// Standard library for Tolk (LGPL licence). // It contains common functions that are available out of the box, the user doesn't have to import anything. // More specific functions are required to be imported explicitly, like "@stdlib/tvm-dicts". tolk 0.6 /** Tuple manipulation primitives. Elements of a tuple can be of arbitrary type. Note that atomic type `tuple` can't be cast to composite tuple type (e.g. `[int, cell]`) and vise versa. */ /// Creates a tuple with zero elements. @pure fun createEmptyTuple(): tuple asm "NIL"; /// Appends a value to tuple, resulting in `Tuple t' = (x1, ..., xn, value)`. /// If its size exceeds 255, throws a type check exception. @pure fun tuplePush(mutate self: tuple, value: T): void asm "TPUSH"; /// Returns the first element of a non-empty tuple. @pure fun tupleFirst(t: tuple): T asm "FIRST"; /// Returns the [`index`]-th element of a tuple. @pure fun tupleAt(t: tuple, index: int): T builtin; /// Returns the size of a tuple (elements count in it). @pure fun tupleSize(t: tuple): int asm "TLEN"; /// Returns the last element of a non-empty tuple. @pure fun tupleLast(t: tuple): T asm "LAST"; /** Mathematical primitives. */ /// Computes the minimum of two integers. @pure fun min(x: int, y: int): int asm "MIN"; /// Computes the maximum of two integers. @pure fun max(x: int, y: int): int asm "MAX"; /// Sorts two integers. @pure fun minMax(x: int, y: int): (int, int) asm "MINMAX"; /// Computes the absolute value of an integer. @pure fun abs(x: int): int asm "ABS"; /// Returns the sign of an integer: `-1` if x < 0, `0` if x == 0, `1` if x > 0. @pure fun sign(x: int): int asm "SGN"; /// Computes the quotient and remainder of [x] / [y]. Example: divMod(112,3) = (37,1) @pure fun divMod(x: int, y: int): (int, int) asm "DIVMOD"; /// Computes the remainder and quotient of [x] / [y]. Example: modDiv(112,3) = (1,37) @pure fun modDiv(x: int, y: int): (int, int) asm(-> 1 0) "DIVMOD"; /// Computes multiple-then-divide: floor([x] * [y] / [z]). /// The intermediate result is stored in a 513-bit integer to prevent precision loss. @pure fun mulDivFloor(x: int, y: int, z: int): int builtin; /// Similar to `mulDivFloor`, but rounds the result: round([x] * [y] / [z]). @pure fun mulDivRound(x: int, y: int, z: int): int builtin; /// Similar to `mulDivFloor`, but ceils the result: ceil([x] * [y] / [z]). @pure fun mulDivCeil(x: int, y: int, z: int): int builtin; /// Computes the quotient and remainder of ([x] * [y] / [z]). Example: mulDivMod(112,3,10) = (33,6) @pure fun mulDivMod(x: int, y: int, z: int): (int, int) builtin; /** Global getters of environment and contract state. */ const MASTERCHAIN = -1; const BASECHAIN = 0; /// Returns current Unix timestamp (in seconds). @pure fun now(): int asm "NOW"; /// Returns the internal address of the current smart contract as a Slice with a `MsgAddressInt`. /// If necessary, it can be parsed further using primitives such as [parseStandardAddress]. @pure fun getMyAddress(): slice asm "MYADDR"; /// Returns the balance (in nanotoncoins) of the smart contract at the start of Computation Phase. /// Note that RAW primitives such as [sendMessage] do not update this field. @pure fun getMyOriginalBalance(): int asm "BALANCE" "FIRST"; /// Same as [getMyOriginalBalance], but returns a tuple: /// `int` — balance in nanotoncoins; /// `cell` — a dictionary with 32-bit keys representing the balance of "extra currencies". @pure fun getMyOriginalBalanceWithExtraCurrencies(): [int, cell] asm "BALANCE"; /// Returns the logical time of the current transaction. @pure fun getLogicalTime(): int asm "LTIME"; /// Returns the starting logical time of the current block. @pure fun getCurrentBlockLogicalTime(): int asm "BLOCKLT"; /// Returns the value of the global configuration parameter with integer index `i` as a `cell` or `null` value. @pure fun getBlockchainConfigParam(x: int): cell asm "CONFIGOPTPARAM"; /// Returns the persistent contract storage cell. It can be parsed or modified with slice and builder primitives later. @pure fun getContractData(): cell asm "c4 PUSH"; /// Sets `cell` [c] as persistent contract data. You can update persistent contract storage with this primitive. fun setContractData(c: cell): void asm "c4 POP"; /// Retrieves code of smart-contract from c7 @pure fun getContractCode(): cell