;; Here we test that a just-return function is not a valid wrapper, it will not be inlined. ;; (doesn't use all arguments, has different pureness, has method_id, etc.) builder begin_cell() pure asm "NEWC"; cell end_cell(builder b) pure asm "ENDC"; slice begin_parse(cell c) pure asm "CTOS"; () set_data(cell c) asm "c4 POP"; cell get_data() pure asm "c4 PUSH"; tuple empty_tuple() pure asm "NIL"; forall X -> (tuple, ()) tpush(tuple t, X x) pure asm "TPUSH"; builder storeUint(builder b, int x, int unused) { return store_uint(b, x, x); } () throwIf(int excNo, int cond) { throw_if(excNo, cond); } _ initial1(x) { return x; } _ initial2(x) { return initial1(x); } tuple asm_func_4(int a, (int, (int, int)) b, int c) pure asm (b a c -> 0) "5 TUPLE"; _ asmFunc4(int a, (int, (int, int)) b, int c) { return asm_func_4(a, b, c); } int postpone_elections() { return false; } (int) setAndGetData(int ret) { cell c = begin_cell().store_uint(ret, 8).end_cell(); set_data(c); slice s = get_data().begin_parse(); throwIf(101, 0); return s~load_uint(8); } int setAndGetDataWrapper(int ret) { return setAndGetData(ret); } int test1() method_id(101) { cell c = begin_cell().storeUint(32, 10000000).end_cell(); slice s = c.begin_parse(); return s~load_uint(32); } int test2(int ret) method_id { return setAndGetDataWrapper(ret); } int test3() method_id(103) { return initial2(10); } global tuple t; int foo(int x) { t~tpush(x); return x * 10; } (tuple, tuple) test4() method_id(104) { t = empty_tuple(); tuple t2 = asmFunc4(foo(11), (foo(22), (foo(33), foo(44))), foo(55)); return (t, t2); } int test5() method_id(105) { if (1) { return postpone_elections(); } return 123; } int main(int ret) { return setAndGetDataWrapper(ret); } int recv_external(int ret) { return setAndGetData(ret); } {- method_id | in | out TESTCASE | 101 | | 32 TESTCASE | 103 | | 10 TESTCASE | 104 | | [ 11 22 33 44 55 ] [ 220 330 440 110 550 ] TESTCASE | 105 | | 0 TESTCASE | 74435 | 99 | 99 TESTCASE | 0 | 98 | 98 TESTCASE | -1 | 97 | 97 @fif_codegen DECLPROC storeUint @fif_codegen DECLPROC throwIf @fif_codegen DECLPROC postpone_elections @fif_codegen 74435 DECLMETHOD test2 @fif_codegen """ test3 PROC:<{ // 10 PUSHINT // _0=10 initial2 CALLDICT // _1 }> """ @fif_codegen """ test2 PROC:<{ // ret setAndGetData CALLDICT // _1 }> """ @fif_codegen """ 11 PUSHINT foo CALLDICT 22 PUSHINT foo CALLDICT 33 PUSHINT foo CALLDICT 44 PUSHINT foo CALLDICT 55 PUSHINT foo CALLDICT asmFunc4 CALLDICT // t2 """ @fif_codegen_avoid setAndGetDataWrapper -}