Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-15 04:32:21 +00:00
ton 13140ddf29 updated block header
1. Updated block header, proofs now contain more data
   Notice, that old proofs may become invalid in the future
2. Fixed message routing
3. Fixed block creator id in block header
4. Support for full proofs in tonlib
5. Support for partial state download
6. Some other bugfixes
2019-09-18 21:46:32 +04:00

672 lines
24 KiB

unit$_ = Unit;
true$_ = True;
// EMPTY False;
bool_false$0 = Bool;
bool_true$1 = Bool;
bool_false$0 = BoolFalse;
bool_true$1 = BoolTrue;
nothing$0 {X:Type} = Maybe X;
just$1 {X:Type} value:X = Maybe X;
left$0 {X:Type} {Y:Type} value:X = Either X Y;
right$1 {X:Type} {Y:Type} value:Y = Either X Y;
pair$_ {X:Type} {Y:Type} first:X second:Y = Both X Y;
bit$_ (## 1) = Bit;
* FROM hashmap.tlb
// ordinary Hashmap / HashmapE, with fixed length keys
hm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(HashmapNode m X) = Hashmap n X;
hmn_leaf#_ {X:Type} value:X = HashmapNode 0 X;
hmn_fork#_ {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(Hashmap n X)
right:^(Hashmap n X) = HashmapNode (n + 1) X;
hml_short$0 {m:#} {n:#} len:(Unary ~n) {n <= m} s:(n * Bit) = HmLabel ~n m;
hml_long$10 {m:#} n:(#<= m) s:(n * Bit) = HmLabel ~n m;
hml_same$11 {m:#} v:Bit n:(#<= m) = HmLabel ~n m;
unary_zero$0 = Unary ~0;
unary_succ$1 {n:#} x:(Unary ~n) = Unary ~(n + 1);
hme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = HashmapE n X;
hme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(Hashmap n X) = HashmapE n X;
// true#_ = True;
_ {n:#} _:(Hashmap n True) = BitstringSet n;
// HashmapAug, hashmap with an extra value
// (augmentation) of type Y at every node
ahm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} {l:#} {m:#}
label:(HmLabel ~l n) {n = (~m) + l}
node:(HashmapAugNode m X Y) = HashmapAug n X Y;
ahmn_leaf#_ {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y value:X = HashmapAugNode 0 X Y;
ahmn_fork#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} left:^(HashmapAug n X Y)
right:^(HashmapAug n X Y) extra:Y = HashmapAugNode (n + 1) X Y;
ahme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y
= HashmapAugE n X Y;
ahme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} {Y:Type} root:^(HashmapAug n X Y)
extra:Y = HashmapAugE n X Y;
// VarHashmap / VarHashmapE, with variable-length keys
vhm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(VarHashmapNode m X)
= VarHashmap n X;
vhmn_leaf$00 {n:#} {X:Type} value:X = VarHashmapNode n X;
vhmn_fork$01 {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(VarHashmap n X)
right:^(VarHashmap n X) value:(Maybe X)
= VarHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
vhmn_cont$1 {n:#} {X:Type} branch:Bit child:^(VarHashmap n X)
value:X = VarHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
// nothing$0 {X:Type} = Maybe X;
// just$1 {X:Type} value:X = Maybe X;
vhme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = VarHashmapE n X;
vhme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(VarHashmap n X)
= VarHashmapE n X;
// PfxHashmap / PfxHashmapE, with variable-length keys
// constituting a prefix code
phm_edge#_ {n:#} {X:Type} {l:#} {m:#} label:(HmLabel ~l n)
{n = (~m) + l} node:(PfxHashmapNode m X)
= PfxHashmap n X;
phmn_leaf$0 {n:#} {X:Type} value:X = PfxHashmapNode n X;
phmn_fork$1 {n:#} {X:Type} left:^(PfxHashmap n X)
right:^(PfxHashmap n X) = PfxHashmapNode (n + 1) X;
phme_empty$0 {n:#} {X:Type} = PfxHashmapE n X;
phme_root$1 {n:#} {X:Type} root:^(PfxHashmap n X)
= PfxHashmapE n X;
* END hashmap.tlb
addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt;
addr_extern$01 len:(## 9) external_address:(bits len)
