/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "accept-block.hpp" #include "adnl/utils.hpp" #include "interfaces/validator-manager.h" #include "ton/ton-tl.hpp" #include "ton/ton-io.hpp" #include "fabric.h" #include "top-shard-descr.hpp" #include "vm/cells.h" #include "vm/cells/MerkleProof.h" #include "vm/boc.h" #include "block/block.h" #include "block/block-parse.h" #include "block/block-auto.h" #include "validator/invariants.hpp" namespace ton { namespace validator { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; AcceptBlockQuery::AcceptBlockQuery(BlockIdExt id, td::Ref data, std::vector prev, td::Ref validator_set, td::Ref signatures, td::Ref approve_signatures, bool send_broadcast, td::actor::ActorId manager, td::Promise promise) : id_(id) , data_(std::move(data)) , prev_(std::move(prev)) , validator_set_(std::move(validator_set)) , signatures_(std::move(signatures)) , approve_signatures_(std::move(approve_signatures)) , is_fake_(false) , is_fork_(false) , send_broadcast_(send_broadcast) , manager_(manager) , promise_(std::move(promise)) , perf_timer_("acceptblock", 0.1, [manager](double duration) { send_closure(manager, &ValidatorManager::add_perf_timer_stat, "acceptblock", duration); }) { state_keep_old_hash_.clear(); state_old_hash_.clear(); state_hash_.clear(); CHECK(prev_.size() > 0); } AcceptBlockQuery::AcceptBlockQuery(AcceptBlockQuery::IsFake fake, BlockIdExt id, td::Ref data, std::vector prev, td::Ref validator_set, td::actor::ActorId manager, td::Promise promise) : id_(id) , data_(std::move(data)) , prev_(std::move(prev)) , validator_set_(std::move(validator_set)) , is_fake_(true) , is_fork_(false) , send_broadcast_(false) , manager_(manager) , promise_(std::move(promise)) , perf_timer_("acceptblock", 0.1, [manager](double duration) { send_closure(manager, &ValidatorManager::add_perf_timer_stat, "acceptblock", duration); }) { state_keep_old_hash_.clear(); state_old_hash_.clear(); state_hash_.clear(); CHECK(prev_.size() > 0); } AcceptBlockQuery::AcceptBlockQuery(ForceFork ffork, BlockIdExt id, td::Ref data, td::actor::ActorId manager, td::Promise promise) : id_(id) , data_(std::move(data)) , is_fake_(true) , is_fork_(true) , send_broadcast_(false) , manager_(manager) , promise_(std::move(promise)) , perf_timer_("acceptblock", 0.1, [manager](double duration) { send_closure(manager, &ValidatorManager::add_perf_timer_stat, "acceptblock", duration); }) { state_keep_old_hash_.clear(); state_old_hash_.clear(); state_hash_.clear(); } bool AcceptBlockQuery::precheck_header() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "precheck_header()"; // 0. sanity check CHECK(data_.not_null()); block_root_ = data_->root_cell(); if (data_->block_id() != id_) { return fatal_error("incorrect block id in block data: "s + data_->block_id().to_str() + " instead of " + id_.to_str()); } // 1. root hash and file hash check RootHash blk_rhash{block_root_->get_hash().bits()}; if (blk_rhash != id_.root_hash) { return fatal_error("block root hash mismatch: expected "s + id_.root_hash.to_hex() + ", found " + blk_rhash.to_hex()); } if (is_fake_ || is_fork_) { FileHash blk_fhash; td::sha256(data_->data().as_slice(), blk_fhash.as_slice()); if (blk_fhash != id_.file_hash) { return fatal_error("block file hash mismatch: expected "s + id_.file_hash.to_hex() + ", computed " + blk_fhash.to_hex()); } } // 2. check header fields std::vector prev; ton::BlockIdExt mc_blkid; bool after_split; auto res = block::unpack_block_prev_blk_try(block_root_, id_, prev, mc_blkid, after_split); if (res.is_error()) { return fatal_error("invalid block header in AcceptBlock: "s + res.to_string()); } if (is_fork_) { prev_ = prev; } else if (prev_ != prev) { return fatal_error("invalid previous block reference(s) in block header"); } // 3. unpack header and check vert_seqno fields block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(block_root_, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info))) { return fatal_error("cannot unpack block header"); } if (info.vert_seqno_incr && !is_fork_) { return fatal_error("block header has vert_seqno_incr set in an ordinary AcceptBlock"); } if (!info.vert_seqno_incr && is_fork_) { return fatal_error("fork block header has no vert_seqno_incr"); } if (is_fork_ && !info.key_block) { return