/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include #include "vm/tonops.h" #include "vm/log.h" #include "vm/opctable.h" #include "vm/stack.hpp" #include "vm/excno.hpp" #include "vm/vm.h" #include "vm/dict.h" #include "vm/boc.h" #include "Ed25519.h" #include "vm/Hasher.h" #include "block/block-auto.h" #include "block/block-parse.h" #include "crypto/ellcurve/secp256k1.h" #include "crypto/ellcurve/p256.h" #include "openssl/digest.hpp" #include #include "bls.h" namespace vm { namespace { bool debug(const char* str) TD_UNUSED; bool debug(const char* str) { std::cerr << str; return true; } bool debug(int x) TD_UNUSED; bool debug(int x) { if (x < 100) { std::cerr << '[' << (char)(64 + x) << ']'; } else { std::cerr << '[' << (char)(64 + x / 100) << x % 100 << ']'; } return true; } } // namespace #define DBG_START int dbg = 0; #define DBG debug(++dbg)&& #define DEB_START DBG_START #define DEB DBG int exec_set_gas_generic(VmState* st, long long new_gas_limit) { if (new_gas_limit < st->gas_consumed()) { throw VmNoGas{}; } st->change_gas_limit(new_gas_limit); return 0; } int exec_accept(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute ACCEPT"; return exec_set_gas_generic(st, GasLimits::infty); } int exec_set_gas_limit(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SETGASLIMIT"; td::RefInt256 x = st->get_stack().pop_int_finite(); long long gas = 0; if (x->sgn() > 0) { gas = x->unsigned_fits_bits(63) ? x->to_long() : GasLimits::infty; } return exec_set_gas_generic(st, gas); } int exec_gas_consumed(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute GASCONSUMED"; st->get_stack().push_smallint(st->gas_consumed()); return 0; } int exec_commit(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute COMMIT"; st->force_commit(); return 0; } void register_basic_gas_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf800, 16, "ACCEPT", exec_accept)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf801, 16, "SETGASLIMIT", exec_set_gas_limit)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf802, 16, "GASCONSUMED", exec_gas_consumed)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf80f, 16, "COMMIT", exec_commit)); } void register_ton_gas_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; } static const StackEntry& get_param(VmState* st, unsigned idx) { auto tuple = st->get_c7(); auto t1 = tuple_index(tuple, 0).as_tuple_range(255); if (t1.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a tuple"}; } return tuple_index(t1, idx); } int exec_get_param(VmState* st, unsigned idx, const char* name) { if (name) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute " << name; } Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.push(get_param(st, idx)); return 0; } int exec_get_var_param(VmState* st, unsigned idx) { idx &= 15; VM_LOG(st) << "execute GETPARAM " << idx; return exec_get_param(st, idx, nullptr); } int exec_get_config_dict(VmState* st) { exec_get_param(st, 9, "CONFIGDICT"); st->get_stack().push_smallint(32); return 0; } int exec_get_config_param(VmState* st, bool opt) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute CONFIG" << (opt ? "OPTPARAM" : "PARAM"); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto idx = stack.pop_int(); exec_get_param(st, 9, nullptr); Dictionary dict{stack.pop_maybe_cell(), 32}; td::BitArray<32> key; Ref value; if (idx->export_bits(key.bits(), key.size(), true)) { value = dict.lookup_ref(key); } if (opt) { stack.push_maybe_cell(std::move(value)); } else if (value.not_null()) { stack.push_cell(std::move(value)); stack.push_bool(true); } else { stack.push_bool(false); } return 0; } int exec_get_global_common(VmState* st, unsigned n) { st->get_stack().push(tuple_extend_index(st->get_c7(), n)); return 0; } int exec_get_global(VmState* st, unsigned args) { args &= 31; VM_LOG(st) << "execute GETGLOB " << args; return exec_get_global_common(st, args); } int exec_get_global_var(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute GETGLOBVAR"; st->check_underflow(1); unsigned args = st->get_stack().pop_smallint_range(254); return exec_get_global_common(st, args); } int exec_set_global_common(VmState* st, unsigned idx) { Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto x = stack.pop(); auto tuple = st->get_c7(); if (idx >= 255) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "tuple index out of range"}; } static auto empty_tuple = Ref{true}; st->set_c7(empty_tuple); // optimization; use only if no exception can be thrown until true set_c7() auto tpay = tuple_extend_set_index(tuple, idx, std::move(x)); if (tpay > 0) { st->consume_tuple_gas(tpay); } st->set_c7(std::move(tuple)); return 0; } int exec_set_global(VmState* st, unsigned args) { args &= 31; VM_LOG(st) << "execute SETGLOB " << args; st->check_underflow(1); return exec_set_global_common(st, args); } int exec_set_global_var(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SETGLOBVAR"; st->check_underflow(2); unsigned args = st->get_stack().pop_smallint_range(254); return exec_set_global_common(st, args); } int exec_get_prev_blocks_info(VmState* st, unsigned idx, const char* name) { idx &= 3; VM_LOG(st) << "execute " << name; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto tuple = st->get_c7(); auto t1 = tuple_index(tuple, 0).as_tuple_range(255); if (t1.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a tuple"}; } auto t2 = tuple_index(t1, 13).as_tuple_range(255); if (t2.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a tuple"}; } stack.push(tuple_index(t2, idx)); return 0; } int exec_get_global_id(VmState* st) { Ref config = get_param(st, 9).as_cell(); if (config.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a cell"}; } Dictionary config_dict{std::move(config), 32}; Ref cell = config_dict.lookup_ref(td::BitArray<32>{19}); if (cell.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid global-id config"}; } CellSlice cs = load_cell_slice(cell); if (cs.size() < 32) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid global-id config"}; } st->get_stack().push_smallint(cs.fetch_long(32)); return 0; } void register_ton_config_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf820, 0xf823, 16, 4, instr::dump_1c("GETPARAM "), exec_get_var_param)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf823, 16, "NOW", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 3, "NOW"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf824, 16, "BLOCKLT", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 4, "BLOCKLT"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf825, 16, "LTIME", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 5, "LTIME"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf826, 16, "RANDSEED", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 6, "RANDSEED"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf827, 16, "BALANCE", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 7, "BALANCE"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf828, 16, "MYADDR", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 8, "MYADDR"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf829, 16, "CONFIGROOT", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 9, "CONFIGROOT"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf82a, 16, "MYCODE", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 10, "MYCODE"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf82b, 16, "INCOMINGVALUE", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 11, "INCOMINGVALUE"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf82c, 16, "STORAGEFEES", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 12, "STORAGEFEES"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf82d, 16, "PREVBLOCKSINFOTUPLE", std::bind(exec_get_param, _1, 13, "PREVBLOCKSINFOTUPLE"))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf82e, 0xf830, 16, 4, instr::dump_1c("GETPARAM "), exec_get_var_param)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf830, 16, "CONFIGDICT", exec_get_config_dict)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf832, 16, "CONFIGPARAM", std::bind(exec_get_config_param, _1, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf833, 16, "CONFIGOPTPARAM", std::bind(exec_get_config_param, _1, true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf83400, 24, "PREVMCBLOCKS", std::bind(exec_get_prev_blocks_info, _1, 0, "PREVMCBLOCKS"))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf83401, 24, "PREVKEYBLOCK", std::bind(exec_get_prev_blocks_info, _1, 1, "PREVKEYBLOCK"))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf835, 16, "GLOBALID", exec_get_global_id)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf840, 16, "GETGLOBVAR", exec_get_global_var)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf841, 0xf860, 16, 5, instr::dump_1c_and(31, "GETGLOB "), exec_get_global)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf860, 16, "SETGLOBVAR", exec_set_global_var)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixedrange(0xf861, 0xf880, 16, 5, instr::dump_1c_and(31, "SETGLOB "), exec_set_global)); } static constexpr int randseed_idx = 6; td::RefInt256 generate_randu256(VmState* st) { auto tuple = st->get_c7(); auto t1 = tuple_index(tuple, 0).as_tuple_range(255); if (t1.