/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include #include "catchain-received-block.hpp" #include "catchain-receiver-source.h" #include "auto/tl/ton_api.hpp" namespace ton { namespace catchain { void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::initialize(tl_object_ptr block, td::SharedSlice payload) { if (state_ != bs_none) { return; } payload_ = std::move(payload); CHECK(!payload_.empty()); prev_ = dynamic_cast(chain_->create_block(std::move(block->data_->prev_))); CHECK(prev_ != nullptr); for (auto &X : block->data_->deps_) { auto B = dynamic_cast(chain_->create_block(std::move(X))); CHECK(B != nullptr); block_deps_.push_back(B); } signature_ = td::SharedSlice{block->signature_.as_slice()}; state_ = bs_initialized; VLOG(CATCHAIN_DEBUG) << this << ": initialized payload_size=" << payload_.size(); if (prev_->is_ill()) { set_ill(); return; } for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *X : block_deps_) { if (X->is_ill()) { set_ill(); return; } } td::uint32 pending_deps = 0; { if (!prev_->delivered()) { pending_deps++; } else { update_vt(prev_); } if (!prev_->delivered()) { prev_->add_rev_dep(this); } } for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *X : block_deps_) { if (!X->delivered()) { pending_deps++; } else { update_vt(X); } if (!X->delivered()) { X->add_rev_dep(this); } } pending_deps_ = pending_deps; if (pending_deps_ == 0 && in_db_) { schedule(); } chain_->get_source(source_id_)->block_received(height_); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::run() { if (is_ill()) { return; } if (state_ == bs_none) { return; } if (state_ == bs_delivered) { return; } CHECK(state_ == bs_initialized); CHECK(!pending_deps_); CHECK(in_db_); initialize_fork(); pre_deliver(); deliver(); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::initialize_fork() { CHECK(state_ == bs_initialized); CHECK(!fork_id_); CatChainReceiverSource *S = chain_->get_source(source_id_); if (height_ == 1) { fork_id_ = S->add_fork(); } else { if (!prev_->next_) { prev_->next_ = this; fork_id_ = prev_->fork_id_; } else { fork_id_ = S->add_fork(); } } if (vt_.size() < fork_id_ + 1) { vt_.resize(fork_id_ + 1, 0); } CHECK(vt_[fork_id_] < height_); vt_[fork_id_] = height_; } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::pre_deliver(ton_api::catchain_block_data_fork &b) { { td::Status S; S = chain_->validate_block_sync(b.left_); if (S.is_error()) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": incorrect fork blame: left is invalid: " << S.move_as_error(); set_ill(); return; } S = chain_->validate_block_sync(b.right_); if (S.is_error()) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": incorrect fork blame: right is invalid: " << S.move_as_error(); set_ill(); return; } } // block is incorrect, since blocks are if (b.left_->height_ != b.right_->height_ || b.left_->src_ != b.right_->src_ || b.left_->data_hash_ == b.right_->data_hash_) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": incorrect fork blame: not a fork"; set_ill(); return; } CatChainReceiverSource *S = chain_->get_source(b.left_->src_); S->on_found_fork_proof( create_serialize_tl_object(std::move(b.left_), std::move(b.right_))); S->blame(fork_id_, height_); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::pre_deliver(ton_api::catchain_block_data_badBlock &b) { } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::pre_deliver(ton_api::catchain_block_data_nop &b) { } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::pre_deliver() { if (is_ill()) { return; } CHECK(state_ == bs_initialized); CHECK(pending_deps_ == 0); CHECK(in_db_); CatChainReceiverSource *M = chain_->get_source(source_id_); std::vector *d = prev_ ? &prev_->vt_ : nullptr; for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *X : block_deps_) { CatChainReceiverSource *S = chain_->get_source(X->get_source_id()); const std::vector &f = S->get_forks(); if (d) { const std::vector &dd = *d; if (X->get_fork_id() < dd.size() && X->get_height() <= dd[X->get_fork_id()]) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": has direct dep from source " << X->get_source_id() << " and prev block " << " has newer indirect dep"; set_ill(); return; } } if (S->blamed() && d) { const std::vector &dd = *d; for (td::uint32 x : f) { if (x != X->get_fork_id() && dd.size() > x && dd[x] > 0) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": has direct dep from source " << X->get_source_id() << " and prev block " << " has indirect dep to another fork of this source " << x << " " << X->get_fork_id() << " " << dd[x] << " " << f; M->blame(fork_id_, height_); set_ill(); return; } } std::vector v = S->get_blamed_heights(); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size() && i < dd.size(); i++) { if (v[i] > 0 && dd[i] >= v[i]) { VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": has direct dep from source " << X->get_source_id() << " and prev block " << " has indirect dep to block f" << i << "@" << v[i] << " which is known to blame this source"; M->blame(fork_id_, height_); set_ill(); return; } } } } auto X = fetch_tl_object(payload_.as_slice(), true); if (X.is_error()) { is_custom_ = true; } else { ton_api::downcast_call(*X.move_as_ok(), [Self = this](auto &obj) { Self->pre_deliver(obj); }); } } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::deliver() { if (is_ill()) { return; } CHECK(state_ == bs_initialized); CHECK(pending_deps_ == 0); CHECK(in_db_); chain_->deliver_block(this); state_ = bs_delivered; VLOG(CATCHAIN_DEBUG) << this << ": delivered"; for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *B : rev_deps_) { B->dep_delivered(this); } rev_deps_.clear(); chain_->get_source(source_id_)->block_delivered(height_); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::set_ill() { if (state_ == bs_ill) { return; } VLOG(CATCHAIN_WARNING) << this << ": got ill"; CatChainReceiverSource *M = chain_->get_source(source_id_); M->blame(); state_ = bs_ill; for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *B : rev_deps_) { B->dep_ill(this); } } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::dep_ill(CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *block) { set_ill(); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::update_vt(CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *block) { const std::vector &d = block->vt_; if (d.size() > vt_.size()) { vt_.resize(d.size(), 0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { if (vt_[i] < d[i]) { vt_[i] = d[i]; } } } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::dep_delivered(CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *block) { if (is_ill()) { return; } CHECK(!block->is_ill()); update_vt(block); pending_deps_--; if (pending_deps_ == 0 && in_db_) { schedule(); } } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::written() { if (!in_db_) { in_db_ = true; if (pending_deps_ == 0) { schedule(); } } } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::add_rev_dep(CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *block) { rev_deps_.push_back(block); } CatChainReceivedBlock *CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::get_prev() const { return prev_; } CatChainBlockHash CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::get_prev_hash() const { CHECK(prev_); return prev_->get_hash(); } std::vector CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::get_dep_hashes() const { std::vector v; v.resize(block_deps_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = block_deps_[i]->get_hash(); } return v; } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::schedule() { chain_->run_block(this); } void CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::find_pending_deps(std::vector &vec, td::uint32 max_size) const { if (height_ == 0 || is_ill() || delivered() || vec.size() == max_size) { return; } if (!initialized()) { vec.push_back(get_hash()); return; } if (prev_) { prev_->find_pending_deps(vec, max_size); } for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *X : block_deps_) { X->find_pending_deps(vec, max_size); } } tl_object_ptr CatChainReceivedBlock::block_id( const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block, const td::Slice &payload) { td::Bits256 hash = data_payload_hash(chain, block->data_, payload); return create_tl_object(block->incarnation_, chain->get_source_hash(block->src_).tl(), block->height_, hash); } tl_object_ptr CatChainReceivedBlock::block_id( const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block) { return create_tl_object( chain->get_incarnation(), chain->get_source_hash(block->src_).tl(), block->height_, block->data_hash_); } CatChainBlockHash CatChainReceivedBlock::block_hash(const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block, const td::Slice &payload) { return get_tl_object_sha_bits256(block_id(chain, block, payload)); } CatChainBlockHash CatChainReceivedBlock::block_hash(const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block) { return get_tl_object_sha_bits256(block_id(chain, block)); } td::Status CatChainReceivedBlock::pre_validate_block(const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block, const td::Slice &payload) { CHECK(block->incarnation_ == chain->get_incarnation()); if (block->height_ <= 0) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad height ") + std::to_string(block->height_)); } if (block->src_ < 0 || static_cast(block->src_) >= chain->get_sources_cnt()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad src ") + std::to_string(block->src_)); } if (block->data_->prev_->src_ < 0) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad prev block src ") + std::to_string(block->data_->prev_->src_)); } if (block->data_->deps_.size() > chain->opts().max_deps) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("too many deps")); } auto prev_src = static_cast(block->data_->prev_->src_); if (block->height_ > 1) { if (prev_src != static_cast(block->src_)) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad prev block src ") + std::to_string(block->data_->prev_->src_)); } } else { if (prev_src != chain->get_sources_cnt()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad prev(first) block src ") + std::to_string(block->data_->prev_->src_)); } } if (block->data_->prev_->height_ + 1 != block->height_) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad prev block height ") + std::to_string(block->data_->prev_->height_) + " (our " + std::to_string(block->height_) + ")"); } std::set used; used.insert(block->src_); for (const auto &X : block->data_->deps_) { if (used.find(X->src_) != used.end()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, "two deps from same source"); } used.insert(X->src_); } TRY_STATUS(chain->validate_block_sync(block->data_->prev_)); for (const auto &X : block->data_->deps_) { TRY_STATUS(chain->validate_block_sync(X)); } if (payload.empty()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, "empty payload"); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status CatChainReceivedBlock::pre_validate_block(const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &block) { if (block->height_ < 0) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad height ") + std::to_string(block->height_)); } if (block->height_ > 0) { if (block->src_ < 0 || static_cast(block->src_) >= chain->get_sources_cnt()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad src ") + std::to_string(block->src_)); } } else { if (block->src_ < 0 || static_cast(block->src_) != chain->get_sources_cnt()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad src (first block) ") + std::to_string(block->src_)); } if (block->data_hash_ != chain->get_incarnation() || !block->signature_.empty()) { return td::Status::Error(ErrorCode::protoviolation, std::string("bad first block")); } } return td::Status::OK(); } tl_object_ptr CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::export_tl() const { CHECK(initialized()); CHECK(height_ > 0); std::vector> deps; for (CatChainReceivedBlockImpl *B : block_deps_) { deps.push_back(B->export_tl_dep()); } CHECK(deps.size() <= chain_->opts().max_deps) return create_tl_object( chain_->get_incarnation(), source_id_, height_, create_tl_object(prev_->export_tl_dep(), std::move(deps)), signature_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } tl_object_ptr CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::export_tl_dep() const { return create_tl_object(source_id_, height_, data_payload_hash_, signature_.clone_as_buffer_slice()); } CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::CatChainReceivedBlockImpl(td::uint32 source_id, const CatChainBlockPayloadHash &hash, CatChainReceiver *chain) { chain_ = chain; state_ = bs_delivered; fork_id_ = 0; source_id_ = source_id; height_ = 0; data_payload_hash_ = hash; block_id_hash_ = get_tl_object_sha_bits256(create_tl_object( chain->get_incarnation(), chain->get_incarnation(), height_, data_payload_hash_)); } CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::CatChainReceivedBlockImpl(tl_object_ptr block, td::SharedSlice payload, CatChainReceiver *chain) { chain_ = chain; data_payload_hash_ = data_payload_hash(chain, block->data_, payload); block_id_hash_ = get_tl_object_sha_bits256(create_tl_object( block->incarnation_, chain->get_source_hash(block->src_).tl(), block->height_, data_payload_hash_)); height_ = block->height_; source_id_ = block->src_; CHECK(height_ <= get_max_block_height(chain->opts(), chain->get_sources_cnt())); CatChainReceiverSource *S = chain_->get_source(source_id_); S->on_new_block(this); initialize(std::move(block), std::move(payload)); } CatChainReceivedBlockImpl::CatChainReceivedBlockImpl(tl_object_ptr block, CatChainReceiver *chain) { chain_ = chain; data_payload_hash_ = block->data_hash_; source_id_ = block->src_; signature_ = td::SharedSlice{block->signature_.as_slice()}; block_id_hash_ = get_tl_object_sha_bits256(create_tl_object( chain_->get_incarnation(), chain_->get_source_hash(source_id_).tl(), block->height_, data_payload_hash_)); height_ = block->height_; CatChainReceiverSource *S = chain_->get_source(source_id_); S->on_new_block(this); } std::unique_ptr CatChainReceivedBlock::create(tl_object_ptr block, td::SharedSlice payload, CatChainReceiver *chain) { return std::make_unique(std::move(block), std::move(payload), chain); } std::unique_ptr CatChainReceivedBlock::create(tl_object_ptr block, CatChainReceiver *chain) { return std::make_unique(std::move(block), chain); } std::unique_ptr CatChainReceivedBlock::create_root(td::uint32 source_id, CatChainSessionId session_id, CatChainReceiver *chain) { return std::make_unique(source_id, session_id, chain); } CatChainBlockPayloadHash CatChainReceivedBlock::data_payload_hash( const CatChainReceiver *chain, const tl_object_ptr &data, const td::Slice &payload) { td::Bits256 hash = sha256_bits256(payload); if (chain->opts().block_hash_covers_data) { td::Bits256 data_hash = get_tl_object_sha_bits256(data); char buf[32 * 2]; CHECK(hash.as_array().size() == 32 && data_hash.as_array().size() == 32); std::copy(hash.as_array().begin(), hash.as_array().end(), buf); std::copy(data_hash.as_array().begin(), data_hash.as_array().end(), buf + 32); return sha256_bits256(td::Slice(buf, buf + 64)); } else { return hash; } } } // namespace catchain } // namespace ton