/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/refcnt.hpp" #include "common/bigint.hpp" #include "common/refint.h" #include "modbigint.cpp" #include "td/utils/tests.h" int mkint_chk_mode = -1, res_chk_mode = 0; long long iterations = 100000, cur_iteration = -1, debug_iteration = -2; #define IFDEBUG if (cur_iteration == debug_iteration || debug_iteration == -3) using BInt = modint::ModArray<18>; // integers up to 2^537 using MRInt = modint::MixedRadix<18>; // auxiliary integer representation for printing, comparing etc MRInt p2_256, np2_256, p2_63, np2_63; constexpr long long ll_min = -2 * (1LL << 62), ll_max = ~ll_min; constexpr double dbl_pow256 = 1.1579208923731619542e77 /* 0x1p256 */; // 2^256 std::mt19937_64 Random(666); template bool equal(td::RefInt256 x, T y) { return !td::cmp(x, y); } bool equal_or_nan(td::RefInt256 x, td::RefInt256 y) { return equal(x, y) || (!x->is_valid() && !y->fits_bits(257)) || (!y->is_valid() && !x->fits_bits(257)); } #define CHECK_EQ(__x, __y) CHECK(equal(__x, __y)) #define CHECK_EQ_NAN(__x, __y) CHECK(equal_or_nan(__x, __y)) bool mr_in_range(const MRInt& x) { return x < p2_256 && x >= np2_256; } bool mr_is_small(const MRInt& x) { return x < p2_63 && x >= np2_63; } bool mr_fits_bits(const MRInt& x, int bits) { if (bits > 0) { return x < MRInt::pow2(bits - 1) && x >= MRInt::negpow2(bits - 1); } else { return !bits && !x.sgn(); } } bool mr_ufits_bits(const MRInt& x, int bits) { return bits >= 0 && x.sgn() >= 0 && x < MRInt::pow2(bits); } struct ShowBin { unsigned char* data; ShowBin(unsigned char _data[64]) : data(_data) { } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ShowBin bin) { int i = 0, s = bin.data[0]; if (s == 0 || s == 0xff) { while (i < 64 && bin.data[i] == s) { i++; } } if (i >= 3) { os << (s ? "ff..ff" : "00..00"); } else { i = 0; } constexpr static char hex_digits[] = "0123456789abcdef"; while (i < 64) { int t = bin.data[i++]; os << hex_digits[t >> 4] << hex_digits[t & 15]; } return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const td::AnyIntView& x) { os << '['; for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { os << ' ' << x.digits[i]; } os << " ]"; return os; } template bool extract_value_any_bool(BInt& val, const td::AnyIntView& x, bool chk_norm = true) { int n = x.size(); if (n <= 0 || n > x.max_size() || (!x.digits[n - 1] && n > 1)) { return false; } assert(n == 1 || x.digits[n - 1] != 0); val.set_zero(); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { val.lshift_add(T::word_shift, x.digits[i]); if (chk_norm && (x.digits[i] < -T::Half || x.digits[i] >= T::Half)) { return false; // unnormalized } } return true; } template bool extract_value_bool(BInt& val, const T& x, bool chk_norm = true) { return extract_value_any_bool(val, x.as_any_int(), chk_norm); } BInt extract_value_any(const td::AnyIntView& x, bool chk_norm = true) { BInt res; CHECK(extract_value_any_bool(res, x, chk_norm)); return res; } template BInt extract_value(const T& x, bool chk_norm = true) { return extract_value_any(x.as_any_int(), chk_norm); } template BInt extract_value_alt(const T& x) { BInt res; const int* md = res.mod_array(); for (int i = 0; i < res.n / 2; i++) { T copy{x}; int m1 = md[2 * i], m2 = md[2 * i + 1]; long long rem = copy.divmod_short((long long)m1 * m2); res.a[2 * i] = (int)(rem % m1); res.a[2 * i + 1] = (int)(rem % m2); } if (res.n & 1) { T copy{x}; res.a[res.n - 1] = (int)copy.divmod_short(md[res.n - 1]); } return res; } constexpr int min_spec_int = -0xfd08, max_spec_int = 0xfd07; // x = sgn*(ord*256+a*16+b) => sgn*((32+a)*2^(ord-2) + b - 8) // x = -0xfd08 => -2^256 ... x = 0xfd07 => 2^256 - 1 td::RefInt256 make_special_int(int x, BInt* ptr = nullptr, unsigned char bin[64] = nullptr) { bool sgn = (x < 0); if (sgn) { x = -x; } int ord = (x >> 8) - 2, a = 32 + ((x >> 4) & 15), b = (x & 15) - 8; if (ord < 0) { a >>= -ord; ord = 0; } if (sgn) { a = -a; b = -b; } if (ptr) { ptr->set_int(a); *ptr <<= ord; *ptr += b; } if (bin) { int acc = b, r = ord; for (int i = 63; i >= 0; --i) { if (r < 8) { acc += (a << r); r = 1024; } r -= 8; bin[i] = (unsigned char)(acc & 0xff); acc >>= 8; } } return (td::make_refint(a) << ord) + b; } int rand_int(int min, int max) { return min + (int)(Random() % (max - min + 1)); } unsigned randu() { return (unsigned)(Random() << 16); } bool coin() { return Random() & (1 << 28); } // returns 0 with probability 1/2, 1 with prob. 1/4, ..., k with prob. 1/2^(k+1) int randexp(int max = 63, int min = 0) { return min + __builtin_clzll(Random() | (1ULL << (63 - max + min))); } void bin_add_small(unsigned char bin[64], long long val, int shift = 0) { val <<= shift & 7; for (int i = 63 - (shift >> 3); i >= 0 && val; --i) { val += bin[i]; bin[i] = (unsigned char)val; val >>= 8; } } // adds sgn * (random number less than 2^(ord - ord2)) * 2^ord2 td::RefInt256 add_random_bits(td::RefInt256 x, BInt& val, unsigned char bin[64], int ord2, int ord, int sgn = 1) { int t; do { t = std::max((ord - 1) & -16, ord2); int a = sgn * rand_int(0, (1 << (ord - t)) - 1); // add a << t val.add_lshift(t, a); x += td::make_refint(a) << t; bin_add_small(bin, a, t); ord = t; } while (t > ord2); return x; } // generates a random integer in range -2^256 .. 2^256-1 (and sometimes outside) // distribution is skewed towards +/- 2^n +/- 2^n +/- smallint, but completely random integers are also generated td::RefInt256 make_random_int0(BInt& val, unsigned char bin[64]) { memset(bin, 0, 64); int ord = rand_int(-257, 257); if (ord <= 2 && ord >= -2) { // -2..2 represent themselves val.set_int(ord); bin_add_small(bin, ord); return td::make_refint(ord); } int sgn = (ord < 0 ? -1 : 1); ord = sgn * ord - 1; int f = std::min(ord, randexp(15)), a = sgn * rand_int(1 << f, (2 << f) - 1); ord -= f; // first summand is a << ord auto res = td::make_refint(a) << ord; val.set_int(a); val <<= ord; bin_add_small(bin, a, ord); if (!ord) { // all bits ready return res; } for (int s = 0; s < 2 && ord; s++) { // decide whether we want an intermediate order (50%), and whether we want randomness above/below that order int ord2 = (s ? 