fatal_error("fork block is not a key block"); } return true; } bool AcceptBlockQuery::create_new_proof() { // 0. check block's root hash VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "create_new_proof() : start"; RootHash blk_rhash{block_root_->get_hash().bits()}; if (blk_rhash != id_.root_hash) { return fatal_error("block root hash mismatch: expected "s + id_.root_hash.to_hex() + ", found " + blk_rhash.to_hex()); } // 1. visit block header while building a Merkle proof auto usage_tree = std::make_shared(); auto usage_cell = vm::UsageCell::create(block_root_, usage_tree->root_ptr()); block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; block::gen::BlockExtra::Record extra; block::gen::ExtBlkRef::Record mcref{}; // _ ExtBlkRef = BlkMasterInfo; block::CurrencyCollection fees; ShardIdFull shard; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(usage_cell, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info) && !info.version && block::tlb::t_ShardIdent.unpack(info.shard.write(), shard) && block::gen::BlkPrevInfo{info.after_merge}.validate_ref(info.prev_ref) && tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(blk.extra), extra) && block::gen::t_ValueFlow.force_validate_ref(blk.value_flow) && (!info.not_master || tlb::unpack_cell(info.master_ref, mcref)))) { return fatal_error("cannot unpack block header"); } is_key_block_ = info.key_block; // 2. check some header fields, especially shard if (info.not_master != !shard.is_masterchain()) { return fatal_error("block has invalid not_master flag in its header"); } BlockId blk_id{shard, (unsigned)info.seq_no}; if (blk_id != id_.id) { return fatal_error("block header corresponds to another block id: expected "s + id_.id.to_str() + ", found " + blk_id.to_str()); } if (info.after_merge + 1U != prev_.size()) { return fatal_error(PSTRING() << "block header of " << id_.to_str() << " announces " << info.after_merge + 1 << " previous blocks, but " << prev_.size() << " are actually present"); } if (is_masterchain() && (info.after_merge | info.after_split | info.before_split)) { return fatal_error("masterchain block header of "s + id_.to_str() + " announces merge/split in its header"); } if (!is_masterchain() && is_key_block_) { return fatal_error("non-masterchain block header of "s + id_.to_str() + " announces this block to be a key block"); } // 3. check state update vm::CellSlice upd_cs{vm::NoVmSpec(), blk.state_update}; if (!(upd_cs.is_special() && upd_cs.prefetch_long(8) == 4 // merkle update && upd_cs.size_ext() == 0x20228)) { return fatal_error("invalid Merkle update in block"); } // 4. visit validator-set related fields in key blocks if (is_key_block_) { block::gen::McBlockExtra::Record mc_extra; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(extra.custom->prefetch_ref(), mc_extra) && mc_extra.key_block && mc_extra.config.not_null())) { return fatal_error("cannot unpack extra header of key masterchain block "s + blk_id.to_str()); } auto cfg = block::Config::unpack_config(std::move(mc_extra.config)); if (cfg.is_error()) { return fatal_error("cannot extract configuration from extra header of key masterchain block "s + blk_id.to_str() + " : " + cfg.move_as_error().to_string()); } auto res = cfg.move_as_ok()->visit_validator_params(); if (res.is_error()) { return fatal_error("cannot extract validator set configuration from extra header of key masterchain block "s + blk_id.to_str() + " : " + res.to_string()); } } // 5. finish constructing Merkle proof from visited cells auto proof = vm::MerkleProof::generate(block_root_, usage_tree.get()); if (proof.is_null()) { return fatal_error("cannot create proof"); } proof_roots_.push_back(proof); // 6. extract some information from state update state_old_hash_ = upd_cs.prefetch_ref(0)->get_hash(0).bits(); state_hash_ = upd_cs.prefetch_ref(1)->get_hash(0).bits(); lt_ = info.end_lt; created_at_ = info.gen_utime; if (!is_masterchain()) { mc_blkid_.id = BlockId{masterchainId, shardIdAll, mcref.seq_no}; mc_blkid_.root_hash = mcref.root_hash; mc_blkid_.file_hash = mcref.file_hash; } else if (!is_key_block_) { block::gen::McBlockExtra::Record mc_extra; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(extra.custom->prefetch_ref(), mc_extra) && !mc_extra.key_block)) { return fatal_error("extra header of non-key masterchain block "s + blk_id.to_str() + " is invalid or contains extra information reserved for key blocks only"); } } // 7. check signatures td::Result sign_chk; if (!is_fake_) { sign_chk = validator_set_->check_signatures(id_.root_hash, id_.file_hash, signatures_); if (sign_chk.is_error()) { auto err = sign_chk.move_as_error(); VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << "signature check failed : " << err.to_string(); abort_query(std::move(err)); return false; } } // 8. serialize signatures if (!is_fake_) { vm::CellBuilder cb2; Ref sign_cell; if (!