mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 20:22:19 +00:00
Comparison operators `== / >= /...` return `bool`. Logical operators `&& ||` return bool. Constants `true` and `false` have the `bool` type. Lots of stdlib functions return `bool`, not `int`. Operator `!x` supports both `int` and `bool`. Condition of `if` accepts both `int` and `bool`. Arithmetic operators are restricted to integers. Logical `&&` and `||` accept both `bool` and `int`. No arithmetic operations with bools allowed (only bitwise and logical).
806 lines
35 KiB
806 lines
35 KiB
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tolk.h"
#include "src-file.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "ast-visitor.h"
#include "type-system.h"
#include "common/refint.h"
#include "constant-evaluator.h"
* This pipe is the last one operating AST: it transforms AST to IR.
* IR is described as "Op" struct. So, here AST is transformed to Ops, and then all the rest "legacy"
* kernel (initially forked from FunC) comes into play.
* Up to this point, all types have been inferred, all validity checks have been passed, etc.
* All properties in AST nodes are assigned and can be safely used (fun_ref, etc.).
* So, if execution reaches this pass, the input is correct, and code generation should succeed.
namespace tolk {
struct LValGlobs {
std::vector<std::pair<const GlobalVarData*, var_idx_t>> globs;
void add_modified_glob(const GlobalVarData* g_sym, var_idx_t local_ir_idx) {
globs.emplace_back(g_sym, local_ir_idx);
void gen_ops_set_globs(CodeBlob& code, SrcLocation loc) const {
for (const auto& [g_sym, ir_idx] : globs) {
Op& op = code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_SetGlob, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, std::vector<var_idx_t>{ ir_idx }, g_sym);
std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_expr(AnyExprV v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs = nullptr);
void process_any_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
static std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> pre_compile_tensor_inner(CodeBlob& code, const std::vector<AnyExprV>& args,
LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
const int n = static_cast<int>(args.size());
if (n == 0) { // just `()`
return {};
if (n == 1) { // just `(x)`: even if x is modified (e.g. `f(x=x+2)`), there are no next arguments
return {pre_compile_expr(args[0], code, lval_globs)};
// the purpose is to handle such cases: `return (x, x += y, x)`
// without this, ops will be { _Call $2 = +($0_x, $1_y); _Return $0_x, $2, $0_x } - invalid
// with this, ops will be { _Let $3 = $0_x; _Call $2 = ...; _Return $3, $2, $0_x } - valid, tmp var for x
// how it works: for every arg, after transforming to ops, start tracking ir_idx inside it
// on modification attempt, create Op::_Let to a tmp var and replace old ir_idx with tmp_idx in result
struct WatchingVarList {
std::vector<var_idx_t> watched_vars;
std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> res_lists;
explicit WatchingVarList(int n_args) {
bool is_watched(var_idx_t ir_idx) const {
return std::find(watched_vars.begin(), watched_vars.end(), ir_idx) != watched_vars.end();
void add_and_watch_modifications(std::vector<var_idx_t>&& vars_of_ith_arg, CodeBlob& code) {
for (var_idx_t ir_idx : vars_of_ith_arg) {
if (code.vars[ir_idx].v_sym && !is_watched(ir_idx)) {
code.vars[ir_idx].on_modification.emplace_back([this, &code, ir_idx](SrcLocation loc) {
on_var_modified(ir_idx, loc, code);
void on_var_modified(var_idx_t ir_idx, SrcLocation loc, CodeBlob& code) {
var_idx_t tmp_idx = code.create_tmp_var(code.vars[ir_idx].v_type, loc);
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::vector{tmp_idx}, std::vector{ir_idx});
for (std::vector<var_idx_t>& prev_vars : res_lists) {
std::replace(prev_vars.begin(), prev_vars.end(), ir_idx, tmp_idx);
std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> clear_and_stop_watching(CodeBlob& code) {
for (var_idx_t ir_idx : watched_vars) {
return std::move(res_lists);
WatchingVarList watched_vars(n);
for (int arg_idx = 0; arg_idx < n; ++arg_idx) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> vars_of_ith_arg = pre_compile_expr(args[arg_idx], code, lval_globs);
watched_vars.add_and_watch_modifications(std::move(vars_of_ith_arg), code);
return watched_vars.clear_and_stop_watching(code);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_tensor(CodeBlob& code, const std::vector<AnyExprV>& args,
LValGlobs* lval_globs = nullptr) {
std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> res_lists = pre_compile_tensor_inner(code, args, lval_globs);
std::vector<var_idx_t> res;
for (const std::vector<var_idx_t>& list : res_lists) {
res.insert(res.end(), list.cbegin(), list.cend());
return res;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_let(CodeBlob& code, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs, SrcLocation loc) {
// [lhs] = [rhs]; since type checking is ok, it's the same as "lhs = rhs"
if (lhs->type == ast_typed_tuple && rhs->type == ast_typed_tuple) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_tensor(code, rhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items());
LValGlobs globs;
std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_tensor(code, lhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items(), &globs);