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a tuple"}; } auto seedv = tuple_index(t1, randseed_idx).as_int(); if (seedv.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "random seed is not an integer"}; } unsigned char seed[32]; if (!seedv->export_bytes(seed, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "random seed out of range"}; } unsigned char hash[64]; digest::hash_str(hash, seed, 32); if (!seedv.write().import_bytes(hash, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "cannot store new random seed"}; } td::RefInt256 res{true}; if (!res.write().import_bytes(hash + 32, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "cannot store new random number"}; } static auto empty_tuple = Ref{true}; st->set_c7(empty_tuple); // optimization; use only if no exception can be thrown until true set_c7() tuple.write()[0].clear(); t1.write().at(randseed_idx) = std::move(seedv); st->consume_tuple_gas(t1); tuple.write().at(0) = std::move(t1); st->consume_tuple_gas(tuple); st->set_c7(std::move(tuple)); return res; } int exec_randu256(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RANDU256"; st->get_stack().push_int(generate_randu256(st)); return 0; } int exec_rand_int(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RAND"; auto& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(1); auto x = stack.pop_int_finite(); auto y = generate_randu256(st); typename td::BigInt256::DoubleInt tmp{0}; tmp.add_mul(*x, *y); tmp.rshift(256, -1).normalize(); stack.push_int(td::make_refint(tmp)); return 0; } int exec_set_rand(VmState* st, bool mix) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute " << (mix ? "ADDRAND" : "SETRAND"); auto& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(1); auto x = stack.pop_int_finite(); if (!x->unsigned_fits_bits(256)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "new random seed out of range"}; } auto tuple = st->get_c7(); auto t1 = tuple_index(tuple, 0).as_tuple_range(255); if (t1.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "intermediate value is not a tuple"}; } if (mix) { auto seedv = tuple_index(t1, randseed_idx).as_int(); if (seedv.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "random seed is not an integer"}; } unsigned char buffer[64], hash[32]; if (!std::move(seedv)->export_bytes(buffer, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "random seed out of range"}; } if (!x->export_bytes(buffer + 32, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "mixed seed value out of range"}; } digest::hash_str(hash, buffer, 64); if (!x.write().import_bytes(hash, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "new random seed value out of range"}; } } static auto empty_tuple = Ref{true}; st->set_c7(empty_tuple); // optimization; use only if no exception can be thrown until true set_c7() tuple.write()[0].clear(); auto tpay = tuple_extend_set_index(t1, randseed_idx, std::move(x)); if (tpay > 0) { st->consume_tuple_gas(tpay); } tuple.unique_write()[0] = std::move(t1); st->consume_tuple_gas(tuple); st->set_c7(std::move(tuple)); return 0; } void register_prng_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf810, 16, "RANDU256", exec_randu256)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf811, 16, "RAND", exec_rand_int)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf814, 16, "SETRAND", std::bind(exec_set_rand, _1, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf815, 16, "ADDRAND", std::bind(exec_set_rand, _1, true))); } int exec_compute_hash(VmState* st, int mode) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute HASH" << (mode & 1 ? 'S' : 'C') << 'U'; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); std::array hash; if (!(mode & 1)) { auto cell = stack.pop_cell(); hash = cell->get_hash().as_array(); } else { auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); vm::CellBuilder cb; CHECK(cb.append_cellslice_bool(std::move(cs))); // TODO: use cb.get_hash() instead hash = cb.finalize()->get_hash().as_array(); } td::RefInt256 res{true}; CHECK(res.write().import_bytes(hash.data(), hash.size(), false)); stack.push_int(std::move(res)); return 0; } int exec_compute_sha256(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SHA256U"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (cs->size() & 7) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "Slice does not consist of an integer number of bytes"}; } auto len = (cs->size() >> 3); unsigned char data[128], hash[32]; CHECK(len <= sizeof(data)); CHECK(cs->prefetch_bytes(data, len)); digest::hash_str(hash, data, len); td::RefInt256 res{true}; CHECK(res.write().import_bytes(hash, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(res)); return 0; } int exec_hash_ext(VmState* st, unsigned args) { bool rev = (args >> 8) & 1; bool append = (args >> 9) & 1; int hash_id = args & 255; VM_LOG(st) << "execute HASHEXT" << (append ? "A" : "") << (rev ? "R" : "") << " " << (hash_id == 255 ? -1 : hash_id); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); if (hash_id == 255) { hash_id = stack.pop_smallint_range(254); } int cnt = stack.pop_smallint_range(stack.depth() - 1); Hasher hasher{hash_id}; size_t total_bits = 0; long long gas_consumed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { td::ConstBitPtr data{nullptr}; unsigned size; int idx = rev ? i : cnt - 1 - i; auto slice = stack[idx].as_slice(); if (slice.not_null()) { data = slice->data_bits(); size = slice->size(); } else { auto builder = stack[idx].as_builder(); if (builder.not_null()) { data = builder->data_bits(); size = builder->size(); } else { stack.pop_many(cnt); throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "expected slice or builder"}; } } total_bits += size; long long gas_total = (i + 1) * VmState::hash_ext_entry_gas_price + total_bits / 8 / hasher.bytes_per_gas_unit(); st->consume_gas(gas_total - gas_consumed); gas_consumed = gas_total; hasher.append(data, size); } stack.pop_many(cnt); td::BufferSlice hash = hasher.finish(); if (append) { Ref builder = stack.pop_builder(); if (!builder->can_extend_by(hash.size() * 8)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov}; } builder.write().store_bytes(hash.as_slice()); stack.push_builder(std::move(builder)); } else { if (hash.size() <= 32) { td::RefInt256 res{true}; CHECK(res.write().import_bytes((unsigned char*)hash.data(), hash.size(), false)); stack.push_int(std::move(res)); } else { std::vector res; for (size_t i = 0; i < hash.size(); i += 32) { td::RefInt256 x{true}; CHECK(x.write().import_bytes((unsigned char*)hash.data() + i, std::min(hash.size() - i, 32), false)); res.push_back(std::move(x)); } stack.push_tuple(std::move(res)); } } return 0; } std::string dump_hash_ext(CellSlice& cs, unsigned args) { bool rev = (args >> 8) & 1; bool append = (args >> 9) & 1; int hash_id = args & 255; return PSTRING() << "HASHEXT" << (append ? "A" : "") << (rev ? "R" : "") << " " << (hash_id == 255 ? -1 : hash_id); } int exec_ed25519_check_signature(VmState* st, bool from_slice) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute CHKSIGN" << (from_slice ? 