/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "common/refcnt.hpp" #include "vm/cellslice.h" #include "vm/stack.hpp" #include "vm/vmstate.h" #include "vm/log.h" #include "vm/continuation.h" #include "td/utils/HashSet.h" #include "td/utils/optional.h" namespace vm { using td::Ref; struct GasLimits { static constexpr long long infty = (1ULL << 63) - 1; long long gas_max, gas_limit, gas_credit, gas_remaining, gas_base; GasLimits() : gas_max(infty), gas_limit(infty), gas_credit(0), gas_remaining(infty), gas_base(infty) { } GasLimits(long long _limit, long long _max = infty, long long _credit = 0) : gas_max(_max) , gas_limit(_limit) , gas_credit(_credit) , gas_remaining(_limit + _credit) , gas_base(gas_remaining) { } long long gas_consumed() const { return gas_base - gas_remaining; } void set_limits(long long _max, long long _limit, long long _credit = 0); void change_base(long long _base) { gas_remaining += _base - gas_base; gas_base = _base; } void change_limit(long long _limit); void consume(long long amount) { // LOG(DEBUG) << "consume " << amount << " gas (" << gas_remaining << " remaining)"; gas_remaining -= amount; } bool try_consume(long long amount) { // LOG(DEBUG) << "try consume " << amount << " gas (" << gas_remaining << " remaining)"; return (gas_remaining -= amount) >= 0; } void gas_exception() const; void gas_exception(bool cond) const { if (!cond) { gas_exception(); } } void consume_chk(long long amount) { gas_exception(try_consume(amount)); } void check() const { gas_exception(gas_remaining >= 0); } bool final_ok() const { return gas_remaining >= gas_credit; } }; struct CommittedState { Ref c4, c5; bool committed{false}; }; struct ParentVmState; class VmState final : public VmStateInterface { Ref code; Ref stack; ControlRegs cr; CommittedState cstate; int cp; long long steps{0}; const DispatchTable* dispatch; Ref quit0, quit1; VmLog log; GasLimits gas; std::vector> libraries; td::HashSet loaded_cells; int stack_trace{0}, debug_off{0}; bool chksig_always_succeed{false}; bool stop_on_accept_message{false}; td::optional missing_library; td::uint16 max_data_depth = 512; // Default value int global_version{0}; size_t chksgn_counter = 0; std::unique_ptr parent = nullptr; public: enum { cell_load_gas_price = 100, cell_reload_gas_price = 25, cell_create_gas_price = 500, exception_gas_price = 50, tuple_entry_gas_price = 1, implicit_jmpref_gas_price = 10, implicit_ret_gas_price = 5, free_stack_depth = 32, stack_entry_gas_price = 1, runvm_gas_price = 40, hash_ext_entry_gas_price = 1, free_nested_cont_jump = 8, rist255_mul_gas_price = 2000, rist255_mulbase_gas_price = 750, rist255_add_gas_price = 600, rist255_fromhash_gas_price = 600, rist255_validate_gas_price = 200, ecrecover_gas_price = 1500, secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_tweak_add_gas_price = 1250, chksgn_free_count = 10, chksgn_gas_price = 4000, p256_chksgn_gas_price = 3500, bls_verify_gas_price = 61000, bls_aggregate_base_gas_price = -2650, bls_aggregate_element_gas_price = 4350, bls_fast_aggregate_verify_base_gas_price = 58000, bls_fast_aggregate_verify_element_gas_price = 3000, bls_aggregate_verify_base_gas_price = 38500, bls_aggregate_verify_element_gas_price = 22500, bls_g1_add_sub_gas_price = 3900, bls_g1_neg_gas_price = 750, bls_g1_mul_gas_price = 5200, bls_map_to_g1_gas_price = 2350, bls_g1_in_group_gas_price = 2950, bls_g2_add_sub_gas_price = 6100, bls_g2_neg_gas_price = 1550, bls_g2_mul_gas_price = 10550, bls_map_to_g2_gas_price = 7950, bls_g2_in_group_gas_price = 4250, // multiexp gas = base + n * coef1 + n/floor(max(log2(n), 4)) * coef2 bls_g1_multiexp_base_gas_price = 11375, bls_g1_multiexp_coef1_gas_price = 630, bls_g1_multiexp_coef2_gas_price = 8820, bls_g2_multiexp_base_gas_price = 30388, bls_g2_multiexp_coef1_gas_price = 1280, bls_g2_multiexp_coef2_gas_price = 22840, bls_pairing_base_gas_price = 20000, bls_pairing_element_gas_price = 11800 }; VmState(); VmState(Ref _code); VmState(Ref _code, Ref _stack, int flags = 0, Ref _data = {}, VmLog log = {}, std::vector> _libraries = {}, Ref init_c7 = {}); VmState(Ref _code, Ref _stack, const GasLimits& _gas, int flags = 0, Ref _data = {}, VmLog log = {}, std::vector> _libraries = {}, Ref init_c7 = {}); template VmState(Ref code_cell, Args&&... args) : VmState(convert_code_cell(std::move(code_cell)), std::forward(args)...) { } VmState(const VmState&) = delete; VmState(VmState&&) = default; VmState& operator=(const VmState&) = delete; VmState& operator=(VmState&&) = default; bool set_gas_limits(long long _max, long long _limit, long long _credit = 0); bool final_gas_ok() const { return gas.final_ok(); } long long gas_consumed() const { return gas.gas_consumed(); } bool committed() const { return cstate.committed; } const CommittedState& get_committed_state() const { return cstate; } void consume_gas_chk(long long amount) { gas.consume_chk(amount); } void consume_gas(long long amount) { if (global_version >= 4) { gas.consume_chk(amount); } else { gas.consume(amount); } } void consume_tuple_gas(unsigned tuple_len) { consume_gas(tuple_len * tuple_entry_gas_price); } void consume_tuple_gas(const Ref& tup) { if (tup.not_null()) { consume_tuple_gas((unsigned)tup->size()); } } void consume_stack_gas(unsigned stack_depth) { consume_gas((std::max(stack_depth, (unsigned)free_stack_depth) - free_stack_depth) * stack_entry_gas_price); } void consume_stack_gas(const Ref& stk) { if (stk.not_null()) { consume_stack_gas((unsigned)stk->depth()); } } GasLimits get_gas_limits() const { return gas; } void change_gas_limit(long long new_limit); template void check_underflow(Args... args) { stack->check_underflow(args...); } bool register_library_collection(Ref lib); Ref load_library( td::ConstBitPtr hash) override; // may throw a dictionary exception; returns nullptr if library is not found void register_cell_load(const CellHash& cell_hash) override; void register_cell_create() override; bool init_cp(int new_cp); bool set_cp(int new_cp); void force_cp(int new_cp); int get_cp() const { return cp; } int incr_stack_trace(int v) { return stack_trace += v; } long long get_steps_count() const { return steps; } td::BitArray<256> get_state_hash() const; td::BitArray<256> get_final_state_hash(int exit_code) const; int step(); int run(); Stack& get_stack() { return stack.write(); } const Stack& get_stack_const() const { return *stack; } Ref get_stack_ref() const { return stack; } Ref get_c0() const { return cr.c[0]; } Ref get_c1() const { return cr.c[1]; } Ref get_c2() const { return cr.c[2]; } Ref get_c3() const { return cr.c[3]; } Ref get_c4() const { return cr.d[0]; } Ref get_c7() const { return cr.c7; } Ref get_c(unsigned idx) const { return cr.get_c(idx); } Ref get_d(unsigned idx) const { return cr.get_d(idx); } StackEntry get(unsigned idx) const { return cr.get(idx); } const VmLog& get_log() const { return log; } void define_c0(Ref cont) { cr.define_c0(std::move(cont)); } void set_c0(Ref cont) { cr.set_c0(std::move(cont)); } void set_c1(Ref cont) { cr.set_c1(std::move(cont)); } void set_c2(Ref cont) { cr.set_c2(std::move(cont)); } bool set_c(unsigned idx, Ref val) { return cr.set_c(idx, std::move(val)); } bool set_d(unsigned idx, Ref val) { return cr.set_d(idx, std::move(val)); } void set_c4(Ref