Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ton-blockchain/ton synced 2025-02-14 12:12:21 +00:00
tolk-vm 3540424aa1
[Tolk] AST-based semantic analysis, get rid of Expr
This is a huge refactoring focusing on untangling compiler internals
(previously forked from FunC).
The goal is to convert AST directly to Op (a kind of IR representation),
doing all code analysis at AST level.

Noteable changes:
- AST-based semantic kernel includes: registering global symbols,
  scope handling and resolving local/global identifiers,
  lvalue/rvalue calc and check, implicit return detection,
  mutability analysis, pure/impure validity checks,
  simple constant folding
- values of `const` variables are calculated NOT based on CodeBlob,
  but via a newly-introduced AST-based constant evaluator
- AST vertices are now inherited from expression/statement/other;
  expression vertices have common properties (TypeExpr, lvalue/rvalue)
- symbol table is rewritten completely, SymDef/SymVal no longer exist,
  lexer now doesn't need to register identifiers
- AST vertices have references to symbols, filled at different
  stages of pipeline
- the remaining "FunC legacy part" is almost unchanged besides Expr
  which was fully dropped; AST is converted to Ops (IR) directly
2025-01-13 20:28:44 +07:00

533 lines
21 KiB

// Usage: `node tolk-tester.js tests_dir` OR `node tolk-tester.js test_file.tolk`
// from current dir, providing some env (see getenv() calls).
// This is a JS version of tolk-tester.py to test Tolk compiled to WASM.
// Don't forget to keep it identical to Python version!
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const child_process = require('child_process');
function print(...args) {
/** @return {string} */
function getenv(name, def = null) {
if (name in process.env)
return process.env[name]
if (def === null) {
print(`Environment variable ${name} is not set`)
return def
const FIFT_LIBS_FOLDER = getenv('FIFTPATH') // this env is needed for fift to work properly
const STDLIB_FOLDER = __dirname + '/../crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib'
const TMP_DIR = os.tmpdir()
class CmdLineOptions {
constructor(/**string[]*/ argv) {
if (argv.length !== 3) {
print("Usage: node tolk-tester.js tests_dir OR node tolk-tester.js test_file.tolk")
if (!fs.existsSync(argv[2])) {
print(`Input '${argv[2]}' doesn't exist`)
if (fs.lstatSync(argv[2]).isDirectory()) {
this.tests_dir = argv[2]
this.test_file = null
} else {
this.tests_dir = path.dirname(argv[2])
this.test_file = argv[2]
/** @return {string[]} */
find_tests() {
if (this.test_file) // an option to run (debug) a single test
return [this.test_file]
let tests = fs.readdirSync(this.tests_dir).filter(f => f.endsWith('.tolk') || f.endsWith('.ton'))
return tests.map(f => path.join(this.tests_dir, f))
class ParseInputError extends Error {
class TolkCompilationFailedError extends Error {
constructor(/**string*/ message, /**string*/ stderr) {
this.stderr = stderr
class TolkCompilationSucceededError extends Error {
class FiftExecutionFailedError extends Error {
constructor(/**string*/ message, /**string*/ stderr) {
this.stderr = stderr
class CompareOutputError extends Error {
constructor(/**string*/ message, /**string*/ output) {
this.output = output
class CompareFifCodegenError extends Error {
class CompareCodeHashError extends Error {
* In positive tests, there are several testcases "input X should produce output Y".
