/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/Parser.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/StackAllocator.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h" #include #include #include #include namespace td { template std::tuple ctie(const Args &... args) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; template std::tuple ctie(const Args &... args) { return std::tie(args...); } class JsonTrue { public: friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonTrue &val) { return sb << "true"; } }; class JsonFalse { public: friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonFalse &val) { return sb << "false"; } }; class JsonNull { public: friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, JsonNull val) { return sb << "null"; } }; class JsonBool { public: explicit JsonBool(bool value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonBool &val) { if (val.value_) { return sb << JsonTrue(); } else { return sb << JsonFalse(); } } private: bool value_; }; class JsonInt { public: explicit JsonInt(int32 value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonInt &val) { return sb << val.value_; } private: int32 value_; }; class JsonLong { public: explicit JsonLong(int64 value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonLong &val) { return sb << val.value_; } private: int64 value_; }; class JsonFloat { public: explicit JsonFloat(double value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonFloat &val) { return sb << val.value_; } private: double value_; }; class JsonOneChar { public: explicit JsonOneChar(unsigned int c) : c_(c) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonOneChar &val) { auto c = val.c_; return sb << '\\' << 'u' << "0123456789abcdef"[c >> 12] << "0123456789abcdef"[(c >> 8) & 15] << "0123456789abcdef"[(c >> 4) & 15] << "0123456789abcdef"[c & 15]; } private: unsigned int c_; }; class JsonChar { public: explicit JsonChar(unsigned int c) : c_(c) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonChar &val) { auto c = val.c_; if (c < 0x10000) { if (0xD7FF < c && c < 0xE000) { // UTF-8 correctness has already been checked UNREACHABLE(); } return sb << JsonOneChar(c); } else if (c <= 0x10ffff) { return sb << JsonOneChar(0xD7C0 + (c >> 10)) << JsonOneChar(0xDC00 + (c & 0x3FF)); } else { // UTF-8 correctness has already been checked UNREACHABLE(); } } private: unsigned int c_; }; class JsonRaw { public: explicit JsonRaw(Slice value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonRaw &val) { return sb << val.value_; } private: Slice value_; }; class JsonRawString { public: explicit JsonRawString(Slice value) : value_(value) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonRawString &val); private: Slice value_; }; class JsonString { public: explicit JsonString(Slice str) : str_(str) { } friend StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, const JsonString &val); private: Slice str_; }; class JsonScope; class JsonValueScope; class JsonArrayScope; class JsonObjectScope; class JsonBuilder { public: explicit JsonBuilder(StringBuilder &&sb = {}, int32 offset = -1) : sb_(std::move(sb)), offset_(offset) { } StringBuilder &string_builder() { return sb_; } friend class JsonScope; JsonValueScope enter_value() TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; JsonArrayScope enter_array() TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; JsonObjectScope enter_object() TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int32 offset() const { return offset_; } bool is_pretty() const { return offset_ >= 0; } void print_offset() { for (int x = 0; x < offset_; x++) { sb_ << " "; } } void dec_offset() { if (offset_ >= 0) { CHECK(offset_ > 0); offset_--; } } void inc_offset() { if (offset_ >= 0) { offset_++; } } private: StringBuilder sb_; JsonScope *scope_ = nullptr; int32 offset_; }; class Jsonable {}; class JsonScope { public: explicit JsonScope(JsonBuilder *jb) : sb_(&jb->sb_), jb_(jb), save_scope_(jb->scope_) { jb_->scope_ = this; CHECK(is_active()); } JsonScope(const JsonScope &other) = delete; JsonScope(JsonScope &&other) : sb_(other.sb_), jb_(other.jb_), save_scope_(other.save_scope_) { other.jb_ = nullptr; } JsonScope &operator=(const JsonScope &) = delete; JsonScope &operator=(JsonScope &&) = delete; ~JsonScope() { if (jb_) { leave(); } } void leave() { CHECK(is_active()); jb_->scope_ = save_scope_; } protected: StringBuilder *sb_; // For CHECK JsonBuilder *jb_; JsonScope *save_scope_; bool is_active() const { return jb_ && jb_->scope_ == this; } JsonScope &operator<<(JsonTrue x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(JsonFalse x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(JsonNull x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonBool &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonInt &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonLong &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonFloat &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonString &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonRawString &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(const JsonRaw &x) { *sb_ << x; return *this; } JsonScope &operator<<(bool x) { return *this << JsonBool(x); } JsonScope &operator<<(int32 x) { return *this << JsonInt(x); } JsonScope &operator<<(int64 x) { return *this << JsonLong(x); } JsonScope &operator<<(double x) { return *this << JsonFloat(x); } template JsonScope &operator<<(const T *x); // not implemented template JsonScope &operator<<(const char (&x)[N]) { return *this << JsonString(Slice(x)); } JsonScope &operator<<(const char *x) { return *this << JsonString(Slice(x)); } JsonScope &operator<<(const string &x) { return *this << JsonString(Slice(x)); } JsonScope &operator<<(Slice x) { return *this << JsonString(x); } }; class JsonValueScope : public JsonScope { public: using JsonScope::JsonScope; template std::enable_if_t::type>::value, JsonValueScope &> operator<<( const T &x) { x.store(this); return *this; } template std::enable_if_t::type>::value, JsonValueScope &> operator<<( const T &x) { CHECK(!was_); was_ = true; JsonScope::operator<<(x); return *this; } JsonArrayScope enter_array() TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; JsonObjectScope enter_object() TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; private: bool was_ = false; }; class JsonArrayScope : public JsonScope { public: explicit JsonArrayScope(JsonBuilder *jb) : JsonScope(jb) { jb->inc_offset(); *sb_ << "["; } JsonArrayScope(JsonArrayScope &&other) = default; ~JsonArrayScope() { if (jb_) { leave(); } } void leave() { jb_->dec_offset(); if (jb_->is_pretty()) { *sb_ << "\n"; jb_->print_offset(); } *sb_ << "]"; } template JsonArrayScope &operator<<(const T &x) { return (*this)(x); } template JsonArrayScope &operator()(const T &x) { enter_value() << x; return *this; } JsonValueScope enter_value() { CHECK(is_active()); if (is_first_) { *sb_ << ","; } else { is_first_ = true; } if (jb_->is_pretty()) { *sb_ << "\n"; jb_->print_offset(); } return jb_->enter_value(); } private: bool is_first_ = false; }; class JsonObjectScope : public JsonScope { public: explicit JsonObjectScope(JsonBuilder *jb) : JsonScope(jb) { jb->inc_offset(); *sb_ << "{"; } JsonObjectScope(JsonObjectScope &&other) = default; ~JsonObjectScope() { if (jb_) { leave(); } } void leave() { jb_->dec_offset(); if (jb_->is_pretty()) { *sb_ << "\n"; jb_->print_offset(); } *sb_ << "}"; } template JsonObjectScope &operator<<(std::tuple key_value) { return (*this)(std::get<0>(key_value), std::get<1>(key_value)); } template JsonObjectScope &operator<<(std::pair key_value) { return (*this)(key_value.first, key_value.second); } template JsonObjectScope &operator()(S &&key, T &&value) { CHECK(is_active()); if (is_first_) { *sb_ << ","; } else { is_first_ = true; } if (jb_->is_pretty()) { *sb_ << "\n"; jb_->print_offset(); } jb_->enter_value() << key; if (jb_->is_pretty()) { *sb_ << " : "; } else { *sb_ << ":"; } jb_->enter_value() << value; return *this; } JsonObjectScope &operator<<(const JsonRaw &key_value) { CHECK(is_active()); is_first_ = true; jb_->enter_value() << key_value; return *this; } private: bool is_first_ = false; }; inline JsonArrayScope JsonValueScope::enter_array() { CHECK(!was_); was_ = true; return JsonArrayScope(jb_); } inline JsonObjectScope JsonValueScope::enter_object() { CHECK(!was_); was_ = true; return JsonObjectScope(jb_); } inline JsonValueScope JsonBuilder::enter_value() { return JsonValueScope(this); } inline JsonObjectScope JsonBuilder::enter_object() { return JsonObjectScope(this); } inline JsonArrayScope JsonBuilder::enter_array() { return JsonArrayScope(this); } class JsonValue; using JsonObject = vector>; using JsonArray = vector; class JsonValue : public Jsonable { public: enum class Type { Null, Number, Boolean, String, Array, Object }; static Slice get_type_name(Type