/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "Torrent.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/port/Stat.h" #include "td/utils/tl_helpers.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" namespace ton { td::Result Torrent::open(Options options, td::Bits256 hash) { Torrent res(hash); if (!options.in_memory) { if (options.root_dir.empty()) { options.root_dir = "."; } res.set_root_dir(options.root_dir); } return std::move(res); } td::Result Torrent::open(Options options, TorrentMeta meta) { Torrent res(td::Bits256(meta.info.get_hash())); TRY_STATUS(res.init_info(std::move(meta.info))); if (meta.header) { TRY_STATUS(res.set_header(meta.header.unwrap())); } if (meta.root_proof.not_null()) { TRY_STATUS(res.merkle_tree_.add_proof(meta.root_proof)); } if (!options.in_memory) { if (options.root_dir.empty()) { options.root_dir = "."; } res.set_root_dir(options.root_dir); } if (options.validate) { res.validate(); } return std::move(res); } td::Result Torrent::open(Options options, td::Slice meta_str) { TRY_RESULT(meta, TorrentMeta::deserialize(meta_str)); return open(std::move(options), std::move(meta)); } const Torrent::Info &Torrent::get_info() const { CHECK(inited_info_); return info_; } struct IterateInfo { td::uint64 piece_offset; td::uint64 chunk_offset; td::uint64 size; }; template td::Status Torrent::iterate_piece(Info::PieceInfo piece, F &&f) { auto chunk_it = std::lower_bound(chunks_.begin(), chunks_.end(), piece.offset, [](auto &chunk, auto &piece_offset) { return chunk.offset + chunk.size <= piece_offset; }); td::uint64 size = 0; for (; chunk_it != chunks_.end(); chunk_it++) { if (chunk_it->offset >= piece.offset + piece.size) { break; } if (chunk_it->size == 0) { continue; } auto l = td::max(chunk_it->offset, piece.offset); auto r = td::min(chunk_it->offset + chunk_it->size, piece.offset + piece.size); CHECK(l < r); IterateInfo info; info.piece_offset = l - piece.offset; info.chunk_offset = l - chunk_it->offset; info.size = r - l; size += info.size; TRY_STATUS(f(chunk_it, info)); } LOG_CHECK(size == piece.size) << size << " vs " << piece.size; return td::Status::OK(); } bool Torrent::is_piece_ready(td::uint64 piece_i) const { if (!inited_info_) { return false; } CHECK(piece_i < info_.pieces_count()); return piece_is_ready_[piece_i]; } td::optional Torrent::get_files_count() const { if (header_) { return header_.value().files_count; } return {}; } td::CSlice Torrent::get_file_name(size_t i) const { return chunks_.at(i + 1).name; } td::uint64 Torrent::get_file_size(size_t i) const { return chunks_.at(i + 1).size; } td::uint64 Torrent::get_file_ready_size(size_t i) const { return chunks_.at(i + 1).ready_size; } Torrent::PartsRange Torrent::get_file_parts_range(size_t i) { auto begin = chunks_.at(i + 1).offset; auto end = begin + chunks_.at(i + 1).size; PartsRange res; res.begin = begin / info_.piece_size; res.end = (end + info_.piece_size - 1) / info_.piece_size; return res; } Torrent::PartsRange Torrent::get_header_parts_range() const { CHECK(inited_info_); PartsRange res; res.begin = 0; res.end = header_pieces_count_; return res; } TD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT td::Status Torrent::ChunkState::get_piece(td::MutableSlice dest, td::uint64 offset, Cache *cache) { if (dest.empty()) { return td::Status::OK(); } if (cache != nullptr) { auto global_offset = offset + this->offset; if (cache->offset > global_offset || cache->offset + cache->size < global_offset + dest.size()) { auto load_size = td::min(size - offset, (td::uint64)cache->slice.size()); cache->size = 0; TRY_STATUS(get_piece(cache->slice.as_slice().truncate(load_size), offset)); cache->offset = global_offset; cache->size = load_size; } dest.copy_from(cache->slice.as_slice().substr(global_offset - cache->offset, dest.size())); CHECK(cache->slice.size() >= dest.size()); return td::Status::OK(); } TRY_RESULT(size, data.view_copy(dest, offset)); if (size != dest.size()) { return td::Status::Error("Failed to read the whole chunk"); } return