/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "common/refcnt.hpp" #include "common/refint.h" #include "vm/cells.h" #include "vm/cellslice.h" #include "vm/dict.h" #include "vm/boc.h" #include #include "tl/tlblib.hpp" #include "td/utils/bits.h" #include "ton/ton-types.h" #include "block/block.h" #include "block/mc-config.h" namespace block { using td::Ref; using LtCellRef = std::pair>; struct Account; namespace transaction { struct Transaction; } // namespace transaction struct CollatorError { std::string msg; CollatorError(std::string _msg) : msg(_msg) { } CollatorError(const char* _msg) : msg(_msg) { } std::string get_msg() const { return msg; } }; static inline bool operator<(const LtCellRef& a, const LtCellRef& b) { return a.first < b.first; } struct LtCellCompare { bool operator()(const LtCellRef& a, const LtCellRef& b) { return a.first < b.first; } }; struct NewOutMsg { ton::LogicalTime lt; Ref msg; Ref trans; NewOutMsg(ton::LogicalTime _lt, Ref _msg, Ref _trans) : lt(_lt), msg(std::move(_msg)), trans(std::move(_trans)) { } bool operator<(const NewOutMsg& other) const& { return lt < other.lt || (lt == other.lt && msg->get_hash() < other.msg->get_hash()); } bool operator>(const NewOutMsg& other) const& { return lt > other.lt || (lt == other.lt && other.msg->get_hash() < msg->get_hash()); } }; struct StoragePhaseConfig { const std::vector* pricing{nullptr}; td::RefInt256 freeze_due_limit; td::RefInt256 delete_due_limit; StoragePhaseConfig() = default; StoragePhaseConfig(const std::vector* _pricing, td::RefInt256 freeze_limit = {}, td::RefInt256 delete_limit = {}) : pricing(_pricing), freeze_due_limit(freeze_limit), delete_due_limit(delete_limit) { } }; struct StoragePhase { td::RefInt256 fees_collected; td::RefInt256 fees_due; ton::UnixTime last_paid_updated; bool frozen{false}; bool deleted{false}; bool is_special{false}; }; struct ComputePhaseConfig { td::uint64 gas_price; td::uint64 gas_limit; td::uint64 special_gas_limit; td::uint64 gas_credit; td::uint64 flat_gas_limit = 0; td::uint64 flat_gas_price = 0; static constexpr td::uint64 gas_infty = (1ULL << 63) - 1; td::RefInt256 gas_price256; td::RefInt256 max_gas_threshold; std::unique_ptr libraries; Ref global_config; td::BitArray<256> block_rand_seed; bool ignore_chksig{false}; bool with_vm_log{false}; td::uint16 max_vm_data_depth = 512; std::unique_ptr suspended_addresses; int vm_log_verbosity = 0; ComputePhaseConfig(td::uint64 _gas_price = 0, td::uint64 _gas_limit = 0, td::uint64 _gas_credit = 0) : gas_price(_gas_price), gas_limit(_gas_limit), special_gas_limit(_gas_limit), gas_credit(_gas_credit) { compute_threshold(); } ComputePhaseConfig(td::uint64 _gas_price, td::uint64 _gas_limit, td::uint64 _spec_gas_limit, td::uint64 _gas_credit) : gas_price(_gas_price), gas_limit(_gas_limit), special_gas_limit(_spec_gas_limit), gas_credit(_gas_credit) { compute_threshold(); } void compute_threshold(); td::uint64 gas_bought_for(td::RefInt256 nanograms) const; td::RefInt256 compute_gas_price(td::uint64 gas_used) const; void set_gas_price(td::uint64 _gas_price) { gas_price = _gas_price; compute_threshold(); } Ref lookup_library(td::ConstBitPtr key) const; Ref lookup_library(const td::Bits256& key) const { return lookup_library(key.bits()); } Ref get_lib_root() const { return libraries ? libraries->get_root_cell() : Ref{}; } bool parse_GasLimitsPrices(Ref cs, td::RefInt256& freeze_due_limit, td::RefInt256& delete_due_limit); bool parse_GasLimitsPrices(Ref cell, td::RefInt256& freeze_due_limit, td::RefInt256& delete_due_limit); bool is_address_suspended(ton::WorkchainId wc, td::Bits256 addr) const; private: bool parse_GasLimitsPrices_internal(Ref cs, td::RefInt256& freeze_due_limit, td::RefInt256& delete_due_limit, td::uint64 flat_gas_limit = 0, td::uint64 flat_gas_price = 0); }; struct ActionPhaseConfig { int max_actions{255}; int bounce_msg_body{0}; // usually 0 or 256 bits MsgPrices fwd_std; MsgPrices fwd_mc; // from/to masterchain SizeLimitsConfig size_limits; const WorkchainSet* workchains{nullptr}; const MsgPrices& fetch_msg_prices(bool is_masterchain) const { return is_masterchain ? fwd_mc : fwd_std; } }; struct CreditPhase { td::RefInt256 due_fees_collected; block::CurrencyCollection credit; }; struct ComputePhase { enum { sk_none, sk_no_state, sk_bad_state, sk_no_gas, sk_suspended }; int skip_reason{sk_none}; bool success{false}; bool msg_state_used{false}; bool account_activated{false}; bool out_of_gas{false}; bool accepted{false}; td::RefInt256 gas_fees; td::uint64 gas_used, gas_max, gas_limit, gas_credit; int