/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "check-proof.h" #include "block/block.h" #include "block/block-parse.h" #include "block/block-auto.h" #include "block/mc-config.h" #include "ton/ton-shard.h" #include "vm/cells/MerkleProof.h" #include "openssl/digest.hpp" #include "Ed25519.h" namespace block { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; td::Status check_block_header_proof(td::Ref root, ton::BlockIdExt blkid, ton::Bits256* store_shard_hash_to, bool check_state_hash, td::uint32* save_utime, ton::LogicalTime* save_lt) { ton::RootHash vhash{root->get_hash().bits()}; if (vhash != blkid.root_hash) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << " block header for block " << blkid.to_str() << " has incorrect root hash " << vhash.to_hex() << " instead of " << blkid.root_hash.to_hex()); } std::vector prev; ton::BlockIdExt mc_blkid; bool after_split; TRY_STATUS(block::unpack_block_prev_blk_try(root, blkid, prev, mc_blkid, after_split)); block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info))) { return td::Status::Error(std::string{"cannot unpack header for block "} + blkid.to_str()); } if (save_utime) { *save_utime = info.gen_utime; } if (save_lt) { *save_lt = info.end_lt; } if (store_shard_hash_to) { vm::CellSlice upd_cs{vm::NoVmSpec(), blk.state_update}; if (!(upd_cs.is_special() && upd_cs.prefetch_long(8) == 4 // merkle update && upd_cs.size_ext() == 0x20228)) { return td::Status::Error("invalid Merkle update in block header"); } auto upd_hash = upd_cs.prefetch_ref(1)->get_hash(0); if (!check_state_hash) { *store_shard_hash_to = upd_hash.bits(); } else if (store_shard_hash_to->compare(upd_hash.bits())) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "state hash mismatch in block header of " << blkid.to_str() << " : header declares " << upd_hash.bits().to_hex(256) << " expected " << store_shard_hash_to->to_hex()); } } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result check_state_proof(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, td::Slice proof) { TRY_RESULT(proof_root, vm::std_boc_deserialize(proof)); auto virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(proof_root), 1); if (virt_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("account state proof is invalid"); } td::Bits256 state_hash; TRY_STATUS(check_block_header_proof(std::move(virt_root), blkid, &state_hash)); return state_hash; } td::Result> check_extract_state_proof(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, td::Slice proof, td::Slice data) { try { TRY_RESULT(state_hash, check_state_proof(blkid, proof)); TRY_RESULT(state_root, vm::std_boc_deserialize(data)); auto state_virt_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(state_root), 1); if (state_virt_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("account state proof is invalid"); } if (state_hash != state_virt_root->get_hash().bits()) { return td::Status::Error("root hash mismatch in the shardchain state proof"); } return std::move(state_virt_root); } catch (vm::VmError& err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "error scanning shard state proof: " << err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "virtualization error scanning shard state proof: " << err.get_msg()); } } td::Status check_shard_proof(ton::BlockIdExt blk, ton::BlockIdExt shard_blk, td::Slice shard_proof) { if (blk == shard_blk) { if (!shard_proof.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected non-empty shard proof"; } return td::Status::OK(); } if (!blk.is_masterchain() || !blk.is_valid_full()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "reference block " << blk.to_str() << " for a getAccountState query must belong to the masterchain"); } TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(P_roots, vm::std_boc_deserialize_multi(std::move(shard_proof)), "cannot deserialize shard configuration proof"); if (P_roots.size() != 2) { return td::Status::Error("shard configuration proof must have exactly two roots"); } try { auto mc_state_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(P_roots[1]), 1); if (mc_state_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("shard configuration proof is invalid"); } ton::Bits256 mc_state_hash = mc_state_root->get_hash().bits(); TRY_STATUS_PREFIX( check_block_header_proof(vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(P_roots[0]), 1), blk, &mc_state_hash, true), "error in shard configuration block header proof :"); block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record sstate; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(mc_state_root, sstate))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack masterchain state header"); } auto shards_dict = block::ShardConfig::extract_shard_hashes_dict(std::move(mc_state_root)); if (!shards_dict) { return td::Status::Error("cannot extract shard configuration dictionary from proof"); } vm::CellSlice cs; ton::ShardIdFull true_shard; if (!block::ShardConfig::get_shard_hash_raw_from(*shards_dict, cs, shard_blk.shard_full(), true_shard)) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "masterchain state contains no information for shard " << shard_blk.shard_full().to_str()); } auto shard_info = block::McShardHash::unpack(cs, true_shard); if (shard_info.