td::Status::OK(); } std::string Torrent::get_stats_str() const { td::StringBuilder sb; auto o_n = get_files_count(); if (!o_n) { return "NO HEADER YET\n"; } for (size_t i = 0, n = o_n.unwrap(); i < n; i++) { auto size = get_file_size(i); auto ready_size = get_file_ready_size(i); sb << get_file_name(i) << "\t" << 100 * ready_size / size << "%% " << td::format::as_size(ready_size) << "/" << td::format::as_size(size) << "\n"; } return sb.as_cslice().str(); } void Torrent::validate() { if (!inited_info_ || !header_) { return; } std::fill(piece_is_ready_.begin(), piece_is_ready_.end(), false); not_ready_piece_count_ = info_.pieces_count(); included_ready_size_ = 0; for (auto &chunk : chunks_) { chunk.ready_size = 0; if (root_dir_) { if (td::stat(get_chunk_path(chunk.name)).is_error()) { continue; } } init_chunk_data(chunk); } std::vector hashes; std::vector> pieces; auto flush = [&] { for (size_t piece_i : merkle_tree_.add_pieces(std::move(pieces))) { auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { it->ready_size += info.size; if (!it->excluded) { included_ready_size_ += info.size; } return td::Status::OK(); }); piece_is_ready_[piece_i] = true; ready_parts_count_++; CHECK(not_ready_piece_count_); not_ready_piece_count_--; } hashes.clear(); pieces.clear(); }; td::BufferSlice buf(info_.piece_size); ChunkState::Cache cache; cache.slice = td::BufferSlice(td::max(8u << 20, info_.piece_size)); for (size_t piece_i = 0; piece_i < info_.pieces_count(); piece_i++) { auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); td::Sha256State sha256; sha256.init(); bool skipped = false; auto is_ok = iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { if (!it->data) { skipped = true; return td::Status::Error("No such file"); } if (!it->has_piece(info.chunk_offset, info.size)) { return td::Status::Error("Don't have piece"); } auto dest = buf.as_slice().truncate(info.size); TRY_STATUS(it->get_piece(dest, info.chunk_offset, &cache)); sha256.feed(dest); return td::Status::OK(); }); if (is_ok.is_error()) { LOG_IF(ERROR, !skipped) << "Failed: " << is_ok; continue; } td::Bits256 hash; sha256.extract(hash.as_slice()); pieces.emplace_back(piece_i, hash); } flush(); } td::Result Torrent::get_piece_data(td::uint64 piece_i) { if (!inited_info_) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent info not inited"); } CHECK(piece_i < info_.pieces_count()); if (!piece_is_ready_[piece_i]) { return td::Status::Error("Piece is not ready"); } auto it = pending_pieces_.find(piece_i); if (it != pending_pieces_.end()) { return it->second; } auto it2 = in_memory_pieces_.find(piece_i); if (it2 != in_memory_pieces_.end()) { return it2->second.data; } auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); std::string res(piece.size, '\0'); iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { return it->get_piece(td::MutableSlice(res).substr(info.piece_offset, info.size), info.chunk_offset); }); return res; } td::Result> Torrent::get_piece_proof(td::uint64 piece_i) { if (!inited_info_) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent info not inited"); } CHECK(piece_i < info_.pieces_count()); return merkle_tree_.gen_proof(piece_i, piece_i); } td::Status Torrent::add_piece(td::uint64 piece_i, td::Slice data, td::Ref proof) { if (fatal_error_.is_error()) { return fatal_error_.clone().move_as_error_prefix("Fatal error: "); } if (!inited_info_) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent info not inited"); } if (!proof.is_null()) { TRY_STATUS(merkle_tree_.add_proof(proof)); } CHECK(piece_i < info_.pieces_count()); if (piece_is_ready_[piece_i]) { return td::Status::OK(); } td::Bits256 hash; td::sha256(data, hash.as_slice()); TRY_RESULT(expected_hash, merkle_tree_.get_piece_hash(piece_i)); if (expected_hash != hash) { return td::Status::Error("Hash mismatch"); } piece_is_ready_[piece_i] = true; ready_parts_count_++; if (chunks_.empty() || !enabled_wirte_to_files_) { return add_pending_piece(piece_i, data); } return add_validated_piece(piece_i, data); } td::Status