code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), right);
globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
return right;
// [lhs] = rhs; it's un-tuple to N left vars
if (lhs->type == ast_typed_tuple) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_expr(rhs, code);
const TypeDataTypedTuple* inferred_tuple = rhs->inferred_type->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
std::vector<TypePtr> types_list = inferred_tuple->items;
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list)), rhs->loc)};
code.emplace_back(lhs->loc, Op::_UnTuple, rvect, std::move(right));
LValGlobs globs;
std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_tensor(code, lhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items(), &globs);
code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), rvect);
globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
return rvect;
// lhs = rhs
std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_expr(rhs, code);
LValGlobs globs;
std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_expr(lhs, code, &globs);
code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), right);
globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
return right;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> gen_op_call(CodeBlob& code, TypePtr ret_type, SrcLocation here,
std::vector<var_idx_t>&& args_vars, const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(ret_type, here)};
Op& op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Call, rvect, std::move(args_vars), fun_ref);
if (!fun_ref->is_marked_as_pure()) {
return rvect;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_symbol(SrcLocation loc, const Symbol* sym, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
if (const auto* glob_ref = sym->try_as<GlobalVarData>()) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(glob_ref->declared_type, loc)};
if (lval_globs) {
lval_globs->add_modified_glob(glob_ref, rvect[0]);
return rvect;
} else {
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_GlobVar, rvect, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, glob_ref);
return rvect;
if (const auto* const_ref = sym->try_as<GlobalConstData>()) {
if (const_ref->is_int_const()) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataInt::create(), loc)};
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, const_ref->as_int_const());
return rvect;
} else {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataSlice::create(), loc)};
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_SliceConst, rvect, const_ref->as_slice_const());
return rvect;
if (const auto* fun_ref = sym->try_as<FunctionData>()) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(fun_ref->inferred_full_type, loc)};
code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_GlobVar, rvect, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, fun_ref);
return rvect;
if (const auto* var_ref = sym->try_as<LocalVarData>()) {
return {var_ref->idx};
throw Fatal("process_symbol");
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_assign(V<ast_assign> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (auto lhs_decl = v->get_lhs()->try_as<ast_local_vars_declaration>()) {
return pre_compile_let(code, lhs_decl->get_expr(), v->get_rhs(), v->loc);
} else {
return pre_compile_let(code, v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs(), v->loc);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_set_assign(V<ast_set_assign> v, CodeBlob& code) {
// for "a += b", emulate "a = a + b"
// seems not beautiful, but it works; probably, this transformation should be done at AST level in advance
std::string_view calc_operator = v->operator_name; // "+" for operator +=
auto v_apply = createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, calc_operator, static_cast<TokenType>(v->tok - 1), v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs());
return pre_compile_let(code, v->get_lhs(), v_apply, v->loc);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_binary_operator(V<ast_binary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
TokenType t = v->tok;
if (v->fun_ref) { // almost all operators, fun_ref was assigned at type inferring
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs()});
return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), v->fun_ref);
if (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
// do the following transformations:
// a && b -> a ? (b != 0) : 0
// a || b -> a ? 1 : (b != 0)
AnyExprV v_0 = createV<ast_int_const>(v->loc, td::make_refint(0), "0");
AnyExprV v_1 = createV<ast_int_const>(v->loc, td::make_refint(-1), "-1");
auto v_b_ne_0 = createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, "!=", tok_neq, v->get_rhs(), v_0);
std::vector<var_idx_t> cond = pre_compile_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
tolk_assert(cond.size() == 1);
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, cond);
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(t == tok_logical_and ? v_b_ne_0 : v_1, code));
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(t == tok_logical_and ? v_0 : v_b_ne_0, code));
return rvect;
throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_binary_operator");
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_unary_operator(V<ast_unary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_rhs()});