mode; int exit_code; int exit_arg; int vm_steps; ton::Bits256 vm_init_state_hash, vm_final_state_hash; Ref in_msg; Ref new_data; Ref actions; std::string vm_log; }; struct ActionPhase { bool success{false}; bool valid{false}; bool no_funds{false}; bool code_changed{false}; bool action_list_invalid{false}; bool acc_delete_req{false}; bool state_exceeds_limits{false}; enum { acst_unchanged = 0, acst_frozen = 2, acst_deleted = 3 }; int acc_status_change{acst_unchanged}; td::RefInt256 total_fwd_fees; // all fees debited from the account td::RefInt256 total_action_fees; // fees credited to validators in this action phase int result_code; int result_arg; int tot_actions; int spec_actions; int skipped_actions; int msgs_created; Ref new_code; td::BitArray<256> action_list_hash; block::CurrencyCollection remaining_balance, reserved_balance; std::vector> action_list; // processed in reverse order std::vector> out_msgs; ton::LogicalTime end_lt; unsigned long long tot_msg_bits{0}, tot_msg_cells{0}; }; struct BouncePhase { bool ok{false}; bool nofunds{false}; unsigned long long msg_bits, msg_cells; unsigned long long fwd_fees, fwd_fees_collected; Ref out_msg; }; struct Account { enum { acc_nonexist = 0, acc_uninit = 1, acc_frozen = 2, acc_active = 3, acc_deleted = 4 }; int status{acc_nonexist}, orig_status{acc_nonexist}; bool is_special{false}; bool tick{false}; bool tock{false}; bool split_depth_set_{false}; unsigned char split_depth_{0}; int verbosity{3 * 0}; ton::UnixTime now_{0}; ton::WorkchainId workchain{ton::workchainInvalid}; td::BitArray<32> addr_rewrite; // rewrite (anycast) data, split_depth bits ton::StdSmcAddress addr; // rewritten address (by replacing a prefix of `addr_orig` with `addr_rewrite`); it is the key in ShardAccounts ton::StdSmcAddress addr_orig; // address indicated in smart-contract data (must coincide with hash of StateInit) Ref my_addr; // address as stored in the smart contract (MsgAddressInt); corresponds to `addr_orig` + anycast info Ref my_addr_exact; // exact address without anycast info; corresponds to `addr` and has no anycast (rewrite) info ton::LogicalTime last_trans_end_lt_; ton::LogicalTime last_trans_lt_; ton::Bits256 last_trans_hash_; ton::LogicalTime block_lt; ton::UnixTime last_paid; vm::CellStorageStat storage_stat; block::CurrencyCollection balance; td::RefInt256 due_payment; Ref orig_total_state; // ^Account Ref total_state; // ^Account Ref storage; // AccountStorage Ref inner_state; // StateInit ton::Bits256 state_hash; // hash of StateInit for frozen accounts Ref code, data, library, orig_library; std::vector transactions; Account() = default; Account(ton::WorkchainId wc, td::ConstBitPtr _addr) : workchain(wc), addr(_addr) { } Account(ton::WorkchainId wc, td::ConstBitPtr _addr, int depth) : split_depth_set_(true), split_depth_((unsigned char)depth), workchain(wc), addr(_addr) { } block::CurrencyCollection get_balance() const { return balance; } bool set_address(ton::WorkchainId wc, td::ConstBitPtr new_addr); bool unpack(Ref account, Ref extra, ton::UnixTime now, bool special = false); bool init_new(ton::UnixTime now); bool deactivate(); bool recompute_tmp_addr(Ref& tmp_addr, int split_depth, td::ConstBitPtr orig_addr_rewrite) const; td::RefInt256 compute_storage_fees(ton::UnixTime now, const std::vector& pricing) const; bool is_masterchain() const { return workchain == ton::masterchainId; } bool belongs_to_shard(ton::ShardIdFull shard) const; bool store_acc_status(vm::CellBuilder& cb, int status) const; bool store_acc_status(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const { return store_acc_status(cb, status); } void push_transaction(Ref trans_root, ton::LogicalTime trans_lt); bool libraries_changed() const; bool create_account_block(vm::CellBuilder& cb); // stores an AccountBlock with all transactions protected: friend struct transaction::Transaction; bool set_split_depth(int split_depth); bool check_split_depth(int split_depth) const; bool forget_split_depth(); bool init_rewrite_addr(int split_depth, td::ConstBitPtr orig_addr_rewrite); private: bool unpack_address(vm::CellSlice& addr_cs); bool unpack_storage_info(vm::CellSlice& cs); bool unpack_state(vm::CellSlice& cs); bool parse_maybe_anycast(vm::CellSlice& cs); bool store_maybe_anycast(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const; bool compute_my_addr(bool force = false); }; namespace transaction { struct Transaction { static constexpr unsigned max_allowed_merkle_depth = 2; enum { tr_none, tr_ord, tr_storage, tr_tick, tr_tock, tr_split_prepare, tr_split_install, tr_merge_prepare, tr_merge_install }; int trans_type{tr_none}; bool was_deleted{false}; bool was_frozen{false}; bool was_activated{false}; bool was_created{false}; bool bounce_enabled{false}; bool in_msg_extern{false}; bool use_msg_state{false}; bool is_first{false}; bool orig_addr_rewrite_set{false}; bool new_tick; bool new_tock; signed char new_split_depth{-1}; ton::UnixTime now; int acc_status; int verbosity{3 * 0}; int in_msg_type{0}; const Account& account; // only `commit` method modifies the account Ref my_addr, my_addr_exact; // almost the same as in account.