'S' : 'U'); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(3); auto key_int = stack.pop_int(); auto signature_cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); unsigned char data[128], key[32], signature[64]; unsigned data_len; if (from_slice) { auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (cs->size() & 7) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "Slice does not consist of an integer number of bytes"}; } data_len = (cs->size() >> 3); CHECK(data_len <= sizeof(data)); CHECK(cs->prefetch_bytes(data, data_len)); } else { auto hash_int = stack.pop_int(); data_len = 32; if (!hash_int->export_bytes(data, data_len, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "data hash must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } } if (!signature_cs->prefetch_bytes(signature, 64)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "Ed25519 signature must contain at least 512 data bits"}; } if (!key_int->export_bytes(key, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "Ed25519 public key must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } st->register_chksgn_call(); td::Ed25519::PublicKey pub_key{td::SecureString(td::Slice{key, 32})}; auto res = pub_key.verify_signature(td::Slice{data, data_len}, td::Slice{signature, 64}); stack.push_bool(res.is_ok() || st->get_chksig_always_succeed()); return 0; } int exec_ecrecover(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute ECRECOVER"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(4); auto s = stack.pop_int(); auto r = stack.pop_int(); auto v = (td::uint8)stack.pop_smallint_range(255); auto hash = stack.pop_int(); unsigned char signature[65]; if (!r->export_bytes(signature, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "r must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } if (!s->export_bytes(signature + 32, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "s must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } signature[64] = v; unsigned char hash_bytes[32]; if (!hash->export_bytes(hash_bytes, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "data hash must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } st->consume_gas(VmState::ecrecover_gas_price); unsigned char public_key[65]; if (td::ecrecover(hash_bytes, signature, public_key)) { td::uint8 h = public_key[0]; td::RefInt256 x1{true}, x2{true}; CHECK(x1.write().import_bytes(public_key + 1, 32, false)); CHECK(x2.write().import_bytes(public_key + 33, 32, false)); stack.push_smallint(h); stack.push_int(std::move(x1)); stack.push_int(std::move(x2)); stack.push_bool(true); } else { stack.push_bool(false); } return 0; } int exec_p256_chksign(VmState* st, bool from_slice) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute P256_CHKSIGN" << (from_slice ? 'S' : 'U'); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(3); auto key_cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto signature_cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); unsigned char data[128], key[33], signature[64]; unsigned data_len; if (from_slice) { auto cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); if (cs->size() & 7) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "Slice does not consist of an integer number of bytes"}; } data_len = (cs->size() >> 3); CHECK(data_len <= sizeof(data)); CHECK(cs->prefetch_bytes(data, data_len)); } else { auto hash_int = stack.pop_int(); data_len = 32; if (!hash_int->export_bytes(data, data_len, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "data hash must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } } if (!signature_cs->prefetch_bytes(signature, 64)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "P256 signature must contain at least 512 data bits"}; } if (!key_cs->prefetch_bytes(key, 33)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "P256 public key must contain at least 33 data bytes"}; } st->consume_gas(VmState::p256_chksgn_gas_price); auto res = td::p256_check_signature(td::Slice{data, data_len}, td::Slice{key, 33}, td::Slice{signature, 64}); if (res.is_error()) { VM_LOG(st) << "P256_CHKSIGN: " << res.error().message(); } stack.push_bool(res.is_ok() || st->get_chksig_always_succeed()); return 0; } static_assert(crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_BYTES == 32, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); static_assert(crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES == 32, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); static_assert(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES == 32, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); static_assert(crypto_core_ristretto255_HASHBYTES == 64, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); static_assert(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES == 32, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); static_assert(crypto_core_ristretto255_NONREDUCEDSCALARBYTES == 64, "Unexpected value of ristretto255 constant"); int exec_ristretto255_from_hash(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_FROMHASH"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto x2 = stack.pop_int(); auto x1 = stack.pop_int(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_fromhash_gas_price); unsigned char xb[64], rb[32]; if (!x1->export_bytes(xb, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "x1 must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } if (!x2->export_bytes(xb + 32, 32, false)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "x2 must fit in an unsigned 256-bit integer"}; } CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(rb, xb); td::RefInt256 r{true}; CHECK(r.write().import_bytes(rb, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(r)); return 0; } int exec_ristretto255_validate(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_VALIDATE"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto x = stack.pop_int(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_validate_gas_price); unsigned char xb[64]; CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); if (!x->export_bytes(xb, 32, false) || !crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point(xb)) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "x is not a valid encoded element"}; } if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } int exec_ristretto255_add(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_ADD"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto y = stack.pop_int(); auto x = stack.pop_int(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_add_gas_price); unsigned char xb[32], yb[32], rb[32]; CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); if (!x->export_bytes(xb, 32, false) || !y->export_bytes(yb, 32, false) || crypto_core_ristretto255_add(rb, xb, yb)) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "x and/or y are not valid encoded elements"}; } td::RefInt256 r{true}; CHECK(r.write().import_bytes(rb, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(r)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } int exec_ristretto255_sub(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_SUB"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto y = stack.pop_int(); auto x = stack.pop_int(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_add_gas_price); unsigned char xb[32], yb[32], rb[32]; CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); if (!x->export_bytes(xb, 32, false) || !y->export_bytes(yb, 32, false) || crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(rb, xb, yb)) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "x and/or y are not valid encoded elements"}; } td::RefInt256 r{true}; CHECK(r.write().import_bytes(rb, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(r)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } static bool export_bytes_little(const td::RefInt256& n, unsigned char* nb) { if (!n->export_bytes(nb, 32, false)) { return false; } std::reverse(nb, nb + 32); return true; } static td::RefInt256 get_ristretto256_l() { static td::RefInt256 l = (td::make_refint(1) << 252) + td::dec_string_to_int256(td::Slice("27742317777372353535851937790883648493")); return l; } int exec_ristretto255_mul(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_MUL"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto n = stack.pop_int() % get_ristretto256_l(); auto x = stack.pop_int(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_mul_gas_price); unsigned char xb[32], nb[32], rb[32]; memset(rb, 255, sizeof(rb)); CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); if (!x->export_bytes(xb, 32, false) || !export_bytes_little(n, nb) || crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(rb, nb, xb)) { if (std::all_of(rb, rb + 32, [](unsigned char c) { return c == 255; })) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "invalid x or n"}; } } td::RefInt256 r{true}; CHECK(r.write().import_bytes(rb, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(r)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } int exec_ristretto255_mul_base(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_MULBASE"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto n = stack.pop_int() % get_ristretto256_l(); st->consume_gas(VmState::rist255_mulbase_gas_price); unsigned char nb[32], rb[32]; memset(rb, 255, sizeof(rb)); CHECK(sodium_init() >= 0); if (!export_bytes_little(n, nb) || crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(rb, nb)) { if (std::all_of(rb, rb + 32, [](unsigned char c) { return c == 255; })) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "invalid n"}; } } td::RefInt256 r{true}; CHECK(r.write().import_bytes(rb, 32, false)); stack.push_int(std::move(r)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } int exec_ristretto255_push_l(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RIST255_PUSHL"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.push_int(get_ristretto256_l()); return 0; } static bls::P1 slice_to_bls_p1(const CellSlice& cs) { bls::P1 p1; if (!cs.prefetch_bytes(p1.as_slice())) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, PSTRING() << "slice must contain at least " << bls::P1_SIZE << " bytes"}; } return p1; } static bls::P2 slice_to_bls_p2(const CellSlice& cs) { bls::P2 p2; if (!cs.prefetch_bytes(p2.as_slice())) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, PSTRING() << "slice must contain at least " << bls::P2_SIZE << " bytes"}; } return p2; } static bls::FP slice_to_bls_fp(const CellSlice& cs) { bls::FP fp; if (!cs.prefetch_bytes(fp.as_slice())) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, PSTRING() << "slice must contain at least " << bls::FP_SIZE << " bytes"}; } return fp; } static bls::FP2 slice_to_bls_fp2(const CellSlice& cs) { bls::FP2 fp2; if (!cs.prefetch_bytes(fp2.as_slice())) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, PSTRING() << "slice must contain at least " << bls::FP_SIZE * 2 << " bytes"}; } return fp2; } static td::BufferSlice slice_to_bls_msg(const CellSlice& cs) { if (cs.size() % 8 != 0) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "message does not consist of an integer number of bytes"}; } size_t msg_size = cs.size() / 8; td::BufferSlice s(msg_size); cs.prefetch_bytes((td::uint8*)s.data(), (int)msg_size); return s; } static Ref bls_to_slice(td::Slice s) { VmStateInterface::Guard guard{nullptr}; // Don't consume gas for finalize and load_cell_slice CellBuilder cb; return load_cell_slice_ref(cb.store_bytes(s).finalize()); } static long long bls_calculate_multiexp_gas(int n, long long base, long long coef1, long long coef2) { int l = 4; while ((1LL << (l + 1)) <= n) { ++l; } return base + n * coef1 + n * coef2 / l; } int exec_bls_verify(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_VERIFY"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(3); st->consume_gas(st->bls_verify_gas_price); bls::P2 sig = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); td::BufferSlice msg = slice_to_bls_msg(*stack.pop_cellslice()); bls::P1 pub = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_bool(bls::verify(pub, msg, sig)); return 0; } int exec_bls_aggregate(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_AGGREGATE"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(stack.depth() - 1, 1); st->consume_gas( std::max(0LL, VmState::bls_aggregate_base_gas_price + (long long)n * VmState::bls_aggregate_element_gas_price)); std::vector sigs(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { sigs[i] = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } bls::P2 aggregated = bls::aggregate(sigs); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(aggregated.as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_fast_aggregate_verify(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_FASTAGGREGATEVERIFY"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(3); Ref sig = stack.pop_cellslice(); Ref msg = stack.pop_cellslice(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range(stack.depth() - 1); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_fast_aggregate_verify_base_gas_price + (long long)n * VmState::bls_fast_aggregate_verify_element_gas_price); std::vector pubs(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { pubs[i] = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } stack.push_bool(bls::fast_aggregate_verify(pubs, slice_to_bls_msg(*msg), slice_to_bls_p2(*sig))); return 0; } int exec_bls_aggregate_verify(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_AGGREGATEVERIFY"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); Ref sig = stack.pop_cellslice(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range((stack.depth() - 1) / 2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_aggregate_verify_base_gas_price + (long long)n * VmState::bls_aggregate_verify_element_gas_price); std::vector> vec(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { vec[i].second = slice_to_bls_msg(*stack.pop_cellslice()); vec[i].first = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } stack.push_bool(bls::aggregate_verify(vec, slice_to_bls_p2(*sig))); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_add(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_ADD"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g1_add_sub_gas_price); bls::P1 b = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); bls::P1 a = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_add(a, b).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_sub(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_SUB"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g1_add_sub_gas_price); bls::P1 b = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); bls::P1 a = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_sub(a, b).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_neg(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_NEG"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g1_neg_gas_price); bls::P1 a = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_neg(a).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_mul(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_MUL"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g1_mul_gas_price); td::RefInt256 x = stack.pop_int_finite(); bls::P1 p = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_mul(p, x).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_multiexp(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_MULTIEXP"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range((stack.depth() - 1) / 2); st->consume_gas(bls_calculate_multiexp_gas(n, VmState::bls_g1_multiexp_base_gas_price, VmState::bls_g1_multiexp_coef1_gas_price, VmState::bls_g1_multiexp_coef2_gas_price)); std::vector> ps(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ps[i].second = stack.pop_int_finite(); ps[i].first = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_multiexp(ps).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_zero(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_ZERO"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g1_zero().as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_map_to_g1(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_MAP_TO_G1"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_map_to_g1_gas_price); bls::FP a = slice_to_bls_fp(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::map_to_g1(a).