/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "crypto/block/Binlog.h" #include "td/utils/as.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include namespace block { /* * * GENERIC BINLOG (move to separate file) * */ BinlogBuffer::BinlogBuffer(std::unique_ptr cb, std::size_t _max_size, td::FileFd fd) : cb(std::move(cb)) , need_more_bytes(0) , eptr(nullptr) , log_rpos(0) , log_cpos(0) , log_wpos(0) , fd(std::move(fd)) , replica(false) , writing(false) , dirty(false) , created(false) , ok(false) { max_size = _max_size; start = static_cast(std::malloc(max_size)); DCHECK(start); rptr = wptr = cptr = start; end = start + max_size; } unsigned char* BinlogBuffer::alloc_log_event_force(std::size_t size) { unsigned char* res = alloc_log_event(size); if (!res) { throw LevAllocError{size}; } return res; } unsigned char* BinlogBuffer::try_alloc_log_event(std::size_t size) { if (!eptr) { if (end - wptr >= (long)size) { unsigned char* res = wptr; wptr += size; log_wpos += size; return res; } eptr = wptr; wptr = start; if (rptr == eptr) { rptr = start; } if (cptr == eptr) { cptr = start; } } if (rptr - wptr > (long)size) { unsigned char* res = wptr; wptr += size; log_wpos += size; return res; } return nullptr; } bool BinlogBuffer::flush(int mode) { auto r_res = try_flush(mode); if (r_res.is_ok()) { return r_res.ok(); } std::string msg = PSTRING() << "cannot flush binlog file " << binlog_name << " at position " << log_rpos << " " << r_res.error(); LOG(ERROR) << msg; throw BinlogError{msg}; } td::Result BinlogBuffer::try_flush(int mode) { LOG(DEBUG) << "in flush: writing=" << writing << " r=" << rptr - start << " c=" << cptr - start << " w=" << wptr - start << "; rp=" << log_rpos << " cp=" << log_cpos << " wp=" << log_wpos; if (!writing || rptr == cptr) { return false; // nothing to flush } DCHECK(!fd.empty()); // must have an open binlog file while (rptr != cptr) { unsigned char* tptr = (cptr >= rptr ? cptr : eptr); DCHECK(rptr <= tptr); auto sz = tptr - rptr; if (sz) { LOG(INFO) << "writing " << sz << " bytes to binlog " << binlog_name << " at position " << log_rpos; TRY_RESULT(res, fd.pwrite(td::Slice(rptr, sz), log_rpos)); if (static_cast(res) != sz) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "written " << res << " bytes instead of " << sz); } log_rpos += sz; rptr += sz; } if (rptr == eptr) { rptr = start; eptr = nullptr; } } if (mode >= 3) { LOG(INFO) << "syncing binlog " << binlog_name << " (position " << log_rpos << ")"; TRY_STATUS(fd.sync()); } return true; } unsigned char* BinlogBuffer::alloc_log_event(std::size_t size) { if (!writing) { throw BinlogError{"cannot create new binlog event: binlog not open for writing"}; } if (size >= max_size || size > max_event_size) { return nullptr; } size = (size + 3) & -4; unsigned char* res = try_alloc_log_event(size); if (!res) { flush(); return try_alloc_log_event(size); } else { return res; } } bool BinlogBuffer::commit_range(unsigned long long pos_start, unsigned long long pos_end) { // TODO: make something more clever, with partially committed/uncommitted segments in [cpos..wpos] range if (pos_start != log_cpos || pos_end < pos_start || pos_end > log_wpos) { return false; } if (!pos_start && pos_end >= pos_start + 4 && td::as(cptr) != 0x0442446b) { throw BinlogError{"incorrect magic"}; } long long size = pos_end - pos_start; replay_range(cptr, pos_start, pos_end); log_cpos = pos_end; cptr += size; if (eptr && cptr >= eptr) { cptr -= eptr - start; } return true; } bool BinlogBuffer::rollback_range(unsigned long long pos_start, unsigned long long pos_end) { if (pos_start < log_cpos || pos_end < pos_start || pos_end != log_wpos) { return false; } long long size = pos_end - pos_start; log_wpos = pos_end; if (size >= wptr - start) { wptr -= size; } else { DCHECK(eptr); wptr += eptr - start - size; } return true; } void BinlogBuffer::NewBinlogEvent::commit() { //LOG(DEBUG) << "in NewBinlogEvent::commit (status = " << status << ")"; if (!