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "cannot unpack information for shard " << shard_blk.shard_full().to_str() << " from masterchain state"); } if (shard_info->top_block_id() != shard_blk) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "shard configuration mismatch: expected to find block " << shard_blk.to_str() << " , found " << shard_info->top_block_id().to_str()); } } catch (vm::VmError err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "error while traversing shard configuration proof : " << err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "virtualization error while traversing shard configuration proof : " << err.get_msg()); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status check_account_proof(td::Slice proof, ton::BlockIdExt shard_blk, const block::StdAddress& addr, td::Ref root, ton::LogicalTime* last_trans_lt, ton::Bits256* last_trans_hash, td::uint32* save_utime, ton::LogicalTime* save_lt) { TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(Q_roots, vm::std_boc_deserialize_multi(std::move(proof)), "cannot deserialize account proof"); if (Q_roots.size() != 2) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "account state proof must have exactly two roots"); } if (last_trans_lt) { last_trans_hash->set_zero(); } try { auto state_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(Q_roots[1]), 1); if (state_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("account state proof is invalid"); } ton::Bits256 state_hash = state_root->get_hash().bits(); TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(check_block_header_proof(vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(std::move(Q_roots[0]), 1), shard_blk, &state_hash, true, save_utime, save_lt), "error in account shard block header proof : "); block::gen::ShardStateUnsplit::Record sstate; if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(std::move(state_root), sstate))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack state header"); } vm::AugmentedDictionary accounts_dict{vm::load_cell_slice(sstate.accounts).prefetch_ref(), 256, block::tlb::aug_ShardAccounts}; auto acc_csr = accounts_dict.lookup(addr.addr); if (acc_csr.not_null()) { if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "account state proof shows that account state for " << addr << " must be non-empty, but it actually is empty"); } block::gen::ShardAccount::Record acc_info; if (!tlb::csr_unpack(std::move(acc_csr), acc_info)) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack ShardAccount from proof"); } if (acc_info.account->get_hash().bits().compare(root->get_hash().bits(), 256)) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "account state hash mismatch: Merkle proof expects " << acc_info.account->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256) << " but received data has " << root->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256)); } if (last_trans_hash) { *last_trans_hash = acc_info.last_trans_hash; } if (last_trans_lt) { *last_trans_lt = acc_info.last_trans_lt; } } else if (root.not_null()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "account state proof shows that account state for " << addr << " must be empty, but it is not"); } } catch (vm::VmError err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "error while traversing account proof : " << err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError err) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "virtualization error while traversing account proof : " << err.get_msg()); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Result AccountState::validate(ton::BlockIdExt ref_blk, block::StdAddress addr) const { TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(true_root, vm::std_boc_deserialize(state.as_slice(), true), "cannot deserialize account state"); Ref root; if (is_virtualized && true_root.not_null()) { root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(true_root, 1); if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("account state proof is invalid"); } } else { root = true_root; } if (blk != ref_blk && ref_blk.id.seqno != ~0U) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "obtained getAccountState() for a different reference block " << blk.to_str() << " instead of requested " << ref_blk.to_str()); } if (!shard_blk.is_valid_full()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "shard block id " << shard_blk.to_str() << " in answer is invalid"); } if (!ton::shard_contains(shard_blk.shard_full(), ton::extract_addr_prefix(addr.workchain, addr.addr))) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "received data from shard block " << shard_blk.to_str() << " that cannot contain requested account"); } TRY_STATUS(block::check_shard_proof(blk, shard_blk, shard_proof.as_slice())); Info res; TRY_STATUS(block::check_account_proof(proof.as_slice(), shard_blk, addr, root, &res.last_trans_lt, &res.last_trans_hash, &res.gen_utime, &res.gen_lt)); res.root = std::move(root); res.true_root = std::move(true_root); return res; } td::Result Transaction::validate() { if (root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("transactions are expected to be non-empty"); } if (hash != root->get_hash().bits()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "transaction hash mismatch: expected " << hash.to_hex() << ", found " << root->get_hash().bits().to_hex(256)); } block::gen::Transaction::Record trans; if (!tlb::unpack_cell(root, trans)) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack transaction #"); } if (trans.lt != lt) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "transaction lt mismatch: expected " << lt << ", found " << trans.lt); } Info res; res.blkid = blkid; res.now = trans.now; res.prev_trans_lt = trans.prev_trans_lt; res.prev_trans_hash = trans.prev_trans_hash; res.transaction = root; return std::move(res); } td::Result TransactionList::validate() const { if (blkids.