= MsgAddressExt;
anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 }
rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast;
addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast)
workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9)
workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt;
_ _:MsgAddressInt = MsgAddress;
_ _:MsgAddressExt = MsgAddress;
var_uint$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(uint (len * 8))
= VarUInteger n;
var_int$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(int (len * 8))
= VarInteger n;
nanograms$_ amount:(VarUInteger 16) = Grams;
extra_currencies$_ dict:(HashmapE 32 (VarUInteger 32))
= ExtraCurrencyCollection;
currencies$_ grams:Grams other:ExtraCurrencyCollection
= CurrencyCollection;
int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
src:MsgAddressInt dest:MsgAddressInt
value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfo;
ext_in_msg_info$10 src:MsgAddressExt dest:MsgAddressInt
import_fee:Grams = CommonMsgInfo;
ext_out_msg_info$11 src:MsgAddressInt dest:MsgAddressExt
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfo;
int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressInt
value:CurrencyCollection ihr_fee:Grams fwd_fee:Grams
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed;
ext_out_msg_info$11 src:MsgAddress dest:MsgAddressExt
created_lt:uint64 created_at:uint32 = CommonMsgInfoRelaxed;
tick_tock$_ tick:Bool tock:Bool = TickTock;
_ split_depth:(Maybe (## 5)) special:(Maybe TickTock)
code:(Maybe ^Cell) data:(Maybe ^Cell)
library:(HashmapE 256 SimpleLib) = StateInit;
simple_lib$_ public:Bool root:^Cell = SimpleLib;
message$_ {X:Type} info:CommonMsgInfo
init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))
body:(Either X ^X) = Message X;
message$_ {X:Type} info:CommonMsgInfoRelaxed
init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))
body:(Either X ^X) = MessageRelaxed X;
interm_addr_regular$0 use_dest_bits:(#<= 96)
= IntermediateAddress;
interm_addr_simple$10 workchain_id:int8 addr_pfx:uint64
= IntermediateAddress;
interm_addr_ext$11 workchain_id:int32 addr_pfx:uint64
= IntermediateAddress;
msg_envelope#4 cur_addr:IntermediateAddress
next_addr:IntermediateAddress fwd_fee_remaining:Grams
msg:^(Message Any) = MsgEnvelope;
msg_import_ext$000 msg:^(Message Any) transaction:^Transaction
= InMsg;
msg_import_ihr$010 msg:^(Message Any) transaction:^Transaction
ihr_fee:Grams proof_created:^Cell = InMsg;
msg_import_imm$011 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_import_fin$100 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_import_tr$101 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transit_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_discard_fin$110 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope transaction_id:uint64
fwd_fee:Grams = InMsg;
msg_discard_tr$111 in_msg:^MsgEnvelope transaction_id:uint64
fwd_fee:Grams proof_delivered:^Cell = InMsg;
import_fees$_ fees_collected:Grams
value_imported:CurrencyCollection = ImportFees;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 InMsg ImportFees) = InMsgDescr;
msg_export_ext$000 msg:^(Message Any)
transaction:^Transaction = OutMsg;
msg_export_imm$010 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction reimport:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_new$001 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
transaction:^Transaction = OutMsg;
msg_export_tr$011 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
imported:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_deq$110 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope // out_msg_hash:bits256 ?
