fun getBeginCell() { return beginCell; } fun getBeginParse() { return beginParse; } @method_id(101) fun testVarApply1() { var (_, f_end_cell) = (0, endCell); var b: builder = (getBeginCell())().storeInt(1, 32); b.storeInt(2, 32); var s = (getBeginParse())(f_end_cell(b)); return (s.loadInt(32), s.loadInt(32)); } @inline fun my_throw_always() { throw 1000; } @inline fun get_raiser() { return my_throw_always; } @method_id(102) fun testVarApplyWithoutSavingResult() { try { var raiser = get_raiser(); raiser(); // `some_var()` is always impure, the compiler has no considerations about its runtime value return 0; } catch (code) { return code; } } @inline fun sum(a: int, b: int) { assert(a + b < 24, 1000); return a + b; } @inline fun mul(a: int, b: int) { assert(a * b < 24, 1001); return a * b; } fun demo_handler(op: int, query_id: int, a: int, b: int): int { if (op == 0xF2) { val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul; val result = func(a, b); return 0; // result not used, we test that func is nevertheless called } if (op == 0xF4) { val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul; val result = func(a, b); return result; } return -1; } @method_id(103) fun testVarApplyInTernary() { var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple(); try { t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 100, 200)); } catch(code) { t.tuplePush(code); } try { t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF4, 122, 100, 200)); } catch(code) { t.tuplePush(code); } try { t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 10, 10)); } catch(code) { t.tuplePush(code); } try { t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 123, 10, 10)); } catch(code) { t.tuplePush(code); } return t; } fun always_throw2(x: int) { throw 239 + x; } global global_f: int -> void; @method_id(104) fun testGlobalVarApply() { try { global_f = always_throw2; global_f(1); return 0; } catch (code) { return code; } } @method_id(105) fun testVarApply2() { var creator = createEmptyTuple; var t = creator(); t.tuplePush(1); var sizer = t.tupleSize; return sizer(t); } fun getTupleLastGetter(): (tuple) -> X { return tupleLast; } @method_id(106) fun testVarApply3() { var t = createEmptyTuple(); t.tuplePush(1); t.tuplePush([2]); var getIntAt = t.tupleAt; var getTupleFirstInt = createEmptyTuple().tupleFirst; var getTupleLastTuple = getTupleLastGetter(); return (getIntAt(t, 0), getTupleFirstInt(t), getTupleLastTuple(t), getTupleLastGetter()(t)); } @method_id(107) fun testIndexedAccessApply() { var functions1 = (beginCell, endCell); var functions2 = [beginParse]; var b = functions1.0().storeInt(1, 16); b.storeInt(1, 16); return functions2.0(functions1.1(b)).loadInt(32); } fun main() {} /** @testcase | 101 | | 1 2 @testcase | 102 | | 1000 @testcase | 103 | | [ 1000 1000 0 1001 ] @testcase | 104 | | 240 @testcase | 105 | | 1 @testcase | 106 | | 1 1 [ 2 ] [ 2 ] @testcase | 107 | | 65537 */