(cb2.store_long_bool(0x11, 8) // block_signatures#11 && cb2.store_long_bool(validator_set_->get_validator_set_hash(), 32) // validator_info$_ validator_set_hash_short:uint32 && cb2.store_long_bool(validator_set_->get_catchain_seqno(), 32) // validator_set_ts:uint32 = ValidatorInfo && cb2.store_long_bool(signatures_->size(), 32) // sig_count:uint32 && cb2.store_long_bool(sign_chk.move_as_ok(), 64) // sig_weight:uint32 && signatures_->serialize_to(sign_cell) // (HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair) && cb2.store_maybe_ref(std::move(sign_cell)) && cb2.finalize_to(signatures_cell_))) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize BlockSignatures for the newly-accepted block"); } } else { // FAKE vm::CellBuilder cb2; if (!(cb2.store_long_bool(0x11, 8) // block_signatures#11 && cb2.store_long_bool(validator_set_.not_null() ? validator_set_->get_validator_set_hash() : 0, 32) // validator_info$_ validator_set_hash_short:uint32 && cb2.store_long_bool(validator_set_.not_null() ? validator_set_->get_catchain_seqno() : 0, 32) // validator_set_ts:uint32 = ValidatorInfo && cb2.store_long_bool(0, 32) // sig_count:uint32 && cb2.store_long_bool(0, 64) // sig_weight:uint32 && cb2.store_bool_bool(false) // (HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair) && cb2.finalize_to(signatures_cell_))) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize fake BlockSignatures for the newly-accepted block"); } } Ref bs_cell; if (is_masterchain()) { // 9a. now create serialized proof vm::CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_long_bool(0xc3, 8) // block_proof#c3 && block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.pack(cb, id_) // proof_for:BlockIdExt && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(proof)) // proof:^Cell && cb.store_bool_bool(true) // signatures:(Maybe && cb.store_ref_bool(signatures_cell_) // ^BlockSignatures) && cb.finalize_to(bs_cell))) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize BlockProof for the newly-accepted block"); } } else { // 9b. create serialized proof (link) vm::CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_long_bool(0xc3, 8) // block_proof#c3 && block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.pack(cb, id_) // proof_for:BlockIdExt && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(proof)) // proof:^Cell && cb.store_bool_bool(false) // signatures:(Maybe ^BlockSignatures) && cb.finalize_to(bs_cell))) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize BlockProof for the newly-accepted block"); } } // 10. check resulting object if (!block::gen::t_BlockProof.validate_ref(bs_cell)) { block::gen::t_BlockProof.print_ref(std::cerr, bs_cell); vm::load_cell_slice(bs_cell).print_rec(std::cerr); return fatal_error("BlockProof object just created failed to pass automated consistency checks"); } // 11. create a proof object from this cell if (is_masterchain()) { proof_ = create_proof(id_, vm::std_boc_serialize(bs_cell, 0).move_as_ok()).move_as_ok(); } else { proof_link_ = create_proof_link(id_, vm::std_boc_serialize(bs_cell, 0).move_as_ok()).move_as_ok(); } VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "create_new_proof() : end"; return true; } void AcceptBlockQuery::abort_query(td::Status reason) { if (promise_) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << "aborting accept block query: " << reason; promise_.set_error(std::move(reason)); } stop(); } bool AcceptBlockQuery::fatal_error(std::string msg, int code) { abort_query(td::Status::Error(code, std::move(msg))); return false; } bool AcceptBlockQuery::check_send_error(td::actor::ActorId SelfId, td::Status error) { if (error.is_error()) { td::actor::send_closure(std::move(SelfId), &AcceptBlockQuery::abort_query, std::move(error)); return true; } else { return false; } } void AcceptBlockQuery::finish_query() { ValidatorInvariants::check_post_accept(handle_); if (is_masterchain()) { CHECK(handle_->inited_proof()); } else { CHECK(handle_->inited_proof_link()); } if (promise_) { promise_.set_value(td::Unit()); } stop(); } void AcceptBlockQuery::alarm() { abort_query(td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::timeout, "timeout")); } void AcceptBlockQuery::start_up() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "start_up()"; alarm_timestamp() = timeout_; if (!is_fork_ && validator_set_.is_null()) { fatal_error("no real ValidatorSet passed to AcceptBlockQuery"); return; } if (!is_fake_ && signatures_.is_null()) { fatal_error("no real SignatureSet passed to AcceptBlockQuery"); return; } if (!is_fake_ && is_fork_) { fatal_error("a non-fake AcceptBlockQuery for a forced fork block"); return; } if (!is_fork_ && !prev_.size()) { fatal_error("no previous blocks passed to AcceptBlockQuery"); return; } if (is_fork_ && !is_masterchain()) { fatal_error("cannot accept a non-masterchain fork block"); return; } if (is_fork_ && data_.is_null()) { fatal_error("cannot accept a fork block without explicit data"); return; } if (data_.not_null() && !precheck_header()) { fatal_error("invalid block header in AcceptBlock"); return; } td::actor::send_closure( manager_, &ValidatorManager::get_block_handle, id_, true, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_block_handle, R.move_as_ok()); }); } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_block_handle(BlockHandle handle) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got_block_handle()"; handle_ = std::move(handle); if (handle_->received() && handle_->received_state() && handle_->inited_signatures() && handle_->inited_split_after() && handle_->inited_merge_before() && handle_->inited_prev() && handle_->inited_logical_time() && handle_->inited_state_root_hash() && (is_masterchain() ? handle_->inited_proof() && handle_->is_applied() && handle_->inited_is_key_block() : handle_->inited_proof_link())) { finish_query(); return; } if (data_.not_null() && !handle_->received()) { td::actor::send_closure( manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_data, handle_, data_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_data); }); } else { written_block_data(); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_data() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written_block_data()"; if (handle_->inited_signatures()) { written_block_signatures(); return; } if (is_fake_) { signatures_ = Ref(create_signature_set(std::vector{})); } td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_signatures, handle_, signatures_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_signatures); }); } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_signatures() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written_block_signatures()"; handle_->set_merge(prev_.size() == 2); for (auto& p : prev_) { handle_->set_prev(p); } if (handle_->need_flush()) { handle_->flush(manager_, handle_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_info); }); } else { written_block_info(); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_info() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written block info"; if (data_.not_null()) { auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_prev_state, R.move_as_ok()); }); td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::wait_prev_block_state, handle_, priority(), timeout_, std::move(P)); } else { td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::wait_block_data, handle_, priority(), timeout_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_block_data, R.move_as_ok()); }); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_block_data(td::Ref data) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got_block_data()"; data_ = std::move(data); CHECK(data_.not_null()); if (data_->root_cell().is_null()) { fatal_error("block data does not contain a root cell"); return; } if (!precheck_header()) { fatal_error("invalid block header in AcceptBlock"); return; } if (handle_->received()) { written_block_data(); } else { td::actor::send_closure( manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_data, handle_, data_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_data); }); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_prev_state(td::Ref state) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got prev state"; state_ = std::move(state); state_keep_old_hash_ = state_->root_hash(); auto err = state_.write().apply_block(id_, data_); if (err.is_error()) { abort_query(std::move(err)); return; } handle_->set_split(state_->before_split()); td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_state, handle_, state_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_state, R.move_as_ok()); }); } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_state(td::Ref upd_state) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written state"; CHECK(data_.not_null()); state_ = std::move(upd_state); block_root_ = data_->root_cell(); if (block_root_.is_null()) { fatal_error("block data does not contain a root cell"); return; } // generate proof if (!create_new_proof()) { fatal_error("cannot generate proof for block "s + id_.to_str()); return; } if (state_keep_old_hash_ != state_old_hash_) { fatal_error(PSTRING() << "invalid previous state hash in newly-created proof: expected " << state_->root_hash().to_hex() << ", found in update " << state_old_hash_.to_hex()); return; } //handle_->set_masterchain_block(prev_[0]); handle_->set_state_root_hash(state_hash_); handle_->set_logical_time(lt_); handle_->set_unix_time(created_at_); handle_->set_is_key_block(is_key_block_); auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_proof); }); if (is_masterchain()) { td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_proof, handle_, proof_, std::move(P)); } else { td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_block_proof_link, handle_, proof_link_, std::move(P)); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_proof() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written_block_proof()"; if (!is_masterchain()) { td::actor::send_closure(manager_, &ValidatorManager::get_top_masterchain_state_block, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result, BlockIdExt>> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_last_mc_block, R.move_as_ok()); }); return; } CHECK(prev_.size() == 1); td::actor::send_closure( manager_, &ValidatorManager::set_next_block, prev_[0], id_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_next); }); } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_last_mc_block(std::pair, BlockIdExt> last) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got_last_mc_block(): " << last.second.to_str(); last_mc_state_ = Ref(std::move(last.first)); last_mc_id_ = std::move(last.second); CHECK(last_mc_state_.not_null()); if (last_mc_id_.id.seqno < mc_blkid_.id.seqno) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "shardchain block refers to newer masterchain block " << mc_blkid_.to_str() << ", trying to obtain it"; td::actor::send_closure_later(manager_, &ValidatorManager::wait_block_state_short, mc_blkid_, priority(), timeout_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_mc_state, R.move_as_ok()); }); return; } else if (last_mc_id_.id.seqno > mc_blkid_.id.seqno) { if (!last_mc_state_->check_old_mc_block_id(mc_blkid_)) { fatal_error("shardchain block refers to masterchain block "s + mc_blkid_.to_str() + " which is not a antecessor of last masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str()); return; } } else if (last_mc_id_ != mc_blkid_) { fatal_error("shardchain block refers to masterchain block "s + mc_blkid_.to_str() + " distinct from last masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str() + " of the same height"); return; } find_known_ancestors(); } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_mc_state(Ref res) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got_mc_state()"; auto new_state = Ref(std::move(res)); CHECK(new_state.not_null()); if (!new_state->check_old_mc_block_id(last_mc_id_)) { fatal_error("shardchain block refers to masterchain block "s + mc_blkid_.to_str() + " which is not a successor of last masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str()); return; } last_mc_id_ = mc_blkid_; last_mc_state_ = std::move(new_state); find_known_ancestors(); } void AcceptBlockQuery::find_known_ancestors() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "find_known_ancestors()"; prev_mc_blkid_ = mc_blkid_; auto config = last_mc_state_->get_config(); CHECK(config); auto shard = ton::ShardIdFull(id_); auto ancestor = config->get_shard_hash(shard, false); if (ancestor.is_null()) { ancestor = config->get_shard_hash(ton::shard_child(shard, true)); auto ancestor2 = config->get_shard_hash(ton::shard_child(shard, false)); if (ancestor.is_null() || ancestor2.is_null()) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << " cannot retrieve information about shard " + shard.to_str() + " from masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str() + ", skipping ShardTopBlockDescr creation"; if (last_mc_id_.id.seqno <= mc_blkid_.id.seqno) { fatal_error(" cannot retrieve information about shard "s + shard.to_str() + " from masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str()); return; } written_block_next(); return; } VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "found two ancestors: " << ancestor->blk_.to_str() << " and " << ancestor2->blk_.to_str(); ancestors_seqno_ = std::max(ancestor->blk_.id.seqno, ancestor2->blk_.id.seqno); ancestors_.emplace_back(std::move(ancestor)); ancestors_.emplace_back(std::move(ancestor2)); } else if (ancestor->shard() == shard) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "found one regular ancestor " << ancestor->blk_.to_str(); ancestors_seqno_ = ancestor->seqno(); ancestors_.emplace_back(std::move(ancestor)); } else if (ton::shard_is_parent(ancestor->shard(), shard)) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "found one parent ancestor " << ancestor->blk_.to_str(); ancestors_seqno_ = ancestor->seqno(); ancestors_.emplace_back(std::move(ancestor)); ancestors_split_ = true; } else { VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << " cannot retrieve information about shard " + shard.to_str() + " from masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str() + ", skipping ShardTopBlockDescr creation"; if (last_mc_id_.id.seqno <= mc_blkid_.id.seqno || ancestor->seqno() <= id_.id.seqno) { fatal_error(" cannot retrieve information about shard "s + shard.to_str() + " from masterchain block " + last_mc_id_.to_str()); return; } written_block_next(); return; } if (ancestors_seqno_ >= id_.id.seqno) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << "skipping ShardTopBlockDescr creation for " << id_.to_str() << " because a newer block " << ancestors_.at(0)->blk_.to_str() << " is already present in masterchain block " << last_mc_id_.to_str(); written_block_next(); return; } if (id_.id.seqno > ancestors_seqno_ + 8) { fatal_error("cannot accept shardchain block "s + id_.to_str() + " because it requires including a chain of more than eight new shardchain blocks"); return; } if (id_.id.seqno == ancestors_seqno_ + 1) { create_topshard_blk_descr(); return; } CHECK(prev_.size() == 1); require_proof_link(prev_[0]); } void AcceptBlockQuery::require_proof_link(BlockIdExt id) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "require_proof_link(" << id.to_str() << ")"; CHECK(ton::ShardIdFull(id) == ton::ShardIdFull(id_)); CHECK(id.id.seqno == id_.id.seqno - 1 - proof_links_.size()); td::actor::send_closure_later(manager_, &ValidatorManager::wait_block_proof_link_short, id, timeout_, [SelfId = actor_id(this), id](td::Result> R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::got_proof_link, id, R.move_as_ok()); }); } bool AcceptBlockQuery::unpack_proof_link(BlockIdExt id, Ref proof_link) { auto res0 = vm::std_boc_deserialize(proof_link->data()); if (res0.is_error()) { return fatal_error("cannot deserialize proof link for "s + id.to_str() + ": " + res0.move_as_error().to_string()); } Ref proof_root = res0.move_as_ok(); block::gen::BlockProof::Record proof; BlockIdExt proof_blk_id; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(proof_root, proof) && block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.unpack(proof.proof_for.write(), proof_blk_id))) { return false; } if (proof_blk_id != id) { return fatal_error("block proof link is for another block: expected "s + id.to_str() + ", found " + proof_blk_id.to_str()); } auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof.root, 1); if (virt_root.is_null()) { return fatal_error("block proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " does not contain a valid Merkle proof for the block header"); } RootHash virt_hash{virt_root->get_hash().bits()}; if (virt_hash != id.root_hash) { return fatal_error("block proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " contains a Merkle proof with incorrect root hash: expected " + id.root_hash.to_hex() + ", found " + virt_hash.to_hex()); } bool after_split; BlockIdExt mc_blkid; auto res = block::unpack_block_prev_blk_try(virt_root, id, link_prev_, mc_blkid, after_split); if (res.is_error()) { return fatal_error("error in block header in proof link for "s + id.to_str() + ": " + res.move_as_error().to_string()); } if (mc_blkid.id.seqno > prev_mc_blkid_.id.seqno) { return fatal_error("previous shardchain block "s + id.to_str() + " refers to a newer masterchain block " + mc_blkid.id.to_str() + " than that referred to by the next one: " + prev_mc_blkid_.id.to_str()); } else if (mc_blkid.id.seqno < prev_mc_blkid_.id.seqno) { if (!last_mc_state_->check_old_mc_block_id(mc_blkid)) { return fatal_error( "previous shardchain block "s + id.to_str() + " refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.id.to_str() + " which is not an ancestor of that referred to by the next one: " + prev_mc_blkid_.id.to_str()); } prev_mc_blkid_ = mc_blkid; } else if (mc_blkid != prev_mc_blkid_) { return fatal_error("previous shardchain block "s + id.to_str() + " refers to masterchain block " + mc_blkid.id.to_str() + " with the same height as, but distinct from that referred to by the next shardchain block: " + prev_mc_blkid_.id.to_str()); } try { block::gen::Block::Record block; block::gen::BlockExtra::Record extra; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(virt_root, block) && block::gen::t_ValueFlow.force_validate_ref(block.value_flow))) { return fatal_error("block proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " does not contain value flow information"); } /* TEMP (uncomment later) if (!tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(block.extra), extra)) { return fatal_error("block proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " does not contain BlockExtra information"); } */ } catch (vm::VmError& err) { return fatal_error("error unpacking proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) { return fatal_error("virtualization error unpacking proof link for block "s + id.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg()); } proof_roots_.push_back(std::move(proof.root)); return true; } void AcceptBlockQuery::got_proof_link(BlockIdExt id, Ref proof) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "got_proof_link(" << id.to_str() << ")"; CHECK(proof.not_null()); proof_links_.push_back(proof); if (!unpack_proof_link(id, std::move(proof))) { fatal_error("cannot unpack proof link for "s + id.to_str()); return; } if (id.id.seqno == ancestors_seqno_ + 1) { // first link in chain if (ancestors_.size() != link_prev_.size() || ancestors_[0]->blk_ != link_prev_[0] || (ancestors_.size() == 2 && ancestors_[1]->blk_ != link_prev_[1])) { fatal_error("invalid first link at block "s + id.to_str() + " for shardchain block " + id_.to_str(), ErrorCode::cancelled); return; } create_topshard_blk_descr(); } else { CHECK(id.id.seqno > ancestors_seqno_); // intermediate link if (link_prev_.size() != 1 || ton::ShardIdFull(link_prev_[0].id) != ton::ShardIdFull(id_) || link_prev_[0].id.seqno + 1 != id.id.seqno) { fatal_error("invalid intermediate link at block "s + id.to_str() + " for shardchain block " + id_.to_str(), ErrorCode::cancelled); return; } require_proof_link(link_prev_[0]); } } bool AcceptBlockQuery::create_top_shard_block_description() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "create_top_shard_block_description()"; CHECK(proof_roots_.size() == proof_links_.size() + 1); int n = (int)proof_roots_.size(); CHECK(n <= 8); Ref root; for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) { vm::CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(proof_roots_[i]) && (root.is_null() || cb.store_ref_bool(root)) && cb.finalize_to(root))) { return fatal_error("error serializing ProofChain"); } } vm::CellBuilder cb; Ref td_cell; if (!