import_block_lt:uint64 = OutMsg;
msg_export_tr_req$111 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
imported:^InMsg = OutMsg;
msg_export_deq_imm$100 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope
reimport:^InMsg = OutMsg;
_ enqueued_lt:uint64 out_msg:^MsgEnvelope = EnqueuedMsg;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 OutMsg CurrencyCollection) = OutMsgDescr;
_ (HashmapAugE 352 EnqueuedMsg uint64) = OutMsgQueue;
processed_upto$_ last_msg_lt:uint64 last_msg_hash:bits256 = ProcessedUpto;
// key is [ shard:uint64 mc_seqno:uint32 ]
_ (HashmapE 96 ProcessedUpto) = ProcessedInfo;
ihr_pending$_ import_lt:uint64 = IhrPendingSince;
_ (HashmapE 320 IhrPendingSince) = IhrPendingInfo;
_ out_queue:OutMsgQueue proc_info:ProcessedInfo
ihr_pending:IhrPendingInfo = OutMsgQueueInfo;
storage_used$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7) bits:(VarUInteger 7)
public_cells:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsed;
storage_used_short$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7)
bits:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsedShort;
storage_info$_ used:StorageUsed last_paid:uint32
due_payment:(Maybe Grams) = StorageInfo;
account_none$0 = Account;
account$1 addr:MsgAddressInt storage_stat:StorageInfo
storage:AccountStorage = Account;
account_storage$_ last_trans_lt:uint64
balance:CurrencyCollection state:AccountState
= AccountStorage;
account_uninit$00 = AccountState;
account_active$1 _:StateInit = AccountState;
account_frozen$01 state_hash:bits256 = AccountState;
acc_state_uninit$00 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_frozen$01 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_active$10 = AccountStatus;
acc_state_nonexist$11 = AccountStatus;
/* duplicates
tick_tock$_ tick:Bool tock:Bool = TickTock;
_ split_depth:(Maybe (## 5)) special:(Maybe TickTock)
code:(Maybe ^Cell) data:(Maybe ^Cell)
library:(Maybe ^Cell) = StateInit;
account_descr$_ account:^Account last_trans_hash:bits256
last_trans_lt:uint64 = ShardAccount;
depth_balance$_ split_depth:(#<= 30) balance:CurrencyCollection = DepthBalanceInfo;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 ShardAccount DepthBalanceInfo) = ShardAccounts;
transaction$0111 account_addr:bits256 lt:uint64
prev_trans_hash:bits256 prev_trans_lt:uint64 now:uint32
orig_status:AccountStatus end_status:AccountStatus
^[ in_msg:(Maybe ^(Message Any)) out_msgs:(HashmapE 15 ^(Message Any)) ]
total_fees:CurrencyCollection state_update:^(HASH_UPDATE Account)
description:^TransactionDescr = Transaction;
!merkle_update#02 {X:Type} old_hash:bits256 new_hash:bits256
old:^X new:^X = MERKLE_UPDATE X;
update_hashes#72 {X:Type} old_hash:bits256 new_hash:bits256
acc_trans#5 account_addr:bits256
transactions:(HashmapAug 64 ^Transaction CurrencyCollection)
state_update:^(HASH_UPDATE Account)
= AccountBlock;
_ (HashmapAugE 256 AccountBlock CurrencyCollection) = ShardAccountBlocks;
tr_phase_storage$_ storage_fees_collected:Grams
storage_fees_due:(Maybe Grams)
= TrStoragePhase;
acst_unchanged$0 = AccStatusChange; // x -> x
acst_frozen$10 = AccStatusChange; // init -> frozen
acst_deleted$11 = AccStatusChange; // frozen -> deleted
tr_phase_credit$_ due_fees_collected:(Maybe Grams)
credit:CurrencyCollection = TrCreditPhase;
