/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include #include #include #include "vm/boc.h" #include "vm/cells.h" #include "vm/cellslice.h" #include "td/utils/bits.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Slice-decl.h" namespace vm { using td::Ref; td::Status CellSerializationInfo::init(td::Slice data, int ref_byte_size) { if (data.size() < 2) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Not enough bytes " << td::tag("got", data.size()) << td::tag("expected", "at least 2")); } TRY_STATUS(init(data.ubegin()[0], data.ubegin()[1], ref_byte_size)); if (data.size() < end_offset) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Not enough bytes " << td::tag("got", data.size()) << td::tag("expected", end_offset)); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status CellSerializationInfo::init(td::uint8 d1, td::uint8 d2, int ref_byte_size) { refs_cnt = d1 & 7; level_mask = Cell::LevelMask(d1 >> 5); special = (d1 & 8) != 0; with_hashes = (d1 & 16) != 0; if (refs_cnt > 4) { if (refs_cnt != 7 || !with_hashes) { return td::Status::Error("Invalid first byte"); } refs_cnt = 0; // ... // do not deserialize absent cells! return td::Status::Error("TODO: absent cells"); } hashes_offset = 2; auto n = level_mask.get_hashes_count(); depth_offset = hashes_offset + (with_hashes ? n * Cell::hash_bytes : 0); data_offset = depth_offset + (with_hashes ? n * Cell::depth_bytes : 0); data_len = (d2 >> 1) + (d2 & 1); data_with_bits = (d2 & 1) != 0; refs_offset = data_offset + data_len; end_offset = refs_offset + refs_cnt * ref_byte_size; return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result CellSerializationInfo::get_bits(td::Slice cell) const { if (data_with_bits) { DCHECK(data_len != 0); int last = cell[data_offset + data_len - 1]; if (!(last & 0x7f)) { return td::Status::Error("overlong encoding"); } return td::narrow_cast((data_len - 1) * 8 + 7 - td::count_trailing_zeroes_non_zero32(last)); } else { return td::narrow_cast(data_len * 8); } } // TODO: check usage when result is empty td::Result> CellSerializationInfo::create_data_cell(td::Slice cell_slice, td::Span> refs) const { CellBuilder cb; TRY_RESULT(bits, get_bits(cell_slice)); cb.store_bits(cell_slice.ubegin() + data_offset, bits); DCHECK(refs_cnt == (td::int64)refs.size()); for (int k = 0; k < refs_cnt; k++) { cb.store_ref(std::move(refs[k])); } TRY_RESULT(res, cb.finalize_novm_nothrow(special)); CHECK(!res.is_null()); if (res->is_special() != special) { return td::Status::Error("is_special mismatch"); } if (res->get_level_mask() != level_mask) { return td::Status::Error("level mask mismatch"); } //return res; if (with_hashes) { auto hash_n = level_mask.get_hashes_count(); if (res->get_hash().as_slice() != cell_slice.substr(hashes_offset + Cell::hash_bytes * (hash_n - 1), Cell::hash_bytes)) { return td::Status::Error("representation hash mismatch"); } if (res->get_depth() != DataCell::load_depth( cell_slice.substr(depth_offset + Cell::depth_bytes * (hash_n - 1), Cell::depth_bytes).ubegin())) { return td::Status::Error("depth mismatch"); } bool check_all_hashes = true; for (unsigned level_i = 0, hash_i = 0, level = level_mask.get_level(); check_all_hashes && level_i < level; level_i++) { if (!level_mask.is_significant(level_i)) { continue; } if (cell_slice.substr(hashes_offset + Cell::hash_bytes * hash_i, Cell::hash_bytes) != res->get_hash(level_i).as_slice()) { // hash mismatch return td::Status::Error("lower hash mismatch"); } if (res->get_depth(level_i) != DataCell::load_depth( cell_slice.substr(depth_offset + Cell::depth_bytes * hash_i, Cell::depth_bytes).ubegin())) { return td::Status::Error("lower depth mismatch"); } hash_i++; } } return res; } void BagOfCells::clear() { cells_clear(); roots.clear(); root_count = 0; serialized.clear(); } int BagOfCells::set_roots(const std::vector>& new_roots) { clear(); return add_roots(new_roots); } int BagOfCells::set_root(td::Ref new_root) { clear(); return add_root(std::move(new_root)); } int BagOfCells::add_roots(const