asm "MYCODE"; /// Creates an output action that would change this smart contract code to that given by cell [newCode]. /// Notice that this change will take effect only after the successful termination of the current run of the smart contract. fun setContractCodePostponed(newCode: cell): void asm "SETCODE"; /// Commits the current state of registers `c4` (“persistent data”) and `c5` (“actions”) /// so that the current execution is considered “successful” with the saved values even if an exception /// in Computation Phase is thrown later. fun commitContractDataAndActions(): void asm "COMMIT"; /** Signature checks, hashing, cryptography. */ /// Computes the representation hash of a `cell` [c] and returns it as a 256-bit unsigned integer `x`. /// Useful for signing and checking signatures of arbitrary entities represented by a tree of cells. @pure fun cellHash(c: cell): int asm "HASHCU"; /// Computes the hash of a `slice s` and returns it as a 256-bit unsigned integer `x`. /// The result is the same as if an ordinary cell containing only data and references from `s` had been created /// and its hash computed by [cellHash]. @pure fun sliceHash(s: slice): int asm "HASHSU"; /// Computes sha256 of the data bits of `slice` [s]. If the bit length of `s` is not divisible by eight, /// throws a cell underflow exception. The hash value is returned as a 256-bit unsigned integer `x`. @pure fun stringHash(s: slice): int asm "SHA256U"; /// Checks the Ed25519-`signature` of a `hash` (a 256-bit unsigned integer, usually computed as the hash of some data) /// using [publicKey] (also represented by a 256-bit unsigned integer). /// The signature must contain at least 512 data bits; only the first 512 bits are used. /// The result is `−1` if the signature is valid, `0` otherwise. /// Note that `CHKSIGNU` creates a 256-bit slice with the hash and calls `CHKSIGNS`. /// That is, if [hash] is computed as the hash of some data, these data are hashed twice, /// the second hashing occurring inside `CHKSIGNS`. @pure fun isSignatureValid(hash: int, signature: slice, publicKey: int): bool asm "CHKSIGNU"; /// Checks whether [signature] is a valid Ed25519-signature of the data portion of `slice data` using `publicKey`, /// similarly to [isSignatureValid]. /// If the bit length of [data] is not divisible by eight, throws a cell underflow exception. /// The verification of Ed25519 signatures is the standard one, /// with sha256 used to reduce [data] to the 256-bit number that is actually signed. @pure fun isSliceSignatureValid(data: slice, signature: slice, publicKey: int): bool asm "CHKSIGNS"; /// Generates a new pseudo-random unsigned 256-bit integer x. fun random(): int asm "RANDU256"; /// Generates a new pseudo-random integer z in the range 0..range−1 (or range..−1, if range < 0). /// More precisely, an unsigned random value x is generated as in random; then z := x * range / 2^256 is computed. fun randomRange(range: int): int asm "RAND"; /// Returns the current random seed as an unsigned 256-bit integer. @pure fun randomGetSeed(): int asm "RANDSEED"; /// Sets the random seed to unsigned 256-bit seed. fun randomSetSeed(seed: int): void asm "SETRAND"; /// Initializes (mixes) random seed with unsigned 256-bit integer x. fun randomizeBy(x: int): void asm "ADDRAND"; /// Initializes random seed using current time. Don't forget to call this before calling `random`! fun randomizeByLogicalTime(): void asm "LTIME" "ADDRAND"; /** Size computation primitives. They may be useful for computing storage fees of user-provided data. */ /// Returns `(x, y, z, -1)` or `(null, null, null, 0)`. /// Recursively computes the count of distinct cells `x`, data bits `y`, and cell references `z` /// in the DAG rooted at `cell` [c], effectively returning the total storage used by this DAG taking into account /// the identification of equal cells. /// The values of `x`, `y`, and `z` are computed by a depth-first traversal of this DAG, /// with a hash table of visited cell hashes used to prevent visits of already-visited cells. /// The total count of visited cells `x` cannot exceed non-negative [maxCells]; /// otherwise the computation is aborted before visiting the `(maxCells + 1)`-st cell and /// a zero flag is returned to indicate failure. If [c] is `null`, returns `x = y = z = 