return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), v->fun_ref);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_ternary_operator(V<ast_ternary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> cond = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
tolk_assert(cond.size() == 1);
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, cond);
code.emplace_back(v->get_when_true()->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(v->get_when_true(), code));
code.emplace_back(v->get_when_false()->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(v->get_when_false(), code));
return rvect;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_dot_access(V<ast_dot_access> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
// it's NOT a method call `t.tupleSize()` (since such cases are handled by process_function_call)
// it's `t.0`, `getUser().id`, and `t.tupleSize` (as a reference, not as a call)
// currently, nothing except a global function can be a target of dot access
const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->target;
return process_symbol(v->loc, fun_ref, code, lval_globs);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_function_call(V<ast_function_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
// v is `globalF(args)` / `globalF<int>(args)` / `obj.method(args)` / `local_var(args)` / `getF()(args)`
const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->fun_maybe;
if (!fun_ref) {
std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, args);
std::vector<var_idx_t> tfunc = pre_compile_expr(v->get_callee(), code);
tolk_assert(tfunc.size() == 1);
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
Op& op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_CallInd, rvect, std::move(args_vars));
return rvect;
int delta_self = v->is_dot_call();
AnyExprV obj_leftmost = nullptr;
std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
args.reserve(delta_self + v->get_num_args());
if (delta_self) {
obj_leftmost = v->get_dot_obj();
while (obj_leftmost->type == ast_function_call && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->is_dot_call() && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->fun_maybe && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->fun_maybe->does_return_self()) {
obj_leftmost = obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->get_dot_obj();
for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> vars_per_arg = pre_compile_tensor_inner(code, args, nullptr);
TypePtr op_call_type = v->inferred_type;
TypePtr real_ret_type = v->inferred_type;
if (delta_self && fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
real_ret_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
if (!fun_ref->parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter()) {
op_call_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
for (int i = 0; i < delta_self + v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
if (fun_ref->parameters[i].is_mutate_parameter()) {
op_call_type = TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list));
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars;
for (const std::vector<var_idx_t>& list : vars_per_arg) {
args_vars.insert(args_vars.end(), list.cbegin(), list.cend());
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect_apply = gen_op_call(code, op_call_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), fun_ref);
if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
LValGlobs local_globs;
std::vector<var_idx_t> left;
for (int i = 0; i < delta_self + v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
if (fun_ref->parameters[i].is_mutate_parameter()) {
AnyExprV arg_i = obj_leftmost && i == 0 ? obj_leftmost : args[i];
tolk_assert(arg_i->is_lvalue || i == 0);
if (arg_i->is_lvalue) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> ith_var_idx = pre_compile_expr(arg_i, code, &local_globs);
left.insert(left.end(), ith_var_idx.begin(), ith_var_idx.end());
} else {
left.insert(left.end(), vars_per_arg[0].begin(), vars_per_arg[0].end());
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(real_ret_type, v->loc)};
code.on_var_modification(left, v->loc);
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), rvect_apply);
local_globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, v->loc);
rvect_apply = rvect;
if (obj_leftmost && fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
if (obj_leftmost->is_lvalue) { // to handle if obj is global var, potentially re-assigned inside a chain
rvect_apply = pre_compile_expr(obj_leftmost, code);
} else { // temporary object, not lvalue, pre_compile_expr
rvect_apply = vars_per_arg[0];
return rvect_apply;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_tensor(V<ast_tensor> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
return pre_compile_tensor(code, v->get_items(), lval_globs);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_typed_tuple(V<ast_typed_tuple> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
if (lval_globs) { // todo some time, make "var (a, [b,c]) = (1, [2,3])" work
v->error("[...] can not be used as lvalue here");
std::vector<var_idx_t> left = std::vector{code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_tensor(code, v->get_items());
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Tuple, left, std::move(right));
