/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "vm/cells/CellBuilder.h" #include "vm/cells/CellSlice.h" #include "vm/cells/DataCell.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "openssl/digest.hpp" namespace vm { using td::Ref; using td::RefAny; /* * * CELL BUILDERS * */ CellBuilder::~CellBuilder() { get_thread_safe_counter().add(-1); } CellBuilder::CellBuilder() : bits(0), refs_cnt(0) { get_thread_safe_counter().add(+1); } Ref CellBuilder::finalize_copy(bool special) const { auto* vm_state_interface = VmStateInterface::get(); if (vm_state_interface) { vm_state_interface->register_cell_create(); } auto res = DataCell::create(data, size(), td::span(refs.data(), size_refs()), special); if (res.is_error()) { LOG(DEBUG) << res.error(); throw CellWriteError{}; } auto cell = res.move_as_ok(); CHECK(cell.not_null()); if (vm_state_interface) { vm_state_interface->register_new_cell(cell); if (cell.is_null()) { LOG(DEBUG) << "cannot register new data cell"; throw CellWriteError{}; } } return cell; } td::Result> CellBuilder::finalize_novm_nothrow(bool special) { auto res = DataCell::create(data, size(), td::mutable_span(refs.data(), size_refs()), special); bits = refs_cnt = 0; return res; } Ref CellBuilder::finalize_novm(bool special) { auto res = finalize_novm_nothrow(special); if (res.is_error()) { LOG(DEBUG) << res.error(); throw CellWriteError{}; } CHECK(res.ok().not_null()); return res.move_as_ok(); } Ref CellBuilder::finalize(bool special) { auto* vm_state_interface = VmStateInterface::get(); if (!vm_state_interface) { return finalize_novm(special); } vm_state_interface->register_cell_create(); auto cell = finalize_novm(special); vm_state_interface->register_new_cell(cell); if (cell.is_null()) { LOG(DEBUG) << "cannot register new data cell"; throw CellWriteError{}; } return cell; } Ref CellBuilder::create_pruned_branch(Ref cell, td::uint32 new_level, td::uint32 virt_level) { if (cell->is_loaded() && cell->get_level() <= virt_level && cell->get_virtualization() == 0) { CellSlice cs(NoVm{}, cell); if (cs.size_refs() == 0) { return cell; } } return do_create_pruned_branch(std::move(cell), new_level, virt_level); } Ref CellBuilder::do_create_pruned_branch(Ref cell, td::uint32 new_level, td::uint32 virt_level) { auto level_mask = cell->get_level_mask().apply(virt_level); auto level = level_mask.get_level(); if (new_level < level + 1) { throw CellWriteError(); } CellBuilder cb; cb.store_long(static_cast(Cell::SpecialType::PrunnedBranch), 8); cb.store_long(level_mask.apply_or(Cell::LevelMask::one_level(new_level)).get_mask(), 8); for (td::uint32 i = 0; i <= level; i++) { if (level_mask.is_significant(i)) { cb.store_bytes(cell->get_hash(i).as_slice()); } } for (td::uint32 i = 0; i <= level; i++) { if (level_mask.is_significant(i)) { cb.store_long(cell->get_depth(i), 16); } } return cb.finalize(true); } Ref CellBuilder::create_merkle_proof(Ref cell_proof) { CellBuilder cb; cb.store_long(static_cast(Cell::SpecialType::MerkleProof), 8); cb.store_bytes(cell_proof->get_hash(0).as_slice()); cb.store_long(cell_proof->get_depth(0), Cell::depth_bytes * 8); cb.store_ref(cell_proof); return cb.finalize(true); } Ref CellBuilder::create_merkle_update(Ref from_proof, Ref to_proof) { CellBuilder cb; cb.store_long(static_cast(Cell::SpecialType::MerkleUpdate), 8); cb.store_bytes(from_proof->get_hash(0).as_slice()); cb.store_bytes(to_proof->get_hash(0).as_slice()); cb.store_long(from_proof->get_depth(0), Cell::depth_bytes * 8); cb.store_long(to_proof->get_depth(0), Cell::depth_bytes * 8); cb.store_ref(from_proof); cb.store_ref(to_proof); return cb.finalize(true); } void CellBuilder::reset(void) { while (refs_cnt > 0) { refs[--refs_cnt].clear(); } bits = 0; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::operator=(const CellBuilder& other) { bits = other.bits; refs_cnt = other.refs_cnt; refs = other.refs; std::memcpy(data, other.data, (bits + 7) >> 3); return *this; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::operator=(CellBuilder&& other) { bits = other.bits; refs_cnt = other.refs_cnt; refs = std::move(other.refs); other.refs_cnt = 0; std::memcpy(data, other.data, (bits + 7) >> 3); return *this; } bool CellBuilder::can_extend_by(std::size_t new_bits, unsigned new_refs) const { return (new_bits <= Cell::max_bits - bits && new_refs <= (unsigned)Cell::max_refs - refs_cnt); } bool CellBuilder::can_extend_by(std::size_t new_bits) const { return new_bits <= Cell::max_bits - bits; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bytes(const unsigned char* str, std::size_t len) { ensure_throw(len <= Cell::max_bytes); return store_bits(str, len * 8); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bytes(const unsigned char* str, const unsigned char* end) { ensure_throw(end >= str && end <= str + Cell::max_bytes); return store_bits(str, (end - str) * 8); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bytes(const char* str, std::size_t len) { return store_bytes((const unsigned char*)(str), len); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bytes(const char* str, const char* end) { return store_bytes((const unsigned char*)(str), (const unsigned char*)(end)); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bytes(td::Slice s) { return store_bytes((const unsigned char*)(s.data()), (const unsigned char*)(s.data() + s.size())); } bool CellBuilder::store_bytes_bool(const unsigned char* str, std::size_t len) { return len <= Cell::max_bytes && store_bits_bool(str, len * 8); } bool CellBuilder::store_bytes_bool(const char* str, std::size_t len) { return len <= Cell::max_bytes && store_bits_bool((const unsigned char*)str, len * 8); } bool CellBuilder::store_bytes_bool(td::Slice s) { return store_bytes_bool((const unsigned char*)s.data(), s.size()); } bool CellBuilder::store_bits_bool(const unsigned char* str, std::size_t bit_count, int bit_offset) { unsigned pos = bits; if (!prepare_reserve(bit_count)) { return false; } td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, pos, str, bit_offset, bit_count); return true; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bits(const unsigned char* str, std::size_t bit_count, int bit_offset) { unsigned pos = bits; ensure_throw(prepare_reserve(bit_count)); td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, pos, str, bit_offset, bit_count); return *this; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bits(const td::BitSlice& bs) { return store_bits(bs.get_ptr(), bs.size(), bs.get_offs()); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bits(const char* str, std::size_t bit_count, int bit_offset) { return store_bits((const unsigned char*)str, bit_count, bit_offset); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bits(td::ConstBitPtr bs, std::size_t bit_count) { return store_bits(bs.ptr, bit_count, bs.offs); } bool CellBuilder::store_bits_bool(td::ConstBitPtr bs, std::size_t bit_count) { return store_bits_bool(bs.ptr, bit_count, bs.offs); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_bits_same(std::size_t bit_count, bool val) { unsigned pos = bits; if (prepare_reserve(bit_count)) { td::bitstring::bits_memset(data, pos, val, bit_count); } return *this; } bool CellBuilder::store_bits_same_bool(std::size_t bit_count, bool val) { unsigned pos = bits; if (!prepare_reserve(bit_count)) { return false; } td::bitstring::bits_memset(data, pos, val, bit_count); return true; } inline bool CellBuilder::prepare_reserve(std::size_t bit_count) { if (!can_extend_by(bit_count)) { return false; } else { bits += (unsigned)bit_count; return true; } } td::BitSliceWrite CellBuilder::reserve_slice(std::size_t bit_count) { unsigned offs = bits; if (prepare_reserve(bit_count)) { return td::BitSliceWrite{Ref{this}, data, offs, (unsigned)bit_count}; } else { return td::BitSliceWrite{}; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::reserve_slice(std::size_t bit_count, td::BitSliceWrite& bsw) { unsigned offs = bits; if (prepare_reserve(bit_count)) { bsw.assign(Ref{this}, data, offs, (unsigned)bit_count); } else { bsw.forget(); } return *this; } bool CellBuilder::store_bool_bool(bool val) { if (can_extend_by_fast(1)) { store_long(val, 1); return true; } else { return false; } } bool CellBuilder::store_long_bool(long long val, unsigned val_bits) { if (val_bits > 64 || !can_extend_by(val_bits)) { return false; } store_long(val, val_bits); return true; } bool CellBuilder::store_long_rchk_bool(long long val, unsigned val_bits) { if (val_bits > 64 || !can_extend_by(val_bits)) { return false; } if (val_bits < 64 && (val < static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max() << (val_bits - 1)) || val >= (1LL << (val_bits - 1)))) { return false; } store_long(val, val_bits); return true; } bool CellBuilder::store_ulong_rchk_bool(unsigned long long val, unsigned val_bits) { if (val_bits > 64 || !can_extend_by(val_bits)) { return false; } if (val_bits < 64 && val >= (1ULL << val_bits)) { return false; } store_long(val, val_bits); return true; } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_long(long long val, unsigned val_bits) { return store_long_top(val_bits == 0 ? 