/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP */ #include "adnl/adnl.h" #include "common/bigint.hpp" #include "common/bitstring.h" #include "dht/dht.h" #include "keys/encryptor.h" #include "overlay/overlay.h" #include "td/utils/JsonBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/port/signals.h" #include "td/utils/Parser.h" #include "td/utils/overloaded.h" #include "td/utils/OptionParser.h" #include "td/utils/PathView.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/filesystem.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/actor/MultiPromise.h" #include "terminal/terminal.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "TorrentCreator.h" #include "PeerManager.h" #include "auto/tl/ton_api_json.h" #include #include #include #include #include "git.h" struct StorageCliOptions { std::string config; bool enable_readline{true}; std::string db_root{"dht-db/"}; td::IPAddress addr; td::optional cmd; }; using AdnlCategory = td::int32; class StorageCli : public td::actor::Actor { public: explicit StorageCli(StorageCliOptions options) : options_(std::move(options)) { } private: StorageCliOptions options_; td::actor::ActorOwn io_; //td::actor::ActorOwn dht_server_; std::shared_ptr dht_config_; td::actor::ActorOwn keyring_; td::actor::ActorOwn adnl_network_manager_; td::actor::ActorOwn adnl_; td::actor::ActorOwn dht_; td::actor::ActorOwn overlays_; td::actor::ActorOwn rldp_; //ton::PublicKeyHash default_dht_node_ = ton::PublicKeyHash::zero(); ton::PublicKey public_key_; bool one_shot_{false}; bool is_closing_{false}; td::uint32 ref_cnt_{1}; td::Status load_global_config() { TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(conf_data, td::read_file(options_.config), "failed to read: "); TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(conf_json, td::json_decode(conf_data.as_slice()), "failed to parse json: "); ton::ton_api::config_global conf; TRY_STATUS_PREFIX(ton::ton_api::from_json(conf, conf_json.get_object()), "json does not fit TL scheme: "); // TODO // add adnl static nodes //if (conf.adnl_) { // td::actor::send_closure(adnl_, &ton::adnl::Adnl::add_static_nodes_from_config, // std::move(conf.adnl_->static_nodes_)); //} if (!conf.dht_) { return td::Status::Error(ton::ErrorCode::error, "does not contain [dht] section"); } TRY_RESULT_PREFIX(dht, ton::dht::Dht::create_global_config(std::move(conf.dht_)), "bad [dht] section: "); dht_config_ = std::move(dht); return td::Status::OK(); } void start_up() override { class Cb : public td::TerminalIO::Callback { public: void line_cb(td::BufferSlice line) override { td::actor::send_closure(id_, &StorageCli::parse_line, std::move(line)); } Cb(td::actor::ActorShared id) : id_(std::move(id)) { } private: td::actor::ActorShared id_; }; if (options_.cmd) { one_shot_ = true; td::actor::send_closure(actor_id(this), &StorageCli::parse_line, td::BufferSlice(options_.cmd.unwrap())); } else { ref_cnt_++; io_ = td::TerminalIO::create("> ", options_.enable_readline, false, std::make_unique(actor_shared(this))); td::actor::send_closure(io_, &td::TerminalIO::set_log_interface); } if (!options_.config.empty()) { init_network(); } } void init_network() { load_global_config().ensure(); td::mkdir(options_.db_root).ignore(); keyring_ = ton::keyring::Keyring::create(options_.db_root + "/keyring"); adnl_network_manager_ = ton::adnl::AdnlNetworkManager::create(td::narrow_cast(options_.addr.get_port())); adnl_ = ton::adnl::Adnl::create(options_.db_root, keyring_.get()); td::actor::send_closure(adnl_, &ton::adnl::Adnl::register_network_manager, adnl_network_manager_.get()); rldp_ = ton_rldp::Rldp::create(adnl_.get()); auto key_path = options_.db_root + "/key.pub"; auto r_public_key = td::read_file(key_path).move_fmap([](auto raw) { return ton::PublicKey::import(raw); }); ; if (r_public_key.is_error()) { auto private_key = ton::PrivateKey(ton::privkeys::Ed25519::random()); public_key_ = private_key.compute_public_key(); td::actor::send_closure(keyring_, &ton::keyring::Keyring::add_key, std::move(private_key), false, td::Promise([key_path, str = public_key_.export_as_slice()](auto) { td::write_file(key_path, str.as_slice()).ensure(); LOG(INFO) << "New key was saved"; })); } else { public_key_ = r_public_key.move_as_ok(); } auto short_id = public_key_.compute_short_id(); LOG(ERROR) << "Create " << short_id; std::set cats; cats = {0, 1, 2, 3}; ton::adnl::AdnlCategoryMask cat_mask; for (auto cat : cats) { cat_mask[cat] = true; } td::actor::send_closure(adnl_network_manager_, &ton::adnl::AdnlNetworkManager::add_self_addr, options_.addr, std::move(cat_mask), cats.size() ? 