class TolkTestCaseInputOutput {
static reJustNumber = /^[-+]?\d+$/
static reMathExpr = /^[0x123456789()+\-*/<>]*$/
constructor(/**string*/ method_id_str, /**string*/ input_str, /**string*/ output_str) {
let processed_inputs = []
for (let in_arg of input_str.split(' ')) {
if (in_arg.length === 0)
else if (in_arg.startsWith("x{") || TolkTestCaseInputOutput.reJustNumber.test(in_arg))
else if (TolkTestCaseInputOutput.reMathExpr.test(in_arg))
// replace "3<<254" with "3n<<254n" (big number) before eval (in Python we don't need this)
processed_inputs.push(eval(in_arg.replace('//', '/').replace(/(\d)($|\D)/gmi, '$1n$2')).toString())
else if (in_arg === "null")
throw new ParseInputError(`'${in_arg}' can't be evaluated`)
this.method_id = +method_id_str
this.input = processed_inputs.join(' ')
this.expected_output = output_str
check(/**string[]*/ stdout_lines, /**number*/ line_idx) {
if (stdout_lines[line_idx] !== this.expected_output)
throw new CompareOutputError(`error on case #${line_idx + 1} (${this.method_id} | ${this.input}): expected '${this.expected_output}', found '${stdout_lines[line_idx]}'`, stdout_lines.join("\n"))
* @stderr checks, when compilation fails, that stderr (compilation error) is expected.
* If it's multiline, all lines must be present in specified order.
class TolkTestCaseStderr {
constructor(/**string[]*/ stderr_pattern, /**boolean*/ avoid) {
this.stderr_pattern = stderr_pattern
this.avoid = avoid
check(/**string*/ stderr) {
const line_match = this.find_pattern_in_stderr(stderr.split(/\n/))
if (line_match === -1 && !this.avoid)
throw new CompareOutputError("pattern not found in stderr:\n" +
this.stderr_pattern.map(x => " " + x).join("\n"), stderr)
else if (line_match !== -1 && this.avoid)
throw new CompareOutputError(`pattern found (line ${line_match + 1}), but not expected to be:\n` +
this.stderr_pattern.map(x => " " + x).join("\n"), stderr)
find_pattern_in_stderr(/**string[]*/ stderr) {
for (let line_start = 0; line_start < stderr.length; ++line_start)
if (this.try_match_pattern(0, stderr, line_start))
return line_start
return -1
try_match_pattern(/**number*/ pattern_offset, /**string[]*/ stderr, /**number*/ offset) {
if (pattern_offset >= this.stderr_pattern.length)
return true
if (offset >= stderr.length)
return false
const line_pattern = this.stderr_pattern[pattern_offset]
const line_output = stderr[offset]
return line_output.includes(line_pattern) && this.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, stderr, offset + 1)
* @fif_codegen checks that contents of compiled.fif matches the expected pattern.
* @fif_codegen_avoid checks that is does not match the pattern.
* See comments in run_tests.py.
class TolkTestCaseFifCodegen {
constructor(/**string[]*/ fif_pattern, /**boolean*/ avoid) {
/** @type {string[]} */
this.fif_pattern = fif_pattern.map(s => s.trim())
this.avoid = avoid
check(/**string[]*/ fif_output) {
const line_match = this.find_pattern_in_fif_output(fif_output)
if (line_match === -1 && !this.avoid)
throw new CompareFifCodegenError("pattern not found:\n" +
this.fif_pattern.map(x => " " + x).join("\n"))
else if (line_match !== -1 && this.avoid)
throw new CompareFifCodegenError(`pattern found (line ${line_match + 1}), but not expected to be:\n` +
this.fif_pattern.map(x => " " + x).join("\n"))
find_pattern_in_fif_output(/**string[]*/ fif_output) {
for (let line_start = 0; line_start < fif_output.length; ++line_start)
if (this.try_match_pattern(0, fif_output, line_start))
return line_start
return -1
try_match_pattern(/**number*/ pattern_offset, /**string[]*/ fif_output, /**number*/ offset) {
if (pattern_offset >= this.fif_pattern.length)
return true
if (offset >= fif_output.length)
return false
const line_pattern = this.fif_pattern[pattern_offset]
const line_output = fif_output[offset]
if (line_pattern !== "...") {
if (!TolkTestCaseFifCodegen.does_line_match(line_pattern, line_output))
return false
return this.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, fif_output, offset + 1)
while (offset < fif_output.length) {
if (this.try_match_pattern(pattern_offset + 1, fif_output, offset))
return true
offset = offset + 1
return false
static split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(/**string*/ trimmed_line) {
const pos = trimmed_line.indexOf("//")
if (pos === -1)
return [trimmed_line, null]
return [trimmed_line.substring(0, pos).trimEnd(), trimmed_line.substring(pos + 2).trimStart()]
static does_line_match(/**string*/ line_pattern, /**string*/ line_output) {
const [cmd_pattern, comment_pattern] = TolkTestCaseFifCodegen.split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(line_pattern)
const [cmd_output, comment_output] = TolkTestCaseFifCodegen.split_line_to_cmd_and_comment(line_output.trim())
return cmd_pattern === cmd_output && (comment_pattern === null || comment_pattern === comment_output)
* @code_hash checks that hash of compiled output.fif matches the provided value.