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_in_group(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_INGROUP"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g1_in_group_gas_price); bls::P1 a = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_bool(bls::g1_in_group(a)); return 0; } int exec_bls_g1_is_zero(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G1_ISZERO"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); bls::P1 a = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_bool(bls::g1_is_zero(a)); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_add(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_ADD"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g2_add_sub_gas_price); bls::P2 b = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); bls::P2 a = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_add(a, b).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_sub(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_SUB"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g2_add_sub_gas_price); bls::P2 b = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); bls::P2 a = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_sub(a, b).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_neg(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_NEG"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g2_neg_gas_price); bls::P2 a = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_neg(a).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_mul(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_MUL"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g2_mul_gas_price); td::RefInt256 x = stack.pop_int_finite(); bls::P2 p = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_mul(p, x).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_multiexp(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_MULTIEXP"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range((stack.depth() - 1) / 2); st->consume_gas(bls_calculate_multiexp_gas(n, VmState::bls_g2_multiexp_base_gas_price, VmState::bls_g2_multiexp_coef1_gas_price, VmState::bls_g2_multiexp_coef2_gas_price)); std::vector> ps(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ps[i].second = stack.pop_int_finite(); ps[i].first = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_multiexp(ps).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_zero(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_ZERO"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::g2_zero().as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_map_to_g2(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_MAP_TO_G2"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_map_to_g2_gas_price); bls::FP2 a = slice_to_bls_fp2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_cellslice(bls_to_slice(bls::map_to_g2(a).as_slice())); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_in_group(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_INGROUP"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_g2_in_group_gas_price); bls::P2 a = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_bool(bls::g2_in_group(a)); return 0; } int exec_bls_g2_is_zero(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_G2_ISZERO"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); bls::P2 a = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); stack.push_bool(bls::g2_is_zero(a)); return 0; } int exec_bls_pairing(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_PAIRING"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); int n = stack.pop_smallint_range((stack.depth() - 1) / 2); st->consume_gas(VmState::bls_pairing_base_gas_price + (long long)n * VmState::bls_pairing_element_gas_price); std::vector> ps(n); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ps[i].second = slice_to_bls_p2(*stack.pop_cellslice()); ps[i].first = slice_to_bls_p1(*stack.pop_cellslice()); } stack.push_bool(bls::pairing(ps)); return 0; } int exec_bls_push_r(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute BLS_PUSHR"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.push_int(bls::get_r()); return 0; } void register_ton_crypto_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf900, 16, "HASHCU", std::bind(exec_compute_hash, _1, 0))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf901, 16, "HASHSU", std::bind(exec_compute_hash, _1, 1))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf902, 16, "SHA256U", exec_compute_sha256)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mkfixed(0xf904 >> 2, 14, 10, dump_hash_ext, exec_hash_ext)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf910, 16, "CHKSIGNU", std::bind(exec_ed25519_check_signature, _1, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf911, 16, "CHKSIGNS", std::bind(exec_ed25519_check_signature, _1, true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf912, 16, "ECRECOVER", exec_ecrecover)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf914, 16, "P256_CHKSIGNU", std::bind(exec_p256_chksign, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf915, 16, "P256_CHKSIGNS", std::bind(exec_p256_chksign, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf920, 16, "RIST255_FROMHASH", exec_ristretto255_from_hash)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf921, 16, "RIST255_VALIDATE", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_validate, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf922, 16, "RIST255_ADD", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_add, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf923, 16, "RIST255_SUB", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_sub, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf924, 16, "RIST255_MUL", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_mul, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf925, 16, "RIST255_MULBASE", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_mul_base, _1, false))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf926, 16, "RIST255_PUSHL", exec_ristretto255_push_l)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xb7f921, 24, "RIST255_QVALIDATE", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_validate, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xb7f922, 24, "RIST255_QADD", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_add, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xb7f923, 24, "RIST255_QSUB", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_sub, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xb7f924, 24, "RIST255_QMUL", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_mul, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xb7f925, 24, "RIST255_QMULBASE", std::bind(exec_ristretto255_mul_base, _1, true))->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93000, 24, "BLS_VERIFY", exec_bls_verify)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93001, 24, "BLS_AGGREGATE", exec_bls_aggregate)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93002, 24, "BLS_FASTAGGREGATEVERIFY", exec_bls_fast_aggregate_verify)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93003, 24, "BLS_AGGREGATEVERIFY", exec_bls_aggregate_verify)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93010, 24, "BLS_G1_ADD", exec_bls_g1_add)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93011, 24, "BLS_G1_SUB", exec_bls_g1_sub)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93012, 24, "BLS_G1_NEG", exec_bls_g1_neg)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93013, 24, "BLS_G1_MUL", exec_bls_g1_mul)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93014, 24, "BLS_G1_MULTIEXP", exec_bls_g1_multiexp)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93015, 24, "BLS_G1_ZERO", exec_bls_g1_zero)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93016, 24, "BLS_MAP_TO_G1", exec_bls_map_to_g1)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93017, 24, "BLS_G1_INGROUP", exec_bls_g1_in_group)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93018, 24, "BLS_G1_ISZERO", exec_bls_g1_is_zero)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93020, 24, "BLS_G2_ADD", exec_bls_g2_add)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93021, 24, "BLS_G2_SUB", exec_bls_g2_sub)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93022, 24, "BLS_G2_NEG", exec_bls_g2_neg)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93023, 24, "BLS_G2_MUL", exec_bls_g2_mul)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93024, 24, "BLS_G2_MULTIEXP", exec_bls_g2_multiexp)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93025, 24, "BLS_G2_ZERO", exec_bls_g2_zero)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93026, 24, "BLS_MAP_TO_G2", exec_bls_map_to_g2)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93027, 24, "BLS_G2_INGROUP", exec_bls_g2_in_group)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93028, 24, "BLS_G2_ISZERO", exec_bls_g2_is_zero)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93030, 24, "BLS_PAIRING", exec_bls_pairing)->require_version(4)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf93031, 24, "BLS_PUSHR", exec_bls_push_r)->require_version(4)); } int exec_compute_data_size(VmState* st, int mode) { VM_LOG(st) << (mode & 2 ? 