/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . */ #include "tolk.h" #include "compiler-state.h" namespace tolk { /* * * ANALYZE AND PREPROCESS ABSTRACT CODE * */ void CodeBlob::simplify_var_types() { for (TmpVar& var : vars) { TypeExpr::remove_indirect(var.v_type); var.v_type->recompute_width(); } } int CodeBlob::split_vars(bool strict) { int n = var_cnt, changes = 0; for (int j = 0; j < var_cnt; j++) { TmpVar& var = vars[j]; if (strict && var.v_type->minw != var.v_type->maxw) { throw ParseError{var.where, "variable does not have fixed width, cannot manipulate it"}; } std::vector comp_types; int k = var.v_type->extract_components(comp_types); tolk_assert(k <= 254 && n <= 0x7fff00); tolk_assert((unsigned)k == comp_types.size()); if (k != 1) { var.coord = ~((n << 8) + k); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { auto v = create_var(comp_types[i], vars[j].sym_idx, vars[j].where); tolk_assert(v == n + i); tolk_assert(vars[v].idx == v); vars[v].coord = ((int)j << 8) + i + 1; } n += k; ++changes; } else if (strict && var.v_type->minw != 1) { throw ParseError{var.where, "cannot work with variable or variable component of width greater than one"}; } } if (!changes) { return 0; } for (auto& op : ops) { op.split_vars(vars); } return changes; } bool CodeBlob::compute_used_code_vars() { VarDescrList empty_var_info; return compute_used_code_vars(ops, empty_var_info, true); } bool CodeBlob::compute_used_code_vars(std::unique_ptr& ops_ptr, const VarDescrList& var_info, bool edit) const { tolk_assert(ops_ptr); if (!ops_ptr->next) { tolk_assert(ops_ptr->cl == Op::_Nop); return ops_ptr->set_var_info(var_info); } // here and below, bitwise | (not logical ||) are used to execute both left and right parts return static_cast(compute_used_code_vars(ops_ptr->next, var_info, edit)) | static_cast(ops_ptr->compute_used_vars(*this, edit)); } bool operator==(const VarDescrList& x, const VarDescrList& y) { if (x.size() != y.size()) { return false; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { if (x.list[i].idx != y.list[i].idx || x.list[i].flags != y.list[i].flags) { return false; } } return true; } bool same_values(const VarDescr& x, const VarDescr& y) { if (x.val != y.val || x.int_const.is_null() != y.int_const.is_null()) { return false; } if (x.int_const.not_null() && cmp(x.int_const, y.int_const) != 0) { return false; } return true; } bool same_values(const VarDescrList& x, const VarDescrList& y) { if (x.size() != y.size()) { return false; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { if (x.list[i].idx != y.list[i].idx || !same_values(x.list[i], y.list[i])) { return false; } } return true; } bool Op::set_var_info(const VarDescrList& new_var_info) { if (var_info == new_var_info) { return false; } var_info = new_var_info; return true; } bool Op::set_var_info(VarDescrList&& new_var_info) { if (var_info == new_var_info) { return false; } var_info = std::move(new_var_info); return true; } bool Op::set_var_info_except(const VarDescrList& new_var_info, const std::vector& var_list) { if (!var_list.size()) { return set_var_info(new_var_info); } VarDescrList tmp_info{new_var_info}; tmp_info -= var_list; return set_var_info(tmp_info); } bool Op::set_var_info_except(VarDescrList&& new_var_info, const std::vector& var_list) { if (var_list.size()) { new_var_info -= var_list; } return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info)); } std::vector sort_unique_vars(const std::vector& var_list) { std::vector vars{var_list}, unique_vars; std::sort(vars.begin(), vars.end()); vars.erase(std::unique(vars.begin(), vars.end()), vars.end()); return vars; } VarDescr* VarDescrList::operator[](var_idx_t idx) { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); return it != list.end() && it->idx == idx ? &*it : nullptr; } const VarDescr* VarDescrList::operator[](var_idx_t idx) const { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); return it != list.end() && it->idx == idx ? &*it : nullptr; } std::size_t VarDescrList::count(const std::vector idx_list) const { std::size_t res = 0; for (var_idx_t idx : idx_list) { if (operator[](idx)) { ++res; } } return res; } std::size_t VarDescrList::count_used(const std::vector idx_list) const { std::size_t res = 0; for (var_idx_t idx : idx_list) { auto v = operator[](idx); if (v && !v->is_unused()) { ++res; } } return res; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::operator-=(var_idx_t idx) { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); if (it != list.end() && it->idx == idx) { list.erase(it); } return *this; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::operator-=(const std::vector& idx_list) { for (var_idx_t idx : idx_list) { *this -= idx; } return *this; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::add_var(var_idx_t idx, bool unused) { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); if (it == list.end() || it->idx != idx) { list.emplace(it, idx, VarDescr::_Last | (unused ? VarDescr::_Unused : 0)); } else if (it->is_unused() && !unused) { it->clear_unused(); } return *this; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::add_vars(const std::vector& idx_list, bool unused) { for (var_idx_t idx : idx_list) { add_var(idx, unused); } return *this; } VarDescr& VarDescrList::add(var_idx_t idx) { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); if (it == list.end() || it->idx != idx) { it = list.emplace(it, idx); } return *it; } VarDescr& VarDescrList::add_newval(var_idx_t idx) { auto it = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), idx); if (it == list.end() || it->idx != idx) { return *list.emplace(it, idx); } else { it->clear_value(); return *it; } } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::clear_last() { for (auto& var : list) { if (var.flags & VarDescr::_Last) { var.flags &= ~VarDescr::_Last; } } return *this; } VarDescrList VarDescrList::operator+(const VarDescrList& y) const { VarDescrList res; auto it1 = list.cbegin(); auto it2 = y.list.cbegin(); while (it1 != list.cend() && it2 != y.list.cend()) { if (it1->idx < it2->idx) { res.list.push_back(*it1++); } else if (it1->idx > it2->idx) { res.list.push_back(*it2++); } else { res.list.push_back(*it1++); res.list.back() += *it2++; } } while (it1 != list.cend()) { res.list.push_back(*it1++); } while (it2 != y.list.cend()) { res.list.push_back(*it2++); } return res; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::operator+=(const VarDescrList& y) { return *this = *this + y; } VarDescrList VarDescrList::operator|(const VarDescrList& y) const { if (y.unreachable) { return *this; } if (unreachable) { return y; } VarDescrList res; auto it1 = list.cbegin(); auto it2 = y.list.cbegin(); while (it1 != list.cend() && it2 != y.list.cend()) { if (it1->idx < it2->idx) { it1++; } else if (it1->idx > it2->idx) { it2++; } else { res.list.push_back(*it1++); res.list.back() |= *it2++; } } return res; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::operator|=(const VarDescrList& y) { if (y.unreachable) { return *this; } else { return *this = *this | y; } } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::operator&=(const VarDescrList& values) { for (const VarDescr& vd : values.list) { VarDescr* item = operator[](vd.idx); if (item) { *item &= vd; } } unreachable |= values.unreachable; return *this; } VarDescrList& VarDescrList::import_values(const VarDescrList& values) { if (values.unreachable) { set_unreachable(); } else for (auto& vd : list) { auto new_vd = values[vd.idx]; if (new_vd) { vd.set_value(*new_vd); } else { vd.clear_value(); } } return *this; } bool Op::std_compute_used_vars(bool disabled) { // left = OP right // var_info := (var_info - left) + right VarDescrList new_var_info{next->var_info}; new_var_info -= left; new_var_info.clear_last(); if (args.size() == right.size() && !disabled) { for (const VarDescr& arg : args) { new_var_info.add_var(arg.idx, arg.is_unused()); } } else { new_var_info.add_vars(right, disabled); } return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info)); } bool Op::compute_used_vars(const CodeBlob& code, bool edit) { tolk_assert(next); const VarDescrList& next_var_info = next->var_info; if (cl == _Nop) { return set_var_info_except(next_var_info, left); } switch (cl) { case _IntConst: case _SliceConst: case _GlobVar: case _Call: case _CallInd: case _Tuple: case _UnTuple: { // left = EXEC right; if (!next_var_info.count_used(left) && !impure()) { // all variables in `left` are not needed if (edit) { set_disabled(); } return std_compute_used_vars(true); } return std_compute_used_vars(); } case _SetGlob: { // GLOB = right if (right.empty() && edit) { set_disabled(); } return std_compute_used_vars(right.empty()); } case _Let: { // left = right std::size_t cnt = next_var_info.count_used(left); tolk_assert(left.size() == right.size()); auto l_it = left.cbegin(), r_it = right.cbegin(); VarDescrList new_var_info{next_var_info}; new_var_info -= left; new_var_info.clear_last(); std::vector new_left, new_right; for (; l_it < left.cend(); ++l_it, ++r_it) { if (std::find(l_it + 