Torrent::add_proof(td::Ref proof) { if (!inited_info_) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent info not inited"); } return merkle_tree_.add_proof(std::move(proof)); } td::Status Torrent::add_pending_piece(td::uint64 piece_i, td::Slice data) { pending_pieces_[piece_i] = data.str(); if (piece_i < header_pieces_count_) { auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); auto dest = header_str_.as_slice().substr(piece.offset); data.truncate(dest.size()); dest.copy_from(data); not_ready_pending_piece_count_--; if (not_ready_pending_piece_count_ == 0) { TorrentHeader header; auto S = td::unserialize(header, header_str_.as_slice()); if (S.is_ok()) { S = set_header(std::move(header)); } if (S.is_error()) { S = S.move_as_error_prefix("Invalid torrent header: "); fatal_error_ = S.clone(); return S; } if (enabled_wirte_to_files_) { add_pending_pieces(); } } } return td::Status::OK(); } void Torrent::enable_write_to_files() { if (enabled_wirte_to_files_) { return; } enabled_wirte_to_files_ = true; if (header_) { add_pending_pieces(); } } void Torrent::add_pending_pieces() { for (auto &p : pending_pieces_) { td::Status S = add_validated_piece(p.first, std::move(p.second)); if (S.is_error()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to add pending piece #" << p.first << ": " << S; } } pending_pieces_.clear(); } std::string Torrent::get_chunk_path(td::Slice name) const { return PSTRING() << root_dir_.value() << TD_DIR_SLASH << header_.value().dir_name << TD_DIR_SLASH << name; } std::string Torrent::get_file_path(size_t i) const { return get_chunk_path(chunks_.at(i + 1).name); } td::Status Torrent::init_chunk_data(ChunkState &chunk) { if (chunk.data) { return td::Status::OK(); } if (root_dir_) { std::string path = get_chunk_path(chunk.name); TRY_STATUS(td::mkpath(path)); TRY_RESULT(data, td::FileNoCacheBlobView::create(path, chunk.size, true)); chunk.data = std::move(data); } else { chunk.data = td::BufferSliceBlobView::create(td::BufferSlice(chunk.size)); } return td::Status::OK(); } td::Status Torrent::add_validated_piece(td::uint64 piece_i, td::Slice data) { CHECK(!chunks_.empty()); auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); std::set excluded; TRY_STATUS(iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { if (it->excluded) { excluded.insert(it - chunks_.begin()); return td::Status::OK(); } TRY_STATUS(init_chunk_data(*it)); TRY_STATUS(it->write_piece(data.substr(info.piece_offset, info.size), info.chunk_offset)); return td::Status::OK(); })); TRY_STATUS(iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { if (!it->excluded) { it->ready_size += info.size; included_ready_size_ += info.size; } return td::Status::OK(); })); piece_is_ready_[piece_i] = true; not_ready_piece_count_--; if (!excluded.empty()) { in_memory_pieces_[piece_i] = {data.str(), std::move(excluded)}; } return td::Status::OK(); } bool Torrent::is_completed() const { return inited_info_ && enabled_wirte_to_files_ && included_ready_size_ == included_size_; } td::Result Torrent::read_file(td::Slice name) { if (!inited_info_) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent info not inited"); } for (auto &chunk : chunks_) { if (chunk.name == name) { td::BufferSlice res(chunk.size); TRY_STATUS(chunk.get_piece(res.as_slice(), 0)); return std::move(res); } } return td::Status::Error("Unknown name"); } Torrent::GetMetaOptions::GetMetaOptions() = default; std::string Torrent::get_meta_str(const GetMetaOptions &options) const { CHECK(inited_info_); return get_meta(options).serialize(); } TorrentMeta Torrent::get_meta(const GetMetaOptions &options) const { CHECK(inited_info_); TorrentMeta torrent_file; if (options.with_header) { torrent_file.header = header_; } torrent_file.info = info_; torrent_file.info.init_cell(); if (options.with_proof) { torrent_file.root_proof = merkle_tree_.get_root(options.proof_depth_limit); } return torrent_file; } Torrent::Torrent(td::Bits256 hash) : hash_(hash), inited_info_(false) { } Torrent::Torrent(Info