* It's used to "record" code boc hash and to check that it remains the same on compiler modifications.
* Being much less flexible than @fif_codegen, it nevertheless gives a guarantee of bytecode stability.
class TolkTestCaseExpectedHash {
constructor(/**string*/ expected_hash) {
this.code_hash = expected_hash
check(/**string*/ fif_code_hash) {
if (this.code_hash !== fif_code_hash)
throw new CompareCodeHashError(`expected ${this.code_hash}, actual ${fif_code_hash}`)
class TolkTestFile {
constructor(/**string*/ tolk_filename, /**string*/ artifacts_folder) {
this.line_idx = 0
this.tolk_filename = tolk_filename
this.artifacts_folder = artifacts_folder
this.compilation_should_fail = false
/** @type {TolkTestCaseStderr[]} */
this.stderr_includes = []
/** @type {TolkTestCaseInputOutput[]} */
this.input_output = []
/** @type {TolkTestCaseFifCodegen[]} */
this.fif_codegen = []
/** @type {TolkTestCaseExpectedHash | null} */
this.expected_hash = null
/** @type {string | null} */
this.experimental_options = null
parse_input_from_tolk_file() {
const lines = fs.readFileSync(this.tolk_filename, 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n/)
this.line_idx = 0
while (this.line_idx < lines.length) {
const line = lines[this.line_idx]
if (line.startsWith('@testcase')) {
let s = line.split("|").map(p => p.trim())
if (s.length !== 4)
throw new ParseInputError(`incorrect format of @testcase: ${line}`)
this.input_output.push(new TolkTestCaseInputOutput(s[1], s[2], s[3]))
} else if (line.startsWith('@compilation_should_fail')) {
this.compilation_should_fail = true
} else if (line.startsWith('@stderr')) {
this.stderr_includes.push(new TolkTestCaseStderr(this.parse_string_value(lines), false))
} else if (line.startsWith("@fif_codegen_avoid")) {
this.fif_codegen.push(new TolkTestCaseFifCodegen(this.parse_string_value(lines), true))
} else if (line.startsWith("@fif_codegen")) {
this.fif_codegen.push(new TolkTestCaseFifCodegen(this.parse_string_value(lines), false))
} else if (line.startsWith("@code_hash")) {
this.expected_hash = new TolkTestCaseExpectedHash(this.parse_string_value(lines, false)[0])
} else if (line.startsWith("@experimental_options")) {
this.experimental_options = line.substring(22)
if (this.input_output.length === 0 && !this.compilation_should_fail)
throw new ParseInputError("no @testcase present")
if (this.input_output.length !== 0 && this.compilation_should_fail)
throw new ParseInputError("@testcase present, but compilation_should_fail")
/** @return {string[]} */
parse_string_value(/**string[]*/ lines, allow_multiline = true) {
// a tag must be followed by a space (single-line), e.g. '@stderr some text'
// or be a multi-line value, surrounded by """
const line = lines[this.line_idx]
const pos_sp = line.indexOf(' ')
const is_multi_line = lines[this.line_idx + 1] === '"""'
const is_single_line = pos_sp !== -1
if (!is_single_line && !is_multi_line)
throw new ParseInputError(`${line} value is empty (not followed by a string or a multiline """)`)
if (is_single_line && is_multi_line)
throw new ParseInputError(`${line.substring(0, pos_sp)} value is both single-line and followed by """`)
if (is_multi_line && !allow_multiline)
throw new ParseInputError(`${line} value should be single-line`);
if (is_single_line)
return [line.substring(pos_sp + 1).trim()]
this.line_idx += 2