1, left.cend(), *l_it) == left.cend()) { auto p = next_var_info[*l_it]; new_var_info.add_var(*r_it, edit && (!p || p->is_unused())); new_left.push_back(*l_it); new_right.push_back(*r_it); } } if (new_left.size() < left.size()) { left = std::move(new_left); right = std::move(new_right); } if (!cnt && edit) { // all variables in `left` are not needed set_disabled(); } return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info)); } case _Return: { // return left if (var_info.count(left) == left.size()) { return false; } std::vector unique_vars = sort_unique_vars(left); var_info.list.clear(); for (var_idx_t i : unique_vars) { var_info.list.emplace_back(i, VarDescr::_Last); } return true; } case _Import: { // import left std::vector unique_vars = sort_unique_vars(left); var_info.list.clear(); for (var_idx_t i : unique_vars) { var_info.list.emplace_back(i, next_var_info[i] ? 0 : VarDescr::_Last); } return true; } case _If: { // if (left) then block0 else block1 // VarDescrList nx_var_info = next_var_info; // nx_var_info.clear_last(); code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, next_var_info, edit); VarDescrList merge_info; if (block1) { code.compute_used_code_vars(block1, next_var_info, edit); merge_info = block0->var_info + block1->var_info; } else { merge_info = block0->var_info + next_var_info; } merge_info.clear_last(); merge_info += left; return set_var_info(std::move(merge_info)); } case _While: { // while (block0 || left) block1; // ... block0 left { block1 block0 left } next VarDescrList new_var_info{next_var_info}; bool changes = false; do { VarDescrList after_cond{new_var_info}; after_cond += left; code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, after_cond, changes); code.compute_used_code_vars(block1, block0->var_info, changes); std::size_t n = new_var_info.size(); new_var_info += block1->var_info; new_var_info.clear_last(); if (changes) { break; } changes = (new_var_info.size() == n); } while (changes <= edit); new_var_info += left; code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, new_var_info, edit); return set_var_info(block0->var_info); } case _Until: { // until (block0 || left); // .. { block0 left } block0 left next VarDescrList after_cond_first{next_var_info}; after_cond_first += left; code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, after_cond_first, false); VarDescrList new_var_info{block0->var_info}; bool changes = false; do { VarDescrList after_cond{new_var_info}; after_cond += next_var_info; after_cond += left; code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, after_cond, changes); std::size_t n = new_var_info.size(); new_var_info += block0->var_info; new_var_info.clear_last(); if (changes) { break; } changes = (new_var_info.size() == n); } while (changes <= edit); return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info) + next_var_info); } case _Repeat: { // repeat (left) block0 // left { block0 } next VarDescrList new_var_info{next_var_info}; bool changes = false; do { code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, new_var_info, changes); std::size_t n = new_var_info.size(); new_var_info += block0->var_info; new_var_info.clear_last(); if (changes) { break; } changes = (new_var_info.size() == n); } while (changes <= edit); tolk_assert(left.size() == 1); bool last = new_var_info.count_used(left) == 0; new_var_info += left; if (last) { new_var_info[left[0]]->flags |= VarDescr::_Last; } return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info)); } case _Again: { // for(;;) block0 // { block0 } VarDescrList new_var_info; bool changes = false; do { code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, new_var_info, changes); std::size_t n = new_var_info.size(); new_var_info += block0->var_info; new_var_info.clear_last(); if (changes) { break; } changes = (new_var_info.size() == n); } while (changes <= edit); return set_var_info(std::move(new_var_info)); } case _TryCatch: { code.compute_used_code_vars(block0, next_var_info, edit); code.compute_used_code_vars(block1, next_var_info, edit); VarDescrList merge_info = block0->var_info + block1->var_info + next_var_info; merge_info -= left; merge_info.clear_last(); return set_var_info(std::move(merge_info)); } default: std::cerr << "fatal: unknown operation in compute_used_vars()\n"; throw ParseError{where, "unknown operation"}; } } bool prune_unreachable(std::unique_ptr& ops) { if (!ops) { return true; } Op& op = *ops; if (op.cl == Op::_Nop) { if (op.next) { ops = std::move(op.next); return