mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 19:22:37 +00:00
Unary logical NOT was already implemented earlier. Logical AND OR are expressed via conditional expression: * a && b -> a ? (b != 0) : 0 * a || b -> a ? 1 : (b != 0) They work as expected in any expressions. For instance, having `cond && f()`, f is called only if cond is true. For primitive cases, like `a > 0 && b > 0`, Fift code is not optimal, it could potentially be without IFs. These are moments of future optimizations. For now, it's more than enough.
1355 lines
52 KiB
1355 lines
52 KiB
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tolk.h"
#include "src-file.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "compiler-state.h"
#include "common/refint.h"
#include "openssl/digest.hpp"
#include "crypto/common/util.h"
#include "td/utils/crypto.h"
#include "ton/ton-types.h"
* In this module, we convert modern AST representation to legacy representation
* (global state, Expr, CodeBlob, etc.) to make the rest of compiling process remain unchanged for now.
* Since time goes, I'll gradually get rid of legacy, since most of the code analysis
* should be done at AST level.
namespace tolk {
static int calc_sym_idx(std::string_view sym_name) {
return G.symbols.lookup(sym_name);
void Expr::fire_error_rvalue_expected() const {
// generally, almost all vertices are rvalue, that's why code leading to "not rvalue"
// should be very strange, like `var x = _`
throw ParseError(here, "rvalue expected");
void Expr::fire_error_lvalue_expected(const std::string& details) const {
// "lvalue expected" is when a user modifies something unmodifiable
// example: `f() = 32`
// example: `loadUint(c.beginParse(), 32)` (since `loadUint()` mutates the first argument)
throw ParseError(here, "lvalue expected (" + details + ")");
void Expr::fire_error_modifying_immutable(const std::string& details) const {
// "modifying immutable variable" is when a user assigns to a variable declared `val`
// example: `immutable_val = 32`
// example: `(regular_var, immutable_val) = f()`
// for better error message, try to print out variable name if possible
std::string variable_name;
if (cls == _Var || cls == _Const) {
variable_name = sym->name();
} else if (cls == _Tensor || cls == _MkTuple) {
for (const Expr* arg : (cls == _Tensor ? args : args[0]->args)) {
if (arg->is_immutable() && (arg->cls == _Var || arg->cls == _Const)) {
variable_name = arg->sym->name();
if (variable_name == "self") {
throw ParseError(here, "modifying `self` (" + details + "), which is immutable by default; probably, you want to declare `mutate self`");
} else if (!variable_name.empty()) {
throw ParseError(here, "modifying an immutable variable `" + variable_name + "` (" + details + ")");
} else {
throw ParseError(here, "modifying an immutable variable (" + details + ")");
static void fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(SrcLocation loc, const SymDef* func_sym, const SymDef* param_sym, bool called_as_method, bool arg_passed_as_mutate, AnyV arg_expr) {
std::string func_name = func_sym->name();
std::string arg_str(arg_expr->type == ast_identifier ? arg_expr->as<ast_identifier>()->name : "obj");
const SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<const SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
const SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<const SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
// case: `loadInt(cs, 32)`; suggest: `cs.loadInt(32)`
if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate && !called_as_method && param_val->idx == 0 && func_val->does_accept_self()) {
throw ParseError(loc, "`" + func_name + "` is a mutating method; consider calling `" + arg_str + "." + func_name + "()`, not `" + func_name + "(" + arg_str + ")`");
// case: `cs.mutating_function()`; suggest: `mutating_function(mutate cs)` or make it a method
if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && called_as_method && param_val->idx == 0 && !func_val->does_accept_self()) {
throw ParseError(loc, "function `" + func_name + "` mutates parameter `" + param_sym->name() + "`; consider calling `" + func_name + "(mutate " + arg_str + ")`, not `" + arg_str + "." + func_name + "`(); alternatively, rename parameter to `self` to make it a method");
// case: `mutating_function(arg)`; suggest: `mutate arg`
if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate) {
throw ParseError(loc, "function `" + func_name + "` mutates parameter `" + param_sym->name() + "`; you need to specify `mutate` when passing an argument, like `mutate " + arg_str + "`");
// case: `usual_function(mutate arg)`
if (!param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && arg_passed_as_mutate) {
throw ParseError(loc, "incorrect `mutate`, since `" + func_name + "` does not mutate this parameter");
throw Fatal("unreachable");
// parse address like "EQCRDM9h4k3UJdOePPuyX40mCgA4vxge5Dc5vjBR8djbEKC5"
// based on unpack_std_smc_addr() from block.cpp
// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
static bool parse_friendly_address(const char packed[48], ton::WorkchainId& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
unsigned char buffer[36];
if (!td::buff_base64_decode(td::MutableSlice{buffer, 36}, td::Slice{packed, 48}, true)) {
return false;
td::uint16 crc = td::crc16(td::Slice{buffer, 34});