'S' : 'C') << "DATASIZE" << (mode & 1 ? "Q" : ""); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto bound = stack.pop_int(); Ref cell; Ref cs; if (mode & 2) { cs = stack.pop_cellslice(); } else { cell = stack.pop_maybe_cell(); } if (!bound->is_valid() || bound->sgn() < 0) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "finite non-negative integer expected"}; } VmStorageStat stat{bound->unsigned_fits_bits(63) ? bound->to_long() : (1ULL << 63) - 1}; bool ok = (mode & 2 ? stat.add_storage(cs.write()) : stat.add_storage(std::move(cell))); if (ok) { stack.push_smallint(stat.cells); stack.push_smallint(stat.bits); stack.push_smallint(stat.refs); } else if (!(mode & 1)) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "scanned too many cells"}; } if (mode & 1) { stack.push_bool(ok); } return 0; } void register_ton_misc_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf940, 16, "CDATASIZEQ", std::bind(exec_compute_data_size, _1, 1))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf941, 16, "CDATASIZE", std::bind(exec_compute_data_size, _1, 0))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf942, 16, "SDATASIZEQ", std::bind(exec_compute_data_size, _1, 3))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xf943, 16, "SDATASIZE", std::bind(exec_compute_data_size, _1, 2))); } int exec_load_var_integer(VmState* st, int len_bits, bool sgnd, bool quiet) { if (len_bits == 4 && !sgnd) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute LDGRAMS" << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); } else { VM_LOG(st) << "execute LDVAR" << (sgnd ? "" : "U") << "INT" << (1 << len_bits) << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); } Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto csr = stack.pop_cellslice(); td::RefInt256 x; int len; if (!(csr.write().fetch_uint_to(len_bits, len) && csr.unique_write().fetch_int256_to(len * 8, x, sgnd))) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); } else { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot deserialize a variable-length integer"}; } } else { stack.push_int(std::move(x)); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(csr)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } } return 0; } int exec_store_var_integer(VmState* st, int len_bits, bool sgnd, bool quiet) { if (len_bits == 4 && !sgnd) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute STGRAMS" << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); } else { VM_LOG(st) << "execute STVAR" << (sgnd ? "" : "U") << "INT" << (1 << len_bits) << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); } Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); auto x = stack.pop_int(); auto cbr = stack.pop_builder(); unsigned len = (((unsigned)x->bit_size(sgnd) + 7) >> 3); if (len >= (1u << len_bits)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk}; } if (!(cbr.write().store_long_bool(len, len_bits) && cbr.unique_write().store_int256_bool(*x, len * 8, sgnd))) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); } else { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize a variable-length integer"}; } } else { stack.push_builder(std::move(cbr)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } } return 0; } bool skip_maybe_anycast(CellSlice& cs) { if (cs.prefetch_ulong(1) != 1) { return cs.advance(1); } unsigned depth; return cs.advance(1) // just$1 && cs.fetch_uint_leq(30, depth) // anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) && depth >= 1 // { depth >= 1 } && cs.advance(depth); // rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast; } bool skip_message_addr(CellSlice& cs) { switch ((unsigned)cs.fetch_ulong(2)) { case 0: // addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt; return true; case 1: { // addr_extern$01 unsigned len; return cs.fetch_uint_to(9, len) // len:(## 9) && cs.advance(len); // external_address:(bits len) = MsgAddressExt; } case 2: { // addr_std$10 return skip_maybe_anycast(cs) // anycast:(Maybe Anycast) && cs.advance(8 + 256); // workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt; } case 3: { // addr_var$11 unsigned len; return skip_maybe_anycast(cs) // anycast:(Maybe Anycast) && cs.fetch_uint_to(9, len) // addr_len:(## 9) && cs.advance(32 + len); // workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt; } default: return false; } } int exec_load_message_addr(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute LDMSGADDR" << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto csr = stack.pop_cellslice(), csr_copy = csr; auto& cs = csr.write(); if (!(skip_message_addr(cs) && csr_copy.write().cut_tail(cs))) { csr.clear(); if (quiet) { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(csr_copy)); stack.push_bool(false); } else { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot load a MsgAddress"}; } } else { stack.push_cellslice(std::move(csr_copy)); stack.push_cellslice(std::move(csr)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } } return 0; } bool parse_maybe_anycast(CellSlice& cs, StackEntry& res) { res = StackEntry{}; if (cs.prefetch_ulong(1) != 1) { return cs.advance(1); } unsigned depth; Ref pfx; if (cs.advance(1) // just$1 && cs.fetch_uint_leq(30, depth) // anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) && depth >= 1 // { depth >= 1 } && cs.fetch_subslice_to(depth, pfx)) { // rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast; res = std::move(pfx); return true; } return false; } bool parse_message_addr(CellSlice& cs, std::vector& res) { res.clear(); switch ((unsigned)cs.fetch_ulong(2)) { case 0: // addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt; res.emplace_back(td::zero_refint()); // -> (0) return true; case 1: { // addr_extern$01 unsigned len; Ref addr; if (cs.fetch_uint_to(9, len) // len:(## 9) && cs.fetch_subslice_to(len, addr)) { // external_address:(bits len) = MsgAddressExt; res.emplace_back(td::make_refint(1)); res.emplace_back(std::move(addr)); return true; } break; } case 2: { // addr_std$10 StackEntry v; int workchain; Ref addr; if (parse_maybe_anycast(cs, v) // anycast:(Maybe Anycast) && cs.fetch_int_to(8, workchain) // workchain_id:int8 && cs.fetch_subslice_to(256, addr)) { // address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt; res.emplace_back(td::make_refint(2)); res.emplace_back(std::move(v)); res.emplace_back(td::make_refint(workchain)); res.emplace_back(std::move(addr)); return true; } break; } case 3: { // addr_var$11 StackEntry v; int len, workchain; Ref addr; if (parse_maybe_anycast(cs, v) // anycast:(Maybe Anycast) && cs.fetch_uint_to(9, len) // addr_len:(## 9) && cs.fetch_int_to(32, workchain) // workchain_id:int32 && cs.fetch_subslice_to(len, addr)) { // address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt; res.emplace_back(td::make_refint(3)); res.emplace_back(std::move(v)); res.emplace_back(td::make_refint(workchain)); res.emplace_back(std::move(addr)); return true; } break; } } return false; } int exec_parse_message_addr(VmState* st, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute PARSEMSGADDR" << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto csr = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto& cs = csr.write(); std::vector res; if (!