info, td::optional header, ton::MerkleTree tree, std::vector chunks, std::string root_dir) : hash_(info.get_hash()) , inited_info_(true) , info_(info) , root_dir_(std::move(root_dir)) , header_(std::move(header)) , enabled_wirte_to_files_(true) , merkle_tree_(std::move(tree)) , piece_is_ready_(info_.pieces_count(), true) , ready_parts_count_{info_.pieces_count()} , chunks_(std::move(chunks)) , included_size_(info_.file_size) , included_ready_size_(info_.file_size) { } td::Status Torrent::set_header(TorrentHeader header) { if (header_) { return td::Status::OK(); } auto header_str = header.serialize(); td::Bits256 header_hash; td::sha256(header_str.as_slice(), header_hash.as_slice()); if (header_hash != info_.header_hash) { return td::Status::Error("Incorrect header hash"); } TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(header.validate(info_.file_size, info_.header_size), "Invalid torrent header: "); auto add_chunk = [&](td::Slice name, td::uint64 offset, td::uint64 size) { ChunkState chunk; chunk.name = name.str(); chunk.ready_size = 0; chunk.size = size; chunk.offset = offset; chunks_.push_back(std::move(chunk)); included_size_ += size; }; add_chunk("", 0, header_str.size()); chunks_.back().data = td::BufferSliceBlobView::create(std::move(header_str)); for (size_t i = 0; i < header.files_count; i++) { auto l = header.get_data_begin(i); auto r = header.get_data_end(i); add_chunk(header.get_name(i), l, r - l); } header_ = std::move(header); return td::Status::OK(); } size_t Torrent::get_ready_parts_count() const { return ready_parts_count_; } std::vector Torrent::chunks_by_piece(td::uint64 piece_id) { CHECK(inited_info_); std::vector res; auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_id); auto is_ok = iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, auto info) { res.push_back(it - chunks_.begin()); return td::Status::OK(); }); return res; } td::Status Torrent::init_info(Info info) { if (hash_ != info.get_hash()) { return td::Status::Error("Hash mismatch"); } if (inited_info_) { return td::Status::OK(); } auto S = info.validate(); if (S.is_error()) { S = S.move_as_error_prefix("Invalid torrent info: "); fatal_error_ = S.clone(); return S; } inited_info_ = true; info_ = std::move(info); merkle_tree_ = MerkleTree(info_.pieces_count(), info_.root_hash); piece_is_ready_.resize(info_.pieces_count(), false); not_ready_piece_count_ = piece_is_ready_.size(); header_pieces_count_ = (info_.header_size + info_.piece_size - 1) / info_.piece_size; not_ready_pending_piece_count_ = header_pieces_count_; header_str_ = td::BufferSlice(info_.header_size); return td::Status::OK(); } void Torrent::set_file_excluded(size_t i, bool excluded) { CHECK(header_); CHECK(i + 1 < chunks_.size()); if (!root_dir_) { return; // All files are in-memory, nothing to do } size_t chunk_i = i + 1; auto &chunk = chunks_[chunk_i]; if (chunk.excluded == excluded) { return; } if (excluded) { included_size_ -= chunk.size; included_ready_size_ -= chunk.ready_size; } else { included_size_ += chunk.size; included_ready_size_ += chunk.ready_size; } chunk.excluded = excluded; if (!enabled_wirte_to_files_ || excluded) { return; } auto range = get_file_parts_range(i); for (auto it = in_memory_pieces_.lower_bound(range.begin); it != in_memory_pieces_.end() && it->first < range.end;) { if (!it->second.pending_chunks.count(chunk_i)) { ++it; continue; } auto piece_i = it->first; auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); auto S = [&]() { auto l = td::max(chunk.offset, piece.offset); auto r = td::min(chunk.offset + chunk.size, piece.offset + piece.size); TRY_STATUS(init_chunk_data(chunk)); TRY_STATUS(chunk.write_piece(it->second.data.substr(l - piece.offset, r - l), l - chunk.offset)); chunk.ready_size += r - l; included_ready_size_ += r - l; return td::Status::OK(); }(); if (S.is_error()) { // Erase piece completely piece_is_ready_[piece_i] = false; not_ready_piece_count_++; iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it2, auto info) { if (!it2->excluded) { included_ready_size_ -= info.size; } if (!it2->excluded || !it->second.pending_chunks.count(it2 - chunks_.begin())) { it2->ready_size -= info.size; } return td::Status::OK(); }); it = in_memory_pieces_.erase(it); continue; } it->second.pending_chunks.erase(chunk_i); if (it->second.pending_chunks.empty()) { it = in_memory_pieces_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } void Torrent::load_from_files(std::string files_path) { CHECK(inited_header()); std::vector> new_blobs; new_blobs.push_back(td::BufferSliceBlobView::create(get_header().serialize())); size_t files_count = get_files_count().unwrap(); for (size_t i = 0; i < files_count; ++i) { std::string new_path = PSTRING() << files_path << TD_DIR_SLASH << header_.value().dir_name << TD_DIR_SLASH << get_file_name(i); auto R = td::FileNoCacheBlobView::create(new_path, get_file_size(i), false); if (R.is_error() && files_count == 1) { R = td::FileNoCacheBlobView::create(files_path, get_file_size(i), false); } if (R.is_error()) { new_blobs.emplace_back(); } else { new_blobs.push_back(R.move_as_ok()); } } auto load_new_piece = [&](size_t piece_i) -> td::Result { auto piece = info_.get_piece_info(piece_i); bool included = false; TRY_STATUS(iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, IterateInfo info) { if (!it->excluded) { included = true; } return td::Status::OK(); })); if (!included) { return td::Status::Error("Piece is excluded"); } std::string data(piece.size, '\0'); TRY_STATUS(iterate_piece(piece, [&](auto it, IterateInfo info) { size_t chunk_i = it - chunks_.begin(); if (!new_blobs[chunk_i]) { return td::Status::Error("No such file"); } TRY_RESULT(s, new_blobs[chunk_i].value().view_copy(td::MutableSlice(data).substr(info.piece_offset, info.size), info.chunk_offset)); if (s != info.size) { return td::Status::Error("Can't read file"); } return td::Status::OK(); })); return data; }; std::vector> new_pieces; for (size_t i = 0; i < piece_is_ready_.size(); ++i) { if (piece_is_ready_[i]) { continue; } auto r_data = load_new_piece(i); if (r_data.is_error()) { continue; } td::Bits256 hash; td::sha256(r_data.ok(), hash.as_slice()); new_pieces.emplace_back(i, hash); } size_t added_cnt = 0; for (size_t i : merkle_tree_.add_pieces(std::move(new_pieces))) { auto r_data = load_new_piece(i); if (r_data.is_error()) { continue; } if (add_piece(i, r_data.ok(), {}).is_ok()) { ++added_cnt; } } if (added_cnt > 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Loaded " << added_cnt << " new pieces for " << get_hash().to_hex(); } } td::Status Torrent::copy_to(const std::string &new_root_dir) { if (!is_completed() || included_size_ != info_.file_size) { return td::Status::Error("Torrent::copy_to is allowed only for fully completed torrents"); } auto get_new_chunk_path = [&](td::Slice name) -> std::string { return PSTRING() << new_root_dir << TD_DIR_SLASH << header_.value().dir_name << TD_DIR_SLASH << name; }; std::vector new_blobs; for (size_t i = 1; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) { auto &chunk = chunks_[i]; std::string new_path = get_new_chunk_path(chunk.name); TRY_STATUS(td::mkpath(new_path)); TRY_RESULT(new_blob, td::FileNoCacheBlobView::create(new_path, chunk.size, true)); static const td::uint64 BUF_SIZE = 1 << 17; td::BufferSlice buf(BUF_SIZE); for (td::uint64 l = 0; l < chunk.size; l += BUF_SIZE) { td::uint64 r = std::min(chunk.size, l + BUF_SIZE); TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(s, chunk.data.view(buf.as_slice().substr(0, r - l), l), PSTRING() << "Failed to read " << chunk.name << ": "); if (s.size() != r - l) { return td::Status::Error(PSTRING() << "Failed to read " << chunk.name); } TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(new_blob.write(s, l), PSTRING() << "Failed to write " << chunk.name << ": "); } new_blobs.push_back(std::move(new_blob)); } root_dir_ = new_root_dir; for (size_t i = 1; i < chunks_.size(); ++i) { chunks_[i].data = std::move(new_blobs[i - 1]); } return td::Status::OK(); } } // namespace ton