(cb.store_long_bool(0xd5, 8) // top_block_descr#d5 && block::tlb::t_BlockIdExt.pack(cb, id_) // proof_for:BlockIdExt && cb.store_bool_bool(true) // signatures:(Maybe && cb.store_ref_bool(signatures_cell_) // ^BlockSignatures) && cb.store_long_bool(n, 8) // len:(## 8) && n <= 8 // { len <= 8 } && cb.store_ref_bool(proof_roots_[0]) // chain:(ProofChain len) && (root.is_null() || cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(root))) && cb.finalize_to(td_cell))) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize ShardTopBlockDescription for the newly-accepted block "s + id_.to_str()); } if (false) { // debug output std::cerr << "new ShardTopBlockDescription: "; block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.print_ref(std::cerr, td_cell); vm::load_cell_slice(td_cell).print_rec(std::cerr); } if (!block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.validate_ref(td_cell)) { block::gen::t_TopBlockDescr.print_ref(std::cerr, td_cell); vm::load_cell_slice(td_cell).print_rec(std::cerr); return fatal_error("just created ShardTopBlockDescription for "s + id_.to_str() + " is invalid"); } auto res = vm::std_boc_serialize(td_cell, 0); if (res.is_error()) { return fatal_error("cannot serialize a ShardTopBlockDescription object for "s + id_.to_str() + ": " + res.move_as_error().to_string()); } top_block_descr_data_ = res.move_as_ok(); VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "create_top_shard_block_description() : end"; return true; } void AcceptBlockQuery::create_topshard_blk_descr() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "create_topshard_blk_descr()"; // generate top shard block description if (!create_top_shard_block_description()) { fatal_error("cannot generate top shard block description for "s + id_.to_str()); return; } CHECK(top_block_descr_data_.size()); td::actor::create_actor( "topshardfetchchk", std::move(top_block_descr_data_), last_mc_id_, BlockHandle{}, last_mc_state_, manager_, timeout_, is_fake_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result> R) { td::actor::send_closure_later(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::top_block_descr_validated, std::move(R)); }) .release(); } void AcceptBlockQuery::top_block_descr_validated(td::Result> R) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "top_block_descr_validated()"; if (R.is_error()) { VLOG(VALIDATOR_WARNING) << "error validating newly-created ShardTopBlockDescr for " << id_.to_str() << ": " << R.move_as_error().to_string(); } else { top_block_descr_ = R.move_as_ok(); CHECK(top_block_descr_.not_null()); td::actor::send_closure_later(manager_, &ValidatorManager::send_top_shard_block_description, top_block_descr_); } written_block_next(); } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_next() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written_block_next()"; if (handle_->need_flush()) { handle_->flush(manager_, handle_, [SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_info_2); }); } else { written_block_info_2(); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::written_block_info_2() { VLOG(VALIDATOR_DEBUG) << "written_block_info_2()"; if (handle_->id().is_masterchain()) { auto P = td::PromiseCreator::lambda([SelfId = actor_id(this)](td::Result R) { check_send_error(SelfId, R) || td::actor::send_closure_bool(SelfId, &AcceptBlockQuery::applied); }); run_apply_block_query(handle_->id(), data_, handle_->id(), manager_, timeout_, std::move(P)); } else { applied(); } } void AcceptBlockQuery::applied() { if (!send_broadcast_) { finish_query(); return; } BlockBroadcast b; b.data = data_->data(); b.block_id = id_; std::vector sigs; if (!is_fake_) { for (auto& v : signatures_->signatures()) { sigs.emplace_back(BlockSignature{v.node, v.signature.clone()}); } } b.signatures = std::move(sigs); b.catchain_seqno = validator_set_->get_catchain_seqno(); b.validator_set_hash = validator_set_->get_validator_set_hash(); if (is_masterchain()) { b.proof = proof_->data(); } else { b.proof = proof_link_->data(); } // do not wait for answer td::actor::send_closure_later(manager_, &ValidatorManager::send_block_broadcast, std::move(b)); finish_query(); } } // namespace validator } // namespace ton