(parse_message_addr(cs, res) && cs.empty_ext())) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); } else { throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot parse a MsgAddress"}; } } else { stack.push_tuple(std::move(res)); if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } } return 0; } // replaces first bits of `addr` with those of `prefix` Ref do_rewrite_addr(Ref addr, Ref prefix) { if (prefix.is_null() || !prefix->size()) { return std::move(addr); } if (prefix->size() > addr->size()) { return {}; } if (prefix->size() == addr->size()) { return std::move(prefix); } vm::CellBuilder cb; if (!(addr.write().advance(prefix->size()) && cb.append_cellslice_bool(std::move(prefix)) && cb.append_cellslice_bool(std::move(addr)))) { return {}; } return vm::load_cell_slice_ref(cb.finalize()); } int exec_rewrite_message_addr(VmState* st, bool allow_var_addr, bool quiet) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute REWRITE" << (allow_var_addr ? "VAR" : "STD") << "ADDR" << (quiet ? "Q" : ""); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); auto csr = stack.pop_cellslice(); auto& cs = csr.write(); std::vector tuple; if (!(parse_message_addr(cs, tuple) && cs.empty_ext())) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot parse a MsgAddress"}; } int t = (int)std::move(tuple[0]).as_int()->to_long(); if (t != 2 && t != 3) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot parse a MsgAddressInt"}; } auto addr = std::move(tuple[3]).as_slice(); auto prefix = std::move(tuple[1]).as_slice(); if (!allow_var_addr) { if (addr->size() != 256) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "MsgAddressInt is not a standard 256-bit address"}; } td::Bits256 rw_addr; td::RefInt256 int_addr{true}; CHECK(addr->prefetch_bits_to(rw_addr) && (prefix.is_null() || prefix->prefetch_bits_to(rw_addr.bits(), prefix->size())) && int_addr.unique_write().import_bits(rw_addr, false)); stack.push(std::move(tuple[2])); stack.push(std::move(int_addr)); } else { addr = do_rewrite_addr(std::move(addr), std::move(prefix)); if (addr.is_null()) { if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(false); return 0; } throw VmError{Excno::cell_und, "cannot rewrite address in a MsgAddressInt"}; } stack.push(std::move(tuple[2])); stack.push(std::move(addr)); } if (quiet) { stack.push_bool(true); } return 0; } void register_ton_currency_address_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa00, 16, "LDGRAMS", std::bind(exec_load_var_integer, _1, 4, false, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa01, 16, "LDVARINT16", std::bind(exec_load_var_integer, _1, 4, true, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa02, 16, "STGRAMS", std::bind(exec_store_var_integer, _1, 4, false, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa03, 16, "STVARINT16", std::bind(exec_store_var_integer, _1, 4, true, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa04, 16, "LDVARUINT32", std::bind(exec_load_var_integer, _1, 5, false, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa05, 16, "LDVARINT32", std::bind(exec_load_var_integer, _1, 5, true, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa06, 16, "STVARUINT32", std::bind(exec_store_var_integer, _1, 5, false, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa07, 16, "STVARINT32", std::bind(exec_store_var_integer, _1, 5, true, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa40, 16, "LDMSGADDR", std::bind(exec_load_message_addr, _1, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa41, 16, "LDMSGADDRQ", std::bind(exec_load_message_addr, _1, true))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa42, 16, "PARSEMSGADDR", std::bind(exec_parse_message_addr, _1, false))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa43, 16, "PARSEMSGADDRQ", std::bind(exec_parse_message_addr, _1, true))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa44, 16, "REWRITESTDADDR", std::bind(exec_rewrite_message_addr, _1, false, false))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa45, 16, "REWRITESTDADDRQ", std::bind(exec_rewrite_message_addr, _1, false, true))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa46, 16, "REWRITEVARADDR", std::bind(exec_rewrite_message_addr, _1, true, false))) .insert( OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfa47, 16, "REWRITEVARADDRQ", std::bind(exec_rewrite_message_addr, _1, true, true))); } static constexpr int output_actions_idx = 5; int install_output_action(VmState* st, Ref new_action_head) { // TODO: increase actions:uint16 and msgs_sent:uint16 in SmartContractInfo at first reference of c5 VM_LOG(st) << "installing an output action"; st->set_d(output_actions_idx, std::move(new_action_head)); return 0; } static inline Ref get_actions(VmState* st) { return st->get_d(output_actions_idx); } int exec_send_raw_message(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SENDRAWMSG"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); int f = stack.pop_smallint_range(255); Ref msg_cell = stack.pop_cell(); CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0x0ec3c86d, 32) // action_send_msg#0ec3c86d && cb.store_long_bool(f, 8) // mode:(## 8) && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(msg_cell)))) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize raw output message into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } int parse_addr_workchain(CellSlice cs) { // anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 } rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast; // addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt; // addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9) workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt; if (cs.fetch_ulong(1) != 1) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "not an internal MsgAddress"}; } bool is_var = cs.fetch_ulong(1); if (cs.fetch_ulong(1) == 1) { // Anycast unsigned depth; cs.fetch_uint_leq(30, depth); cs.skip_first(depth); } if (is_var) { cs.skip_first(9); return (int)cs.fetch_long(32); } else { return (int)cs.fetch_long(8); } } int exec_send_message(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SENDMSG"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); int mode = stack.pop_smallint_range(2047); bool send = !(mode & 1024); mode &= ~1024; if (mode >= 256) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk}; } Ref msg_cell = stack.pop_cell(); block::gen::MessageRelaxed::Record msg; if (!tlb::type_unpack_cell(msg_cell, block::gen::t_MessageRelaxed_Any, msg)) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid message"}; } Ref my_addr = get_param(st, 8).as_slice(); if (my_addr.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "invalid param MYADDR"}; } bool ihr_disabled; Ref dest; td::RefInt256 value; td::RefInt256 user_fwd_fee, user_ihr_fee; bool have_extra_currencies = false; bool ext_msg = msg.info->prefetch_ulong(1); if (ext_msg) { // External message block::gen::CommonMsgInfoRelaxed::Record_ext_out_msg_info info; if (!tlb::csr_unpack(msg.info, info)) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid message"}; } ihr_disabled = true; dest = std::move(info.dest); value = user_fwd_fee = user_ihr_fee = td::zero_refint(); } else { // Internal message block::gen::CommonMsgInfoRelaxed::Record_int_msg_info info; if (!tlb::csr_unpack(msg.info, info)) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid message"}; } ihr_disabled = info.ihr_disabled; dest = std::move(info.dest); Ref extra; if (!block::tlb::t_CurrencyCollection.unpack_special(info.value.write(), value, extra)) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid message"}; } have_extra_currencies = !extra.is_null(); user_fwd_fee = block::tlb::t_Grams.as_integer(info.fwd_fee); user_ihr_fee = block::tlb::t_Grams.as_integer(info.ihr_fee); } bool is_masterchain = parse_addr_workchain(*my_addr) == -1 || (!ext_msg && parse_addr_workchain(*dest) == -1); Ref config_dict = get_param(st, 9).as_cell(); Dictionary config{config_dict, 32}; Ref prices_cell = config.lookup_ref(td::BitArray<32>{is_masterchain ? 