# The script builds funcfift compiler to WASM # dependencies: #sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git make cmake clang libgflags-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libmicrohttpd-dev pkg-config libgsl-dev python3 python3-dev python3-pip nodejs libevent-dev export CC=$(which clang-16) export CXX=$(which clang++-16) export CCACHE_DISABLE=1 cd ../.. rm -rf openssl zlib emsdk secp256k1 libsodium build echo `pwd` git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git cd openssl git checkout OpenSSL_1_1_1j ./config make -j16 OPENSSL_DIR=`pwd` cd .. git clone https://github.com/madler/zlib.git cd zlib ZLIB_DIR=`pwd` cd .. git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1.git cd secp256k1 ./autogen.sh SECP256K1_DIR=`pwd` cd .. git clone https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium --branch stable cd libsodium SODIUM_DIR=`pwd` cd .. mkdir build cd build cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$ZLIB_DIR \ -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$OPENSSL_DIR \ -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENSSL_DIR/include \ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=$OPENSSL_DIR/libcrypto.so \ -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=$OPENSSL_DIR/libssl.so \ -DTON_USE_ABSEIL=OFF .. test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't configure TON build"; exit 1; } ninja fift smc-envelope test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't compile fift "; exit 1; } rm -rf * cd .. git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git cd emsdk ./emsdk install 3.1.19 ./emsdk activate 3.1.19 EMSDK_DIR=`pwd` source $EMSDK_DIR/emsdk_env.sh export CC=$(which emcc) export CXX=$(which em++) export CCACHE_DISABLE=1 cd ../openssl make clean emconfigure ./Configure linux-generic32 no-shared no-dso no-engine no-unit-test no-ui sed -i 's/CROSS_COMPILE=.*/CROSS_COMPILE=/g' Makefile sed -i 's/-ldl//g' Makefile sed -i 's/-O3/-Os/g' Makefile emmake make depend emmake make -j16 test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't compile OpenSSL with emmake "; exit 1; } cd ../zlib emconfigure ./configure --static emmake make -j16 test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't compile zlib with emmake "; exit 1; } ZLIB_DIR=`pwd` cd ../secp256k1 emconfigure ./configure --enable-module-recovery emmake make -j16 test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't compile secp256k1 with emmake "; exit 1; } cd ../libsodium emconfigure ./configure --disable-ssp emmake make -j16 test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't compile libsodium with emmake "; exit 1; } cd ../build emcmake cmake -DUSE_EMSCRIPTEN=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY=$ZLIB_DIR/libz.a \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=$ZLIB_DIR \ -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$OPENSSL_DIR \ -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENSSL_DIR/include \ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=$OPENSSL_DIR/libcrypto.a \ -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=$OPENSSL_DIR/libssl.a \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$EMSDK_DIR/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-sUSE_ZLIB=1" \ -DSECP256K1_INCLUDE_DIR=$SECP256K1_DIR/include \ -DSECP256K1_LIBRARY=$SECP256K1_DIR/.libs/libsecp256k1.a \ -DSODIUM_INCLUDE_DIR=$SODIUM_DIR/src/libsodium/include \ -DSODIUM_LIBRARY_RELEASE=$SODIUM_DIR/src/libsodium/.libs/libsodium.a \ -DSODIUM_LIBRARY_DEBUG=$SODIUM_DIR/src/libsodium/.libs/libsodium.a \ -DSODIUM_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON .. test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Can't configure TON with emmake "; exit 1; } cp -R ../crypto/smartcont ../crypto/fift/lib crypto emmake make -j16 funcfiftlib func fift tlbc emulator-emscripten