0 : 1); td::uint32 ts = static_cast(td::Clocks::system()); std::map addr_lists_; for (auto cat : cats) { CHECK(cat >= 0); ton::adnl::AdnlAddress x = ton::adnl::AdnlAddressImpl::create( ton::create_tl_object(options_.addr.get_ipv4(), options_.addr.get_port())); addr_lists_[cat].add_addr(std::move(x)); addr_lists_[cat].set_version(ts); addr_lists_[cat].set_reinit_date(ton::adnl::Adnl::adnl_start_time()); } for (auto cat : cats) { td::actor::send_closure(adnl_, &ton::adnl::Adnl::add_id, ton::adnl::AdnlNodeIdFull{public_key_}, addr_lists_[cat], static_cast(cat)); td::actor::send_closure(rldp_, &ton_rldp::Rldp::add_id, ton::adnl::AdnlNodeIdFull{public_key_}.compute_short_id()); } dht_ = ton::dht::Dht::create(ton::adnl::AdnlNodeIdShort{short_id}, "" /*NO db for dht! No wrong cache - no problems*/, dht_config_, keyring_.get(), adnl_.get()) .move_as_ok(); send_closure(adnl_, &ton::Adnl::register_dht_node, dht_.get()); overlays_ = ton::overlay::Overlays::create(options_.db_root, keyring_.get(), adnl_.get(), dht_.get()); } void exit(td::Result res) { if (one_shot_) { td::TerminalIO::out() << "Done, exiting"; std::_Exit(res.is_ok() ? 0 : 2); } } void parse_line(td::BufferSlice line) { if (is_closing_) { return; } td::ConstParser parser(line.as_slice()); auto cmd = parser.read_word(); if (cmd.empty()) { return; } td::Promise cmd_promise = [line = line.clone(), timer = td::PerfWarningTimer(line.as_slice().str()), cli = actor_id(this)](td::Result res) { if (res.is_ok()) { // on_ok } else { td::TerminalIO::out() << "Query {" << line.as_slice() << "} FAILED: \n\t" << res.error() << "\n"; } send_closure(cli, &StorageCli::exit, std::move(res)); }; if (cmd == "help") { td::TerminalIO::out() << "help\tThis help\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "create \tCreate torrent from a directory\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "info \tPrint info about loaded torrent\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "load \tLoad torrent file in memory\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "addhash \tAdd torrent by hash (in hex)\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "save \tSave torrent file\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "start \tStart torrent downloading/uploading\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "seed \tStart torrent uploading\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "download \tStart torrent and stop when it is completed\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "stop \tStop torrent downloading\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "pause \tPause active torrent downloading\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "resume \tResume active torrent downloading\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "priority \tSet file priority(0..254) by file_id, use " "file_id=* to set priority for all files\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "exit\tExit\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "quit\tExit\n"; } else if (cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit") { quit(); } else if (cmd == "create") { torrent_create(parser.read_all(), std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "info") { torrent_info(parser.read_all(), std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "load") { cmd_promise.set_result(torrent_load(parser.read_all()).move_map([](auto &&x) { return td::Unit(); })); } else if (cmd == "addhash") { cmd_promise.set_result(torrent_add_by_hash(parser.read_all()).move_map([](auto &&x) { return td::Unit(); })); } else if (cmd == "save") { auto id = parser.read_word(); parser.skip_whitespaces(); auto file = parser.read_all(); torrent_save(id, file, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "start") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_start(id, false, true, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "download") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_start(id, true, true, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "seed") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_start(id, false, false, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "stop") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_stop(id, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "pause") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_set_should_download(id, false, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "resume") { auto