/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/refcnt.hpp" #include "common/bigint.hpp" #include "common/refint.h" #include "common/bitstring.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "vm/cells.h" #include "vm/cellslice.h" #include "td/utils/tests.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" static std::stringstream create_ss() { std::stringstream ss; ss.imbue(std::locale::classic()); ss.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield); ss.precision(6); return ss; } static std::stringstream os = create_ss(); void show_total_cells(std::ostream& stream) { stream << "total cells = " << vm::DataCell::get_total_data_cells() << std::endl; } TEST(Cells, simple) { os = create_ss(); using namespace td::literals; vm::CellBuilder cb1, cb2; cb1.store_bytes("Hello, ", 7).reserve_slice(48) = td::BitSlice{(const unsigned char*)"world!", 48}; cb2.store_bits(td::BitSlice{(const unsigned char*)"\xd0", 4}) .store_long(17239, 16) .store_long(-17, 11) .store_long(1000000239, 32) .store_long(1000000239LL * 1000000239) .store_int256("-1000000000000000000000000239"_i256, 91); cb1.store_ref(cb2.finalize_copy()); show_total_cells(os); cb2.store_bytes("<->", 3); td::Ref c1{cb1.finalize_copy()}, c2{cb2.finalize_copy()}; unsigned char hbuff[vm::Cell::hash_bytes]; os << "cb1 = " << cb1 << "; hash=" << td::buffer_to_hex(td::Slice(cb1.compute_hash(hbuff), 32)) << "; c1 = " << *c1 << std::endl; os << "cb2 = " << cb2 << "; hash=" << td::buffer_to_hex(td::Slice(cb2.compute_hash(hbuff), 32)) << "; c2 = " << *c2 << std::endl; show_total_cells(os); vm::CellSlice cr1(c1); cr1.dump(os); os << "fetch_octet() = " << cr1.fetch_octet() << std::endl; cr1.dump(os); os << "fetch_octet() = " << cr1.fetch_octet() << std::endl; cr1.dump(os); os << "fetch_octet() = " << cr1.fetch_octet() << std::endl; cr1.dump(os); os << "fetch_octet() = " << cr1.fetch_octet() << std::endl; cr1.dump(os); os << "fetch_ref()=" << td::buffer_to_hex(cr1.prefetch_ref()->get_hash().as_slice()) << std::endl; vm::CellSlice cr(vm::NoVm(), cr1.fetch_ref()); cr.dump(os); os << "prefetch_ulong(4)=" << cr.prefetch_ulong(4) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_ulong(4)=" << cr.fetch_ulong(4) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_long(16)=" << cr.fetch_long(16) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "prefetch_long(11)=" << cr.prefetch_long(11) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_int256(11)=" << cr.fetch_int256(11) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_long(32)=" << cr.fetch_long(32) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "prefetch_long(64)=" << cr.prefetch_long(64) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_long(64)=" << cr.fetch_long(64) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "prefetch_int256(91)=" << cr.prefetch_int256(91) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_int256(91)=" << cr.fetch_int256(91) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); os << "fetch_long(24)=" << cr.fetch_long(24) << std::endl; cr.dump(os); cr.clear(); REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } void test_two_bitstrings(const td::BitSlice& bs1, const td::BitSlice& bs2) { using td::to_binary; using td::to_hex; os << "bs1 = " << bs1.to_binary() << " = " << bs1.to_hex() << std::endl; os << "bs2 = " << to_binary(bs2) << " = " << to_hex(bs2) << std::endl; td::BitString st{bs1}; //td::BitString st; //st.append(bs1); os << "st = " << to_binary(st) << " = " << to_hex(st) << std::endl; st.append(bs2); os << "st = " << to_binary(st) << " = " << to_hex(st) << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(to_binary(st), to_binary(bs1) + to_binary(bs2)); auto bs3 = st.subslice(bs1.size(), bs2.size()); os << "bs3 = " << to_binary(bs3) << " = " << to_hex(bs3) << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(to_binary(bs3), to_binary(bs2)); ASSERT_EQ(to_hex(bs3), to_hex(bs2)); bs1.dump(os); bs2.dump(os); bs3.dump(os); std::string bs2_bin = to_binary(bs2); for (unsigned i = 0; i <= bs2.size(); i++) { for (unsigned j = 0; j <= bs2.size() - i; j++) { auto bs4 = bs2.subslice(i, j); auto bs5 = bs3.subslice(i, j); if (!