std::vector>& add_roots) { int res = 0; for (td::Ref root : add_roots) { res += add_root(std::move(root)); } return res; } int BagOfCells::add_root(td::Ref add_root) { if (add_root.is_null()) { return 0; } LOG_CHECK(add_root->get_virtualization() == 0) << "TODO: support serialization of virtualized cells"; //const Cell::Hash& hash = add_root->get_hash(); //for (const auto& root_info : roots) { //if (root_info.cell->get_hash() == hash) { //return 0; //} //} roots.emplace_back(std::move(add_root), -1); ++root_count; cells_clear(); return 1; } td::Status BagOfCells::import_cells() { cells_clear(); for (auto& root : roots) { auto res = import_cell(root.cell, 0); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } root.idx = res.move_as_ok(); } //LOG(INFO) << "[cells: " << cell_count << ", refs: " << int_refs << ", bytes: " << data_bytes << "]"; reorder_cells(); //LOG(INFO) << "[cells: " << cell_count << ", refs: " << int_refs << ", bytes: " << data_bytes //<< ", internal hashes: " << int_hashes << ", top hashes: " << top_hashes << "]"; CHECK(cell_count != 0); return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result BagOfCells::import_cell(td::Ref cell, int depth) { if (depth > max_depth) { return td::Status::Error("error while importing a cell into a bag of cells: cell depth too large"); } if (cell.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("error while importing a cell into a bag of cells: cell is null"); } auto it = cells.find(cell->get_hash()); if (it != cells.end()) { auto pos = it->second; cell_list_[pos].should_cache = true; return pos; } if (cell->get_virtualization() != 0) { return td::Status::Error( "error while importing a cell into a bag of cells: cell has non-zero virtualization level"); } auto r_loaded_dc = cell->load_cell(); if (r_loaded_dc.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error("error while importing a cell into a bag of cells: " + r_loaded_dc.move_as_error().to_string()); } auto loaded_dc = r_loaded_dc.move_as_ok(); CellSlice cs(std::move(loaded_dc)); std::array refs{-1}; DCHECK(cs.size_refs() <= 4); unsigned sum_child_wt = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.size_refs(); i++) { auto ref = import_cell(cs.prefetch_ref(i), depth + 1); if (ref.is_error()) { return ref.move_as_error(); } refs[i] = ref.move_as_ok(); sum_child_wt += cell_list_[refs[i]].wt; ++int_refs; } DCHECK(cell_list_.size() == static_cast(cell_count)); auto dc = cs.move_as_loaded_cell().data_cell; auto res = cells.emplace(dc->get_hash(), cell_count); DCHECK(res.second); cell_list_.emplace_back(dc, dc->size_refs(), refs); CellInfo& dc_info = cell_list_.back(); dc_info.hcnt = static_cast(dc->get_level_mask().get_hashes_count()); dc_info.wt = static_cast(std::min(0xffU, sum_child_wt)); dc_info.new_idx = -1; data_bytes += dc->get_serialized_size(); return cell_count++; } void BagOfCells::reorder_cells() { int_hashes = 0; for (int i = cell_count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CellInfo& dci = cell_list_[i]; int s = dci.ref_num, c = s, sum = max_cell_whs - 1, mask = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s; ++j) { CellInfo& dcj = cell_list_[dci.ref_idx[j]]; int limit = (max_cell_whs - 1 + j) / s; if (dcj.wt <= limit) { sum -= dcj.wt; --c; mask |= (1 << j); } } if (c) { for (int j = 0; j < s; ++j) { if (!(mask & (1 << j))) { CellInfo& dcj = cell_list_[dci.ref_idx[j]]; int limit = sum++ / c; if (dcj.wt > limit) { dcj.wt = static_cast(limit); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < cell_count; i++) { CellInfo& dci = cell_list_[i]; int s = dci.ref_num, sum = 1; for (int j = 0; j < s; ++j) { sum += cell_list_[dci.ref_idx[j]].wt; } DCHECK(sum <= max_cell_whs); if (sum <= dci.wt) { dci.wt = static_cast(sum); } else { dci.wt = 0; int_hashes += dci.hcnt; } } top_hashes = 0; for (auto& root_info : roots) { auto& cell_info = cell_list_[root_info.idx]; if (cell_info.is_root_cell) { cell_info.is_root_cell = true; if (cell_info.wt) { top_hashes += cell_info.hcnt; } } } if (cell_count > 0) { rv_idx = 0; cell_list_tmp.clear(); cell_list_tmp.reserve(cell_count); for (const auto& root_info : roots) { revisit(root_info.idx, 0); revisit(root_info.idx, 1); } for (const auto& root_info : roots) { revisit(root_info.idx, 2); } for (auto& root_info : roots) { root_info.idx = cell_list_[root_info.idx].new_idx; } DCHECK(rv_idx == cell_count); //DCHECK(cell_list.back().new_idx == cell_count - 1); DCHECK(cell_list_.size() == cell_list_tmp.size()); cell_list_ = std::move(cell_list_tmp); cell_list_tmp.clear(); } } // force=0 : previsit (recursively until special cells are found; then visit them) // force=1 : visit (allocate and process all children) // force=2 : allocate (assign a new index; can be run only after visiting) int BagOfCells::revisit(int cell_idx, int force) { DCHECK(cell_idx >= 0 && cell_idx < cell_count); CellInfo& dci = cell_list_[cell_idx]; if (dci.new_idx >= 0) { return dci.new_idx; } if (!force) { // previsit if (dci.new_idx != -1) { // already previsited or visited return dci.new_idx; } int n = dci.ref_num; for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; --j) { int child_idx = dci.ref_idx[j]; // either previsit or visit child, depending on whether it is special revisit(dci.ref_idx[j], cell_list_[child_idx].is_special()); } return dci.new_idx = -2; // mark as previsited } if (force > 1) { // time to allocate auto i = dci.new_idx = rv_idx++; cell_list_tmp.emplace_back(std::move(dci)); return i; } if (dci.new_idx == -3) { // already visited return dci.new_idx; } if (dci.is_special()) { // if current cell is special, previsit it first revisit(cell_idx, 0); } // visit children int n = dci.ref_num; for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; --j) { revisit(dci.ref_idx[j], 1); } // allocate children for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; --j) { dci.ref_idx[j] = revisit(dci.ref_idx[j], 2); } return dci.new_idx = -3; // mark as visited (and all children processed) } td::uint64 BagOfCells::compute_sizes(int mode, int& r_size, int& o_size) { int rs = 0, os = 0; if (!root_count || !data_bytes) { r_size = o_size = 0; return 0; } while (cell_count >= (1LL << (rs << 3))) { rs++; } td::uint64 hashes = (((mode & Mode::WithTopHash) ? top_hashes : 0) + ((mode & Mode::WithIntHashes) ? int_hashes : 0)) * (Cell::hash_bytes + Cell::depth_bytes); td::uint64 data_bytes_adj = data_bytes + (unsigned long long)int_refs * rs + hashes; td::uint64 max_offset = (mode & Mode::WithCacheBits) ? data_bytes_adj * 2 : data_bytes_adj; while (max_offset >= (1ULL << (os << 3))) { os++; } if (rs > 4 || os > 8) { r_size = o_size = 0; return 0; } r_size = rs; o_size = os; return data_bytes_adj; } std::size_t BagOfCells::estimate_serialized_size(int mode) { if ((mode & Mode::WithCacheBits) && !(mode & Mode::WithIndex)) { info.invalidate(); return 0; } auto data_bytes_adj = compute_sizes(mode, info.ref_byte_size, info.offset_byte_size); if (!data_bytes_adj) { info.invalidate(); return 0; } info.valid = true; info.has_crc32c = mode & Mode::WithCRC32C; info.has_index = mode & Mode::WithIndex; info.has_cache_bits = mode & Mode::WithCacheBits; info.root_count = root_count; info.cell_count = cell_count; info.absent_count = dangle_count; int crc_size = info.has_crc32c ? 4 : 0; info.roots_offset = 4 + 1 + 1 + 3 * info.ref_byte_size + info.offset_byte_size; info.index_offset = info.roots_offset + info.root_count * info.ref_byte_size; info.data_offset = info.index_offset; if (info.has_index) { info.data_offset += (long long)cell_count * info.offset_byte_size; } info.magic = Info::boc_generic; info.data_size = data_bytes_adj; info.total_size = info.data_offset + data_bytes_adj + crc_size; auto res = td::narrow_cast_safe(info.total_size); if (res.is_error()) { return 0; } return res.ok(); } BagOfCells& BagOfCells::serialize(int mode) { std::size_t size_est = estimate_serialized_size(mode); if (!size_est) { serialized.clear(); return *this; } serialized.resize(size_est); if (serialize_to(const_cast(serialized.data()), serialized.size(), mode) != size_est) { serialized.clear(); } return *this; } std::string BagOfCells::serialize_to_string(int mode) { std::size_t size_est = estimate_serialized_size(mode); if (!size_est) { return {}; } std::string res; res.resize(size_est, 0); if (serialize_to(const_cast(reinterpret_cast(res.data())), res.size(), mode) == res.size()) { return res; } else { return {}; } } td::Result BagOfCells::serialize_to_slice(int mode) { std::size_t size_est = estimate_serialized_size(mode); if (!size_est) { return td::Status::Error("no cells to serialize to this bag of cells"); } td::BufferSlice res(size_est); if (serialize_to(const_cast(reinterpret_cast(res.data())), res.size(), mode) == res.size()) { return std::move(res); } else { return td::Status::Error("error while serializing a bag of cells: actual serialized size differs from estimated"); } } std::string BagOfCells::extract_string() const { return std::string{serialized.data(), serialized.data() + serialized.size()}; } void BagOfCells::store_uint(unsigned long long value, unsigned bytes) { unsigned char* ptr = store_ptr += bytes; store_chk(); while (bytes) { *--ptr = value & 0xff; value >>= 8; --bytes; } DCHECK(!bytes); } //serialized_boc#672fb0ac has_idx:(## 1) has_crc32c:(## 1) // has_cache_bits:(## 1) flags:(## 2) { flags = 0 } // size:(## 3) { size <= 4 } // off_bytes:(## 8) { off_bytes <= 8 } // cells:(##(size * 8)) // roots:(##(size * 8)) // absent:(##(size * 8)) { roots + absent <= cells } // tot_cells_size:(##(off_bytes * 8)) // index:(cells * ##(off_bytes * 8)) // cell_data:(tot_cells_size * [ uint8 ]) // = BagOfCells; std::size_t BagOfCells::serialize_to(unsigned char* buffer, std::size_t buff_size, int mode) { std::size_t size_est = estimate_serialized_size(mode); if (!size_est || size_est > buff_size) { return 0; } init_store(buffer, buffer + size_est); store_uint(info.magic, 4); td::uint8 byte{0}; if (info.has_index) { byte |= 1 << 7; } if (info.has_crc32c) { byte |= 1 << 6; } if (info.has_cache_bits) { byte |= 1 << 5; } // 3, 4 - flags if (info.ref_byte_size < 1 || info.ref_byte_size > 7) { return 0; } byte |= static_cast(info.ref_byte_size); store_uint(byte, 1); store_uint(info.offset_byte_size, 1); store_ref(cell_count); store_ref(root_count); store_ref(0); store_offset(info.data_size); for (const auto& root_info : roots) { int k = cell_count - 1 - root_info.idx; DCHECK(k >= 0 && k < cell_count); store_ref(k); } DCHECK(store_ptr - buffer == (long long)info.index_offset); DCHECK((unsigned)cell_count == cell_list_.size()); if (info.has_index) { std::size_t offs = 0; for (int i = cell_count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const Ref& dc = cell_list_[i].dc_ref; bool with_hash = (mode & Mode::WithIntHashes) && !cell_list_[i].wt; if (cell_list_[i].is_root_cell && (mode & Mode::WithTopHash)) { with_hash = true; } offs += dc->get_serialized_size(with_hash) + dc->size_refs() * info.ref_byte_size; auto fixed_offset = offs; if (info.has_cache_bits) { fixed_offset = offs * 2 + cell_list_[i].should_cache; } store_offset(fixed_offset); } DCHECK(offs == info.data_size); } DCHECK(store_ptr - buffer == (long long)info.data_offset); unsigned char* keep_ptr = store_ptr; for (int i = 0; i < cell_count; ++i) { const auto& dc_info = cell_list_[cell_count - 1 - i]; const Ref& dc = dc_info.dc_ref; bool with_hash = (mode & Mode::WithIntHashes) && !dc_info.wt; if (dc_info.is_root_cell && (mode & Mode::WithTopHash)) { with_hash = true; } int s = dc->serialize(store_ptr, 256, with_hash); store_ptr += s; store_chk(); DCHECK(dc->size_refs() == dc_info.ref_num); // std::cerr << (dc_info.is_special() ? '*' : ' ') << i << '<' << (int)dc_info.wt << ">:"; for (unsigned j = 0; j < dc_info.ref_num; ++j) { int k = cell_count - 1 - dc_info.ref_idx[j]; DCHECK(k > i && k < cell_count); store_ref(k); // std::cerr << ' ' << k; } // std::cerr << std::endl; } store_chk(); DCHECK(store_ptr - keep_ptr == (long long)info.data_size); DCHECK(store_end - store_ptr == (info.has_crc32c ? 