0 : (unsigned long long)val << (64 - val_bits), val_bits); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_long_top(unsigned long long val, unsigned top_bits) { unsigned pos = bits; auto reserve_ok = prepare_reserve(top_bits); ensure_throw(reserve_ok); td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, pos, val, top_bits); return *this; } bool CellBuilder::store_uint_less(unsigned upper_bound, unsigned long long val) { return val < upper_bound && store_long_bool(val, 32 - td::count_leading_zeroes32(upper_bound - 1)); } bool CellBuilder::store_uint_leq(unsigned upper_bound, unsigned long long val) { return val <= upper_bound && store_long_bool(val, 32 - td::count_leading_zeroes32(upper_bound)); } bool CellBuilder::store_int256_bool(const td::BigInt256& val, unsigned val_bits, bool sgnd) { unsigned pos = bits; if (!prepare_reserve(val_bits)) { return false; } if (val.export_bits(data, pos, val_bits, sgnd)) { return true; } else { bits = pos; return false; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_int256(const td::BigInt256& val, unsigned val_bits, bool sgnd) { return ensure_pass(store_int256_bool(val, val_bits, sgnd)); } bool CellBuilder::store_int256_bool(td::RefInt256 val, unsigned val_bits, bool sgnd) { return val.not_null() && store_int256_bool(*val, val_bits, sgnd); } bool CellBuilder::store_builder_ref_bool(vm::CellBuilder&& cb) { return store_ref_bool(cb.finalize()); } bool CellBuilder::store_ref_bool(Ref ref) { if (refs_cnt < Cell::max_refs && ref.not_null()) { refs[refs_cnt++] = std::move(ref); return true; } else { return false; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::store_ref(Ref ref) { return ensure_pass(store_ref_bool(std::move(ref))); } td::uint16 CellBuilder::get_depth() const { int d = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < refs_cnt; i++) { d = std::max(d, 1 + refs[i]->get_depth()); } return static_cast(d); } bool CellBuilder::append_data_cell_bool(const DataCell& cell) { unsigned len = cell.size(); if (can_extend_by(len, cell.size_refs())) { unsigned pos = bits; ensure_throw(prepare_reserve(len)); td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, pos, cell.get_data(), 0, len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cell.size_refs(); i++) { refs[refs_cnt++] = cell.get_ref(i); } return true; } else { return false; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_data_cell(const DataCell& cell) { return ensure_pass(append_data_cell_bool(cell)); } bool CellBuilder::append_data_cell_bool(Ref cell_ref) { return append_data_cell_bool(*cell_ref); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_data_cell(Ref cell_ref) { return ensure_pass(append_data_cell_bool(std::move(cell_ref))); } bool CellBuilder::append_builder_bool(const CellBuilder& cb) { unsigned len = cb.size(); if (can_extend_by(len, cb.size_refs())) { unsigned pos = bits; ensure_throw(prepare_reserve(len)); td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, pos, cb.get_data(), 0, len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cb.size_refs(); i++) { refs[refs_cnt++] = cb.get_ref(i); } return true; } else { return false; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_builder(const CellBuilder& cb) { return ensure_pass(append_builder_bool(cb)); } bool CellBuilder::append_builder_bool(Ref cb_ref) { return append_builder_bool(*cb_ref); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_builder(Ref cb_ref) { return ensure_pass(append_builder_bool(std::move(cb_ref))); } bool CellBuilder::append_cellslice_bool(const CellSlice& cs) { unsigned len = cs.size(); if (can_extend_by(len, cs.size_refs())) { int pos = bits; ensure_throw(prepare_reserve(len)); td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(td::BitPtr{data, pos}, cs.data_bits(), len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.size_refs(); i++) { refs[refs_cnt++] = cs.prefetch_ref(i); } return