let s_multiline = []
while (this.line_idx < lines.length && lines[this.line_idx] !== '"""') {
this.line_idx = this.line_idx + 1
return s_multiline
get_compiled_fif_filename() {
return this.artifacts_folder + "/compiled.fif"
get_runner_fif_filename() {
return this.artifacts_folder + "/runner.fif"
async run_and_check() {
const wasmModule = await compileWasm(TOLKFIFTLIB_MODULE, TOLKFIFTLIB_WASM)
let res = compileFile(wasmModule, this.tolk_filename, this.experimental_options)
let exit_code = res.status === 'ok' ? 0 : 1
let stderr = res.message
let stdout = ''
if (exit_code === 0 && this.compilation_should_fail)
throw new TolkCompilationSucceededError("compilation succeeded, but it should have failed")
for (let should_include of this.stderr_includes) // @stderr is used to check errors and warnings
if (exit_code !== 0 && this.compilation_should_fail)
if (exit_code !== 0 && !this.compilation_should_fail)
throw new TolkCompilationFailedError(`tolk exit_code = ${exit_code}`, stderr)
fs.writeFileSync(this.get_compiled_fif_filename(), `"Asm.fif" include\n${res.fiftCode}`)
let runner = `"${this.get_compiled_fif_filename()}" include <s constant code\n`
for (let t of this.input_output)
runner += `${t.input} ${t.method_id} code 1 runvmx abort"exitcode is not 0" .s cr { drop } depth 1- times\n`
if (this.expected_hash !== null)
runner += `"${this.get_compiled_fif_filename()}" include hash .s\n`
fs.writeFileSync(this.get_runner_fif_filename(), runner)
res = child_process.spawnSync(FIFT_EXECUTABLE, [this.get_runner_fif_filename()])
exit_code = res.status
stderr = (res.stderr || res.error).toString()
stdout = (res.stdout || '').toString()
if (exit_code)
throw new FiftExecutionFailedError(`fift exit_code = ${exit_code}`, stderr)
let stdout_lines = stdout.split("\n").map(x => x.trim()).filter(s => s.length > 0)
let fif_code_hash = null
if (this.expected_hash !== null) { // then the last stdout line is a hash
fif_code_hash = stdout_lines[stdout_lines.length - 1]
stdout_lines = stdout_lines.slice(0, stdout_lines.length - 1)
if (stdout_lines.length !== this.input_output.length)
throw new CompareOutputError(`unexpected number of fift output: ${stdout_lines.length} lines, but ${this.input_output.length} testcases`, stdout)
for (let i = 0; i < stdout_lines.length; ++i)
this.input_output[i].check(stdout_lines, i)
if (this.fif_codegen.length) {
const fif_output = fs.readFileSync(this.get_compiled_fif_filename(), 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n/)
for (let fif_codegen of this.fif_codegen)
if (this.expected_hash !== null)
async function run_all_tests(/**string[]*/ tests) {
for (let ti = 0; ti < tests.length; ++ti) {
let tolk_filename = tests[ti]
print(`Running test ${ti + 1}/${tests.length}: ${tolk_filename}`)
let artifacts_folder = path.join(TMP_DIR, tolk_filename)
let testcase = new TolkTestFile(tolk_filename, artifacts_folder)
try {
if (!fs.existsSync(artifacts_folder))
fs.mkdirSync(artifacts_folder, {recursive: true})
await testcase.run_and_check()
fs.rmSync(artifacts_folder, {recursive: true})
if (testcase.compilation_should_fail)
print(" OK, compilation failed as it should")
print(` OK, ${testcase.input_output.length} cases`)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ParseInputError) {
print(` Error parsing input (cur line #${testcase.line_idx + 1}):`, e.message)