tr_phase_compute_skipped$0 reason:ComputeSkipReason
= TrComputePhase;
tr_phase_compute_vm$1 success:Bool msg_state_used:Bool
account_activated:Bool gas_fees:Grams
^[ gas_used:(VarUInteger 7)
gas_limit:(VarUInteger 7) gas_credit:(Maybe (VarUInteger 3))
mode:int8 exit_code:int32 exit_arg:(Maybe int32)
vm_init_state_hash:bits256 vm_final_state_hash:bits256 ]
= TrComputePhase;
cskip_no_state$00 = ComputeSkipReason;
cskip_bad_state$01 = ComputeSkipReason;
cskip_no_gas$10 = ComputeSkipReason;
tr_phase_action$_ success:Bool valid:Bool no_funds:Bool
total_fwd_fees:(Maybe Grams) total_action_fees:(Maybe Grams)
result_code:int32 result_arg:(Maybe int32) tot_actions:uint16
spec_actions:uint16 skipped_actions:uint16 msgs_created:uint16
action_list_hash:bits256 tot_msg_size:StorageUsedShort
= TrActionPhase;
tr_phase_bounce_negfunds$00 = TrBouncePhase;
tr_phase_bounce_nofunds$01 msg_size:StorageUsedShort
req_fwd_fees:Grams = TrBouncePhase;
tr_phase_bounce_ok$1 msg_size:StorageUsedShort
msg_fees:Grams fwd_fees:Grams = TrBouncePhase;
trans_ord$0000 credit_first:Bool
storage_ph:(Maybe TrStoragePhase)
credit_ph:(Maybe TrCreditPhase)
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool bounce:(Maybe TrBouncePhase)
= TransactionDescr;
trans_storage$0001 storage_ph:TrStoragePhase
= TransactionDescr;
trans_tick_tock$001 is_tock:Bool storage:TrStoragePhase
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool = TransactionDescr;
split_merge_info$_ cur_shard_pfx_len:(## 6)
acc_split_depth:(## 6) this_addr:bits256 sibling_addr:bits256
= SplitMergeInfo;
trans_split_prepare$0100 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
trans_split_install$0101 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
installed:Bool = TransactionDescr;
trans_merge_prepare$0110 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
storage_ph:TrStoragePhase aborted:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
trans_merge_install$0111 split_info:SplitMergeInfo
credit_ph:(Maybe TrCreditPhase)
compute_ph:TrComputePhase action:(Maybe ^TrActionPhase)
aborted:Bool destroyed:Bool
= TransactionDescr;
smc_info#076ef1ea actions:uint16 msgs_sent:uint16
unixtime:uint32 block_lt:uint64 trans_lt:uint64
rand_seed:bits256 balance_remaining:CurrencyCollection
myself:MsgAddressInt = SmartContractInfo;
out_list_empty$_ = OutList 0;
out_list$_ {n:#} prev:^(OutList n) action:OutAction
= OutList (n + 1);
action_send_msg#0ec3c86d mode:(## 8)
out_msg:^(MessageRelaxed Any) = OutAction;
action_set_code#ad4de08e new_code:^Cell = OutAction;
action_reserve_currency#36e6b809 mode:(## 8)
currency:CurrencyCollection = OutAction;
out_list_node$_ prev:^Cell action:OutAction = OutListNode;
shard_ident$00 shard_pfx_bits:(#<= 60)
workchain_id:int32 shard_prefix:uint64 = ShardIdent;
ext_blk_ref$_ end_lt:uint64
seq_no:uint32 root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256
= ExtBlkRef;
block_id_ext$_ shard_id:ShardIdent seq_no:uint32
root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256 = BlockIdExt;
master_info$_ master:ExtBlkRef = BlkMasterInfo;
shard_state#9023afe2 global_id:int32
seq_no:uint32 vert_seq_no:#
gen_utime:uint32 gen_lt:uint64
before_split:(## 1)
^[ overload_history:uint64 underload_history:uint64
libraries:(HashmapE 256 LibDescr)