0 : std::max(0, rand_int(~ord, ord - 1))); if (!rand_int(0, 4)) { // 20% // random bits between ord2 and ord res = add_random_bits(std::move(res), val, bin, ord2, ord, sgn); } if (rand_int(0, 4)) { // 80% // non-zero adjustment f = randexp(15); a = rand_int(-(2 << f) + 1, (2 << f) - 1); ord = std::max(ord2 - f, 0); // add a << ord val.add_lshift(ord, a); res += (td::make_refint(a) << ord); bin_add_small(bin, a, ord); } } return res; } td::RefInt256 make_random_int(BInt& val, unsigned char bin[64]) { while (true) { auto res = make_random_int0(val, bin); if (res->fits_bits(257)) { return res; } } } void check_one_int_repr(td::RefInt256 x, int mode, int in_range, const BInt* valptr = nullptr, const unsigned char bin[64] = nullptr) { CHECK(x.not_null() && (in_range <= -2 || x->is_valid())); if (!x->is_valid()) { // not much to check when x is a NaN unsigned char bytes[64]; if (valptr) { // check that the true answer at `valptr` is out of range CHECK(!mr_in_range(valptr->to_mixed_radix())); if (mode & 0x200) { // check BInt binary export valptr->to_binary(bytes, 64); if (bin) { // check that the two true answers match CHECK(!memcmp(bin, bytes, 64)); } else { bin = bytes; } } } if (bin) { // check that the true answer in `bin` is out of range int i = 0, sgn = (bin[0] >= 0x80 ? -1 : 0); while (i < 32 && bin[i] == (unsigned char)sgn) ; CHECK(i < 32); if (valptr && (mode & 0x100)) { // check BInt binary export BInt val2; val2.from_binary(bin, 64); CHECK(*valptr == val2); } } return; } unsigned char bytes[64]; CHECK(x->export_bytes(bytes, 64)); if (bin) { CHECK(!memcmp(bytes, bin, 64)); } BInt val = extract_value(*x); if (valptr) { if (val != *valptr) { std::cerr << "extracted " << val << " from " << x << ' ' << x->as_any_int() << ", expected " << *valptr << std::endl; } CHECK(val == *valptr); } if (mode & 1) { BInt val2 = extract_value_alt(*x); CHECK(val == val2); } if (mode & 2) { // check binary import td::BigInt256 y; y.import_bytes(bytes, 64); CHECK(y == *x); } if (mode & 0x100) { // check binary import for BInt BInt val2; val2.from_binary(bytes, 64); CHECK(val == val2); } // check if small (fits into 64 bits) long long xval = (long long)val; bool is_small = (xval != ll_min || val == xval); CHECK(is_small == x->fits_bits(64)); if (is_small) { // special check for small (64-bit) values CHECK(x->to_long() == xval); CHECK((long long)__builtin_bswap64(*(long long*)(bytes + 64 - 8)) == xval); CHECK(in_range); // check sign CHECK(x->sgn() == (xval > 0 ? 1 : (xval < 0 ? -1 : 0))); // check comparison with long long CHECK(x == xval); CHECK(!cmp(x, xval)); if (mode & 4) { // check constructor from long long CHECK(!cmp(x, td::make_refint(xval))); if (xval != ll_min) { CHECK(x > xval - 1); CHECK(x > td::make_refint(xval - 1)); } if (xval != ll_max) { CHECK(x < xval + 1); CHECK(x < td::make_refint(xval + 1)); } } if (!(mode & ~0x107)) { return; // fast check for small ints in this case } } MRInt mval(val); // somewhat slow bool val_in_range = mr_in_range(mval); CHECK(x->fits_bits(257) == val_in_range); if (in_range >= 0) { CHECK((int)val_in_range == in_range); } if (mode & 0x200) { // check binary export for BInt unsigned char bytes2[64]; mval.to_binary(bytes2, 64); CHECK(!memcmp(bytes, bytes2, 64)); } // check sign int sgn = mval.sgn(); CHECK(x->sgn() == sgn); CHECK(is_small == mr_is_small(mval)); if (is_small) { CHECK((long long)mval == xval); } if (mode & 0x10) { // check decimal export std::string dec = mval.to_dec_string(); CHECK(x->to_dec_string() == dec); // check decimal import td::BigInt256 y; int