} else if (e instanceof TolkCompilationFailedError) {
print(" Error compiling tolk:", e.message)
print(" stderr:")
} else if (e instanceof FiftExecutionFailedError) {
print(" Error executing fift:", e.message)
print(" stderr:")
print(" compiled.fif at:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename())
} else if (e instanceof CompareOutputError) {
print(" Mismatch in output:", e.message)
print(" Full output:")
print(" Was compiled to:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename())
} else if (e instanceof CompareFifCodegenError) {
print(" Mismatch in fif codegen:", e.message)
print(" Was compiled to:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename())
print(fs.readFileSync(testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename(), 'utf-8'))
} else if (e instanceof CompareCodeHashError) {
print(" Mismatch in code hash:", e.message)
print(" Was compiled to:", testcase.get_compiled_fif_filename())
throw e
const tests = new CmdLineOptions(process.argv).find_tests()
print(`Found ${tests.length} tests`)
() => print(`Done, ${tests.length} tests`),
// below are WASM helpers, which don't exist in Python version
function copyToCString(mod, str) {
const len = mod.lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
const ptr = mod._malloc(len);
mod.stringToUTF8(str, ptr, len);
return ptr;
function copyToCStringPtr(mod, str, ptr) {
const allocated = copyToCString(mod, str);
mod.setValue(ptr, allocated, '*');
return allocated;
/** @return {string} */
function copyFromCString(mod, ptr) {
return mod.UTF8ToString(ptr);
/** @return {{status: string, message: string, fiftCode: string, codeBoc: string, codeHashHex: string}} */
function compileFile(mod, filename, experimentalOptions) {
// see tolk-wasm.cpp: typedef void (*WasmFsReadCallback)(int, char const*, char**, char**)
const callbackPtr = mod.addFunction((kind, dataPtr, destContents, destError) => {
if (kind === 0) { // realpath
try {
let relative = copyFromCString(mod, dataPtr)
if (relative.startsWith('@stdlib/')) {
// import "@stdlib/filename" or import "@stdlib/filename.tolk"
relative = STDLIB_FOLDER + '/' + relative.substring(7)
if (!relative.endsWith('.tolk')) {
relative += '.tolk'
copyToCStringPtr(mod, fs.realpathSync(relative), destContents);
} catch (err) {
copyToCStringPtr(mod, 'cannot find file', destError);
} else if (kind === 1) { // read file
try {
const absolute = copyFromCString(mod, dataPtr) // already normalized (as returned above)
copyToCStringPtr(mod, fs.readFileSync(absolute).toString('utf-8'), destContents);
} catch (err) {
copyToCStringPtr(mod, err.message || err.toString(), destError);
} else {
copyToCStringPtr(mod, 'Unknown callback kind=' + kind, destError);
}, 'viiii');
const config = {
optimizationLevel: 2,
withStackComments: true,
experimentalOptions: experimentalOptions || undefined,
entrypointFileName: filename
const configPtr = copyToCString(mod, JSON.stringify(config));
const responsePtr = mod._tolk_compile(configPtr, callbackPtr);
return JSON.parse(copyFromCString(mod, responsePtr));
async function compileWasm(tolkFiftLibJsFileName, tolkFiftLibWasmFileName) {
const wasmModule = require(tolkFiftLibJsFileName)
const wasmBinary = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync(tolkFiftLibWasmFileName))
return await wasmModule({ wasmBinary })