0`. @pure fun calculateCellSize(c: cell, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, bool) asm "CDATASIZEQ NULLSWAPIFNOT2 NULLSWAPIFNOT"; /// Similar to [calculateCellSize], but accepting a `slice` [s] instead of a `cell`. /// The returned value of `x` does not take into account the cell that contains the `slice` [s] itself; /// however, the data bits and the cell references of [s] are accounted for in `y` and `z`. @pure fun calculateSliceSize(s: slice, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, bool) asm "SDATASIZEQ NULLSWAPIFNOT2 NULLSWAPIFNOT"; /// A non-quiet version of [calculateCellSize] that throws a cell overflow exception (`8`) on failure. fun calculateCellSizeStrict(c: cell, maxCells: int): (int, int, int) asm "CDATASIZE"; /// A non-quiet version of [calculateSliceSize] that throws a cell overflow exception (`8`) on failure. fun calculateSliceSizeStrict(s: slice, maxCells: int): (int, int, int) asm "SDATASIZE"; /// Returns the depth of `cell` [c]. /// If [c] has no references, then return `0`; /// otherwise the returned value is one plus the maximum of depths of cells referred to from [c]. /// If [c] is a `null` instead of a cell, returns zero. @pure fun getCellDepth(c: cell): int asm "CDEPTH"; /// Returns the depth of `slice` [s]. /// If [s] has no references, then returns `0`; /// otherwise the returned value is one plus the maximum of depths of cells referred to from [s]. @pure fun getSliceDepth(s: slice): int asm "SDEPTH"; /// Returns the depth of `builder` [b]. /// If no cell references are stored in [b], then returns 0; /// otherwise the returned value is one plus the maximum of depths of cells referred to from [b]. @pure fun getBuilderDepth(b: builder): int asm "BDEPTH"; /** Debug primitives. Only works for local TVM execution with debug level verbosity. */ /// Dump a variable [x] to the debug log. fun debugPrint(x: T): void builtin; /// Dump a string [x] to the debug log. fun debugPrintString(x: T): void builtin; /// Dumps the stack (at most the top 255 values) and shows the total stack depth. fun debugDumpStack(): void builtin; /** Slice primitives: parsing cells. When you _load_ some data, you mutate the slice (shifting an internal pointer on the stack). When you _preload_ some data, you just get the result without mutating the slice. */ /// Converts a `cell` [c] into a `slice`. Notice that [c] must be either an ordinary cell, /// or an exotic cell (see [TVM.pdf](https://ton-blockchain.github.io/docs/tvm.pdf), 3.1.2) /// which is automatically loaded to yield an ordinary cell `c'`, converted into a `slice` afterwards. @pure fun beginParse(c: cell): slice asm "CTOS"; /// Checks if slice is empty. If not, throws an exception. fun assertEndOfSlice(self: slice): void asm "ENDS"; /// Loads the next reference from the slice. @pure fun loadRef(mutate self: slice): cell asm( -> 1 0) "LDREF"; /// Preloads the next reference from the slice. @pure fun preloadRef(self: slice): cell asm "PLDREF"; /// Loads a signed [len]-bit integer from a slice. @pure fun loadInt(mutate self: slice, len: int): int builtin; /// Loads an unsigned [len]-bit integer from a slice. @pure fun loadUint(mutate self: slice, len: int): int builtin; /// Loads the first `0 ≤ len ≤ 1023` bits from slice [s] into a separate slice `s''`. @pure fun loadBits(mutate self: slice, len: int): slice builtin; /// Preloads a signed [len]-bit integer from a slice. @pure fun preloadInt(self: slice, len: int): int builtin; /// Preloads an unsigned [len]-bit integer from a slice. @pure fun preloadUint(self: slice, len: int): int builtin; /// Preloads the first `0 ≤ len ≤ 1023` bits from slice [s] into a separate slice. @pure fun preloadBits(self: slice, len: int): slice builtin; /// Loads serialized amount of Toncoins (any unsigned integer up to `2^120 - 1`). @pure fun loadCoins(mutate self: slice): int asm( -> 1 0) "LDGRAMS"; /// Loads bool (-1 or 0) from a slice @pure fun loadBool(mutate self: slice): bool asm( -> 1 0) "1 LDI"; /// Shifts a slice pointer to [len] bits forward, mutating the slice. @pure fun skipBits(mutate self: slice, len: int): self asm "SDSKIPFIRST"; /// Returns the first `0 ≤ len ≤ 1023` bits of a slice. @pure fun getFirstBits(self: slice, len: int): slice asm "SDCUTFIRST"; /// Returns all but the last `0 ≤ len ≤ 1023` bits