4 : 0)); if (info.has_crc32c) { // compute crc32c of buffer .. store_ptr unsigned crc = td::crc32c(td::Slice{buffer, store_ptr}); store_uint(td::bswap32(crc), 4); } DCHECK(store_empty()); return store_ptr - buffer; } unsigned long long BagOfCells::Info::read_int(const unsigned char* ptr, unsigned bytes) { unsigned long long res = 0; while (bytes > 0) { res = (res << 8) + *ptr++; --bytes; } return res; } void BagOfCells::Info::write_int(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned long long value, int bytes) { ptr += bytes; while (bytes) { *--ptr = value & 0xff; value >>= 8; --bytes; } DCHECK(!bytes); } long long BagOfCells::Info::parse_serialized_header(const td::Slice& slice) { invalidate(); int sz = static_cast(std::min(slice.size(), static_cast(0xffff))); if (sz < 4) { return -10; // want at least 10 bytes } const unsigned char* ptr = slice.ubegin(); magic = (unsigned)read_int(ptr, 4); has_crc32c = false; has_index = false; has_cache_bits = false; ref_byte_size = 0; offset_byte_size = 0; root_count = cell_count = absent_count = -1; index_offset = data_offset = data_size = total_size = 0; if (magic != boc_generic && magic != boc_idx && magic != boc_idx_crc32c) { magic = 0; return 0; } if (sz < 5) { return -10; } td::uint8 byte = ptr[4]; if (magic == boc_generic) { has_index = (byte >> 7) % 2 == 1; has_crc32c = (byte >> 6) % 2 == 1; has_cache_bits = (byte >> 5) % 2 == 1; } else { has_index = true; has_crc32c = magic == boc_idx_crc32c; } if (has_cache_bits && !has_index) { return 0; } ref_byte_size = byte & 7; if (ref_byte_size > 4 || ref_byte_size < 1) { return 0; } if (sz < 6) { return -7 - 3 * ref_byte_size; } offset_byte_size = ptr[5]; if (offset_byte_size > 8 || offset_byte_size < 1) { return 0; } roots_offset = 6 + 3 * ref_byte_size + offset_byte_size; ptr += 6; sz -= 6; if (sz < ref_byte_size) { return -static_cast(roots_offset); } cell_count = (int)read_ref(ptr); if (cell_count <= 0) { cell_count = -1; return 0; } if (sz < 2 * ref_byte_size) { return -static_cast(roots_offset); } root_count = (int)read_ref(ptr + ref_byte_size); if (root_count <= 0) { root_count = -1; return 0; } index_offset = roots_offset; if (magic == boc_generic) { index_offset += (long long)root_count * ref_byte_size; has_roots = true; } else { if (root_count != 1) { return 0; } } data_offset = index_offset; if (has_index) { data_offset += (long long)cell_count * offset_byte_size; } if (sz < 3 * ref_byte_size) { return -static_cast(roots_offset); } absent_count = (int)read_ref(ptr + 2 * ref_byte_size); if (absent_count < 0 || absent_count > cell_count) { return 0; } if (sz < 3 * ref_byte_size + offset_byte_size) { return -static_cast(roots_offset); } data_size = read_offset(ptr + 3 * ref_byte_size); if (data_size > ((unsigned long long)cell_count << 10)) { return 0; } if (data_size > (1ull << 40)) { return 0; // bag of cells with more than 1TiB data is unlikely } if (data_size < cell_count * (2ull + ref_byte_size) - ref_byte_size) { return 0; // invalid header, too many cells for this amount of data bytes } valid = true; total_size = data_offset + data_size + (has_crc32c ? 4 : 0); return total_size; } td::Result BagOfCells::get_cell_slice(int idx, td::Slice data) { unsigned long long offs = get_idx_entry(idx - 1); unsigned long long offs_end = get_idx_entry(idx); if (offs > offs_end || offs_end > data.size()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "invalid index entry [" << offs << "; " << offs_end << "], " << td::tag("data.size()", data.size())); } return data.substr(offs, td::narrow_cast(offs_end - offs)); } td::Result> BagOfCells::deserialize_cell(int idx, td::Slice cells_slice, td::Span> cells_span, std::vector* cell_should_cache) { TRY_RESULT(cell_slice, get_cell_slice(idx, cells_slice)); std::array, 4> refs_buf; CellSerializationInfo cell_info; TRY_STATUS(cell_info.init(cell_slice, info.ref_byte_size)); if (cell_info.end_offset != cell_slice.size()) { return td::Status::Error("unused space in cell serialization"); } auto refs = td::MutableSpan>(refs_buf).substr(0, cell_info.refs_cnt); for (int k = 0; k < cell_info.refs_cnt; k++) { int ref_idx = (int)info.read_ref(cell_slice.ubegin() + cell_info.refs_offset + k * info.ref_byte_size); if (ref_idx <= idx) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "bag-of-cells error: reference #" << k << " of cell #" << idx << " is to cell #" << ref_idx << " with smaller index"); } if (ref_idx >= cell_count) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "bag-of-cells error: reference #" << k << " of cell #" << idx << " is to non-existent cell #" << ref_idx << ", only " << cell_count << " cells are defined"); } refs[k] = cells_span[cell_count - ref_idx - 1]; if (cell_should_cache) { auto& cnt = (*cell_should_cache)[ref_idx]; if (cnt < 2) { cnt++; } } } return cell_info.create_data_cell(cell_slice, refs); } td::Result BagOfCells::deserialize(const td::Slice& data, int max_roots) { clear(); long long size_est = info.parse_serialized_header(data); //LOG(INFO) << "estimated size " << size_est << ", true size " << data.size(); if (size_est == 0) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "cannot deserialize bag-of-cells: invalid header, error " << size_est); } if (size_est < 0) { //LOG(ERROR) << "cannot deserialize bag-of-cells: not enough bytes (" << data.size() << " present, " << -size_est //<< " required)"; return size_est; } if (size_est > (long long)data.size()) { //LOG(ERROR) << "cannot deserialize bag-of-cells: not enough bytes (" << data.size() << " present, " << size_est //<< " required)"; return -size_est; } //LOG(INFO) << "estimated size " << size_est << ", true size " << data.size(); if (info.root_count > max_roots) { return td::Status::Error("Bag-of-cells has more root cells than expected"); } if (info.has_crc32c) { unsigned crc_computed = td::crc32c(td::Slice{data.ubegin(), data.uend() - 4}); unsigned crc_stored = td::as(data.uend() - 4); if (crc_computed != crc_stored) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "bag-of-cells CRC32C mismatch: expected " << td::format::as_hex(crc_computed) << ", found " << td::format::as_hex(crc_stored)); } } cell_count = info.cell_count; std::vector cell_should_cache; if (info.has_cache_bits) { cell_should_cache.resize(cell_count, 0); } roots.clear(); roots.resize(info.root_count); auto* roots_ptr = data.substr(info.roots_offset).ubegin(); for (int i = 0; i < info.root_count; i++) { int idx = 0; if (info.has_roots) { idx = (int)info.read_ref(roots_ptr + i * info.ref_byte_size); } if (idx < 0 || idx >= info.cell_count) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "bag-of-cells invalid root index " << idx); } roots[i].idx = info.cell_count - idx - 1; if (info.has_cache_bits) { auto& cnt = cell_should_cache[idx]; if (cnt < 2) { cnt++; } } } if (info.has_index) { index_ptr = data.substr(info.index_offset).ubegin(); // TODO: should we validate index here } else { index_ptr = nullptr; unsigned long long cur = 0; custom_index.reserve(info.cell_count); auto cells_slice = data.substr(info.data_offset, info.data_size); for (int i = 0; i < info.cell_count; i++) { CellSerializationInfo cell_info; auto status = cell_info.init(cells_slice, info.ref_byte_size); if (status.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "invalid bag-of-cells failed to deserialize cell #" << i << " " << status.error()); } cells_slice = cells_slice.substr(cell_info.end_offset); cur += cell_info.end_offset; custom_index.push_back(cur); } if (!cells_slice.empty()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "invalid bag-of-cells last cell #" << info.cell_count - 1 << ": end offset " << cur << " is different from total data size " << info.data_size); } } auto cells_slice = data.substr(info.data_offset, info.data_size); std::vector> cell_list; cell_list.reserve(cell_count); std::array, 4> refs_buf; for (int i = 0; i < cell_count; i++) { // reconstruct cell with index cell_count - 1 - i int idx = cell_count - 1 - i; auto r_cell = deserialize_cell(idx, cells_slice, cell_list, info.has_cache_bits ? &cell_should_cache : nullptr); if (r_cell.