true; } else { return false; } } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_cellslice(const CellSlice& cs) { return ensure_pass(append_cellslice_bool(cs)); } bool CellBuilder::append_cellslice_bool(Ref cs_ref) { return cs_ref.not_null() && append_cellslice_bool(*cs_ref); } CellBuilder& CellBuilder::append_cellslice(Ref cs) { return ensure_pass(append_cellslice_bool(cs)); } bool CellBuilder::append_cellslice_chk(const CellSlice& cs, unsigned size_ext) { return cs.size_ext() == size_ext && append_cellslice_bool(cs); } bool CellBuilder::append_cellslice_chk(Ref cs_ref, unsigned size_ext) { return cs_ref.not_null() && append_cellslice_chk(*cs_ref, size_ext); } CellSlice CellSlice::clone() const { CellBuilder cb; Ref cell; if (cb.append_cellslice_bool(*this) && cb.finalize_to(cell)) { return CellSlice{NoVmOrd(), std::move(cell)}; } else { return {}; } } bool CellBuilder::append_bitstring(const td::BitString& bs) { return store_bits_bool(bs.cbits(), bs.size()); } bool CellBuilder::append_bitstring(Ref bs_ref) { return bs_ref.not_null() && append_bitstring(*bs_ref); } bool CellBuilder::append_bitstring_chk(const td::BitString& bs, unsigned size) { return bs.size() == size && store_bits_bool(bs.cbits(), size); } bool CellBuilder::append_bitstring_chk(Ref bs_ref, unsigned size) { return bs_ref.not_null() && append_bitstring_chk(*bs_ref, size); } bool CellBuilder::append_bitslice(const td::BitSlice& bs) { return store_bits_bool(bs.bits(), bs.size()); } bool CellBuilder::store_maybe_ref(Ref cell) { if (cell.is_null()) { return store_long_bool(0, 1); } else { return store_long_bool(1, 1) && store_ref_bool(std::move(cell)); } } void CellBuilder::flush(unsigned char d[2]) const { assert(refs_cnt <= Cell::max_refs && bits <= Cell::max_bits); unsigned l = (bits >> 3); if (bits & 7) { int m = (0x80 >> (bits & 7)); data[l] = static_cast((data[l] & -m) | m); d[1] = static_cast(2 * l + 1); } else { d[1] = static_cast(2 * l); } d[0] = static_cast(refs_cnt); } const unsigned char* CellBuilder::compute_hash(unsigned char buffer[Cell::hash_bytes]) const { unsigned char tmp[2]; flush(tmp); digest::SHA256 hasher(tmp, 2); hasher.feed(data, (bits + 7) >> 3); for (unsigned i = 0; i < refs_cnt; i++) { hasher.feed(refs[i]->get_hash().as_slice().data(), Cell::hash_bytes); } auto extracted_size = hasher.extract(buffer); DCHECK(extracted_size == Cell::hash_bytes); return buffer; } int CellBuilder::serialize(unsigned char* buff, int buff_size) const { int len = get_serialized_size(); if (len > buff_size) { return 0; } flush(buff); std::memcpy(buff + 2, data, len - 2); return len; } CellBuilder* CellBuilder::make_copy() const { CellBuilder* c = new CellBuilder(); c->bits = bits; std::memcpy(c->data, data, (bits + 7) >> 3); c->refs_cnt = refs_cnt; for (unsigned i = 0; i < refs_cnt; i++) { c->refs[i] = refs[i]; } return c; } CellSlice CellBuilder::as_cellslice() const& { return CellSlice{finalize_copy()}; } Ref CellBuilder::as_cellslice_ref() const& { return Ref{true, finalize_copy()}; } CellSlice CellBuilder::as_cellslice() && { return CellSlice{finalize()}; } Ref CellBuilder::as_cellslice_ref() && { return Ref{true, finalize()}; } bool CellBuilder::contents_equal(const CellSlice& cs) const { if (size() != cs.size() || size_refs() != cs.size_refs()) { return false; } if (td::bitstring::bits_memcmp(data_bits(), cs.data_bits(), size())) { return false; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < size_refs(); i++) { if (refs[i]->get_hash() != cs.prefetch_ref(i)->get_hash()) { return false; } } return true; } std::string CellBuilder::serialize() const { unsigned char buff[Cell::max_serialized_bytes]; int len = serialize(buff, sizeof(buff)); return std::string(buff, buff + len); } std::string CellBuilder::to_hex() const { unsigned char buff[Cell::max_serialized_bytes]; int len = serialize(buff, sizeof(buff)); char hex_buff[Cell::max_serialized_bytes * 2 + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { snprintf(hex_buff + 2 * i, sizeof(hex_buff) - 2 * i, "%02x", buff[i]); } return hex_buff; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CellBuilder& cb) { return os << cb.to_hex(); } } // namespace vm