/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "ton/ton-shard.h" #include "ton/ton-types.h" #include "validator-set.h" #include "config.h" #include "block.h" #include "message-queue.h" #include "vm/cells.h" #include "proof.h" namespace ton { namespace validator { class ShardState : public td::CntObject { public: virtual ~ShardState() = default; virtual bool disable_boc() const = 0; virtual UnixTime get_unix_time() const = 0; virtual LogicalTime get_logical_time() const = 0; virtual td::int32 get_global_id() const = 0; virtual ShardIdFull get_shard() const = 0; virtual BlockSeqno get_seqno() const = 0; virtual BlockIdExt get_block_id() const = 0; virtual RootHash root_hash() const = 0; virtual td::Ref root_cell() const = 0; virtual td::optional get_master_ref() const = 0; virtual td::Status validate_deep() const = 0; virtual bool before_split() const = 0; virtual td::Result> message_queue() const = 0; virtual td::Status apply_block(BlockIdExt id, td::Ref block) = 0; virtual td::Result> merge_with(const ShardState& with) const = 0; virtual td::Result, td::Ref>> split() const = 0; virtual td::Result serialize() const = 0; virtual td::Status serialize_to_file(td::FileFd& fd) const = 0; }; class MasterchainState : virtual public ShardState { public: virtual ~MasterchainState() = default; virtual td::Ref get_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard) const = 0; virtual td::Ref get_next_validator_set(ShardIdFull shard) const = 0; virtual td::Ref get_total_validator_set(int next) const = 0; // next = -1 -> prev, next = 0 -> cur virtual bool rotated_all_shards() const = 0; virtual std::vector> get_shards() const = 0; virtual td::Ref get_shard_from_config(ShardIdFull shard) const = 0; virtual bool workchain_is_active(WorkchainId workchain_id) const = 0; virtual td::uint32 monitor_min_split_depth(WorkchainId workchain_id) const = 0; virtual td::uint32 min_split_depth(WorkchainId workchain_id) const = 0; virtual BlockSeqno min_ref_masterchain_seqno() const = 0; virtual bool ancestor_is_valid(BlockIdExt id) const = 0; virtual ValidatorSessionConfig get_consensus_config() const = 0; virtual BlockIdExt last_key_block_id() const = 0; virtual BlockIdExt next_key_block_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const = 0; virtual BlockIdExt prev_key_block_id(BlockSeqno seqno) const = 0; virtual bool is_key_state() const = 0; virtual bool get_old_mc_block_id(ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt = nullptr) const = 0; virtual bool check_old_mc_block_id(const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, bool strict = false) const = 0; virtual td::Result> get_config_holder() const = 0; virtual td::Status prepare() { return td::Status::OK(); } virtual block::SizeLimitsConfig::ExtMsgLimits get_ext_msg_limits() const = 0; }; } // namespace validator } // namespace ton