master_ref:(Maybe BlkMasterInfo) ]
custom:(Maybe ^McStateExtra)
= ShardStateUnsplit;
_ ShardStateUnsplit = ShardState;
split_state#5f327da5 left:^ShardStateUnsplit right:^ShardStateUnsplit = ShardState;
shared_lib_descr$00 lib:^Cell publishers:(Hashmap 256 True)
= LibDescr;
block_info#9bc7a987 version:uint32
not_master:(## 1)
after_merge:(## 1) before_split:(## 1)
after_split:(## 1)
want_split:Bool want_merge:Bool
key_block:Bool vert_seqno_incr:(## 1)
flags:(## 8)
seq_no:# vert_seq_no:# { vert_seq_no >= vert_seqno_incr }
{ prev_seq_no:# } { ~prev_seq_no + 1 = seq_no }
shard:ShardIdent gen_utime:uint32
start_lt:uint64 end_lt:uint64
prev_ref:^(BlkPrevInfo after_merge)
prev_vert_ref:vert_seq_no?^(BlkPrevInfo 0)
= BlockInfo;
prev_blk_info$_ prev:ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 0;
prev_blks_info$_ prev1:^ExtBlkRef prev2:^ExtBlkRef = BlkPrevInfo 1;
block#11ef55aa global_id:int32
info:^BlockInfo value_flow:^ValueFlow
state_update:^(MERKLE_UPDATE ShardState)
extra:^BlockExtra = Block;
block_extra in_msg_descr:^InMsgDescr
custom:(Maybe ^McBlockExtra) = BlockExtra;
value_flow ^[ from_prev_blk:CurrencyCollection
exported:CurrencyCollection ]
] = ValueFlow;
bt_leaf$0 {X:Type} leaf:X = BinTree X;
bt_fork$1 {X:Type} left:^(BinTree X) right:^(BinTree X)
= BinTree X;
fsm_none$0 = FutureSplitMerge;
fsm_split$10 split_utime:uint32 interval:uint32 = FutureSplitMerge;
fsm_merge$11 merge_utime:uint32 interval:uint32 = FutureSplitMerge;
shard_descr#b seq_no:uint32 reg_mc_seqno:uint32
start_lt:uint64 end_lt:uint64
root_hash:bits256 file_hash:bits256
before_split:Bool before_merge:Bool
want_split:Bool want_merge:Bool
nx_cc_updated:Bool flags:(## 3) { flags = 0 }
next_catchain_seqno:uint32 next_validator_shard:uint64
min_ref_mc_seqno:uint32 gen_utime:uint32
funds_created:CurrencyCollection = ShardDescr;
_ (HashmapE 32 ^(BinTree ShardDescr)) = ShardHashes;
bta_leaf$0 {X:Type} {Y:Type} extra:Y leaf:X = BinTreeAug X Y;
bta_fork$1 {X:Type} {Y:Type} left:^(BinTreeAug X Y)
right:^(BinTreeAug X Y) extra:Y = BinTreeAug X Y;
_ fees:CurrencyCollection create:CurrencyCollection = ShardFeeCreated;
_ (HashmapAugE 96 ShardFeeCreated ShardFeeCreated) = ShardFees;
_ config_addr:bits256 config:^(Hashmap 32 ^Cell)
= ConfigParams;
= ValidatorInfo;
= ValidatorBaseInfo;
_ key:Bool max_end_lt:uint64 = KeyMaxLt;
_ key:Bool blk_ref:ExtBlkRef = KeyExtBlkRef;
_ (HashmapAugE 32 KeyExtBlkRef KeyMaxLt) = OldMcBlocksInfo;
counters#_ last_updated:uint32 total:uint64 cnt2048:uint64 cnt65536:uint64 = Counters;
creator_info#4 mc_blocks:Counters shard_blocks:Counters = CreatorStats;
block_create_stats#17 counters:(HashmapE 256 CreatorStats) = BlockCreateStats;
^[ flags:(## 16) { flags <= 1 }
last_key_block:(Maybe ExtBlkRef)
block_create_stats:(flags . 0)?BlockCreateStats ]
= McStateExtra;
ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a pubkey:bits256 = SigPubKey; // 288 bits
ed25519_signature#5 R:bits256 s:bits256 = CryptoSignatureSimple; // 516 bits
_ CryptoSignatureSimple = CryptoSignature;
sig_pair$_ node_id_short:bits256 sign:CryptoSignature = CryptoSignaturePair; // 256+x ~ 772 bits
certificate#4 temp_key:SigPubKey valid_since:uint32 valid_until:uint32 = Certificate; // 356 bits
certificate_env#a419b7d certificate:Certificate = CertificateEnv; // 384 bits