prune_unreachable(ops); } return true; } bool reach; switch (op.cl) { case Op::_IntConst: case Op::_SliceConst: case Op::_GlobVar: case Op::_SetGlob: case Op::_Call: case Op::_CallInd: case Op::_Tuple: case Op::_UnTuple: case Op::_Import: reach = true; break; case Op::_Let: { reach = true; break; } case Op::_Return: reach = false; break; case Op::_If: { // if left then block0 else block1; ... VarDescr* c_var = op.var_info[op.left[0]]; if (c_var && c_var->always_true()) { op.block0->last().next = std::move(op.next); ops = std::move(op.block0); return prune_unreachable(ops); } else if (c_var && c_var->always_false()) { op.block1->last().next = std::move(op.next); ops = std::move(op.block1); return prune_unreachable(ops); } else { reach = static_cast(prune_unreachable(op.block0)) | static_cast(prune_unreachable(op.block1)); } break; } case Op::_While: { // while (block0 || left) block1; if (!prune_unreachable(op.block0)) { // computation of block0 never returns ops = std::move(op.block0); return prune_unreachable(ops); } VarDescr* c_var = op.block0->last().var_info[op.left[0]]; if (c_var && c_var->always_false()) { // block1 never executed op.block0->last().next = std::move(op.next); ops = std::move(op.block0); return prune_unreachable(ops); } else if (c_var && c_var->always_true()) { if (!prune_unreachable(op.block1)) { // block1 never returns op.block0->last().next = std::move(op.block1); ops = std::move(op.block0); return false; } // infinite loop op.cl = Op::_Again; op.block0->last().next = std::move(op.block1); op.left.clear(); reach = false; } else { if (!prune_unreachable(op.block1)) { // block1 never returns, while equivalent to block0 ; if left then block1 else next op.cl = Op::_If; std::unique_ptr new_op = std::move(op.block0); op.block0 = std::move(op.block1); op.block1 = std::make_unique(op.next->where, Op::_Nop); new_op->last().next = std::move(ops); ops = std::move(new_op); } reach = true; // block1 may be never executed } break; } case Op::_Repeat: { // repeat (left) block0 VarDescr* c_var = op.var_info[op.left[0]]; if (c_var && c_var->always_nonpos()) { // loop never executed ops = std::move(op.next); return prune_unreachable(ops); } if (c_var && c_var->always_pos()) { if (!prune_unreachable(op.block0)) { // block0 executed at least once, and it never returns // replace code with block0 ops = std::move(op.block0); return false; } } else { prune_unreachable(op.block0); } reach = true; break; } case Op::_Until: case Op::_Again: { // do block0 until left; ... if (!prune_unreachable(op.block0)) { // block0 never returns, replace loop by block0 ops = std::move(op.block0); return false; } reach = (op.cl != Op::_Again); break; } case Op::_TryCatch: { reach = static_cast(prune_unreachable(op.block0)) | static_cast(prune_unreachable(op.block1)); break; } default: std::cerr << "fatal: unknown operation \n"; throw ParseError{op.where, "unknown operation in prune_unreachable()"}; } if (reach) { return prune_unreachable(op.next); } else { while (op.next->next) { op.next = std::move(op.next->next); } return false; } } void CodeBlob::prune_unreachable_code() { if (prune_unreachable(ops)) { throw ParseError{loc, "control reaches end of function"}; } } void CodeBlob::fwd_analyze() { VarDescrList values; tolk_assert(ops && ops->cl == Op::_Import); for (var_idx_t i : ops->left) { values += i; if (vars[i].v_type->is_int()) { values[i]->val |= VarDescr::_Int; } } ops->fwd_analyze(values); } void Op::prepare_args(VarDescrList values) { if (args.size() != right.size()) { args.clear(); for (var_idx_t i : right) { args.emplace_back(i); } } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < right.size(); i++) { const VarDescr* val = values[right[i]]; if (val) { args[i].set_value(*val); // args[i].clear_unused(); } else { args[i].clear_value(); } args[i].clear_unused(); } } VarDescrList Op::fwd_analyze(VarDescrList values) { var_info.import_values(values); switch (cl) { case _Nop: case _Import: break; case _Return: values.set_unreachable(); break; case _IntConst: { values.add_newval(left[0]).set_const(int_const); break; } case _SliceConst: { values.add_newval(left[0]).set_const(str_const); break; } case _Call: { prepare_args(values); auto func = dynamic_cast(fun_ref->value); if (func) { std::vector res; res.reserve(left.size()); for (var_idx_t i : left) { res.emplace_back(i); } AsmOpList tmp; func->compile(tmp, res, args, where); // abstract interpretation of res := f (args) int j = 0; for (var_idx_t i : left) { values.add_newval(i).set_value(res[j++]); } } else { for (var_idx_t i : left) { values.add_newval(i); } } break; } case _Tuple: case _UnTuple: case _GlobVar: case _CallInd: { for (var_idx_t i : left) { values.add_newval(i); } break; } case _SetGlob: break; case _Let: { std::vector old_val; tolk_assert(left.size() == right.