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("transaction list must be non-empty"); } auto R = vm::std_boc_deserialize_multi(std::move(transactions_boc)); if (R.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error("cannot deserialize transactions BoC"); } auto list = R.move_as_ok(); if (list.size() != blkids.size()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "transaction list size " << list.size() << " must be equal to the size of block id list " << blkids.size()); } size_t c = 0; Info res; auto current_lt = lt; auto current_hash = hash; res.lt = lt; res.hash = hash; for (auto& root : list) { const auto& blkid = blkids[c++]; Transaction transaction; transaction.blkid = std::move(blkid); transaction.lt = current_lt; transaction.hash = current_hash; transaction.root = root; TRY_RESULT(info, transaction.validate()); current_lt = info.prev_trans_lt; current_hash = info.prev_trans_hash; res.transactions.push_back(std::move(info)); } return std::move(res); } td::Status BlockProofLink::validate(td::uint32* save_utime) const { if (save_utime) { *save_utime = 0; } if (!(from.is_masterchain_ext() && to.is_masterchain_ext())) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink must have both source and destination blocks in the masterchain"); } if (from.seqno() == to.seqno()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink connects two masterchain blocks "s + from.to_str() + " and " + to.to_str() + " of equal height"); } if (is_fwd != (from.seqno() < to.seqno())) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink from "s + from.to_str() + " to " + to.to_str() + " is incorrectly declared as a " + (is_fwd ? "forward" : "backward") + " link"); } if (dest_proof.is_null() && to.seqno()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink contains no proof for destination block "s + to.to_str()); } if (proof.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink contains no proof for source block "s + from.to_str()); } if (!is_fwd && state_proof.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("a backward BlockProofLink contains no proof for the source state of "s + from.to_str()); } if (is_fwd && signatures.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("a forward BlockProofLink from "s + from.to_str() + " to " + to.to_str() + " contains no signatures"); } try { // virtualize Merkle proof roots auto vs_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(proof, 1); if (vs_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink contains an invalid Merkle proof for source block "s + from.to_str()); } ton::Bits256 state_hash; if (from.seqno()) { TRY_STATUS(check_block_header(vs_root, from, is_fwd ? nullptr : &state_hash)); } auto vd_root = dest_proof.not_null() ? vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(dest_proof, 1) : Ref{}; if (vd_root.is_null() && to.seqno()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink contains an invalid Merkle proof for destination block "s + to.to_str()); } block::gen::Block::Record blk; block::gen::BlockInfo::Record info; if (to.seqno()) { TRY_STATUS(check_block_header(vd_root, to)); if (!(tlb::unpack_cell(vd_root, blk) && tlb::unpack_cell(blk.info, info))) { return td::Status::Error("cannot unpack header for block "s + from.to_str()); } if (info.key_block != is_key) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "incorrect is_key_block value " << is_key << " for destination block " << to.to_str()); } if (save_utime) { *save_utime = info.gen_utime; } } else if (!is_key) { // return td::Status::Error("Zerostate destination block "s + to.to_str() + " does not have is_key_block set"); } if (!is_fwd) { // check a backward link auto vstate_root = vm::MerkleProof::virtualize(state_proof, 1); if (vstate_root.is_null()) { return td::Status::Error("backward BlockProofLink contains an invalid Merkle proof for source state "s + from.to_str()); } if (state_hash != vstate_root->get_hash().bits()) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofLink contains a state proof for "s + from.to_str() + " with incorrect root hash"); } TRY_RESULT(config, block::ConfigInfo::extract_config(vstate_root, block::ConfigInfo::needPrevBlocks)); if (!config->check_old_mc_block_id(to, true)) { return td::Status::Error("cannot check that "s + to.to_str() + " is indeed a previous masterchain block of " + from.to_str() + " using the presented Merkle proof of masterchain state"); } return td::Status::OK(); } else { // check a forward link // extract configuration from source key block or zerostate auto cfg_res = from.seqno() ? block::Config::extract_from_key_block(vs_root, block::ConfigInfo::needValidatorSet) : block::Config::extract_from_state(vs_root, block::ConfigInfo::needValidatorSet); if (cfg_res.