(status & 4)) { throw BinlogError{"cannot commit new binlog event: already committed or rolled back"}; } if (!bb.commit_range(pos, pos + size)) { throw BinlogError{"cannot commit new binlog event: possibly some earlier log events are not committed yet"}; } status = 1; //LOG(DEBUG) << "after NewBinlogEvent::commit (status = " << status << ")"; } void BinlogBuffer::NewBinlogEvent::rollback() { if (!(status & 4)) { throw BinlogError{"cannot roll back new binlog event: already committed or rolled back"}; } if (!bb.rollback_range(pos, pos + size)) { throw BinlogError{"cannot roll back new binlog event: possibly some later log event are already committed"}; } status = 2; } BinlogBuffer::NewBinlogEvent::~NewBinlogEvent() { if (status & 4) { if (status == 5) { status = 4; commit(); } else if (status == 6) { status = 4; rollback(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "newly-allocated binlog event is neither committed nor rolled back (automatically rolling back)"; rollback(); } } } void BinlogBuffer::replay_range(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned long long pos_start, unsigned long long pos_end) { unsigned char* tptr = (ptr <= wptr ? wptr : eptr); long long avail = tptr - ptr; while (pos_start < pos_end) { if (ptr == eptr) { ptr = start; tptr = wptr; avail = tptr - ptr; if (avail > (long long)(pos_end - pos_start)) { avail = pos_end - pos_start; } } int res = (avail >= 4 ? cb->replay_log_event(*this, reinterpret_cast(ptr), td::narrow_cast(avail), pos_start) : -0x7ffffffc); if (res <= 0 || res > avail) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "cannot interpret newly-committed binlog event 0x" << std::hex << (avail >= 4 ? (unsigned)td::as(ptr) : 0u) << std::dec << ": error " << res; throw BinlogError{ss.str()}; } ptr += res; pos_start += res; avail -= res; } } int BinlogBuffer::replay_pending(bool allow_partial) { if (rptr == cptr) { return 0; } unsigned char* tptr = (rptr <= cptr ? cptr : eptr); long long avail = tptr - rptr; DCHECK(tptr && avail >= 0); while (rptr != cptr) { int res = (avail >= 4 ? cb->replay_log_event(*this, reinterpret_cast(rptr), td::narrow_cast(avail), log_rpos) : -0x7ffffffc); if (res > 0) { if (res > avail) { throw BinlogError{"binlog event used more bytes than available"}; } avail -= res; log_rpos += res; rptr += res; if (rptr != eptr) { continue; } rptr = start; tptr = cptr; avail = tptr - rptr; continue; } long long prev_need = 0; while (res < -0x40000000) { long long need = res - 0x80000000; need = (need + 3) & -4; if (need > (long long)max_event_size) { throw BinlogError{"binlog event requires too many bytes"}; } if (need <= avail) { throw BinlogError{"binlog event requires more bytes, but we already had them"}; } if (need <= prev_need) { throw BinlogError{"binlog event requires more bytes, but we already had them"}; } prev_need = need; long long total_avail = avail + (rptr > cptr ? cptr - start : 0); if (need > total_avail) { if (allow_partial) { need_more_bytes = td::narrow_cast(need - total_avail); return 2; } else { throw BinlogError{"binlog event extends past end of buffer"}; } } if (need <= 1024) { unsigned char tmp[1024]; std::memcpy(tmp, rptr, td::narrow_cast(avail)); std::memcpy(tmp + avail, start, td::narrow_cast(need - avail)); res = cb->replay_log_event(*this, reinterpret_cast(tmp), td::narrow_cast(need), log_rpos); } else { unsigned char* tmp = static_cast(std::malloc(td::narrow_cast(need))); std::memcpy(tmp, rptr, td::narrow_cast(avail)); std::memcpy(tmp + avail, start, td::narrow_cast(need - avail)); res = cb->replay_log_event(*this, reinterpret_cast(tmp), td::narrow_cast(need), log_rpos); std::free(tmp); } if (res > need) { throw BinlogError{"binlog event used more bytes than available"}; } } if (res < 0) { return res; } if (!res) { throw BinlogError{"unknown error while interpreting binlog event"}; } if (res < avail) { avail -= res; log_rpos += res; rptr += res; continue; } DCHECK(eptr); log_rpos += res; rptr += res; rptr = start + (rptr - eptr); eptr = nullptr; DCHECK(start <= rptr && rptr <= cptr && cptr <= wptr && wptr <= end); } return 1; } BinlogBuffer::~BinlogBuffer() { if (start) { if (writing) { flush(2); } std::free(start); } } td::Status BinlogBuffer::set_binlog(std::string new_binlog_name, int mode) { if (!binlog_name.empty() || !fd.