/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "td/utils/tests.h" #include "td/utils/JsonBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h" #include #include REGISTER_TESTS(json) using namespace td; static void decode_encode(string str, string result = "") { auto str_copy = str; auto r_value = json_decode(str_copy); ASSERT_TRUE(r_value.is_ok()); if (r_value.is_error()) { LOG(INFO) << r_value.error(); return; } auto new_str = json_encode(r_value.ok()); if (result.empty()) { result = str; } ASSERT_EQ(result, new_str); } TEST(JSON, array) { char tmp[1000]; StringBuilder sb(MutableSlice{tmp, sizeof(tmp)}); JsonBuilder jb(std::move(sb)); jb.enter_value().enter_array() << "Hello" << -123; ASSERT_EQ(jb.string_builder().is_error(), false); auto encoded = jb.string_builder().as_cslice().str(); ASSERT_EQ("[\"Hello\",-123]", encoded); decode_encode(encoded); } TEST(JSON, object) { char tmp[1000]; StringBuilder sb(MutableSlice{tmp, sizeof(tmp)}); JsonBuilder jb(std::move(sb)); auto c = jb.enter_object(); c << std::tie("key", "value"); c << std::make_pair("1", 2); c.leave(); ASSERT_EQ(jb.string_builder().is_error(), false); auto encoded = jb.string_builder().as_cslice().str(); ASSERT_EQ("{\"key\":\"value\",\"1\":2}", encoded); decode_encode(encoded); } TEST(JSON, nested) { char tmp[1000]; StringBuilder sb(MutableSlice{tmp, sizeof(tmp)}); JsonBuilder jb(std::move(sb)); { auto a = jb.enter_array(); a << 1; { a.enter_value().enter_array() << 2; } a << 3; } ASSERT_EQ(jb.string_builder().is_error(), false); auto encoded = jb.string_builder().as_cslice().str(); ASSERT_EQ("[1,[2],3]", encoded); decode_encode(encoded); } TEST(JSON, kphp) { decode_encode("[]"); decode_encode("[[]]"); decode_encode("{}"); decode_encode("{}"); decode_encode("\"\\n\""); decode_encode( "\"" "some long string \\t \\r \\\\ \\n \\f \\\" " "\\u1234" "\""); decode_encode( "{\"keyboard\":[[\"\\u2022 abcdefg\"],[\"\\u2022 hijklmnop\"],[\"\\u2022 " "qrstuvwxyz\"]],\"one_time_keyboard\":true}"); decode_encode( " \n { \"keyboard\" : \n [[ \"\\u2022 abcdefg\" ] , \n [ \"\\u2022 hijklmnop\" \n ],[ \n \"\\u2022 " "qrstuvwxyz\"]], \n \"one_time_keyboard\"\n:\ntrue\n}\n \n", "{\"keyboard\":[[\"\\u2022 abcdefg\"],[\"\\u2022 hijklmnop\"],[\"\\u2022 " "qrstuvwxyz\"]],\"one_time_keyboard\":true}"); }