of a slice. @pure fun removeLastBits(mutate self: slice, len: int): self asm "SDSKIPLAST"; /// Returns the last `0 ≤ len ≤ 1023` bits of a slice. @pure fun getLastBits(self: slice, len: int): slice asm "SDCUTLAST"; /// Loads a dictionary (TL HashMapE structure, represented as TVM cell) from a slice. /// Returns `null` if `nothing` constructor is used. @pure fun loadDict(mutate self: slice): cell asm( -> 1 0) "LDDICT"; /// Preloads a dictionary (cell) from a slice. @pure fun preloadDict(self: slice): cell asm "PLDDICT"; /// Loads a dictionary as [loadDict], but returns only the remainder of the slice. @pure fun skipDict(mutate self: slice): self asm "SKIPDICT"; /// Loads (Maybe ^Cell) from a slice. /// In other words, loads 1 bit: if it's true, loads the first ref, otherwise returns `null`. @pure fun loadMaybeRef(mutate self: slice): cell asm( -> 1 0) "LDOPTREF"; /// Preloads (Maybe ^Cell) from a slice. @pure fun preloadMaybeRef(self: slice): cell asm "PLDOPTREF"; /// Loads (Maybe ^Cell), but returns only the remainder of the slice. @pure fun skipMaybeRef(mutate self: slice): self asm "SKIPOPTREF"; /** Builder primitives: constructing cells. When you _store_ some data, you mutate the builder (shifting an internal pointer on the stack). All the primitives below first check whether there is enough space in the `builder`, and only then check the range of the value being serialized. */ /// Creates a new empty builder. @pure fun beginCell(): builder asm "NEWC"; /// Converts a builder into an ordinary `cell`. @pure fun endCell(self: builder): cell asm "ENDC"; /// Stores a reference to a cell into a builder. @pure fun storeRef(mutate self: builder, c: cell): self asm(c self) "STREF"; /// Stores a signed [len]-bit integer into a builder (`0 ≤ len ≤ 257`). @pure fun storeInt(mutate self: builder, x: int, len: int): self builtin; /// Stores an unsigned [len]-bit integer into a builder (`0 ≤ len ≤ 256`). @pure fun storeUint(mutate self: builder, x: int, len: int): self builtin; /// Stores a slice into a builder. @pure fun storeSlice(mutate self: builder, s: slice): self asm "STSLICER"; /// Stores amount of Toncoins into a builder. @pure fun storeCoins(mutate self: builder, x: int): self asm "STGRAMS"; /// Stores bool (-1 or 0) into a builder. /// Attention: true value is `-1`, not 1! If you pass `1` here, TVM will throw an exception. @pure fun storeBool(mutate self: builder, x: bool): self asm(x self) "1 STI"; /// Stores dictionary (represented by TVM `cell` or `null`) into a builder. /// In other words, stores a `1`-bit and a reference to [c] if [c] is not `null` and `0`-bit otherwise. @pure fun storeDict(mutate self: builder, c: cell): self asm(c self) "STDICT"; /// Stores (Maybe ^Cell) into a builder. /// In other words, if cell is `null`, store '0' bit; otherwise, store '1' and a ref to [c]. @pure fun storeMaybeRef(mutate self: builder, c: cell): self asm(c self) "STOPTREF"; /// Concatenates two builders. @pure fun storeBuilder(mutate self: builder, from: builder): self asm "STBR"; /// Stores a slice representing TL addr_none$00 (two `0` bits). @pure fun storeAddressNone(mutate self: builder): self asm "b{00} STSLICECONST"; /** Slice size primitives. */ /// Returns the number of references in a slice. @pure fun getRemainingRefsCount(self: slice): int asm "SREFS"; /// Returns the number of data bits in a slice. @pure fun getRemainingBitsCount(self: slice): int asm "SBITS"; /// Returns both the number of data bits and the number of references in a slice. @pure fun getRemainingBitsAndRefsCount(self: slice): (int, int) asm "SBITREFS"; /// Checks whether a slice is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references). @pure fun isEndOfSlice(self: slice): bool asm "SEMPTY"; /// Checks whether a slice has no bits of data. @pure fun isEndOfSliceBits(self: slice): bool asm "SDEMPTY"; /// Checks whether a slice has no references. @pure fun isEndOfSliceRefs(self: slice): bool asm "SREMPTY"; /// Checks whether data parts of two slices coinside. @pure fun isSliceBitsEqual(self: slice, b: slice): bool asm "SDEQ"; /// Returns the number of cell references already stored in a builder. @pure fun getBuilderRefsCount(self: builder): int asm "BREFS"; /// Returns the number of data bits already stored in a builder. @pure fun getBuilderBitsCount(self: builder): int asm "BBITS"; /** Address manipulation primitives. The address manipulation primitives listed below serialize and deserialize values according to the following TL-B scheme: ```TL-B addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt; addr_extern$01 len:(## 8) external_address:(bits len) = MsgAddressExt; anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 } rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast; addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt; addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9) workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt; _ _:MsgAddressInt = MsgAddress; _ _:MsgAddressExt = MsgAddress; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressInt value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed; ext_out_msg_info$11 src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressExt created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed; ``` A deserialized `MsgAddress` is represented by a tuple `t` as follows: - `addr_none` is represented by `t = (0)`, i.e., a tuple containing exactly one integer equal to zero. - `addr_extern` is represented by `t = (1, s)`, where slice `s` contains the field `external_address`. In other words, ` t` is a pair (a tuple consisting of two entries), containing an integer equal to one and slice `s`. - `addr_std` is represented by `t = (2, u, x, s)`, where `u` is either a `null` (if `anycast` is absent) or a slice `s'` containing `rewrite_pfx` (if anycast is present). Next, integer `x` is the `workchain_id`, and slice `s` contains the address. - `addr_var` is represented by `t = (3, u, x, s)`, where `u`, `x`, and `s` have the same meaning as for `addr_std`. */ /// Loads from slice [s] the only prefix that is a valid `MsgAddress`, /// and returns both this prefix `s'` and the remainder `s''` of [s] as slices. @pure fun loadAddress(mutate self: slice): slice asm( -> 1 0) "LDMSGADDR"; /// Decomposes slice [s] containing a valid `MsgAddress` into a `tuple t` with separate fields of this `MsgAddress`. /// If [s] is not a valid `MsgAddress`, a cell deserialization exception is thrown. @pure fun parseAddress(s: slice): tuple asm "PARSEMSGADDR"; /// Parses slice [s] containing a valid `MsgAddressInt` (usually a `msg_addr_std`), /// applies rewriting from the anycast (if present) to the same-length prefix of the address, /// and returns both the workchain and the 256-bit address as integers. /// If the address is not 256-bit, or if [s] is not a valid serialization of `MsgAddressInt`, /// throws a cell deserialization exception. @pure fun parseStandardAddress(s: slice): (int, int) asm "REWRITESTDADDR"; /// Creates a slice representing TL addr_none$00 (two `0` bits). @pure fun createAddressNone(): slice asm "b{00} PUSHSLICE"; /// Returns if a slice pointer contains an empty address. /// In other words, a slice starts with two `0` bits (TL addr_none$00). @pure fun addressIsNone(s: slice): bool asm "2 PLDU" "0 EQINT"; /** Reserving Toncoins on balance and its flags. */ /// mode = 0: Reserve exact amount of nanotoncoins const RESERVE_MODE_EXACT_AMOUNT = 0; /// +1: Actually reserves all but amount, meaning `currentContractBalance - amount` const RESERVE_MODE_ALL_BUT_AMOUNT = 1; /// +2: Actually set `min(amount, currentContractBalance)` (without this mode, if amount is greater, the action will fail) const RESERVE_MODE_AT_MOST = 2; /// +4: [amount] is increased by the _original_ balance of the current account (before the compute phase). const RESERVE_MODE_INCREASE_BY_ORIGINAL_BALANCE = 4; /// +8: Actually sets `amount = -amount` before performing any further actions. const RESERVE_MODE_NEGATE_AMOUNT = 8; /// +16: If this action fails, the transaction will be bounced. const RESERVE_MODE_BOUNCE_ON_ACTION_FAIL = 16; /// Creates an output action which would reserve Toncoins on balance. /// For [reserveMode] consider constants above. fun reserveToncoinsOnBalance(nanoTonCoins: int, reserveMode: int): void asm "RAWRESERVE"; /// Similar to [reserveToncoinsOnBalance], but also accepts a dictionary extraAmount (represented by a cell or null) /// with extra currencies. In this way currencies other than Toncoin can be reserved. fun reserveExtraCurrenciesOnBalance(nanoTonCoins: int, extraAmount: cell, reserveMode: int): void asm "RAWRESERVEX"; /** Messages sending and parsing primitives. Working with messages is low-level right now, but still, every contract should do that. `Message` structure, its header and so on are specified in TL-B scheme, particularly: int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool ... = CommonMsgInfo; */ /// 0b011000 tag - 0, ihr_disabled - 1, bounce - 1, bounced - 0, src = adr_none$00 const BOUNCEABLE = 0x18; /// 0b010000 tag - 0, ihr_disabled - 1, bounce - 0, bounced - 0, src = adr_none$00 const NON_BOUNCEABLE = 0x10; /// Load msgFlags from incoming message body (4 bits). @pure fun loadMessageFlags(mutate self: slice): int asm( -> 1 0) "4 LDU"; /// Having msgFlags (4 bits), check that a message is bounced. /// Effectively, it's `msgFlags & 1` (the lowest bit present). @pure fun isMessageBounced(msgFlags: int): bool asm "2 PUSHINT" "MODR"; /// Skip 0xFFFFFFFF prefix (when a message is bounced). @pure fun skipBouncedPrefix(mutate self: slice): self asm "32 PUSHINT" "SDSKIPFIRST"; /// The guideline recommends to start the body of an internal message with uint32 `op` and uint64 `queryId`. @pure fun loadMessageOp(mutate self: slice): int asm( -> 1 0) "32 LDU"; @pure fun skipMessageOp(mutate self: slice): self asm "32 PUSHINT" "SDSKIPFIRST"; @pure fun storeMessageOp(mutate self: builder, op: int): self asm(op self) "32 STU"; /// The guideline recommends that uint64 `queryId` should follow uint32 `op`. @pure fun loadMessageQueryId(mutate self: slice): int asm( -> 1 0) "64 LDU"; @pure fun skipMessageQueryId(mutate self: slice): self asm "64 PUSHINT" "SDSKIPFIRST"; @pure fun storeMessageQueryId(mutate self: builder, queryId: int): self asm(queryId self) "64 STU"; /// SEND MODES - https://docs.ton.org/tvm.pdf page 137, SENDRAWMSG /// mode = 0 is used for ordinary messages; the gas fees are deducted from the senging amount; action phaes should NOT be ignored. const SEND_MODE_REGULAR = 0; /// +1 means that the sender wants to pay transfer fees separately. const SEND_MODE_PAY_FEES_SEPARATELY = 1; /// +2 means that any errors arising while processing this message during the action phase should be ignored. const SEND_MODE_IGNORE_ERRORS = 2; /// in the case of action fail - bounce transaction. No effect if SEND_MODE_IGNORE_ERRORS (+2) is used. TVM UPGRADE 2023-07. https://docs.ton.org/learn/tvm-instructions/tvm-upgrade-2023-07#sending-messages const SEND_MODE_BOUNCE_ON_ACTION_FAIL = 16; /// mode = 32 means that the current account must be destroyed if its resulting balance is zero. const SEND_MODE_DESTROY = 32; /// mode = 64 is used for messages that carry all the remaining value of the inbound message in addition to the value initially indicated in the new message. const SEND_MODE_CARRY_ALL_REMAINING_MESSAGE_VALUE = 64; /// mode = 128 is used for messages that are to carry all the remaining balance of the current smart contract (instead of the value originally indicated in the message). const SEND_MODE_CARRY_ALL_BALANCE = 128; /// do not create an action, only estimate fee. TVM UPGRADE 2023-07. https://docs.ton.org/learn/tvm-instructions/tvm-upgrade-2023-07#sending-messages const SEND_MODE_ESTIMATE_FEE_ONLY = 1024; /// Other modes affect the fee calculation as follows: /// +64 substitutes the entire balance of the incoming message as an outcoming value (slightly inaccurate, gas expenses that cannot be estimated before the computation is completed are not taken into account). /// +128 substitutes the value of the entire balance of the contract before the start of the computation phase (slightly inaccurate, since gas expenses that cannot be estimated before the completion of the computation phase are not taken into account). /// Sends a raw message — a correctly serialized TL object `Message X`. /// For `mode`, see constants above (except SEND_MODE_ESTIMATE_FEE_ONLY). /// This function is still available, but deprecated: consider using [sendMessage]. @deprecated fun sendRawMessage(msg: cell, mode: int): void asm "SENDRAWMSG"; /// Creates an output action and returns a fee for creating a message. /// Mode has the same effect as in the case of SENDRAWMSG. /// For mode including SEND_MODE_ESTIMATE_FEE_ONLY it just returns estimated fee without sending a message. fun sendMessage(msg: cell, mode: int): int asm "SENDMSG";