type); JsonValue() { } ~JsonValue() { destroy(); } JsonValue(JsonValue &&other) : JsonValue() { init(std::move(other)); } JsonValue &operator=(JsonValue &&other) { if (&other == this) { return *this; } destroy(); init(std::move(other)); return *this; } JsonValue(const JsonValue &other) = delete; JsonValue &operator=(const JsonValue &other) = delete; Type type() const { return type_; } MutableSlice &get_string() { CHECK(type_ == Type::String); return string_; } const MutableSlice &get_string() const { CHECK(type_ == Type::String); return string_; } bool &get_boolean() { CHECK(type_ == Type::Boolean); return boolean_; } const bool &get_boolean() const { CHECK(type_ == Type::Boolean); return boolean_; } MutableSlice &get_number() { CHECK(type_ == Type::Number); return number_; } const MutableSlice &get_number() const { CHECK(type_ == Type::Number); return number_; } JsonArray &get_array() { CHECK(type_ == Type::Array); return array_; } const JsonArray &get_array() const { CHECK(type_ == Type::Array); return array_; } JsonObject &get_object() { CHECK(type_ == Type::Object); return object_; } const JsonObject &get_object() const { CHECK(type_ == Type::Object); return object_; } static JsonValue create_boolean(bool val) { JsonValue res; res.init_boolean(val); return res; } static JsonValue create_number(MutableSlice number) { JsonValue res; res.init_number(number); return res; } static JsonValue create_string(MutableSlice str) { JsonValue res; res.init_string(str); return res; } static JsonValue create_array(JsonArray v) { JsonValue res; res.init_array(std::move(v)); return res; } static JsonValue make_object(JsonObject c) { JsonValue res; res.init_object(std::move(c)); return res; } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const { switch (type_) { case Type::Null: *scope << JsonRaw("null"); break; case Type::Boolean: if (get_boolean()) { *scope << JsonRaw("true"); } else { *scope << JsonRaw("false"); } break; case Type::Number: *scope << JsonRaw(get_number()); break; case Type::String: *scope << JsonString(get_string()); break; case Type::Array: { auto arr = scope->enter_array(); for (auto &val : get_array()) { arr << val; } break; } case Type::Object: { auto object = scope->enter_object(); for (auto &key_value : get_object()) { object << ctie(JsonString(key_value.first), key_value.second); } break; } } }; private: Type type_{Type::Null}; union { MutableSlice number_; bool boolean_; MutableSlice string_; JsonArray array_; JsonObject object_; }; void init_null() { type_ = Type::Null; } void init_number(MutableSlice number) { type_ = Type::Number; new (&number_) MutableSlice(number); } void init_boolean(bool boolean) { type_ = Type::Boolean; boolean_ = boolean; } void init_string(MutableSlice slice) { type_ = Type::String; new (&string_) MutableSlice(slice); } void init_array(JsonArray array) { type_ = Type::Array; new (&array_) JsonArray(std::move(array)); } void init_object(JsonObject object) { type_ = Type::Object; new (&object_) JsonObject(std::move(object)); } void init(JsonValue &&other) { switch (other.type_) { case Type::Null: break; case Type::Number: init_number(other.number_); break; case Type::Boolean: init_boolean(other.boolean_); break; case Type::String: init_string(other.string_); break; case Type::Array: init_array(std::move(other.array_)); break; case Type::Object: init_object(std::move(other.object_)); break; } other.destroy(); } void destroy() { switch (type_) { case Type::Null: case Type::Boolean: break; case Type::Number: number_.~MutableSlice(); break; case Type::String: string_.~MutableSlice(); break; case Type::Array: array_.~vector(); break; case Type::Object: object_.~vector>(); break; } type_ = Type::Null; } }; inline StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, JsonValue::Type type) { switch (type) { case JsonValue::Type::Null: return sb << "Null"; case JsonValue::Type::Number: return sb << "Number"; case JsonValue::Type::Boolean: return sb << "Boolean"; case JsonValue::Type::String: return sb << "String"; case JsonValue::Type::Array: return sb << "Array"; case JsonValue::Type::Object: return sb << "Object"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return sb; } } class VirtuallyJsonable : public Jsonable { public: virtual void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const = 0; VirtuallyJsonable() = default; VirtuallyJsonable(const VirtuallyJsonable &) = delete; VirtuallyJsonable &operator=(const VirtuallyJsonable &) = delete; VirtuallyJsonable(VirtuallyJsonable &&) = default; VirtuallyJsonable &operator=(VirtuallyJsonable &&) = default; virtual ~VirtuallyJsonable() = default; }; class VirtuallyJsonableInt : public VirtuallyJsonable { public: explicit VirtuallyJsonableInt(int32 value) : value_(value) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const override { *scope << JsonInt(value_); } private: int32 value_; }; class VirtuallyJsonableLong : public VirtuallyJsonable { public: explicit VirtuallyJsonableLong(int64 value) : value_(value) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const override { *scope << JsonLong(value_); } private: int64 value_; }; class VirtuallyJsonableString : public VirtuallyJsonable { public: explicit VirtuallyJsonableString(Slice value) : value_(value) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const override { *scope << JsonString(value_); } private: Slice value_; }; Result json_string_decode(Parser &parser) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Status json_string_skip(Parser &parser) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result do_json_decode(Parser &parser, int32 max_depth) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Status do_json_skip(Parser &parser, int32 max_depth) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; inline Result json_decode(MutableSlice json) { Parser parser(json); const int32 DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 100; auto result = do_json_decode(parser, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH); if (result.is_ok()) { parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (!parser.empty()) { return Status::Error("Expected string end"); } } return result; } template StrT json_encode(const ValT &val, bool pretty = false) { auto buf_len = 1 << 18; auto buf = StackAllocator::alloc(buf_len); JsonBuilder jb(StringBuilder(buf.as_slice(), true), pretty ? 0 : -1); jb.enter_value() << val; if (pretty) { jb.string_builder() << "\n"; } LOG_IF(ERROR, jb.string_builder().is_error()) << "JSON buffer overflow"; auto slice = jb.string_builder().as_cslice(); return StrT(slice.begin(), slice.size()); } template class ToJsonImpl : public Jsonable { public: explicit ToJsonImpl(const T &value) : value_(value) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const { to_json(*scope, value_); } private: const T &value_; }; template auto ToJson(const T &value) { return ToJsonImpl(value); } template void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const T &value) { jv << value; } template class JsonObjectImpl : Jsonable { public: explicit JsonObjectImpl(F &&f) : f_(std::forward(f)) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const { auto object = scope->enter_object(); f_(object); } private: F f_; }; template auto json_object(F &&f) { return JsonObjectImpl(std::forward(f)); } template class JsonArrayImpl : Jsonable { public: explicit JsonArrayImpl(F &&f) : f_(std::forward(f)) { } void store(JsonValueScope *scope) const { auto array = scope->enter_array(); f_(array); } private: F f_; }; template auto json_array(F &&f) { return JsonArrayImpl(std::forward(f)); } template auto json_array(const A &a, F &&f) { return json_array([&a, &f](auto &arr) { for (auto &x : a) { arr(f(x)); } }); } bool has_json_object_field(const JsonObject &object, Slice name); Result get_json_object_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, JsonValue::Type type, bool is_optional = true) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result get_json_object_bool_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, bool is_optional = true, bool default_value = false) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result get_json_object_int_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, bool is_optional = true, int32 default_value = 0) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result get_json_object_long_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, bool is_optional = true, int64 default_value = 0) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result get_json_object_double_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, bool is_optional = true, double default_value = 0.0) TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; Result get_json_object_string_field(JsonObject &object, Slice name, bool is_optional = true, string default_value = "") TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; } // namespace td