l = y.parse_dec(dec); CHECK((std::size_t)l == dec.size() && y == *x); if (mode & 0x1000) { // check decimal import for BInt BInt val2; CHECK(val2.from_dec_string(dec) && val2 == val); } } if (mode & 0x20) { // check binary bit size int sz = x->bit_size(); CHECK(sz >= 0 && sz <= 300); CHECK(x->fits_bits(sz) && (!sz || !x->fits_bits(sz - 1))); CHECK(mr_fits_bits(mval, sz) && !mr_fits_bits(mval, sz - 1)); int usz = x->bit_size(false); CHECK(sgn >= 0 || usz == 0x7fffffff); if (sgn >= 0) { CHECK(x->unsigned_fits_bits(usz) && (!usz || !x->unsigned_fits_bits(usz - 1))); CHECK(mr_ufits_bits(mval, usz) && !mr_ufits_bits(mval, usz - 1)); } else { CHECK(!x->unsigned_fits_bits(256) && !x->unsigned_fits_bits(300)); } } } void init_aux() { np2_256 = p2_256 = MRInt::pow2(256); np2_256.negate(); CHECK(np2_256 == MRInt::negpow2(256)); p2_63 = np2_63 = MRInt::pow2(63); np2_63.negate(); CHECK(np2_63 == MRInt::negpow2(63)); } std::vector SpecInt; BInt SpecIntB[max_spec_int - min_spec_int + 1]; void init_check_special_ints() { std::cerr << "check special ints" << std::endl; BInt b; unsigned char binary[64]; for (int idx = min_spec_int - 512; idx <= max_spec_int + 512; idx++) { td::RefInt256 x = make_special_int(idx, &b, binary); check_one_int_repr(x, mkint_chk_mode, idx >= min_spec_int && idx <= max_spec_int, &b, binary); if (idx >= min_spec_int && idx <= max_spec_int) { SpecIntB[idx - min_spec_int] = b; SpecInt.push_back(std::move(x)); } } } void check_res(td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv) { check_one_int_repr(std::move(y), res_chk_mode, -2, &yv); } void check_unary_ops_on(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv) { // NEGATE BInt yv = -xv; check_res(-x, yv); // NOT check_res(~x, yv -= 1); } void check_unary_ops() { std::cerr << "check unary ops" << std::endl; for (int idx = min_spec_int; idx <= max_spec_int; idx++) { check_unary_ops_on(SpecInt[idx - min_spec_int], SpecIntB[idx - min_spec_int]); } } void check_pow2_ops(int shift) { // POW2 td::RefInt256 r{true}; r.unique_write().set_pow2(shift); check_res(r, BInt::pow2(shift)); // POW2DEC r.unique_write().set_pow2(shift).add_tiny(-1).normalize(); check_res(r, BInt::pow2(shift) - 1); // NEGPOW2 r.unique_write().set_pow2(shift).negate().normalize(); check_res(r, -BInt::pow2(shift)); } void check_pow2_ops() { std::cerr << "check power-2 ops" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i <= 256; i++) { check_pow2_ops(i); } } void check_shift_ops_on(int shift, td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, const MRInt& mval) { // LSHIFT check_res(x << shift, xv << shift); // FITS CHECK(x->fits_bits(shift) == mr_fits_bits(mval, shift)); // UFITS CHECK(x->unsigned_fits_bits(shift) == mr_ufits_bits(mval, shift)); // ADDPOW2 / SUBPOW2 auto y = x; y.write().add_pow2(shift).normalize(); check_res(std::move(y), xv + BInt::pow2(shift)); y = x; y.write().sub_pow2(shift).normalize(); check_res(std::move(y), xv - BInt::pow2(shift)); // RSHIFT, MODPOW2 for (int round_mode = -1; round_mode <= 1; round_mode++) { auto r = x, q = td::rshift(x, shift, round_mode); // RSHIFT CHECK(q.not_null() && q->is_valid()); r.write().mod_pow2(shift, round_mode).normalize(); // MODPOW2 