return left;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_int_const(V<ast_int_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, v->intval);
return rvect;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_string_const(V<ast_string_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
ConstantValue value = eval_const_init_value(v);
std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
if (value.is_int()) {
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, value.as_int());
} else {
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_SliceConst, rvect, value.as_slice());
return rvect;
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_bool_const(V<ast_bool_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol(v->bool_val ? "__true" : "__false")->as<FunctionData>();
return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, {}, builtin_sym);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_null_keyword(V<ast_null_keyword> v, CodeBlob& code) {
const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__null")->as<FunctionData>();
return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, {}, builtin_sym);
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_local_var(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (v->marked_as_redef) {
return process_symbol(v->loc, v->var_ref, code, nullptr);
tolk_assert(v->var_ref->idx == -1);
v->var_ref->mutate()->assign_idx(code.create_var(v->inferred_type, v->var_ref, v->loc));
return {v->var_ref->idx};
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_local_vars_declaration(V<ast_local_vars_declaration>, CodeBlob&) {
// it can not appear as a standalone expression
// `var ... = rhs` is handled by ast_assign
static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_underscore(V<ast_underscore> v, CodeBlob& code) {
// when _ is used as left side of assignment, like `(cs, _) = cs.loadAndReturn()`
return {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_expr(AnyExprV v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
switch (v->type) {
case ast_reference:
return process_symbol(v->loc, v->as<ast_reference>()->sym, code, lval_globs);
case ast_assign:
return process_assign(v->as<ast_assign>(), code);
case ast_set_assign:
return process_set_assign(v->as<ast_set_assign>(), code);
case ast_binary_operator:
return process_binary_operator(v->as<ast_binary_operator>(), code);
case ast_unary_operator:
return process_unary_operator(v->as<ast_unary_operator>(), code);
case ast_ternary_operator:
return process_ternary_operator(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>(), code);
case ast_cast_as_operator:
return pre_compile_expr(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>()->get_expr(), code, lval_globs);
case ast_dot_access:
return process_dot_access(v->as<ast_dot_access>(), code, lval_globs);
case ast_function_call:
return process_function_call(v->as<ast_function_call>(), code);
case ast_parenthesized_expression:
return pre_compile_expr(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>()->get_expr(), code, lval_globs);
case ast_tensor:
return process_tensor(v->as<ast_tensor>(), code, lval_globs);
case ast_typed_tuple:
return process_typed_tuple(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>(), code, lval_globs);
case ast_int_const:
return process_int_const(v->as<ast_int_const>(), code);
case ast_string_const:
return process_string_const(v->as<ast_string_const>(), code);
case ast_bool_const:
return process_bool_const(v->as<ast_bool_const>(), code);
case ast_null_keyword:
return process_null_keyword(v->as<ast_null_keyword>(), code);
case ast_local_var_lhs:
return process_local_var(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>(), code);
case ast_local_vars_declaration:
return process_local_vars_declaration(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>(), code);
case ast_underscore:
return process_underscore(v->as<ast_underscore>(), code);
throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "pre_compile_expr");
static void process_sequence(V<ast_sequence> v, CodeBlob& code) {
for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
process_any_statement(item, code);
static void process_assert_statement(V<ast_assert_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<AnyExprV> args(3);
if (auto v_not = v->get_cond()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
args[0] = v->get_thrown_code();
args[1] = v->get_cond()->as<ast_unary_operator>()->get_rhs();
args[2] = createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, true);
} else {
args[0] = v->get_thrown_code();
args[1] = v->get_cond();
args[2] = createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, false);
const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw_if_unless")->as<FunctionData>();
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, args);
gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
static void process_catch_variable(AnyExprV v_catch_var, CodeBlob& code) {
if (auto v_ref = v_catch_var->try_as<ast_reference>(); v_ref && v_ref->sym) { // not underscore
const LocalVarData* var_ref = v_ref->sym->as<LocalVarData>();
tolk_assert(var_ref->idx == -1);
var_ref->mutate()->assign_idx(code.create_var(v_catch_var->inferred_type, var_ref, v_catch_var->loc));
static void process_try_catch_statement(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
code.require_callxargs = true;
