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synced 2025-02-12 11:12:16 +00:00
It works both for reading and writing: > var t = (1, 2); > t.0; // 1 > t.0 = 5; > t; // (5, 2) It also works for typed/untyped tuples, producing INDEX and SETINDEX. Global tensors and tuples works. Nesting `t.0.1.2` works. `mutate` works. Even mixing tuples inside tensors inside a global for writing works.
287 lines
6.2 KiB
287 lines
6.2 KiB
fun increment(mutate self: int) {
self += 1;
fun increment2(mutate a: int, mutate b: int) {
a += 1;
b += 1;
fun assign1020(mutate a: int, mutate b: int) {
a = 10;
b = 20;
fun plus(mutate self: int, y: int): int {
val newVals = (self + y, y * 10);
self = newVals.0;
return newVals.1;
fun eq<X>(v: X): X { return v; }
fun test101() {
var t = (1, (2, 3), [4, 5, [6, 7]], 8);
(t.0, t.1.0, t.2.0) = (2, 3, 5);
t.2.1 += (t.1.1 += 1) - t.1.1 + 1;
increment2(mutate t.2.2.0, mutate t.2.2.1);
return t;
global t102: (int, (int, int), [int, int, [int, int]], int);
fun test102() {
t102 = (1, (2, 3), [4, 5, [6, 7]], 8);
(t102.0, t102.1.0, t102.2.0) = (2, 3, 5);
t102.2.1 += (t102.1.1 += 1) - t102.1.1 + 1;
increment2(mutate t102.2.2.0, mutate t102.2.2.1);
return t102;
global t103: (int, int);
fun test103() {
t103 = (5, 5);
assign1020(mutate t103.0, mutate t103.1);
var t = (5, 5);
assign1020(mutate t.0, mutate t.1);
return (t103, t);
global t104: [[int, int]];
fun test104() {
var m = [[5, 5]];
(m.0.0, m.0.1) = (10, 20);
t104 = [[5, 5]];
(t104.0.0, t104.0.1) = (10, 20);
return (t104, m);
fun test105(x: int, y: int): (tuple, int, (int, int), int, int) {
var ab = (createEmptyTuple(), (x, y), tupleSize);
tuplePush(mutate ab.0, 2);
ab.1.0 = null;
ab.1.1 += 10;
var cb = ab.2;
return (ab.0, ab.0.1, ab.1, cb(ab.0), ab.2(ab.0));
fun test106(x: int, y: int) {
var ab = [createEmptyTuple(), [x, y], tupleSize];
tuplePush(mutate ab.0, 2);
ab.1.0 = null;
ab.1.1 += 10;
var cb = ab.2;
return (ab.0, ab.1, cb(ab.0), ab.2(ab.0));
fun test107() {
var ab = createEmptyTuple();
ab.tuplePush(beginCell().storeInt(1, 32));
return (ab.0 as int, getBuilderBitsCount(ab.1));
global t108: [int, [int, [int]]];
fun test108(last: int) {
t108 = [1, [2, [last]]];
var t = [1, [2, [last]]];
return (t108, t);
fun test109(x: (int, int)): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
return (x.1, x.1.plus(x.1 / 20), x.1, x.1 = x.1 * 2, x.1, x.1 += 1, x.1);
fun test110(f: int, s: int) {
var x = [f, s];
return (x, x.1, x.1.plus(x.1 / 20), x.1, x.1 = x.1 * 2, x.1, x.1 += 1, x.1, x);
global xx: (int, int);
fun test111(x: (int, int)) {
xx = x;
return (x, xx.1, xx.1.plus(xx.1 / 20), eq(xx.1 += (x.1 *= 0)), xx.1 = xx.1 * 2, xx.1, xx.1 += 1, xx.1, x);
global yy: [int, int];
fun test112(f: int, s: int) {
