer_slice); return res.as_slice(); } }; td::Result FileBlobView::create(td::CSlice file_path, td::uint64 file_size) { TRY_RESULT(fd, td::FileFd::open(file_path, td::FileFd::Flags::Read)); TRY_RESULT(stat, fd.stat()); if (file_size == 0) { file_size = stat.size_; } else if (file_size != (td::uint64)stat.size_) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Wrong file size (1) expected:" << file_size << " got:" << stat.size_); } return BlobView(std::make_unique(std::move(fd), file_size)); } class FileNoCacheBlobViewImpl : public BlobViewImpl { public: FileNoCacheBlobViewImpl(td::FileFd fd, td::uint64 file_size) : fd_(std::move(fd)), file_size_(file_size) { } td::uint64 size() override { return file_size_; } td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) override { CHECK(offset < size()); CHECK(size() - offset >= slice.size()); slice.truncate(file_size_ - offset); TRY_RESULT(read_size, fd_.pread(slice, offset)); slice.truncate(read_size); return slice; } td::Result write_impl(td::Slice data, td::uint64 offset) override { return fd_.pwrite(data, offset); } ~FileNoCacheBlobViewImpl() { } private: td::FileFd fd_; td::uint64 file_size_; }; td::Result FileNoCacheBlobView::create(td::CSlice file_path, td::uint64 file_size, bool may_write) { td::int32 flags = td::FileFd::Flags::Read; if (may_write) { flags |= td::FileFd::Flags::Create | td::FileFd::Flags::Write; } TRY_RESULT(fd, td::FileFd::open(file_path, flags)); TRY_RESULT(stat, fd.stat()); if (file_size == 0) { file_size = stat.size_; } else if (file_size != (td::uint64)stat.size_) { if (stat.size_ == 0) { TRY_STATUS(fd.seek(file_size)); TRY_STATUS(fd.truncate_to_current_position(file_size)); TRY_STATUS(fd.seek(0)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << file_path; return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Wrong file size (2) expected:" << file_size << " got:" << stat.size_); } } return BlobView(std::make_unique(std::move(fd), file_size)); } class FileMemoryMappingBlobViewImpl : public BlobViewImpl { public: FileMemoryMappingBlobViewImpl(td::MemoryMapping mapping) : mapping_(std::move(mapping)) { } td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) override { // optimize anyway return mapping_.as_slice().substr(offset, slice.size()); } td::uint64 size() override { return mapping_.as_slice().size(); } private: td::MemoryMapping mapping_; }; td::Result FileMemoryMappingBlobView::create(td::CSlice file_path, td::uint64 file_size) { TRY_RESULT(fd, td::FileFd::open(file_path, td::FileFd::Flags::Read)); TRY_RESULT(stat, fd.stat()); if (file_size == 0) { file_size = stat.size_; } else if (file_size != (td::uint64)stat.size_) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Wrong file size (3) expected:" << file_size << " got:" << stat.size_); } TRY_RESULT(mapping, td::MemoryMapping::create_from_file(fd)); return BlobView(std::make_unique(std::move(mapping))); } class CyclicBlobViewImpl : public BlobViewImpl { public: CyclicBlobViewImpl(td::BufferSlice data, td::uint64 total_size) : data_(std::move(data)), total_size_(total_size) { } td::Result view_impl(td::MutableSlice slice, td::uint64 offset) override { auto res = slice; offset %= data_.size(); while (!slice.empty()) { auto from = data_.as_slice().substr(offset).truncate(slice.size()); slice.copy_from(from); slice.remove_prefix(from.size()); offset = 0; } return res; } td::uint64 size() override { return total_size_; } private: td::BufferSlice data_; td::uint64 total_size_; }; td::Result CycicBlobView::create(td::BufferSlice data, td::uint64 total_size) { return BlobView(std::make_unique(std::move(data), total_size)); } } // namespace td