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error("cannot extract configuration from source key block "s + from.to_str() + " of a forward BlockProofLink: " + cfg_res.move_as_error().to_string()); } auto config = cfg_res.move_as_ok(); // compute validator set ton::ShardIdFull shard{ton::masterchainId}; auto nodes = config->compute_validator_set(shard, info.gen_utime, info.gen_catchain_seqno); if (nodes.empty()) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "while checking a forward BlockProofLink: cannot compute validator set for block " << to.to_str() << " with utime " << info.gen_utime << " and cc_seqno " << info.gen_catchain_seqno << " starting from previous key block " << from.to_str()); } // check computed validator set hash auto vset_hash = compute_validator_set_hash(cc_seqno, shard, nodes); if (vset_hash != info.gen_validator_list_hash_short) { return td::Status::Error( PSTRING() << "while checking a forward BlockProofLink: computed validator set for block " << to.to_str() << " with utime " << info.gen_utime << " and cc_seqno " << info.gen_catchain_seqno << " starting from previous key block " << from.to_str() << " has hash " << vset_hash << " different from " << info.gen_validator_list_hash_short << " stated in block header"); } // check signatures auto err = check_block_signatures(nodes, signatures, to); if (err.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error("error checking signatures for block "s + to.to_str() + " in a forward BlockProofLink: " + err.to_string()); } return td::Status::OK(); } } catch (vm::VmError& err) { return td::Status::Error("vm error while checking BlockProofLink from "s + from.to_str() + " to " + to.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg()); } catch (vm::VmVirtError& err) { return td::Status::Error("virtualization error while checking BlockProofLink from "s + from.to_str() + " to " + to.to_str() + " : " + err.get_msg()); } } td::Status BlockProofChain::validate(td::CancellationToken cancellation_token) { valid = false; has_key_block = false; has_utime = false; last_utime = 0; key_blkid.invalidate(); if (!(from.is_masterchain_ext() && to.is_masterchain_ext())) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofChain must have both source and destination blocks in the masterchain"); } if (!link_count()) { if (from != to) { return td::Status::Error("BlockProofChain has no links, but its source block "s + from.to_str() + " and destination block " + to.to_str() + " differ"); } valid = true; return td::Status::OK(); } ton::BlockIdExt cur = from; int i = 0; for (const auto& link : links) { ++i; if (link.from != cur) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "link #" << i << " in a BlockProofChain begins with block " << link.from.to_str() << " but the previous link ends at different block " << cur.to_str()); } if (cancellation_token) { return td::Status::Error("Cancelled"); } auto err = link.validate(&last_utime); if (err.is_error()) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "link #" << i << " in BlockProofChain is invalid: " << err.to_string()); } if (link.is_key && (!has_key_block || key_blkid.seqno() < link.to.seqno())) { key_blkid = link.to; has_key_block = true; } cur = link.to; } if (cur != to) { return td::Status::Error("last link of BlockProofChain ends at block "s + cur.to_str() + " different from declared chain destination block " + to.to_str()); } has_utime = (last_utime > 0); valid = true; return td::Status::OK(); } td::Bits256 compute_node_id_short(td::Bits256 ed25519_pubkey) { // pub.ed25519#4813b4c6 key:int256 = PublicKey; struct pubkey { int magic = 0x4813b4c6; unsigned char ed25519_key[32]; } PK; std::memcpy(PK.ed25519_key, ed25519_pubkey.data(), 32); static_assert(sizeof(pubkey) == 36, "PublicKey structure is not 36 bytes long"); td::Bits256 hash; digest::hash_str(hash.data(), (void*)&PK, sizeof(pubkey)); return hash; } td::Status check_block_signatures(const std::vector& nodes, const std::vector& signatures, const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid) { if (nodes.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("empty validator public keys set"); } if (signatures.empty()) { return td::Status::Error("empty validator signature set"); } // compute the string to be signed and its hash unsigned char to_sign[68]; td::as(to_sign) = 0xc50b6e70; // ton.blockId root_cell_hash:int256 file_hash:int256 = ton.BlockId; memcpy(to_sign + 4, blkid.root_hash.data(), 32); memcpy(to_sign + 36, blkid.file_hash.data(), 32); // unsigned char hash[32]; // digest::hash_str(hash, (void*)to_sign, sizeof(to_sign)); ton::ValidatorWeight total_weight = 0, signed_weight = 0; std::vector> node_map; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { total_weight += nodes[i].weight; node_map.emplace_back(compute_node_id_short(nodes[i].key), i); } std::sort(node_map.begin(), node_map.end()); std::vector seen; for (auto& sig : signatures) { // lookup node in validator set auto& id = sig.node; auto it = std::lower_bound(node_map.begin(), node_map.end(), id, [](const auto& p, const auto& x) { return p.first < x; }); if (it == node_map.end() || it->first != id) { return td::Status::Error("signature set contains unknown NodeIdShort "s + id.to_hex()); } unsigned i = it->second; seen.emplace_back(i); // check one signature td::Ed25519::PublicKey pub_key{td::SecureString{nodes.at(i).key.as_slice()}}; auto res = pub_key.verify_signature(td::Slice{to_sign, 68}, sig.signature.as_slice()); if (res.is_error()) { return res; } signed_weight += nodes[i].weight; if (signed_weight > total_weight) { break; } } std::sort(seen.begin(), seen.end()); for (std::size_t i = 1; i < seen.size(); i++) { if (seen[i] == seen[i - 1]) { return td::Status::Error("signature set contains duplicate signature for NodeIdShort "s + compute_node_id_short(nodes.at(seen[i]).key).to_hex()); } } if (3 * signed_weight <= 2 * total_weight) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "insufficient total signature weight: only " << signed_weight << " out of " << total_weight); } return td::Status::OK(); } } // namespace block