CHECK(r.not_null() && r->is_valid()); if (round_mode < 0) { CHECK(!cmp(x >> shift, q)); // operator>> should be equivalent to td::rshift } BInt qv = extract_value(*q), rv = extract_value(*r); // check main division equality (q << shift) + r == x CHECK((qv << shift) + rv == xv); MRInt rval(rv); // check remainder range switch (round_mode) { case 1: rval.negate(); // fallthrough case -1: CHECK(mr_ufits_bits(rval, shift)); break; case 0: CHECK(mr_fits_bits(rval, shift)); } } } void check_shift_ops() { std::cerr << "check left/right shift ops" << std::endl; for (int idx = min_spec_int; idx <= max_spec_int; idx++) { //for (int idx : {-52240, -52239, -52238, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 52238, 52239, 52240}) { const auto& xv = SpecIntB[idx - min_spec_int]; MRInt mval(xv); if (!(idx % 1000)) { std::cerr << "# " << idx << " : " << mval << std::endl; } for (int i = 0; i <= 256; i++) { check_shift_ops_on(i, SpecInt[idx - min_spec_int], xv, mval); } } } void check_remainder_range(BInt& rv, const BInt& dv, int rmode = -1) { if (rmode > 0) { rv.negate(); } else if (!rmode) { rv *= 2; } MRInt d(dv), r(rv); int ds = d.sgn(), rs = r.sgn(); //std::cerr << "rmode=" << rmode << " ds=" << ds << " rs=" << rs << " d=" << d << " r=" << r << std::endl; if (!rs) { return; } if (rmode) { // must have 0 < r < d or 0 > r > d //if (rs != ds) std::cerr << "iter=" << cur_iteration << " : rmode=" << rmode << " ds=" << ds << " rs=" << rs << " d=" << d << " r=" << r << std::endl; CHECK(rs == ds); CHECK(ds * r.cmp(d) < 0); } else { // must have -d <= r < d or -d >= r > d if (rs == -ds) { r.negate(); CHECK(ds * r.cmp(d) <= 0); } else { CHECK(ds * r.cmp(d) < 0); } } } void check_divmod(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, long long xl, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv, long long yl, int rmode = -2) { if (rmode < -1) { //IFDEBUG std::cerr << " divide " << x << " / " << y << std::endl; for (rmode = -1; rmode <= 1; rmode++) { check_divmod(x, xv, xl, y, yv, yl, rmode); } return; } auto dm = td::divmod(x, y, rmode); auto q = std::move(dm.first), r = std::move(dm.second); if (!yl) { // division by zero CHECK(q.not_null() && !q->is_valid() && r.not_null() && !r->is_valid()); return; } CHECK(q.not_null() && q->is_valid() && r.not_null() && r->is_valid()); CHECK_EQ(x, y * q + r); BInt qv = extract_value(*q), rv = extract_value(*r); CHECK(xv == yv * qv + rv); //IFDEBUG std::cerr << " quot=" << q << " rem=" << r << std::endl; check_remainder_range(rv, yv, rmode); if (yl != ll_min && rmode == -1) { // check divmod_short() auto qq = x; auto rem = qq.write().divmod_short(yl); qq.write().normalize(); CHECK(qq->is_valid()); CHECK_EQ(qq, q); CHECK(r == rem); if (xl != ll_min) { auto dm = std::lldiv(xl, yl); if (dm.rem && (dm.rem ^ yl) < 0) { dm.rem += yl; dm.quot--; } CHECK(q == dm.quot); CHECK(r == dm.rem); } } } void check_binary_ops_on(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv) { bool x_small = x->fits_bits(62), y_small = y->fits_bits(62); // not 63 long long xl = x_small ? x->to_long() : ll_min, yl = y_small ? y->to_long() : ll_min; if (x_small) { CHECK(x == xl); } if (y_small) { CHECK(y == yl); } // ADD, ADDR auto z = x + y, w = y + x; CHECK_EQ(z, w); check_res(z, xv + yv); // ADDCONST if (y_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, x + yl); } if (x_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, y + xl); } if (x_small && y_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, xl + yl); } // SUB z = x - y; check_res(z, xv - yv); // SUBCONST if (y_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, x - yl); if (x_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, xl - yl); } } // SUBR z = y - x; check_res(z, yv - xv); if (x_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, y - xl); if (y_small) { CHECK_EQ(z, yl - xl); } } // CMP MRInt xmr(xv), ymr(yv); int cmpv = xmr.cmp(ymr); CHECK(td::cmp(x, y) == cmpv); CHECK(td::cmp(y, x) == -cmpv); if (y_small) { CHECK(td::cmp(x, yl) == cmpv); } if (x_small) { CHECK(td::cmp(y, xl) == -cmpv); } if (x_small && y_small) { CHECK(cmpv == (xl < yl ? -1 : (xl > yl ? 1 : 0))); } // MUL z = x * y; BInt zv = xv * yv; check_res(z, zv); CHECK_EQ(z, y * x); // MULCONST if (y_small) { CHECK_EQ_NAN(z, x * yl); } if (x_small) { CHECK_EQ_NAN(z, y * xl); } if (x_small && y_small && (!yl || std::abs(xl) <= ll_max / std::abs(yl))) { CHECK_EQ(z, xl * yl); } // DIVMOD if (z->fits_bits(257)) { int adj = 2 * rand_int(-2, 2) - (int)z->is_odd(); z += adj; z >>= 1; zv += adj; zv >>= 1; // z is approximately x * y / 2; divide by y check_divmod(z, zv, z->fits_bits(62) ? z->to_long() : ll_min, y, yv, yl); } check_divmod(x, xv, xl, y, yv, yl); } void finish_check_muldivmod(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv, td::RefInt256 z, const BInt& zv, td::RefInt256 q, td::RefInt256 r, int rmode) { static constexpr double eps = 1e-14; CHECK(q.not_null() && r.not_null()); //std::cerr << " muldivmod: " << xv << " * " << yv << " / " << zv << " (round " << rmode << ") = " << q << " " << r << std::endl; if (!zv) { // division by zero CHECK(!q->is_valid() && !r->is_valid()); return; } CHECK(r->is_valid()); // remainder always exists if y != 0 BInt xyv = xv * yv, rv = extract_value(*r); MRInt xy_mr(xyv), z_mr(zv); double q0 = (double)xy_mr / (double)z_mr; if (std::abs(q0) < 1.01 * dbl_pow256) { // result more or less in range CHECK(q->is_valid()); } else if (!q->is_valid()) { // result out of range, NaN is an acceptable answer // check that x * y - r is divisible by z xyv -= rv; xyv /= zv; xy_mr = xyv; double q1 = (double)xy_mr; CHECK(std::abs(q1 - q0) < eps * std::abs(q0)); } else { BInt qv = extract_value(*q); // must have x * y = z * q + r CHECK(xv * yv == zv * qv + rv); } // check that r is in correct range [0, z) or [0, -z) or [-z/2, z/2) check_remainder_range(rv, zv, rmode); } void check_muldivmod_on(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv, td::RefInt256 z, const BInt& zv, int rmode = 2) { if (rmode < -1) { for (rmode = -1; rmode <= 1; rmode++) { check_muldivmod_on(x, xv, y, yv, z, zv, rmode); } return; } else if (rmode > 1) { rmode = rand_int(-1, 1); } // MULDIVMOD auto qr = td::muldivmod(x, y, z, rmode); finish_check_muldivmod(std::move(x), xv, std::move(y), yv, std::move(z), zv, std::move(qr.first), std::move(qr.second), rmode); } void check_mul_rshift_on(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv, int shift, int