/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "tl_json_converter.h" #include "td/tl/tl_simple.h" #include "td/utils/buffer.h" #include "td/utils/filesystem.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h" #include namespace td { namespace { std::string tl_name = "ton_api"; } template void gen_to_json_constructor(StringBuilder &sb, const T *constructor, bool is_header) { sb << "void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, " << "const " << tl_name << "::" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(constructor->name) << " &object)"; if (is_header) { sb << ";\n"; return; } sb << " {\n"; sb << " auto jo = jv.enter_object();\n"; sb << " jo << ctie(\"@type\", \"" << constructor->name << "\");\n"; for (auto &arg : constructor->args) { auto field = tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name); // TODO: or as null bool is_custom = arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Custom; if (is_custom) { sb << " if (object." << field << ") {\n "; } auto object = PSTRING() << "object." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name); if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes) { object = PSTRING() << "JsonBytes{" << object << "}"; } else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Int64) { object = PSTRING() << "JsonInt64{" << object << "}"; } else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector && (arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes)) { object = PSTRING() << "JsonVectorBytes(" << object << ")"; } else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector && arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Int64) { object = PSTRING() << "JsonVectorInt64{" << object << "}"; } sb << " jo << ctie(\"" << arg.name << "\", ToJson(" << object << "));\n"; if (is_custom) { sb << " }\n"; } } sb << "}\n"; } void gen_to_json(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) { for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) { if (custom_type->constructors.size() > 1) { auto type_name = tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(custom_type->name); sb << "void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const " << tl_name << "::" << type_name << " &object)"; if (is_header) { sb << ";\n"; } else { sb << " {\n" << " " << tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast<" << tl_name << "::" << type_name << " &>(object), [&jv](const auto &object) { " "to_json(jv, object); });\n" << "}\n"; } } for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) { gen_to_json_constructor(sb, constructor, is_header); } } for (auto *function : schema.functions) { gen_to_json_constructor(sb, function, is_header); } if (is_header) { sb << "inline void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const ton::" << tl_name << "::Object &object) {\n" " ton::" << tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast(object),[&jv](const auto &object) { " "to_json(jv, object); });\n" << "}\n"; sb << "inline void to_json(JsonValueScope &jv, const ton::" << tl_name << "::Function &object) {\n" << " ton::" << tl_name << "::downcast_call(const_cast(object), [&jv](const auto &object) { " "to_json(jv, object); });\n" << "}\n"; } } template void gen_from_json_constructor(StringBuilder &sb, const T *constructor, bool is_header) { sb << "Status from_json(" << tl_name << "::" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(constructor->name) << " &to, JsonObject &from)"; if (is_header) { sb << ";\n"; } else { sb << " {\n"; for (auto &arg : constructor->args) { sb << " {\n"; sb << " TRY_RESULT(value, get_json_object_field(from, \"" << tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(arg.name) << "\", JsonValue::Type::Null, true));\n"; sb << " if (value.type() != JsonValue::Type::Null) {\n"; if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes) { sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json_bytes(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name) << ", value));\n"; } else if (arg.type->type == tl::simple::Type::Vector && (arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::Bytes || arg.type->vector_value_type->type == tl::simple::Type::SecureBytes)) { sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json_vector_bytes(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name) << ", value));\n"; } else { sb << " TRY_STATUS(from_json(to." << tl::simple::gen_cpp_field_name(arg.name) << ", value));\n"; } sb << " }\n"; sb << " }\n"; } sb << " return Status::OK();\n"; sb << "}\n"; } } void gen_from_json(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) { for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) { for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) { gen_from_json_constructor(sb, constructor, is_header); } } for (auto *function : schema.functions) { gen_from_json_constructor(sb, function, is_header); } } using Vec = std::vector>; void gen_tl_constructor_from_string(StringBuilder &sb, Slice name, const Vec &vec, bool is_header) { sb << "Result tl_constructor_from_string(" << tl_name << "::" << name << " *object, const std::string &str)"; if (is_header) { sb << ";\n"; return; } sb << " {\n"; sb << " static const std::unordered_map m = {\n"; bool is_first = true; for (auto &p : vec) { if (is_first) { is_first = false; } else { sb << ",\n"; } sb << " {\"" << p.second << "\", " << p.first << "}"; } sb << "\n };\n"; sb << " auto it = m.find(str);\n"; sb << " if (it == m.end()) {\n" << " return Status::Error(str + \"Unknown class\");\n" << " }\n" << " return it->second;\n"; sb << "}\n"; } void gen_tl_constructor_from_string(StringBuilder &sb, const tl::simple::Schema &schema, bool is_header) { Vec vec_for_nullary; for (auto *custom_type : schema.custom_types) { Vec vec; for (auto *constructor : custom_type->constructors) { vec.push_back(std::make_pair(constructor->id, constructor->name)); vec_for_nullary.push_back(vec.back()); } if (vec.size() > 1) { gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, tl::simple::gen_cpp_name(custom_type->name), vec, is_header); } } gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, "Object", vec_for_nullary, is_header); Vec vec_for_function; for (auto *function : schema.functions) { vec_for_function.push_back(std::make_pair(function->id, function->name)); } gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, "Function", vec_for_function, is_header); } void gen_json_converter_file(const tl::simple::Schema &schema, const std::string &file_name_base, bool is_header) { auto file_name = is_header ? file_name_base + ".h" : file_name_base + ".cpp"; //file_name = "auto/" + file_name; auto old_file_content = [&] { auto r_content = read_file(file_name); if (r_content.is_error()) { return BufferSlice(); } return r_content.move_as_ok(); }(); std::string buf(2000000, ' '); StringBuilder sb(MutableSlice{buf}); if (is_header) { sb << "#pragma once\n\n"; sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".h\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".hpp\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"td/utils/JsonBuilder.h\"\n"; sb << "#include \"td/utils/Status.h\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"crypto/common/bitstring.h\"\n"; } else { sb << "#include \"" << file_name_base << ".h\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".h\"\n"; sb << "#include \"auto/tl/" << tl_name << ".hpp\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"tl/tl_json.h\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \"td/utils/base64.h\"\n"; sb << "#include \"td/utils/common.h\"\n"; sb << "#include \"td/utils/Slice.h\"\n\n"; sb << "#include \n\n"; } sb << "namespace ton {\n"; sb << "namespace " << tl_name << "{\n"; sb << " using namespace td;\n"; gen_tl_constructor_from_string(sb, schema, is_header); gen_from_json(sb, schema, is_header); gen_to_json(sb, schema, is_header); sb << "} // namespace " << tl_name << "\n"; sb << "} // namespace ton\n"; CHECK(!sb.is_error()); buf.resize(sb.as_cslice().size()); auto new_file_content = std::move(buf); if (new_file_content != old_file_content.as_slice()) { write_file(file_name, new_file_content).ensure(); } } void gen_json_converter(const tl::tl_config &config, const std::string &file_name, const std::string &new_tl_name) { tl_name = new_tl_name; tl::simple::Schema schema(config); gen_json_converter_file(schema, file_name, true); gen_json_converter_file(schema, file_name, false); } } // namespace td