id = parser.read_word(); torrent_set_should_download(id, true, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "priority") { torrent_set_priority(parser, std::move(cmd_promise)); } else if (cmd == "get") { auto name = parser.read_word().str(); auto key = ton::dht::DhtKey(public_key_.compute_short_id(), name, 0); send_closure(dht_, &ton::dht::Dht::get_value, std::move(key), cmd_promise.wrap([](auto &&res) { LOG(ERROR) << to_string(res.tl()); return td::Unit(); })); } else if (cmd == "set") { auto name = parser.read_word().str(); parser.skip_whitespaces(); auto value = parser.read_all().str(); auto key = ton::dht::DhtKey(public_key_.compute_short_id(), name, 0); auto dht_update_rule = ton::dht::DhtUpdateRuleSignature::create().move_as_ok(); ton::dht::DhtKeyDescription dht_key_description{key.clone(), public_key_, dht_update_rule, td::BufferSlice()}; auto to_sing = dht_key_description.to_sign(); send_closure(keyring_, &ton::keyring::Keyring::sign_message, public_key_.compute_short_id(), std::move(to_sing), cmd_promise.send_closure(actor_id(this), &StorageCli::dht_set1, std::move(dht_key_description), td::BufferSlice(value))); } else { cmd_promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Unkwnown query `" << cmd << "`")); } if (cmd_promise) { cmd_promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } } void dht_set1(ton::dht::DhtKeyDescription dht_key_description, td::BufferSlice value, td::Result r_signature, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, signature, std::move(r_signature)); dht_key_description.update_signature(std::move(signature)); dht_key_description.check().ensure(); auto ttl = static_cast(td::Clocks::system() + 3600); ton::dht::DhtValue dht_value{dht_key_description.clone(), std::move(value), ttl, td::BufferSlice("")}; auto to_sign = dht_value.to_sign(); send_closure(keyring_, &ton::keyring::Keyring::sign_message, public_key_.compute_short_id(), std::move(to_sign), promise.send_closure(actor_id(this), &StorageCli::dht_set2, std::move(dht_value))); } void dht_set2(ton::dht::DhtValue dht_value, td::Result r_signature, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, signature, std::move(r_signature)); dht_value.update_signature(std::move(signature)); dht_value.check().ensure(); send_closure(dht_, &ton::dht::Dht::set_value, std::move(dht_value), promise.wrap([](auto &&res) { LOG(ERROR) << "OK"; return td::Unit(); })); } td::uint32 torrent_id_{0}; struct Info { td::uint32 id; td::Bits256 hash; td::optional torrent; td::actor::ActorOwn peer_manager; td::actor::ActorOwn node; }; std::map infos_; void torrent_create(td::Slice path_raw, td::Promise promise) { auto path = td::trim(path_raw).str(); ton::Torrent::Creator::Options options; options.piece_size = 128 * 1024; TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, torrent, ton::Torrent::Creator::create_from_path(options, path)); auto hash = torrent.get_hash(); for (auto &it : infos_) { if (it.second.hash == hash) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Torrent already loaded (#" << it.first << ")")); return; } } td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id_ << " created\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent hash: " << torrent.get_hash().to_hex() << "\n"; infos_.emplace(torrent_id_, Info{torrent_id_, hash, std::move(torrent), td::actor::ActorOwn(), td::actor::ActorOwn()}); torrent_id_++; promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } td::Result to_torrent(td::Slice id_raw) { TRY_RESULT(id, td::to_integer_safe(td::trim(id_raw))); auto it = infos_.find(id); if (it == infos_.end()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid torrent id <" << id_raw << ">"); } if (it->second.torrent) { return &it->second.torrent.value(); } return nullptr; } td::Result to_info(td::Slice id_raw) { TRY_RESULT(id, td::to_integer_safe(td::trim(id_raw))); auto it = infos_.find(id); if (it == infos_.end()) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid torrent id <" << id_raw << ">"); } return &it->second; } td::Result to_info_or_load(td::Slice id_raw) { auto r_info = to_info(id_raw); if (r_info.is_ok()) { return