#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ ! -z "$TEST" ]; then echo -e "Running simple validator-engine test..." validator-engine -h test $? -eq 2 || { echo "simple validator-engine test failed"; exit 1; } exit 0; fi # global config if [ ! -z "$GLOBAL_CONFIG_URL" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Downloading provided global config." wget -q $GLOBAL_CONFIG_URL -O /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m No global config provided, downloading mainnet default." wget -q https://api.tontech.io/ton/wallet-mainnet.autoconf.json -O /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config fi if [ -z "$VALIDATOR_PORT" ]; then VALIDATOR_PORT=30001 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default VALIDATOR_PORT $VALIDATOR_PORT udp" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using VALIDATOR_PORT $VALIDATOR_PORT udp" fi # Init local config with IP:PORT if [ ! -z "$PUBLIC_IP" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Using provided IP: $PUBLIC_IP:$VALIDATOR_PORT" else echo -e "\e[1;31m[!]\e[0m No PUBLIC_IP provided, exiting..." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "/var/ton-work/db/config.json" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Initializing validator-engine:" echo validator-engine -C /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config --db /var/ton-work/db --ip "$PUBLIC_IP:$VALIDATOR_PORT" validator-engine -C /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config --db /var/ton-work/db --ip "$PUBLIC_IP:$VALIDATOR_PORT" test $? -eq 0 || { echo "Cannot initialize validator-engine"; exit 2; } fi if [ ! -z "$DUMP_URL" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Using provided dump $DUMP_URL" if [ ! -f "dump_downloaded" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Downloading dump..." curl --retry 10 --retry-delay 30 -Ls $DUMP_URL | pv | plzip -d -n8 | tar -xC /var/ton-work/db touch dump_downloaded else echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Dump has been already used." fi fi if [ -z "$STATE_TTL" ]; then STATE_TTL=86400 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default STATE_TTL $STATE_TTL" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using STATE_TTL $STATE_TTL" fi if [ -z "$ARCHIVE_TTL" ]; then ARCHIVE_TTL=86400 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default ARCHIVE_TTL $ARCHIVE_TTL" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using ARCHIVE_TTL $ARCHIVE_TTL" fi if [ -z "$THREADS" ]; then THREADS=8 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default THREADS $THREADS" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using THREADS $THREADS" fi if [ -z "$VERBOSITY" ]; then VERBOSITY=3 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default VERBOSITY $VERBOSITY" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using VERBOSITY $VERBOSITY" fi if [ -z "$CONSOLE_PORT" ]; then CONSOLE_PORT=30002 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default CONSOLE_PORT $CONSOLE_PORT tcp" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using CONSOLE_PORT $CONSOLE_PORT tcp" fi # Generating server certificate if [ -f "./server" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Found existing server certificate, skipping" else echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Generating and installing server certificate for remote control" read -r SERVER_ID1 SERVER_ID2 <<< $(generate-random-id -m keys -n server) echo "Server IDs: $SERVER_ID1 $SERVER_ID2" cp server /var/ton-work/db/keyring/$SERVER_ID1 fi # Generating client certificate if [ -f "./client" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Found existing client certificate, skipping" else read -r CLIENT_ID1 CLIENT_ID2 <<< $(generate-random-id -m keys -n client) echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Generated client private certificate $CLIENT_ID1 $CLIENT_ID2" echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Generated client public certificate" # Adding client permissions sed -e "s/CONSOLE-PORT/\"$(printf "%q" $CONSOLE_PORT)\"/g" -e "s~SERVER-ID~\"$(printf "%q" $SERVER_ID2)\"~g" -e "s~CLIENT-ID~\"$(printf "%q" $CLIENT_ID2)\"~g" /var/ton-work/scripts/control.template > control.new sed -e "s~\"control\"\ \:\ \[~$(printf "%q" $(cat control.new))~g" /var/ton-work/db/config.json > config.json.new mv config.json.new /var/ton-work/db/config.json fi # Liteserver if [ -z "$LITESERVER" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Liteserver disabled" else if [ -f "./liteserver" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Found existing liteserver certificate, skipping" else echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Generating and installing liteserver certificate for remote control" read -r LITESERVER_ID1 LITESERVER_ID2 <<< $(generate-random-id -m keys -n liteserver) echo "Liteserver IDs: $LITESERVER_ID1 $LITESERVER_ID2" cp liteserver /var/ton-work/db/keyring/$LITESERVER_ID1 if [ -z "$LITE_PORT" ]; then LITE_PORT=30003 echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using default LITE_PORT $LITE_PORT tcp" else echo -e "\e[1;33m[=]\e[0m Using LITE_PORT $LITE_PORT tcp" fi LITESERVERS=$(printf "%q" "\"liteservers\":[{\"id\":\"$LITESERVER_ID2\",\"port\":\"$LITE_PORT\"}") sed -e "s~\"liteservers\"\ \:\ \[~$LITESERVERS~g" /var/ton-work/db/config.json > config.json.liteservers mv config.json.liteservers /var/ton-work/db/config.json fi fi echo -e "\e[1;32m[+]\e[0m Starting validator-engine:" echo validator-engine -c /var/ton-work/db/config.json -C /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config --db /var/ton-work/db --state-ttl $STATE_TTL --archive-ttl $ARCHIVE_TTL --threads $THREADS --verbosity $VERBOSITY $CUSTOM_ARG exec validator-engine -c /var/ton-work/db/config.json -C /var/ton-work/db/ton-global.config --db /var/ton-work/db --state-ttl $STATE_TTL --archive-ttl $ARCHIVE_TTL --threads $THREADS --verbosity $VERBOSITY $CUSTOM_ARG