Op& try_catch_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_TryCatch);
process_any_statement(v->get_try_body(), code);
// transform catch (excNo, arg) into TVM-catch (arg, excNo), where arg is untyped and thus almost useless now
const std::vector<AnyExprV>& catch_vars = v->get_catch_expr()->get_items();
tolk_assert(catch_vars.size() == 2);
process_catch_variable(catch_vars[0], code);
process_catch_variable(catch_vars[1], code);
try_catch_op.left = pre_compile_tensor(code, {catch_vars[1], catch_vars[0]});
process_any_statement(v->get_catch_body(), code);
static void process_repeat_statement(V<ast_repeat_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
Op& repeat_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Repeat, tmp_vars);
process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
static void process_if_statement(V<ast_if_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, std::move(tmp_vars));
process_any_statement(v->get_if_body(), code);
process_any_statement(v->get_else_body(), code);
if (v->is_ifnot) {
std::swap(if_op.block0, if_op.block1);
static void process_do_while_statement(V<ast_do_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Op& until_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Until);
process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
// in TVM, there is only "do until", but in Tolk, we want "do while"
// here we negate condition to pass it forward to legacy to Op::_Until
// also, handle common situations as a hardcoded "optimization": replace (a<0) with (a>=0) and so on
// todo these hardcoded conditions should be removed from this place in the future
AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
AnyExprV until_cond;
if (auto v_not = cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
until_cond = v_not->get_rhs();
} else if (auto v_eq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_eq && v_eq->tok == tok_eq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "!=", tok_neq, v_eq->get_lhs(), v_eq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_neq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_neq && v_neq->tok == tok_neq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "==", tok_eq, v_neq->get_lhs(), v_neq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_leq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_leq && v_leq->tok == tok_leq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, ">", tok_gt, v_leq->get_lhs(), v_leq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_lt = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_lt && v_lt->tok == tok_lt) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, ">=", tok_geq, v_lt->get_lhs(), v_lt->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_geq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_geq && v_geq->tok == tok_geq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<", tok_lt, v_geq->get_lhs(), v_geq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_gt = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_gt && v_gt->tok == tok_gt) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<=", tok_geq, v_gt->get_lhs(), v_gt->get_rhs());
} else if (cond->inferred_type == TypeDataBool::create()) {
until_cond = createV<ast_unary_operator>(cond->loc, "!b", tok_logical_not, cond);
} else {
until_cond = createV<ast_unary_operator>(cond->loc, "!", tok_logical_not, cond);
if (auto v_bin = until_cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_bin && !v_bin->fun_ref) {
v_bin->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol("_" + static_cast<std::string>(v_bin->operator_name) + "_")->as<FunctionData>());
} else if (auto v_un = until_cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_un && !v_un->fun_ref) {
v_un->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol(static_cast<std::string>(v_un->operator_name) + "_")->as<FunctionData>());
until_op.left = pre_compile_expr(until_cond, code);
static void process_while_statement(V<ast_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Op& while_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_While);
while_op.left = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
static void process_throw_statement(V<ast_throw_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (v->has_thrown_arg()) {
const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw_arg")->as<FunctionData>();
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_thrown_arg(), v->get_thrown_code()});
gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
} else {
const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw")->as<FunctionData>();
std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_thrown_code()});
gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
static void process_return_statement(V<ast_return_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> return_vars = v->has_return_value() ? pre_compile_expr(v->get_return_value(), code) : std::vector<var_idx_t>{};
if (code.fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
tolk_assert(return_vars.size() == 1);
return_vars = {};
if (code.fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> mutated_vars;
for (const LocalVarData& p_sym: code.fun_ref->parameters) {
if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter()) {
return_vars.insert(return_vars.begin(), mutated_vars.begin(), mutated_vars.end());