signed_certificate$_ certificate:Certificate certificate_signature:CryptoSignature
= SignedCertificate; // 356+516 = 872 bits
// certificate_signature is the signature of CertificateEnv (with embedded certificate) with persistent key
chained_signature#f signed_cert:^SignedCertificate temp_key_signature:CryptoSignatureSimple
= CryptoSignature; // 4+(356+516)+516 = 520 bits+ref (1392 bits total)
// temp_key_signature is the signature of whatever was originally intended to be signed with temp_key from certificate
key_block:(## 1)
^[ prev_blk_signatures:(HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair)
recover_create_msg:(Maybe ^InMsg)
mint_msg:(Maybe ^InMsg) ]
= McBlockExtra;
validator#53 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 = ValidatorDescr;
validator_addr#73 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 adnl_addr:bits256 = ValidatorDescr;
validators#11 utime_since:uint32 utime_until:uint32
total:(## 16) main:(## 16) { main <= total } { main >= 1 }
list:(Hashmap 16 ValidatorDescr) = ValidatorSet;
_ config_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 0;
_ elector_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 1;
_ minter_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 2; // ConfigParam 0 is used if absent
_ fee_collector_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 3; // ConfigParam 1 is used if absent
_ dns_root_addr:bits256 = ConfigParam 4; // root TON DNS resolver
_ mint_new_price:Grams mint_add_price:Grams = ConfigParam 6;
_ to_mint:ExtraCurrencyCollection = ConfigParam 7;
capabilities#c4 version:uint32 capabilities:uint64 = GlobalVersion;
_ GlobalVersion = ConfigParam 8; // all zero if absent
_ mandatory_params:(Hashmap 32 True) = ConfigParam 9;
wfmt_basic#1 vm_version:int32 vm_mode:uint64 = WorkchainFormat 1;
wfmt_ext#0 min_addr_len:(## 12) max_addr_len:(## 12) addr_len_step:(## 12)
{ min_addr_len >= 64 } { min_addr_len <= max_addr_len }
{ max_addr_len <= 1023 } { addr_len_step <= 1023 }
workchain_type_id:(## 32) { workchain_type_id >= 1 }
= WorkchainFormat 0;
workchain#a6 enabled_since:uint32 actual_min_split:(## 8)
min_split:(## 8) max_split:(## 8) { actual_min_split <= min_split }
//workchain#a5 enabled_since:uint32 min_split:(## 8) max_split:(## 8)
// { min_split <= max_split } { max_split <= 60 }
basic:(## 1) active:Bool accept_msgs:Bool flags:(## 13) { flags = 0 }
zerostate_root_hash:bits256 zerostate_file_hash:bits256
version:uint32 format:(WorkchainFormat basic)
= WorkchainDescr;
_ workchains:(HashmapE 32 WorkchainDescr) = ConfigParam 12;
block_grams_created#6b masterchain_block_fee:Grams basechain_block_fee:Grams
= BlockCreateFees;
_ BlockCreateFees = ConfigParam 14;
_ validators_elected_for:uint32 elections_start_before:uint32
elections_end_before:uint32 stake_held_for:uint32
= ConfigParam 15;
_ max_validators:(## 16) max_main_validators:(## 16) min_validators:(## 16)
{ max_validators >= max_main_validators }
{ max_main_validators >= min_validators }
{ min_validators >= 1 }
= ConfigParam 16;
_ min_stake:Grams max_stake:Grams min_total_stake:Grams max_stake_factor:uint32 = ConfigParam 17;
_#cc utime_since:uint32 bit_price_ps:uint64 cell_price_ps:uint64
mc_bit_price_ps:uint64 mc_cell_price_ps:uint64 = StoragePrices;
