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2025-02-11 22:49:26 +04:00

192 lines
4.3 KiB

fun getBeginCell() {
return beginCell;
fun getBeginParse() {
return beginParse;
fun testVarApply1() {
var (_, f_end_cell) = (0, endCell);
var b: builder = (getBeginCell())().storeInt(1, 32);
b.storeInt(2, 32);
var s = (getBeginParse())(f_end_cell(b));
return (s.loadInt(32), s.loadInt(32));
fun my_throw_always() {
throw 1000;
fun get_raiser() {
return my_throw_always;
fun testVarApplyWithoutSavingResult() {
try {
var raiser = get_raiser();
raiser(); // `some_var()` is always impure, the compiler has no considerations about its runtime value
return 0;
} catch (code) {
return code;
fun sum(a: int, b: int) {
assert(a + b < 24, 1000);
return a + b;
fun mul(a: int, b: int) {
assert(a * b < 24, 1001);
return a * b;
fun demo_handler(op: int, query_id: int, a: int, b: int): int {
if (op == 0xF2) {
val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul;
val result = func(a, b);
return 0; // result not used, we test that func is nevertheless called
if (op == 0xF4) {
val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul;
val result = func(a, b);
return result;
return -1;
fun testVarApplyInTernary() {
var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple();
try {
t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 100, 200));
} catch(code) {
try {
t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF4, 122, 100, 200));
} catch(code) {
try {
t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 10, 10));
} catch(code) {
try {
t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 123, 10, 10));
} catch(code) {
return t;
fun always_throw2(x: int) {
throw 239 + x;
global global_f: int -> void;
fun testGlobalVarApply() {
try {
global_f = always_throw2;
return 0;
} catch (code) {
return code;
fun testVarApply2() {
var creator = createEmptyTuple;
var t = creator();
var sizer = t.tupleSize;
return sizer(t);
fun getTupleLastGetter<X>(): (tuple) -> X {
return tupleLast<X>;
fun testVarApply3() {
var t = createEmptyTuple();
var getIntAt = t.tupleAt<int>;
var getTupleFirstInt = createEmptyTuple().tupleFirst<int>;
var getTupleLastTuple = getTupleLastGetter<tuple>();
return (getIntAt(t, 0), getTupleFirstInt(t), getTupleLastTuple(t), getTupleLastGetter<tuple>()(t));
fun testIndexedAccessApply() {
var functions1 = (beginCell, endCell);
var functions2 = [beginParse];
var b = functions1.0().storeInt(1, 16);
b.storeInt(1, 16);
return functions2.0(functions1.1(b)).loadInt(32);
fun getNullable4(): int? { return 4; }
fun myBeginCell(): builder? asm "NEWC";
fun testCallingNotNull() {
var n4: () -> int? = getNullable4;
var creator: (() -> builder?)? = myBeginCell;
var end2: [int, (builder -> cell)?] = [0, endCell];
var c: cell = end2.1!((creator!()!)!.storeInt(getNullable4()!, 32));
return c.beginParse().loadInt(32);
fun sumOfTensorIfNotNull(t: (int, int)?) {
if (t == null) { return 0; }
return t!.0 + t!.1;
fun testTypeTransitionOfVarCall() {
var summer = sumOfTensorIfNotNull;
var hh1 = [1, null];
var tt1 = (3, 4);
return (summer(null), summer((1,2)), summer(hh1.1), summer(tt1));
fun makeTensor(x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int) {
return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5);
fun eq<T>(x: T): T { return x; }
fun testVarsModificationInsideVarCall(x: int) {
var cb = makeTensor;
return x > 3 ? cb(x, x += 5, eq(x *= x), x, eq(x)) : null;
fun main() {}
@testcase | 101 | | 1 2
@testcase | 102 | | 1000
@testcase | 103 | | [ 1000 1000 0 1001 ]
@testcase | 104 | | 240
@testcase | 105 | | 1
@testcase | 106 | | 1 1 [ 2 ] [ 2 ]
@testcase | 107 | | 65537
@testcase | 108 | | 4
@testcase | 109 | | 0 3 0 7
@testcase | 110 | 5 | 5 10 100 100 100 -1
@testcase | 110 | 0 | (null) (null) (null) (null) (null) 0