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "invalid bag-of-cells failed to deserialize cell #" << idx << " " << r_cell.error()); } cell_list.push_back(r_cell.move_as_ok()); DCHECK(cell_list.back().not_null()); } if (info.has_cache_bits) { for (int idx = 0; idx < cell_count; idx++) { auto should_cache = cell_should_cache[idx] > 1; auto stored_should_cache = get_cache_entry(idx); if (should_cache != stored_should_cache) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "invalid bag-of-cells cell #" << idx << " has wrong cache flag " << stored_should_cache); } } } custom_index.clear(); index_ptr = nullptr; root_count = info.root_count; dangle_count = info.absent_count; for (auto& root_info : roots) { root_info.cell = cell_list[root_info.idx]; } cell_list.clear(); return size_est; } unsigned long long BagOfCells::get_idx_entry(int index) { auto raw = get_idx_entry_raw(index); if (info.has_cache_bits) { raw /= 2; } return raw; } bool BagOfCells::get_cache_entry(int index) { if (!info.has_cache_bits) { return true; } if (!info.has_index) { return true; } auto raw = get_idx_entry_raw(index); return raw % 2 == 1; } unsigned long long BagOfCells::get_idx_entry_raw(int index) { if (index < 0) { return 0; } if (!info.has_index) { return custom_index.at(index); } else if (index < info.cell_count && index_ptr) { return info.read_offset(index_ptr + (long)index * info.offset_byte_size); } else { // throw ? return 0; } } /* * * Simple BoC serialization/deserialization functions * */ td::Result> std_boc_deserialize(td::Slice data, bool can_be_empty) { if (data.empty() && can_be_empty) { return Ref(); } BagOfCells boc; auto res = boc.deserialize(data, 1); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } if (boc.get_root_count() != 1) { return td::Status::Error("bag of cells is expected to have exactly one root"); } auto root = boc.get_root_cell(); if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("bag of cells has null root cell (?)"); } if (root->get_level() != 0) { return td::Status::Error("bag of cells has a root with non-zero level"); } return std::move(root); } td::Result>> std_boc_deserialize_multi(td::Slice data, int max_roots) { if (data.empty()) { return std::vector>{}; } BagOfCells boc; auto res = boc.deserialize(data, max_roots); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } int n = boc.get_root_count(); std::vector> roots; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { auto root = boc.get_root_cell(i); if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("bag of cells has a null root cell (?)"); } if (root->get_level() != 0) { return td::Status::Error("bag of cells has a root with non-zero level"); } roots.emplace_back(std::move(root)); } return std::move(roots); } td::Result std_boc_serialize(Ref root, int mode) { if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("cannot serialize a null cell reference into a bag of cells"); } BagOfCells boc; boc.add_root(std::move(root)); auto res = boc.import_cells(); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } return boc.serialize_to_slice(mode); } td::Result std_boc_serialize_multi(std::vector> roots, int mode) { if (roots.empty()) { return td::BufferSlice{}; } BagOfCells boc; boc.add_roots(std::move(roots)); auto res = boc.import_cells(); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } return boc.serialize_to_slice(mode); } /* * * Cell storage statistics * */ bool CellStorageStat::compute_used_storage(Ref cs_ref, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { clear(); return add_used_storage(std::move(cs_ref), kill_dup, skip_count_root) && clear_seen(); } bool CellStorageStat::compute_used_storage(const CellSlice& cs, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { clear(); return add_used_storage(cs, kill_dup, skip_count_root) && clear_seen(); } bool CellStorageStat::compute_used_storage(CellSlice&& cs, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { clear(); return