(to_binary(bs4) == to_binary(bs5) && to_hex(bs4) == to_hex(bs5) && to_binary(bs4) == bs2_bin.substr(i, j))) { bs4.dump(os); bs5.dump(os); os << "bs2.subslice(" << i << ", " << j << ") = " << to_binary(bs4) << " = " << to_hex(bs4) << std::endl; os << "bs3.subslice(" << i << ", " << j << ") = " << to_binary(bs5) << " = " << to_hex(bs5) << std::endl; } ASSERT_EQ(to_binary(bs4), to_binary(bs5)); ASSERT_EQ(to_hex(bs4), to_hex(bs5)); ASSERT_EQ(to_binary(bs4), bs2_bin.substr(i, j)); } } } void test_one_bitstring(const td::BitSlice& bs) { std::string bs_bin = bs.to_binary(); for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 <= bs.size(); i1++) { for (unsigned j1 = 0; j1 <= bs.size() - i1; j1++) { auto bs1 = bs.subslice(i1, j1); ASSERT_EQ(bs1.to_binary(), bs_bin.substr(i1, j1)); for (unsigned i2 = 0; i2 <= bs.size() && i2 < 8; i2++) { for (unsigned j2 = 0; j2 <= bs.size() - i2; j2++) { os << "(" << i1 << "," << j1 << ")+(" << i2 << "," << j2 << ")" << std::endl; auto bs2 = bs.subslice(i2, j2); ASSERT_EQ(bs2.to_binary(), bs_bin.substr(i2, j2)); test_two_bitstrings(bs1, bs2); } } } } } void test_bitstring_fill(unsigned n, unsigned p, unsigned k) { td::BitString bs{n * 2}; std::string s; auto sl1 = td::BitSlice{(const unsigned char*)"\x40", 2}; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { bs.append(sl1); s += "01"; } os << td::to_binary(bs) << " = " << td::to_hex(bs) << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(td::to_binary(bs), s); unsigned q = k %= p; for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++) { unsigned a = (q * n * 2) / p; unsigned b = ((q + 1) * n * 2) / p; bs.subslice_write(a, b - a) = (q & 1); std::fill(s.begin() + a, s.begin() + b, (q & 1) + '0'); os << "Step " << i << " (" << a << "," << b << "): " << td::to_binary(bs) << " = " << td::to_hex(bs) << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(td::to_binary(bs), s); q = (q + k) % p; } bs.subslice_write(4, 16) = td::BitSlice{(const unsigned char*)"\x69\x96", 16}; os << td::to_binary(bs) << " = " << td::to_hex(bs) << std::endl; std::string t = "0110100110010110"; std::copy(t.begin(), t.end(), s.begin() + 4); ASSERT_EQ(td::to_binary(bs), s); } TEST(Bitstrings, main) { os = create_ss(); auto test = td::BitSlice{(const unsigned char*)"test", 32}; ASSERT_EQ(test.to_hex(), "74657374"); test_two_bitstrings({(const unsigned char*)"\xf1\xd0", 12}, test); test_two_bitstrings({(const unsigned char*)"\x9f", 3}, {(const unsigned char*)"t", 3}); test_bitstring_fill(17 * 3, 17, 4); //test_one_bitstring({(const unsigned char*)"SuperTest", 72}); REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } void test_parse_dec(std::string s) { td::BigInt256 x, y; os << "s=\"" << s << "\"" << std::endl; x.parse_dec_slow(s); y.parse_dec(s); x.dump(os); y.dump(os); ASSERT_TRUE(x == y); std::string s1 = x.to_dec_string(); os << s1 << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(s, s1); std::string s2 = x.to_hex_string(); os << s2 << std::endl; std::string s3 = x.to_hex_string_slow(); os << s3 << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(s2, s3); } void test_pow2(int exponent) { td::BigInt256 x; x.set_pow2(exponent); os << "2^" << exponent << " = " << x.to_dec_string() << " = 0x" << x.to_hex_string() << std::endl; x.dump(os); } void test_fits(const td::BigInt256& x) { int m = 0, n = 0; const int limit = 300; os << "x=" << x.to_dec_string() << "; log2(|x|)=" << std::log2(std::abs(x.to_double())) << std::endl; x.dump(os); while (m < limit && !x.unsigned_fits_bits(m)) { m++; } for (int i = m; i < limit; i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(x.unsigned_fits_bits(i)); } int su = x.bit_size(false); while (n < limit && !x.signed_fits_bits(n)) { n++; } for (int i = n; i < limit; i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(x.signed_fits_bits(i)); } int ss = x.bit_size(); os << "x=" << x.to_dec_string() << "=0x" << x.to_hex_string() << "; x=" << x.to_double() << "; log2(|x|)=" << std::log2(std::abs(x.to_double())) << "; unsigned: " << m << "=" << su << " bits; signed: " << n << "=" << ss << " bits" << std::endl; ASSERT_TRUE(su == m || (su == 0x7fffffff && m == limit)); ASSERT_EQ(ss, n); ASSERT_EQ(x.to_hex_string(), x.to_hex_string_slow()); td::BigInt256 y, z; ASSERT_TRUE(y.parse_hex(x.to_hex_string()) && y == x); ASSERT_TRUE(z.parse_dec(x.to_dec_string()) && z == x); } void test_divmod(const td::BigInt256& x, const td::BigInt256& y) { td::BigInt256 q, r(x); os << "x = " << x << " = "; x.dump(os); os << "y = " << y << " = "; y.dump(os); if (!r.mod_div_bool(y, q)) { os << "division error!\n"; ASSERT_TRUE(0); } else { q.dump(os); r.dump(os); if (!q.normalize_bool() || !r.normalize_bool()) { os << "cannot normalize q or r!\n"; ASSERT_TRUE(0); } else { os << "q = " << q << "; r = " << r << std::endl; if (y.sgn() > 0) { ASSERT_TRUE(r.sgn() >= 0); ASSERT_TRUE(r.cmp(y) < 0); } else { ASSERT_TRUE(r.sgn() <= 0); ASSERT_TRUE(r.cmp(y) > 0); } r.add_mul(q, y); ASSERT_TRUE(r.normalize() == x); } } } void test_export_int(const td::BigInt256& x, bool sgnd = true) { os << "x = " << x.to_hex_string() << std::endl; int bad = 0, ok = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 33; i++) { unsigned char buff[33]; std::memset(buff, 0xcc, sizeof(buff)); if (!x.export_bytes(buff, i, sgnd)) { ASSERT_EQ(bad, i - 1); bad = i; continue; } else if (++ok < 5) { if (bad == i - 1) { os << "export(" << bad << ", " << sgnd << ") = (bad)" << std::endl; } os << "export(" << i << ", " << sgnd << ") ="; char tmp[33 * 3 + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { sprintf(tmp + 3 * j, " %02x", buff[j]); } os << tmp << std::endl; td::BigInt256 y; ASSERT_TRUE(y.import_bytes(buff, i, sgnd)); os << "import() = " << y.to_hex_string() << std::endl; ASSERT_TRUE(!x.cmp_un(y)); } } if (!ok) { os << "export(" << bad << ", " << sgnd << ") = (bad)" << std::endl; } } TEST(Bigint, main) { os = create_ss(); using namespace td::literals; td::BigInt256 x, y, z; test_parse_dec("0"); test_parse_dec("1"); test_parse_dec("-1"); test_parse_dec("123"); test_parse_dec("-239"); test_parse_dec("-115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936"); test_parse_dec("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935"); test_parse_dec("143126893554044595713052252685501316785002612509329899766666973726012466208042"); test_parse_dec("100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"); x.parse_dec("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"); y.parse_dec("22222222222222222222222222222222222"); x += y; os << x.to_dec_string() << std::endl; x -= y; os << x.to_dec_string() << std::endl; x -= y; os << x.to_dec_string() << std::endl; y -= x; os << y.to_dec_string() << std::endl; y += x; os << x.to_dec_string() << std::endl; x.parse_dec("10000000000000000000000000000001"); y.parse_dec("11111111111111111111111111111111"); z.add_mul(x, y); os << x.to_dec_string() << " * " << y.to_dec_string() << " = " << z.to_dec_string() << std::endl; test_pow2(0); test_pow2(1); test_pow2(54); test_pow2(55); test_pow2(56); test_pow2(57); test_pow2(4 * 56 - 2); test_pow2(4 * 56 - 1); test_pow2(4 * 56); test_pow2(4 * 56 + 1); test_pow2(255); test_pow2(256); test_fits("1111111111111111111111111111"_i256); test_fits( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256); for (int i = 10; i >= -10; --i) { test_fits(td::BigInt256(i)); } test_export_int("10000000000000000000000000000000000000"_i256); for (int k = 127; k <= 129; k++) { x.set_pow2(k).add_tiny(-1); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); x.add_tiny(1); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); x.add_tiny(1); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); x.negate(); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); x.add_tiny(1); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); x.add_tiny(1); test_export_int(x, true); test_export_int(x, false); } for (x = 1, y.set_pow2(256).divmod_tiny(3); x.cmp(y) < 0; x.mul_tiny(3).normalize()) { test_export_int(x, true); x.negate(); test_export_int(x, true); x.negate(); } test_export_int("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256); test_export_int("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256); test_export_int("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256); test_export_int("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256); for (int i = 0; i <= 257; i++) { x.set_pow2(i).add_tiny(-3); for (int j = -3; j <= 3; j++) { x.negate().normalize(); os << "-2^" << i << "+" << -j << ": "; test_fits(x); x.negate().normalize(); os << "2^" << i << "+" << j << ": "; test_fits(x); x.add_tiny(1); } } for (auto t : {"fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"_x256, td::BigInt256{-1}, "123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"_x256, "-8000000000000000000000000001"_x256}) { for (int i = 0; i <= 256; i++) { (x = t).mod_pow2(i).dump(os); os << "mod 2^" << i << " : " << x.to_hex_string() << std::endl; } } test_divmod(x.set_pow2(224), "10000000000000"_i256); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(256), "100000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_i256); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(256), "100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_i256); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(80), "-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_i256); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(256), y.set_pow2(128).add_tiny(-1)); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(224), y.set_pow2(112).add_tiny(-1)); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(222), y.set_pow2(111).add_tiny(-1)); test_divmod(td::BigInt256(-1), y.set_pow2(256)); test_divmod("10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_i256, "142857142857142857142857142857142857"_i256); test_divmod("100000000"_i256, "-253"_i256); test_divmod("-100000000"_i256, "-253"_i256); test_divmod("-100000000"_i256, "253"_i256); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(222), td::BigInt256{std::numeric_limits::min()}); test_divmod(x.set_pow2(222).negate(), td::BigInt256{std::numeric_limits::min()}); REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } TEST(RefInt, main) { os = create_ss(); using namespace td::literals; auto x = "10000000000000000000000"_ri256; td::RefInt256 y{true, -239}, z{false}; auto v = x + y; std::move(v); os << x << " + " << y << " = " << x + y << std::endl; os << x << " - " << y << " = " << x - y << std::endl; os << x << " * " << y << " = " << x * y << std::endl; os << x << " / " << y << " = " << x / y << std::endl; os << x << " % " << y << " = " << x % y << std::endl; os << x << " + " << y << " = " << x + y << std::endl; os << "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_ri256 / "27182818284590"_ri256 << std::endl; { auto w(x + y); z = w; } os << "(x-y)*(x+y) = " << (x - y) * (x + y) << std::endl; os << "z = " << z << std::endl; z = x; x += y; os << "new x = " << x << " = 0x" << hex_string(x) << std::endl; os << "z = (old x) = " << std::move(z) << std::endl; os << "x + y = " << std::move(x) + std::move(y) << std::endl; z = "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"_ri256; //z = td::RefInt256{true} //z.unique_write()->set_pow2(256); x = td::RefInt256{true, 0}; int i = 1; while (z->sgn() > 0) { x += z; z.write().add_tiny(i >> 1).divmod_tiny(i); ++i; } x.write().normalize(); os << x << " = " << hex_string(x) << std::endl; REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } TEST(crc16, main) { os = create_ss(); std::string s = "EMSI_FCK"; unsigned crc16 = td::crc16(td::Slice{s}); os << "s = `" << s << "`; crc16 = " << std::hex << crc16 << std::dec << std::endl; REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } TEST(base64, main) { os = create_ss(); std::vector arr = {"TEST STRING NUMBER ONE", "TEST STRING NUMBER FOUR", "TEST STRING NUMBER THREE"}; for (std::string s : arr) { std::string t = td::str_base64_encode(s); std::string u = td::str_base64_decode(t); os << "`" << s << "` -> `" << t << "` -> `" << u << "`" << std::endl; os << (s == u) << std::endl; } std::string s; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { s.push_back((char)(k >> 8)); k = 69069 * k + 1; } std::string t = td::str_base64_encode(s); std::string u = td::str_base64_decode(t, true); os << t << std::endl; os << (s == u) << std::endl; t = td::str_base64_encode(s, true); u = td::str_base64_decode(t, true); os << t << std::endl; os << (s == u) << std::endl; u = td::sha256(td::Slice{s}); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { os << std::hex << ((u[i] >> 4) & 15) << (u[i] & 15); } os << std::dec << std::endl; REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); } void check_bits256_scan(std::ostream& os, td::Bits256 a, td::Bits256 b) { auto c = a ^ b; auto bit = c.count_leading_zeroes(); auto bit2 = a.count_matching(b); // os << a.to_hex() << " and " << b.to_hex() << " match in " << bit << " or " << bit2 << " first bits" << std::endl; // std::cerr << a.to_hex() << " and " << b.to_hex() << " match in " << bit << " or " << bit2 << " first bits (a XOR b = " << c.to_hex() << ")" << std::endl; CHECK((int)bit >= 0 && bit <= 256); for (td::uint32 i = 0; i < bit; i++) { CHECK(a[i] == b[i]); } CHECK(bit == 256 || a[bit] != b[bit]); CHECK(bit == bit2); } void check_bits_scan(std::ostream& os, td::ConstBitPtr a, bool value) { auto bit = (unsigned)a.scan(value, 256); CHECK((int)bit >= 0 && bit <= 256); for (td::uint32 i = 0; i < bit; i++) { CHECK(a[i] == value); } CHECK(bit == 256 || a[bit] != value); } TEST(bits256_scan, main) { os = create_ss(); td::Bits256 a, b; int k = 0; unsigned char r[1024]; for (auto& c : r) { c = (k & 0x80) ? (unsigned char)(k >> 8) : 0; k = 69069 * k + 1; } for (k = 0; k < 32; k++) { a = td::ConstBitPtr{r + 32 * k}; for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { b = td::ConstBitPtr{r + 32 * j}; check_bits256_scan(os, a, b); } b = a; unsigned i = r[7 + k]; b[i] = b[i] ^ true; check_bits256_scan(os, a, b); } for (k = 0; k < 256; k++) { check_bits_scan(os, td::ConstBitPtr{r} + k, false); check_bits_scan(os, td::ConstBitPtr{r} + k, true); } os << "bits256_scan test OK"; REGRESSION_VERIFY(os.str()); }