val) { cr.set_c4(std::move(val)); } bool set_c7(Ref val) { return cr.set_c7(std::move(val)); } bool set(unsigned idx, StackEntry val) { return cr.set(idx, std::move(val)); } void set_stack(Ref new_stk) { stack = std::move(new_stk); } Ref swap_stack(Ref new_stk) { stack.swap(new_stk); return new_stk; } void ensure_throw(bool cond) const { if (!cond) { fatal(); } } void set_code(Ref _code, int _cp) { code = std::move(_code); force_cp(_cp); } Ref get_code() const { return code; } void push_code() { get_stack().push_cellslice(get_code()); } void adjust_cr(const ControlRegs& save) { cr ^= save; } void adjust_cr(ControlRegs&& save) { cr ^= save; } void preclear_cr(const ControlRegs& save) { cr &= save; } int get_global_version() const override { return global_version; } void set_global_version(int version) { global_version = version; } int call(Ref cont); int call(Ref cont, int pass_args, int ret_args = -1); int jump(Ref cont); int jump(Ref cont, int pass_args); int ret(); int ret(int ret_args); int ret_alt(); int ret_alt(int ret_args); int repeat(Ref body, Ref after, long long count); int again(Ref body); int until(Ref body, Ref after); int loop_while(Ref cond, Ref body, Ref after); int throw_exception(int excno, StackEntry&& arg); int throw_exception(int excno); Ref extract_cc(int save_cr = 1, int stack_copy = -1, int cc_args = -1); Ref c1_envelope(Ref cont, bool save = true); Ref c1_envelope_if(bool cond, Ref cont, bool save = true) { return cond ? c1_envelope(std::move(cont), save) : std::move(cont); } void c1_save_set(bool save = true); void fatal() const { throw VmFatal{}; } int jump_to(Ref cont) { int res = 0, cnt = 0; while (cont.not_null()) { cont = cont->is_unique() ? cont.unique_write().jump_w(this, res) : cont->jump(this, res); cnt++; if (cnt > free_nested_cont_jump && global_version >= 9) { consume_gas(1); } } return res; } static Ref convert_code_cell(Ref code_cell); bool try_commit(); void force_commit(); void set_chksig_always_succeed(bool flag) { chksig_always_succeed = flag; } bool get_chksig_always_succeed() const { return chksig_always_succeed; } void set_stop_on_accept_message(bool flag) { stop_on_accept_message = flag; } bool get_stop_on_accept_message() const { return stop_on_accept_message; } Ref ref_to_cont(Ref cell) const { return td::make_ref(load_cell_slice_ref(std::move(cell)), get_cp()); } td::optional get_missing_library() const { return missing_library; } void set_max_data_depth(td::uint16 depth) { max_data_depth = depth; } void run_child_vm(VmState&& new_state, bool return_data, bool return_actions, bool return_gas, bool isolate_gas, int ret_vals); void restore_parent_vm(int res); void register_chksgn_call() { if (global_version >= 4) { ++chksgn_counter; if (chksgn_counter > chksgn_free_count) { consume_gas(chksgn_gas_price); } } } private: void init_cregs(bool same_c3 = false, bool push_0 = true); int run_inner(); }; struct ParentVmState { VmState state; bool return_data, return_actions, return_gas, isolate_gas; int ret_vals; }; int run_vm_code(Ref _code, Ref& _stack, int flags = 0, Ref* data_ptr = nullptr, VmLog log = {}, long long* steps = nullptr, GasLimits* gas_limits = nullptr, std::vector> libraries = {}, Ref init_c7 = {}, Ref* actions_ptr = nullptr, int global_version = 0); int run_vm_code(Ref _code, Stack& _stack, int flags = 0, Ref* data_ptr = nullptr, VmLog log = {}, long long* steps = nullptr, GasLimits* gas_limits = nullptr, std::vector> libraries = {}, Ref init_c7 = {}, Ref* actions_ptr = nullptr, int global_version = 0); Ref lookup_library_in(td::ConstBitPtr key, Ref lib_root); td::Status init_vm(bool enable_debug = false); } // namespace vm