r_info.ok(); } return torrent_load(id_raw); } void torrent_info(td::Slice id_raw, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, info, to_info(id_raw)); if (info->torrent) { td::TerminalIO::out() << info->torrent.value().get_stats_str(); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } else { send_closure(info->node, &ton::NodeActor::get_stats_str, promise.wrap([](std::string stats) { td::TerminalIO::out() << stats; return td::Unit(); })); } } td::actor::ActorOwn create_peer_manager(td::Bits256 hash) { // create overlay network td::BufferSlice hash_str(hash.as_slice()); ton::overlay::OverlayIdFull overlay_id(std::move(hash_str)); auto adnl_id = ton::adnl::AdnlNodeIdShort{public_key_.compute_short_id()}; return td::actor::create_actor("PeerManager", adnl_id, std::move(overlay_id), false, overlays_.get(), adnl_.get(), rldp_.get()); } void torrent_start(td::Slice id_raw, bool wait_download, bool should_download, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, ptr, to_info_or_load(id_raw)); if (!ptr->torrent) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error("torrent is already started")); return; } if (ptr->peer_manager.empty()) { ptr->peer_manager = create_peer_manager(ptr->torrent.value().get_hash()); } ton::PeerId self_id = 1; class Callback : public ton::NodeActor::Callback { public: Callback(td::actor::ActorId storage_cli, td::uint32 torrent_id, td::Promise on_completed) : storage_cli_(std::move(storage_cli)) , torrent_id_(std::move(torrent_id)) , on_completed_(std::move(on_completed)) { } void on_completed() override { if (on_completed_) { on_completed_.set_value(td::Unit()); } td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id_ << " completed\n"; } void on_closed(ton::Torrent torrent) override { send_closure(storage_cli_, &StorageCli::got_torrent, torrent_id_, std::move(torrent)); } private: td::actor::ActorId storage_cli_; td::uint32 torrent_id_; td::Promise on_completed_; }; td::Promise on_completed; if (wait_download) { on_completed = std::move(promise); } auto callback = td::make_unique(actor_id(this), ptr->id, std::move(on_completed)); auto context = PeerManager::create_callback(ptr->peer_manager.get()); ptr->node = td::actor::create_actor(PSLICE() << "Node#" << self_id, self_id, ptr->torrent.unwrap(), std::move(callback), std::move(context), nullptr, should_download); td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << ptr->id << " started\n"; promise.release().release(); if (promise) { promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } } void on_torrent_completed(td::uint32 torrent_id) { td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id << " completed\n"; } void got_torrent(td::uint32 torrent_id, ton::Torrent &&torrent) { infos_[torrent_id].torrent = std::move(torrent); td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id << " ready to start again\n"; } void torrent_stop(td::Slice id_raw, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, ptr, to_info(id_raw)); ptr->node.reset(); ptr->peer_manager.reset(); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << ptr->id << " stopped\n"; } void torrent_set_should_download(td::Slice id_raw, bool should_download, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, ptr, to_info(id_raw)); if (ptr->node.empty()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error("Torrent is not active")); return; } send_closure(ptr->node, &ton::NodeActor::set_should_download, should_download); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } void torrent_set_priority(td::ConstParser &parser, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, ptr, to_info(parser.read_word())); if (ptr->node.empty()) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error("Torrent is not active")); return; } auto file_id_str = parser.read_word(); size_t file_id = 0; bool all = false; if (file_id_str == "*") { all = true; } else { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE_ASSIGN(promise, file_id, td::to_integer_safe(file_id_str)); } TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, priority, td::to_integer_safe(parser.read_word())); if (priority == 255) { promise.set_error(td::Status::Error("Priority = 255 is reserved")); return; } if (all) { send_closure(ptr->node, &ton::NodeActor::set_all_files_priority, priority, promise.wrap([](bool) { return td::Unit(); })); } else { send_closure(ptr->node, &ton::NodeActor::set_file_priority_by_idx, file_id, priority, promise.wrap([](bool) { return td::Unit(); })); } promise.set_value(td::Unit()); } void torrent_save(td::Slice id_raw, td::Slice path, td::Promise promise) { TRY_RESULT_PROMISE(promise, ptr, to_torrent(id_raw)); auto meta = ptr->get_meta(ton::Torrent::GetMetaOptions().with_proof_depth_limit(10)); TRY_STATUS_PROMISE(promise, td::write_file(path.str(), meta.serialize())); promise.set_value(td::Unit()); td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << id_raw << " saved\n"; } td::Result torrent_load(td::Slice path) { TRY_RESULT(data, td::read_file(PSLICE() << td::trim(path))); TRY_RESULT(meta, ton::TorrentMeta::deserialize(data)); ton::Torrent::Options options; options.in_memory = false; options.root_dir = "."; options.validate = true; TRY_RESULT(torrent, ton::Torrent::open(options, data)); auto hash = torrent.get_hash(); for (auto &it : infos_) { if (it.second.hash == hash) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Torrent already loaded (#" << it.first << ")"); } } td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id_ << " created\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent hash: " << torrent.get_hash().to_hex() << "\n"; auto res = infos_.emplace(torrent_id_, Info{torrent_id_, hash, std::move(torrent), td::actor::ActorOwn(), td::actor::ActorOwn()}); torrent_id_++; return &res.first->second; } td::Result torrent_add_by_hash(td::Slice hash_hex) { td::Bits256 hash; if (hash.from_hex(hash_hex) != 256) { return td::Status::Error("Failed to parse torrent hash"); } ton::Torrent::Options options; options.in_memory = false; options.root_dir = "."; options.validate = false; TRY_RESULT(torrent, ton::Torrent::open(options, hash)); for (auto &it : infos_) { if (it.second.hash == hash) { return td::Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Torrent already loaded (#" << it.first << ")"); } } td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent #" << torrent_id_ << " created\n"; td::TerminalIO::out() << "Torrent hash: " << torrent.get_hash().to_hex() << "\n"; auto res = infos_.emplace(torrent_id_, Info{torrent_id_, hash, std::move(torrent), td::actor::ActorOwn(), td::actor::ActorOwn()}); torrent_id_++; return &res.first->second; } void hangup() override { quit(); } void hangup_shared() override { CHECK(ref_cnt_ > 0); ref_cnt_--; //if (get_link_token() == 1) { //io_.reset(); //} try_stop(); } void try_stop() { if (is_closing_ && ref_cnt_ == 0) { stop(); } } void quit() { is_closing_ = true; io_.reset(); //client_.reset(); ref_cnt_--; try_stop(); } void tear_down() override { td::actor::SchedulerContext::get()->stop(); } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(verbosity_INFO); td::set_default_failure_signal_handler(); StorageCliOptions options; td::OptionParser p; p.set_description("experimental cli for ton storage"); p.add_option('h', "help", "prints_help", [&]() { std::cout << (PSLICE() << p).c_str(); std::exit(2); }); p.add_checked_option('v', "verbosity", "set verbosity level", [&](td::Slice arg) { auto verbosity = td::to_integer(arg); SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(VERBOSITY_NAME(FATAL) + verbosity); return (verbosity >= 0 && verbosity <= 20) ? td::Status::OK() : td::Status::Error("verbosity must be 0..20"); }); p.add_option('V', "version", "shows storage-cli build information", [&]() { std::cout << "storage-cli build information: [ Commit: " << GitMetadata::CommitSHA1() << ", Date: " << GitMetadata::CommitDate() << "]\n"; std::exit(0); }); p.add_option('C', "config", "set ton config", [&](td::Slice arg) { options.config = arg.str(); }); p.add_option('D', "db", "root for dbs", [&](td::Slice fname) { options.db_root = fname.str(); }); p.add_checked_option('I', "ip", "set ip:port", [&](td::Slice arg) { td::IPAddress addr; TRY_STATUS(addr.init_host_port(arg.str())); options.addr = addr; return td::Status::OK(); }); p.add_option('E', "execute", "execute one command", [&](td::Slice arg) { options.cmd = arg.str(); }); p.add_checked_option('d', "dir", "working directory", [&](td::Slice arg) { return td::chdir(arg.str()); }); auto S = p.run(argc, argv); if (S.is_error()) { std::cerr << S.move_as_error().message().str() << std::endl; std::_Exit(2); } td::actor::Scheduler scheduler({3}); scheduler.run_in_context([&] { td::actor::create_actor("console", options).release(); }); scheduler.run(); return 0; }