yy = [f, s];
return (yy, yy.1, yy.1.plus(yy.1 / 20), eq(yy.1 += (yy.1 *= 0)), yy.1 = yy.1 * 2, yy.1, yy.1 += 1, yy.1, yy);
fun getConstTuple() {
return [1,2];
fun testCodegenNoPureIndexedAccess() {
(getConstTuple().1, getConstTuple().0) = (3, 4);
return 0;
fun test113() {
var x = [[1, 2]];
return (x, x.0, plus(mutate x.0.0, 10), x.0, x, x.0 = [10, 20], x);
fun test114(f: int, s: int) {
var x = ((), (f, s), ());
return (x, x.1, plus(mutate x.1.0, 10), x.1, x, x.1 = (10, 20), x);
fun test115() {
var y = [[[[true]]]];
return (y, y. = !y., y.0);
fun test116() {
var t = createEmptyTuple();
try {
return t.100500 as int;
} catch(excNo) {
return excNo;
fun test117() {
var t = createEmptyTuple();
try {
return (t.0 as tuple).0 as int;
} catch(excNo) {
return excNo;
fun testCodegenIndexPostfix1(x: (int, int)) {
var ab = (x.1, x.0);
return ab;
fun testCodegenIndexPostfix2(x: (int, (int, int), int)) {
var y = x;
return (y.2, y.0, y.1.1);
fun getT() { return (1, 2); }
fun test120() {
return (getT().0 = 3, getT().0 = 4, [getT().0 = 5, getT().0 = 6]);
fun test121(zero: int) {
var t = createEmptyTuple();
t.tupleSetAt(0, zero);
(t.0 as int).increment();
(((t.0) as int) as int).increment();
increment(mutate t.0 as int);
return t;
fun main(){}
@testcase | 101 | | 2 3 4 [ 5 6 [ 7 8 ] ] 9
@testcase | 102 | | 2 3 4 [ 5 6 [ 7 8 ] ] 9
@testcase | 103 | | 10 20 10 20
@testcase | 104 | | [ [ 10 20 ] ] [ [ 10 20 ] ]
@testcase | 105 | 5 6 | [ 1 2 ] 2 (null) 16 2 2
@testcase | 106 | 5 6 | [ 1 2 ] [ (null) 16 ] 2 2
@testcase | 107 | | 1 32
@testcase | 108 | 3 | [ 1 [ 2 [ 4 ] ] ] [ 1 [ 2 [ 4 ] ] ]
@testcase | 109 | 0 100 | 100 50 105 210 210 211 211
@testcase | 110 | 0 100 | [ 0 100 ] 100 50 105 210 210 211 211 [ 0 211 ]
@testcase | 111 | 0 100 | 0 100 100 50 105 210 210 211 211 0 0
@testcase | 112 | 0 100 | [ 0 100 ] 100 50 105 210 210 211 211 [ 0 211 ]
@testcase | 113 | | [ [ 1 2 ] ] [ 1 2 ] 100 [ 11 2 ] [ [ 11 2 ] ] [ 10 20 ] [ [ 10 20 ] ]
@testcase | 114 | 1 2 | 1 2 1 2 100 11 2 11 2 10 20 10 20
@testcase | 115 | | [ [ [ [ -1 ] ] ] ] 0 [ [ [ 0 ] ] ]
@testcase | 116 | | 5
@testcase | 117 | | 7
@testcase | 118 | 1 2 | 2 1
@testcase | 119 | 1 2 3 4 | 4 1 3
@testcase | 120 | | 3 4 [ 5 6 ]
@testcase | 121 | 0 | [ 3 ]
testCodegenNoPureIndexedAccess PROC:<{
0 PUSHINT // '8=0
test104 PROC:<{
5 PUSHINT // '2=5
DUP // '2=5 '3=5
PAIR // '1
10 PUSHINT // m '5=10
20 PUSHINT // m '5=10 '6=20
s2 PUSH // m '5=10 '6=20 m
0 INDEX // m '10=10 '12=20 '8
SWAP // m '10=10 '8 '12=20
1 SETINDEX // m '10=10 '8
SWAP // m '8 '10=10
0 SETINDEX // m '8
testCodegenIndexPostfix1 PROC:<{
// x.0 x.1
// ab.1 ab.0
SWAP // ab.0 ab.1
testCodegenIndexPostfix2 PROC:<{
// x.0 x.1.0 x.1.1 x.2
s2 POP // y.0 y.2 y.1.1
s1 s2 XCHG // y.2 y.0 y.1.1