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("binlog buffer already attached to a file"); } td::int32 flags = td::FileFd::Read; if ((mode & 1) != 0) { flags |= td::FileFd::Write; } auto r_fd = td::FileFd::open(new_binlog_name, flags, 0640); if (r_fd.is_error()) { if (!(~mode & 3)) { TRY_RESULT(new_fd, td::FileFd::open(new_binlog_name, flags | td::FileFd::CreateNew, 0640)); fd = std::move(new_fd); created = true; } else { return r_fd.move_as_error(); } } else { fd = r_fd.move_as_ok(); } replica = !(mode & 1); if (!replica) { TRY_STATUS(fd.lock(td::FileFd::LockFlags::Write, new_binlog_name, 100)); } if (created) { writing = true; td::Status res; try { res = cb->init_new_binlog(*this); } catch (BinlogBuffer::BinlogError& err) { res = td::Status::Error(err.msg); } if (res.is_error()) { fd.close(); td::unlink(new_binlog_name).ignore(); writing = false; return res; } binlog_name = new_binlog_name; ok = true; return td::Status::OK(); } binlog_name = new_binlog_name; auto res = replay_binlog(replica); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } if (!replica) { if (log_rpos != log_wpos || log_rpos != log_cpos || rptr != wptr || rptr != cptr) { std::string msg = (PSLICE() << "error while interpreting binlog `" << binlog_name << "`: " << log_wpos - log_rpos << " bytes left uninterpreted at position " << log_rpos << ", truncated binlog?") .c_str(); LOG(ERROR) << msg; return td::Status::Error(msg); } //rptr = wptr = cptr = start; //eptr = nullptr; LOG(INFO) << "read and interpreted " << res.move_as_ok() << " bytes from binlog `" << binlog_name << "`, final position " << log_rpos << ", reopening in write mode"; writing = true; if (!log_rpos) { td::Status status; try { status = cb->init_new_binlog(*this); } catch (BinlogBuffer::BinlogError& err) { status = td::Status::Error(err.msg); } if (status.is_error()) { fd.close(); td::unlink(new_binlog_name).ignore(); writing = false; return status; } } } ok = true; return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result BinlogBuffer::replay_binlog(bool allow_partial) { if (writing) { return 0; } long long total = 0; while (true) { auto res = read_file(); if (res.is_error()) { return res.move_as_error(); } long long sz = res.move_as_ok(); total += sz; try { cptr = wptr; log_cpos = log_wpos; if (!log_rpos && rptr == start && wptr >= rptr + 4 && td::as(rptr) != 0x0442446b) { throw BinlogError{"incorrect magic"}; } int r = replay_pending(allow_partial || sz != 0); if (r < 0 && r >= -0x40000000) { throw InterpretError{(PSLICE() << "binlog error " << r).c_str()}; } } catch (BinlogError err) { LOG(ERROR) << "error reading binlog " << binlog_name << ": " << err.msg << " at position " << log_rpos; return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "error reading binlog " << binlog_name << ": " << err.msg << " at position " << log_rpos); } catch (InterpretError err) { LOG(ERROR) << "error interpreting binlog " << binlog_name << ": " << err.msg << " at position " << log_rpos; return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "error interpreting binlog " << binlog_name << ": " << err.msg << " at position " << log_rpos); } if (!sz) { break; } }; return total; } td::Result BinlogBuffer::read_file() { unsigned char* ptr = wptr; std::size_t sz = end - wptr; if (rptr > wptr) { DCHECK(eptr); sz = rptr - wptr; if (sz <= 4) { return 0; // buffer full } sz -= 4; } else if (!sz) { DCHECK(!eptr); if (rptr <= start + 4) { return 0; // buffer full } eptr = end; ptr = wptr = start; sz = rptr - start - 4; } auto r_res = fd.pread(td::MutableSlice(ptr, sz), log_wpos); if (r_res.is_error()) { std::string msg = PSTRING() << "error reading binlog file `" << binlog_name << "` at position " << log_wpos << " : " << r_res.error(); LOG(ERROR) << msg; return td::Status::Error(msg); } auto res = r_res.move_as_ok(); DCHECK(std::size_t(res) <= sz); LOG(INFO) << "read " << res << " bytes from binlog `" << binlog_name << "` at position " << log_wpos; log_wpos += res; wptr += res; return (int)res; } } // namespace block