_ (Hashmap 32 StoragePrices) = ConfigParam 18;
gas_prices#dd gas_price:uint64 gas_limit:uint64 gas_credit:uint64
block_gas_limit:uint64 freeze_due_limit:uint64 delete_due_limit:uint64
= GasLimitsPrices;
gas_prices_ext#de gas_price:uint64 gas_limit:uint64 special_gas_limit:uint64 gas_credit:uint64
block_gas_limit:uint64 freeze_due_limit:uint64 delete_due_limit:uint64
= GasLimitsPrices;
config_mc_gas_prices#_ GasLimitsPrices = ConfigParam 20;
config_gas_prices#_ GasLimitsPrices = ConfigParam 21;
param_limits#c3 underload:# soft_limit:# { underload <= soft_limit }
hard_limit:# { soft_limit <= hard_limit } = ParamLimits;
block_limits#5d bytes:ParamLimits gas:ParamLimits lt_delta:ParamLimits
= BlockLimits;
config_mc_block_limits#_ BlockLimits = ConfigParam 22;
config_block_limits#_ BlockLimits = ConfigParam 23;
// msg_fwd_fees = (lump_price + ceil((bit_price * msg.bits + cell_price * msg.cells)/2^16)) nanograms
// ihr_fwd_fees = ceil((msg_fwd_fees * ihr_price_factor)/2^16) nanograms
// bits in the root cell of a message are not included in msg.bits (lump_price pays for them)
msg_forward_prices#ea lump_price:uint64 bit_price:uint64 cell_price:uint64
ihr_price_factor:uint32 first_frac:uint16 next_frac:uint16 = MsgForwardPrices;
// used for messages to/from masterchain
config_mc_fwd_prices#_ MsgForwardPrices = ConfigParam 24;
// used for all other messages
config_fwd_prices#_ MsgForwardPrices = ConfigParam 25;
catchain_config#c1 mc_catchain_lifetime:uint32 shard_catchain_lifetime:uint32
shard_validators_lifetime:uint32 shard_validators_num:uint32 = CatchainConfig;
consensus_config#d6 round_candidates:# { round_candidates >= 1 }
next_candidate_delay_ms:uint32 consensus_timeout_ms:uint32
fast_attempts:uint32 attempt_duration:uint32 catchain_max_deps:uint32
max_block_bytes:uint32 max_collated_bytes:uint32 = ConsensusConfig;
_ CatchainConfig = ConfigParam 28;
_ ConsensusConfig = ConfigParam 29;
_ fundamental_smc_addr:(HashmapE 256 True) = ConfigParam 31;
_ prev_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 32;
_ prev_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 33;
_ cur_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 34;
_ cur_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 35;
_ next_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 36;
_ next_temp_validators:ValidatorSet = ConfigParam 37;
validator_temp_key#3 adnl_addr:bits256 temp_public_key:SigPubKey seqno:# valid_until:uint32 = ValidatorTempKey;
signed_temp_key#4 key:^ValidatorTempKey signature:CryptoSignature = ValidatorSignedTempKey;
_ (HashmapE 256 ValidatorSignedTempKey) = ConfigParam 39;
block_signatures_pure#_ sig_count:uint32 sig_weight:uint64
signatures:(HashmapE 16 CryptoSignaturePair) = BlockSignaturesPure;
block_signatures#11 validator_info:ValidatorBaseInfo pure_signatures:BlockSignaturesPure = BlockSignatures;
block_proof#c3 proof_for:BlockIdExt root:^Cell signatures:(Maybe ^BlockSignatures) = BlockProof;
chain_empty$_ = ProofChain 0;
chain_link$_ {n:#} root:^Cell prev:n?^(ProofChain n) = ProofChain (n + 1);
top_block_descr#d5 proof_for:BlockIdExt signatures:(Maybe ^BlockSignatures)
len:(## 8) { len >= 1 } { len <= 8 } chain:(ProofChain len) = TopBlockDescr;
top_block_descr_set#4ac789f3 collection:(HashmapE 96 ^TopBlockDescr) = TopBlockDescrSet;