* ton::LogicalTime start_lt, end_lt; block::CurrencyCollection balance, original_balance; block::CurrencyCollection msg_balance_remaining; td::RefInt256 due_payment; td::RefInt256 in_fwd_fee, msg_fwd_fees; block::CurrencyCollection total_fees{0}; ton::UnixTime last_paid; Ref root; Ref new_total_state; Ref new_storage; Ref new_inner_state; Ref new_code, new_data, new_library; Ref in_msg, in_msg_state; Ref in_msg_body; Ref in_msg_library; td::BitArray<256> frozen_hash; td::BitArray<32> orig_addr_rewrite; std::vector> out_msgs; std::unique_ptr storage_phase; std::unique_ptr credit_phase; std::unique_ptr compute_phase; std::unique_ptr action_phase; std::unique_ptr bounce_phase; vm::CellStorageStat new_storage_stat; Transaction(const Account& _account, int ttype, ton::LogicalTime req_start_lt, ton::UnixTime _now, Ref _inmsg = {}); bool unpack_input_msg(bool ihr_delivered, const ActionPhaseConfig* cfg); bool check_in_msg_state_hash(); bool prepare_storage_phase(const StoragePhaseConfig& cfg, bool force_collect = true, bool adjust_msg_value = false); bool prepare_credit_phase(); bool compute_gas_limits(ComputePhase& cp, const ComputePhaseConfig& cfg); Ref prepare_vm_stack(ComputePhase& cp); std::vector> compute_vm_libraries(const ComputePhaseConfig& cfg); bool prepare_compute_phase(const ComputePhaseConfig& cfg); bool prepare_action_phase(const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); td::Status check_state_limits(const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); bool prepare_bounce_phase(const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); bool compute_state(); bool serialize(); td::uint64 gas_used() const { return compute_phase ? compute_phase->gas_used : 0; } td::Result estimate_block_storage_profile_incr( const vm::NewCellStorageStat& store_stat, const vm::CellUsageTree* usage_tree) const; bool update_block_storage_profile(vm::NewCellStorageStat& store_stat, const vm::CellUsageTree* usage_tree) const; bool would_fit(unsigned cls, const block::BlockLimitStatus& blk_lim_st) const; bool update_limits(block::BlockLimitStatus& blk_lim_st, bool with_size = true) const; Ref commit(Account& _account); // _account should point to the same account LtCellRef extract_out_msg(unsigned i); NewOutMsg extract_out_msg_ext(unsigned i); void extract_out_msgs(std::vector& list); private: Ref prepare_vm_c7(const ComputePhaseConfig& cfg) const; bool prepare_rand_seed(td::BitArray<256>& rand_seed, const ComputePhaseConfig& cfg) const; int try_action_set_code(vm::CellSlice& cs, ActionPhase& ap, const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); int try_action_change_library(vm::CellSlice& cs, ActionPhase& ap, const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); int try_action_send_msg(const vm::CellSlice& cs, ActionPhase& ap, const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg, int redoing = 0); int try_action_reserve_currency(vm::CellSlice& cs, ActionPhase& ap, const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg); bool check_replace_src_addr(Ref& src_addr) const; bool check_rewrite_dest_addr(Ref& dest_addr, const ActionPhaseConfig& cfg, bool* is_mc = nullptr) const; bool serialize_storage_phase(vm::CellBuilder& cb); bool serialize_credit_phase(vm::CellBuilder& cb); bool serialize_compute_phase(vm::CellBuilder& cb); bool serialize_action_phase(vm::CellBuilder& cb); bool serialize_bounce_phase(vm::CellBuilder& cb); bool unpack_msg_state(bool lib_only = false); }; } // namespace transaction struct FetchConfigParams { static td::Status fetch_config_params(const block::Config& config, Ref* old_mparams, std::vector* storage_prices, StoragePhaseConfig* storage_phase_cfg, td::BitArray<256>* rand_seed, ComputePhaseConfig* compute_phase_cfg, ActionPhaseConfig* action_phase_cfg, td::RefInt256* masterchain_create_fee, td::RefInt256* basechain_create_fee, ton::WorkchainId wc, ton::UnixTime now); }; } // namespace block