rmode = 2) { if (rmode < -1) { for (rmode = -1; rmode <= 1; rmode++) { check_mul_rshift_on(x, xv, y, yv, shift, rmode); } return; } else if (rmode > 1) { rmode = rand_int(-1, 1); } // MULRSHIFTMOD typename td::BigInt256::DoubleInt tmp{0}; tmp.add_mul(*x, *y); typename td::BigInt256::DoubleInt tmp2{tmp}; tmp2.rshift(shift, rmode).normalize(); tmp.normalize().mod_pow2(shift, rmode).normalize(); finish_check_muldivmod(std::move(x), xv, std::move(y), yv, {}, BInt::pow2(shift), td::make_refint(tmp2), td::make_refint(tmp), rmode); } void check_lshift_div_on(td::RefInt256 x, const BInt& xv, td::RefInt256 y, const BInt& yv, int shift, int rmode = 2) { if (rmode < -1) { for (rmode = -1; rmode <= 1; rmode++) { check_lshift_div_on(x, xv, y, yv, shift, rmode); } return; } else if (rmode > 1) { rmode = rand_int(-1, 1); } // LSHIFTDIV typename td::BigInt256::DoubleInt tmp{*x}, quot; tmp <<= shift; tmp.mod_div(*y, quot, rmode); quot.normalize(); finish_check_muldivmod(std::move(x), xv, {}, BInt::pow2(shift), std::move(y), yv, td::make_refint(quot), td::make_refint(tmp), rmode); } void check_random_ops() { constexpr long long chk_it = 100000; std::cerr << "check random ops (" << iterations << " iterations)" << std::endl; BInt xv, yv, zv; unsigned char xbin[64], ybin[64], zbin[64]; for (cur_iteration = 0; cur_iteration < iterations; cur_iteration++) { auto x = make_random_int0(xv, xbin); if (!(cur_iteration % 10000)) { std::cerr << "#" << cur_iteration << ": check on " << xv << " = " << ShowBin(xbin) << " = " << x->as_any_int() << std::endl; } check_one_int_repr(x, cur_iteration < chk_it ? -1 : 0, -1, &xv, xbin); MRInt xmr(xv); if (!x->fits_bits(257)) { continue; } check_unary_ops_on(x, xv); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { int shift = rand_int(0, 256); //std::cerr << "check shift by " << shift << std::endl; check_shift_ops_on(shift, x, xv, xmr); auto y = make_random_int(yv, ybin); //std::cerr << " y = " << y << " = " << yv << " = " << ShowBin(ybin) << " = " << y->as_any_int() << std::endl; check_one_int_repr(y, 0, 1, &yv, ybin); check_binary_ops_on(x, xv, y, yv); //std::cerr << " *>> " << shift << std::endl; check_mul_rshift_on(x, xv, y, yv, shift); //std::cerr << " <as_any_int() << std::endl; check_muldivmod_on(x, xv, y, yv, z, zv); } } } void check_special() { std::cerr << "run special tests" << std::endl; check_divmod((td::make_refint(-1) << 207) - 1, BInt::negpow2(207) - 1, ll_min, (td::make_refint(1) << 207) - 1, BInt::pow2(207) - 1, ll_min); } int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { bool do_check_shift_ops = false; int i; while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "hSs:i:")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'S': do_check_shift_ops = true; break; case 's': Random.seed(atoll(optarg)); break; case 'i': iterations = atoll(optarg); break; default: std::cerr << "unknown option: " << (char)i << std::endl; // fall through case 'h': std::cerr << "usage:\t" << argv[0] << " [-S] [-i] [-s]" << std::endl; return 2; } } modint::init(); init_aux(); init_check_special_ints(); check_pow2_ops(); check_unary_ops(); if (do_check_shift_ops) { check_shift_ops(); } check_special(); check_random_ops(); return 0; }