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Return, std::move(return_vars));
static void append_implicit_return_statement(SrcLocation loc_end, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<var_idx_t> mutated_vars;
if (code.fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
for (const LocalVarData& p_sym: code.fun_ref->parameters) {
if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter()) {
code.emplace_back(loc_end, Op::_Return, std::move(mutated_vars));
void process_any_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
switch (v->type) {
case ast_sequence:
return process_sequence(v->as<ast_sequence>(), code);
case ast_return_statement:
return process_return_statement(v->as<ast_return_statement>(), code);
case ast_repeat_statement:
return process_repeat_statement(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>(), code);
case ast_if_statement:
return process_if_statement(v->as<ast_if_statement>(), code);
case ast_do_while_statement:
return process_do_while_statement(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>(), code);
case ast_while_statement:
return process_while_statement(v->as<ast_while_statement>(), code);
case ast_throw_statement:
return process_throw_statement(v->as<ast_throw_statement>(), code);
case ast_assert_statement:
return process_assert_statement(v->as<ast_assert_statement>(), code);
case ast_try_catch_statement:
return process_try_catch_statement(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>(), code);
case ast_empty_statement:
pre_compile_expr(reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(v), code);
static void convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(const FunctionData* fun_ref, FunctionBodyCode* code_body) {
auto v_body = fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>();
CodeBlob* blob = new CodeBlob{fun_ref->name, fun_ref->loc, fun_ref};
FormalArgList legacy_arg_list;
for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
legacy_arg_list.emplace_back(param.declared_type, ¶m, param.loc);
for (AnyV item : v_body->get_items()) {
process_any_statement(item, *blob);
if (fun_ref->is_implicit_return()) {
append_implicit_return_statement(v_body->loc_end, *blob);
static void convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(const FunctionData* fun_ref, FunctionBodyAsm* asm_body) {
int cnt = fun_ref->get_num_params();
int width = fun_ref->inferred_return_type->calc_width_on_stack();
std::vector<AsmOp> asm_ops;
for (AnyV v_child : fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_body()->as<ast_asm_body>()->get_asm_commands()) {
std::string_view ops = v_child->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val; // <op>\n<op>\n...
std::string op;
for (char c : ops) {
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
if (!op.empty()) {
asm_ops.push_back(AsmOp::Parse(op, cnt, width));
if (asm_ops.back().is_custom()) {
cnt = width;
} else {
if (!op.empty()) {
asm_ops.push_back(AsmOp::Parse(op, cnt, width));
if (asm_ops.back().is_custom()) {
cnt = width;
class UpdateArgRetOrderConsideringStackWidth final {
static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
return !fun_ref->is_generic_function() && (!fun_ref->ret_order.empty() || !fun_ref->arg_order.empty());
static void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
int total_arg_mutate_width = 0;
bool has_arg_width_not_1 = false;
for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
int arg_width = param.declared_type->calc_width_on_stack();
has_arg_width_not_1 |= arg_width != 1;
total_arg_mutate_width += param.is_mutate_parameter() * arg_width;
// example: `fun f(a: int, b: (int, (int, int)), c: int)` with `asm (b a c)`
// current arg_order is [1 0 2]
// needs to be converted to [1 2 3 0 4] because b width is 3
if (has_arg_width_not_1) {
int total_arg_width = 0;
std::vector<int> cum_arg_width;
cum_arg_width.reserve(1 + fun_ref->get_num_params());
for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
cum_arg_width.push_back(total_arg_width += param.declared_type->calc_width_on_stack());
std::vector<int> arg_order;
for (int i = 0; i < fun_ref->get_num_params(); ++i) {
int j = fun_ref->arg_order[i];
int c1 = cum_arg_width[j], c2 = cum_arg_width[j + 1];
while (c1 < c2) {
// example: `fun f(mutate self: slice): slice` with `asm(-> 1 0)`
// ret_order is a shuffled range 0...N
// validate N: a function should return value and mutated arguments onto a stack
if (!fun_ref->ret_order.empty()) {
size_t expected_width = fun_ref->inferred_return_type->calc_width_on_stack() + total_arg_mutate_width;
if (expected_width != fun_ref->ret_order.size()) {
v_function->get_body()->error("ret_order (after ->) expected to contain " + std::to_string(expected_width) + " numbers");
class ConvertASTToLegacyOpVisitor final {
static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
return !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
static void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration>) {
if (fun_ref->is_code_function()) {
convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(fun_ref, std::get<FunctionBodyCode*>(fun_ref->body));
} else if (fun_ref->is_asm_function()) {
convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(fun_ref, std::get<FunctionBodyAsm*>(fun_ref->body));
void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op() {
} // namespace tolk