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < right.size(); i++) { const VarDescr* ov = values[right[i]]; if (!ov && G.is_verbosity(5)) { std::cerr << "FATAL: error in assignment at right component #" << i << " (no value for _" << right[i] << ")" << std::endl; for (auto x : left) { std::cerr << '_' << x << " "; } std::cerr << "= "; for (auto x : right) { std::cerr << '_' << x << " "; } std::cerr << std::endl; } // tolk_assert(ov); if (ov) { old_val.push_back(*ov); } else { old_val.emplace_back(); } } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { values.add_newval(left[i]).set_value(std::move(old_val[i])); } break; } case _If: { VarDescrList val1 = block0->fwd_analyze(values); VarDescrList val2 = block1 ? block1->fwd_analyze(std::move(values)) : std::move(values); values = val1 | val2; break; } case _Repeat: { bool atl1 = (values[left[0]] && values[left[0]]->always_pos()); VarDescrList next_values = block0->fwd_analyze(values); while (true) { VarDescrList new_values = values | next_values; if (same_values(new_values, values)) { break; } values = std::move(new_values); next_values = block0->fwd_analyze(values); } if (atl1) { values = std::move(next_values); } break; } case _While: { auto values0 = values; values = block0->fwd_analyze(values); if (values[left[0]] && values[left[0]]->always_false()) { // block1 never executed block1->fwd_analyze(values); break; } while (true) { VarDescrList next_values = values | block0->fwd_analyze(values0 | block1->fwd_analyze(values)); if (same_values(next_values, values)) { break; } values = std::move(next_values); } break; } case _Until: case _Again: { while (true) { VarDescrList next_values = values | block0->fwd_analyze(values); if (same_values(next_values, values)) { break; } values = std::move(next_values); } values = block0->fwd_analyze(values); break; } case _TryCatch: { VarDescrList val1 = block0->fwd_analyze(values); VarDescrList val2 = block1->fwd_analyze(std::move(values)); values = val1 | val2; break; } default: std::cerr << "fatal: unknown operation \n"; throw ParseError{where, "unknown operation in fwd_analyze()"}; } if (next) { return next->fwd_analyze(std::move(values)); } else { return values; } } void Op::set_disabled(bool flag) { if (flag) { flags |= _Disabled; } else { flags &= ~_Disabled; } } bool Op::set_noreturn(bool flag) { if (flag) { flags |= _NoReturn; } else { flags &= ~_NoReturn; } return flag; } void Op::set_impure(const CodeBlob &code) { // todo calling this function with `code` is a bad design (flags are assigned after Op is constructed) // later it's better to check this somewhere in code.emplace_back() if (code.flags & CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure) { throw ParseError(where, "an impure operation in a pure function"); } flags |= _Impure; } void Op::set_impure(const CodeBlob &code, bool flag) { if (flag) { if (code.flags & CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure) { throw ParseError(where, "an impure operation in a pure function"); } flags |= _Impure; } else { flags &= ~_Impure; } } bool Op::mark_noreturn() { switch (cl) { case _Nop: if (!next) { return set_noreturn(false); } // fallthrough case _Import: case _IntConst: case _SliceConst: case _Let: case _Tuple: case _UnTuple: case _SetGlob: case _GlobVar: case _CallInd: case _Call: return set_noreturn(next->mark_noreturn()); case _Return: return set_noreturn(); case _If: case _TryCatch: // note, that & | (not && ||) here and below is mandatory to invoke both left and right calls return set_noreturn((static_cast(block0->mark_noreturn()) & static_cast(block1 && block1->mark_noreturn())) | static_cast(next->mark_noreturn())); case _Again: block0->mark_noreturn(); return set_noreturn(); case _Until: return set_noreturn(static_cast(block0->mark_noreturn()) | static_cast(next->mark_noreturn())); case _While: block1->mark_noreturn(); return set_noreturn(static_cast(block0->mark_noreturn()) | static_cast(next->mark_noreturn())); case _Repeat: block0->mark_noreturn(); return set_noreturn(next->mark_noreturn()); default: std::cerr << "fatal: unknown operation \n"; throw ParseError{where, "unknown operation in mark_noreturn()"}; } } void CodeBlob::mark_noreturn() { ops->mark_noreturn(); } } // namespace tolk