24 : 25}); block::gen::MsgForwardPrices::Record prices; if (prices_cell.is_null() || !tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(prices_cell), prices)) { throw VmError{Excno::unknown, "invalid prices config"}; } // msg_fwd_fees = (lump_price + ceil((bit_price * msg.bits + cell_price * msg.cells)/2^16)) nanograms // bits in the root cell of a message are not included in msg.bits (lump_price pays for them) vm::VmStorageStat stat(1 << 13); CellSlice cs = load_cell_slice(msg_cell); cs.skip_first(cs.size()); stat.add_storage(cs); if (!ext_msg) { if (mode & 128) { // value is balance of the contract Ref balance = get_param(st, 7).as_tuple(); if (balance.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "invalid param BALANCE"}; } value = tuple_index(balance, 0).as_int(); if (value.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "invalid param BALANCE"}; } have_extra_currencies |= !tuple_index(balance, 1).as_cell().is_null(); } else if (mode & 64) { // value += value of incoming message Ref balance = get_param(st, 11).as_tuple(); if (balance.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "invalid param INCOMINGVALUE"}; } td::RefInt256 balance_grams = tuple_index(balance, 0).as_int(); if (balance_grams.is_null()) { throw VmError{Excno::type_chk, "invalid param INCOMINGVALUE"}; } value += balance_grams; have_extra_currencies |= !tuple_index(balance, 1).as_cell().is_null(); } } bool have_init = msg.init->bit_at(0); bool init_ref = have_init && msg.init->bit_at(1); bool body_ref = msg.body->bit_at(0); td::RefInt256 fwd_fee, ihr_fee; td::uint64 cells = stat.cells; td::uint64 bits = stat.bits; auto compute_fees = [&]() { td::uint64 fwd_fee_short = prices.lump_price + td::uint128(prices.bit_price) .mult(bits) .add(td::uint128(prices.cell_price).mult(cells)) .add(td::uint128(0xffffu)) .shr(16) .lo(); td::uint64 ihr_fee_short; if (ihr_disabled) { ihr_fee_short = 0; } else { ihr_fee_short = td::uint128(fwd_fee_short).mult(prices.ihr_price_factor).shr(16).lo(); } fwd_fee = td::RefInt256{true, fwd_fee_short}; ihr_fee = td::RefInt256{true, ihr_fee_short}; fwd_fee = std::max(fwd_fee, user_fwd_fee); if (!ihr_disabled) { ihr_fee = std::max(ihr_fee, user_ihr_fee); } }; compute_fees(); auto stored_grams_len = [](td::RefInt256 const& x) -> unsigned { unsigned bits = x->bit_size(false); return 4 + ((bits + 7) & ~7); }; auto msg_root_bits = [&]() -> unsigned { unsigned bits; // CommonMsgInfo if (ext_msg) { bits = 2 + my_addr->size() + dest->size() + 32 + 64; } else { bits = 4 + my_addr->size() + dest->size() + stored_grams_len(value) + 1 + 32 + 64; td::RefInt256 fwd_fee_first = (fwd_fee * prices.first_frac) >> 16; bits += stored_grams_len(fwd_fee - fwd_fee_first); bits += stored_grams_len(ihr_fee); } // init bits++; if (have_init) { bits += 1 + (init_ref ? 0 : msg.init->size() - 2); } // body bits++; bits += (body_ref ? 0 : msg.body->size() - 1); return bits; }; auto msg_root_refs = [&]() -> unsigned { unsigned refs; // CommonMsgInfo if (ext_msg) { refs = 0; } else { refs = have_extra_currencies; } // init if (have_init) { refs += (init_ref ? 1 : msg.init->size_refs()); } // body refs += (body_ref ? 1 : msg.body->size_refs()); return refs; }; if (have_init && !init_ref && (msg_root_bits() > Cell::max_bits || msg_root_refs() > Cell::max_refs)) { init_ref = true; cells += 1; bits += msg.init->size() - 2; compute_fees(); } if (!body_ref && (msg_root_bits() > Cell::max_bits || msg_root_refs() > Cell::max_refs)) { body_ref = true; cells += 1; bits += msg.body->size() - 1; compute_fees(); } stack.push_int(fwd_fee + ihr_fee); if (send) { CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0x0ec3c86d, 32) // action_send_msg#0ec3c86d && cb.store_long_bool(mode, 8) // mode:(## 8) && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(msg_cell)))) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize raw output message into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } return 0; } bool store_grams(CellBuilder& cb, td::RefInt256 value) { int k = value->bit_size(false); return k <= 15 * 8 && cb.store_long_bool((k + 7) >> 3, 4) && cb.store_int256_bool(*value, (k + 7) & -8, false); } int exec_reserve_raw(VmState* st, int mode) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute RAWRESERVE" << (mode & 1 ? "X" : ""); Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2 + (mode & 1)); int f = stack.pop_smallint_range(st->get_global_version() >= 4 ? 31 : 15); Ref y; if (mode & 1) { y = stack.pop_maybe_cell(); } auto x = stack.pop_int_finite(); if (td::sgn(x) < 0) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "amount of nanograms must be non-negative"}; } CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0x36e6b809, 32) // action_reserve_currency#36e6b809 && cb.store_long_bool(f, 8) // mode:(## 8) && store_grams(cb, std::move(x)) // && cb.store_maybe_ref(std::move(y)))) { throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize raw reserved currency amount into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } int exec_set_code(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SETCODE"; auto code = st->get_stack().pop_cell(); CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0xad4de08e, 32) // action_set_code#ad4de08e && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(code)))) { // new_code:^Cell = OutAction; throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize new smart contract code into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } int exec_set_lib_code(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute SETLIBCODE"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); int mode; if (st->get_global_version() >= 4) { mode = stack.pop_smallint_range(31); if ((mode & ~16) > 2) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk}; } } else { mode = stack.pop_smallint_range(2); } auto code = stack.pop_cell(); CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0x26fa1dd4, 32) // action_change_library#26fa1dd4 && cb.store_long_bool(mode * 2 + 1, 8) // mode:(## 7) && cb.store_ref_bool(std::move(code)))) { // libref:LibRef = OutAction; throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize new library code into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } int exec_change_lib(VmState* st) { VM_LOG(st) << "execute CHANGELIB"; Stack& stack = st->get_stack(); stack.check_underflow(2); int mode; if (st->get_global_version() >= 4) { mode = stack.pop_smallint_range(31); if ((mode & ~16) > 2) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk}; } } else { mode = stack.pop_smallint_range(2); } auto hash = stack.pop_int_finite(); if (!hash->unsigned_fits_bits(256)) { throw VmError{Excno::range_chk, "library hash must be non-negative"}; } CellBuilder cb; if (!(cb.store_ref_bool(get_actions(st)) // out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) && cb.store_long_bool(0x26fa1dd4, 32) // action_change_library#26fa1dd4 && cb.store_long_bool(mode * 2, 8) // mode:(## 7) { mode <= 2 } && cb.store_int256_bool(hash, 256, false))) { // libref:LibRef = OutAction; throw VmError{Excno::cell_ov, "cannot serialize library hash into an output action cell"}; } return install_output_action(st, cb.finalize()); } void register_ton_message_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { using namespace std::placeholders; cp0.insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb00, 16, "SENDRAWMSG", exec_send_raw_message)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb02, 16, "RAWRESERVE", std::bind(exec_reserve_raw, _1, 0))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb03, 16, "RAWRESERVEX", std::bind(exec_reserve_raw, _1, 1))) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb04, 16, "SETCODE", exec_set_code)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb06, 16, "SETLIBCODE", exec_set_lib_code)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb07, 16, "CHANGELIB", exec_change_lib)) .insert(OpcodeInstr::mksimple(0xfb08, 16, "SENDMSG", exec_send_message)->require_version(4)); } void register_ton_ops(OpcodeTable& cp0) { register_basic_gas_ops(cp0); register_ton_gas_ops(cp0); register_prng_ops(cp0); register_ton_config_ops(cp0); register_ton_crypto_ops(cp0); register_ton_misc_ops(cp0); register_ton_currency_address_ops(cp0); register_ton_message_ops(cp0); } } // namespace vm