add_used_storage(std::move(cs), kill_dup, skip_count_root) && clear_seen(); } bool CellStorageStat::compute_used_storage(Ref cell, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { clear(); return add_used_storage(std::move(cell), kill_dup, skip_count_root) && clear_seen(); } bool CellStorageStat::add_used_storage(Ref cs_ref, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { if (cs_ref->is_unique()) { return add_used_storage(std::move(cs_ref.unique_write()), kill_dup, skip_count_root); } else { return add_used_storage(*cs_ref, kill_dup, skip_count_root); } } bool CellStorageStat::add_used_storage(const CellSlice& cs, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { if (!(skip_count_root & 1)) { ++cells; } if (!(skip_count_root & 2)) { bits += cs.size(); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.size_refs(); i++) { if (!add_used_storage(cs.prefetch_ref(i), kill_dup)) { return false; } } return true; } bool CellStorageStat::add_used_storage(CellSlice&& cs, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { if (!(skip_count_root & 1)) { ++cells; } if (!(skip_count_root & 2)) { bits += cs.size(); } while (cs.size_refs()) { if (!add_used_storage(cs.fetch_ref(), kill_dup)) { return false; } } return true; } bool CellStorageStat::add_used_storage(Ref cell, bool kill_dup, unsigned skip_count_root) { if (cell.is_null()) { return false; } if (kill_dup) { auto ins = seen.insert(cell->get_hash()); if (!ins.second) { return true; } } vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVm{}, std::move(cell)}; return add_used_storage(std::move(cs), kill_dup, skip_count_root); } void NewCellStorageStat::add_cell(Ref cell) { dfs(std::move(cell), true, false); } void NewCellStorageStat::add_proof(Ref cell, const CellUsageTree* usage_tree) { CHECK(usage_tree); usage_tree_ = usage_tree; dfs(std::move(cell), false, true); } void NewCellStorageStat::add_cell_and_proof(Ref cell, const CellUsageTree* usage_tree) { CHECK(usage_tree); usage_tree_ = usage_tree; dfs(std::move(cell), true, true); } NewCellStorageStat::Stat NewCellStorageStat::tentative_add_cell(Ref cell) const { NewCellStorageStat stat; stat.parent_ = this; stat.add_cell(std::move(cell)); return stat.get_stat(); } NewCellStorageStat::Stat NewCellStorageStat::tentative_add_proof(Ref cell, const CellUsageTree* usage_tree) const { NewCellStorageStat stat; stat.parent_ = this; stat.add_proof(std::move(cell), usage_tree); return stat.get_proof_stat(); } void NewCellStorageStat::dfs(Ref cell, bool need_stat, bool need_proof_stat) { if (cell.is_null()) { // FIXME: save error flag? return; } if (need_stat) { stat_.internal_refs++; if ((parent_ && parent_->seen_.count(cell->get_hash()) != 0) || !seen_.insert(cell->get_hash()).second) { need_stat = false; } else { stat_.cells++; } } if (need_proof_stat) { auto tree_node = cell->get_tree_node(); if (!tree_node.empty() && tree_node.is_from_tree(usage_tree_)) { proof_stat_.external_refs++; need_proof_stat = false; } else { proof_stat_.internal_refs++; if ((parent_ && parent_->proof_seen_.count(cell->get_hash()) != 0) || !proof_seen_.insert(cell->get_hash()).second) { need_proof_stat = false; } else { proof_stat_.cells++; } } } if (!need_proof_stat && !need_stat) { return; } vm::CellSlice cs{vm::NoVm{}, std::move(cell)}; if (need_stat) { stat_.bits += cs.size(); } if (need_proof_stat) { proof_stat_.bits += cs.size(); } while (cs.size_refs()) { dfs(cs.fetch_ref(), need_stat, need_proof_stat); } } bool VmStorageStat::add_storage(Ref cell) { if (cell.is_null() || !check_visited(cell)) { return true; } if (cells >= limit) { return false; } ++cells; bool special; auto cs = load_cell_slice_special(std::move(cell), special); return cs.is_valid() && add_storage(std::move(cs)); } bool VmStorageStat::add_storage(const CellSlice& cs) { bits += cs.size(); refs += cs.size_refs(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cs.size_refs(); i++) { if (!add_storage(cs.prefetch_ref(i))) { return false; } } return true; } } // namespace vm