if (buffer[34] != (crc >> 8) || buffer[35] != (crc & 0xff) || (buffer[0] & 0x3f) != 0x11) {
return false;
workchain = (td::int8)buffer[1];
std::memcpy(addr.data(), buffer + 2, 32);
return true;
// parse address like "0:527964d55cfa6eb731f4bfc07e9d025098097ef8505519e853986279bd8400d8"
// based on StdAddress::parse_addr() from block.cpp
// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
static bool parse_raw_address(const std::string& acc_string, int& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
size_t pos = acc_string.find(':');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
td::Result<int> r_wc = td::to_integer_safe<ton::WorkchainId>(acc_string.substr(0, pos));
if (r_wc.is_error()) {
return false;
workchain = r_wc.move_as_ok();
} else {
pos = 0;
if (acc_string.size() != pos + 64) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { // loop through each hex digit
char c = acc_string[pos + i];
int x;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
x = c - '0';
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
x = c - 'a' + 10;
} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
x = c - 'A' + 10;
} else {
return false;
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0x0F) | (x << 4));
} else {
addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0xF0) | x);
return true;
static Expr* create_expr_apply(SrcLocation loc, SymDef* sym, std::vector<Expr*>&& args) {
Expr* apply = new Expr(Expr::_Apply, sym, std::move(args));
apply->here = loc;
apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
return apply;
static Expr* create_expr_int_const(SrcLocation loc, int int_val) {
Expr* int_const = new Expr(Expr::_Const, loc);
int_const->intval = td::make_refint(int_val);
int_const->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
int_const->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
return int_const;
namespace blk_fl {
enum { end = 1, ret = 2, empty = 4 };
typedef int val;
constexpr val init = end | empty;
void combine(val& x, const val y) {
x |= y & ret;
x &= y | ~(end | empty);
void combine_parallel(val& x, const val y) {
x &= y | ~(ret | empty);
x |= y & end;
} // namespace blk_fl
Expr* process_expr(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
blk_fl::val process_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
static void check_global_func(SrcLocation loc, sym_idx_t func_name) {
SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(func_name);
if (!sym_def) {
throw ParseError(loc, "undefined symbol `" + G.symbols.get_name(func_name) + "`");
static void check_import_exists_when_using_sym(AnyV v_usage, const SymDef* used_sym) {
if (!v_usage->loc.is_symbol_from_same_or_builtin_file(used_sym->loc)) {
const SrcFile* declared_in = used_sym->loc.get_src_file();
bool has_import = false;
for (const SrcFile::ImportStatement& import_stmt : v_usage->loc.get_src_file()->imports) {
if (import_stmt.imported_file == declared_in) {
has_import = true;
if (!has_import) {
v_usage->error("Using a non-imported symbol `" + used_sym->name() + "`. Forgot to import \"" + declared_in->rel_filename + "\"?");
static Expr* create_new_local_variable(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view var_name, TypeExpr* var_type, bool is_immutable) {
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(var_name));
if (sym) { // creating a new variable, but something found in symtable
if (sym->level != G.scope_level) {
sym = nullptr; // declaring a new variable with the same name, but in another scope
} else {
throw ParseError(loc, "redeclaration of local variable `" + static_cast<std::string>(var_name) + "`");
Expr* x = new Expr{Expr::_Var, loc};
x->val = ~calc_sym_idx(var_name);
x->e_type = var_type;
x->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | (is_immutable ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
return x;
static Expr* create_new_underscore_variable(SrcLocation loc, TypeExpr* var_type) {
Expr* x = new Expr{Expr::_Hole, loc};
x->val = -1;
x->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue;
x->e_type = var_type;
return x;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_binary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
TokenType t = v->tok;
std::string operator_name = static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name);
if (t == tok_set_plus || t == tok_set_minus || t == tok_set_mul || t == tok_set_div ||
t == tok_set_mod || t == tok_set_lshift || t == tok_set_rshift ||
t == tok_set_bitwise_and || t == tok_set_bitwise_or || t == tok_set_bitwise_xor) {
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
if (!x->is_lvalue()) {
x->fire_error_lvalue_expected("left side of assignment");
if (x->is_immutable()) {
x->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("^_" + operator_name + "_"));
Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
Expr* z = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {x, y});
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x->copy(), z}};
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
return res;
if (t == tok_assign) {
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
if (!x->is_lvalue()) {
x->fire_error_lvalue_expected("left side of assignment");
if (x->is_immutable()) {
x->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x, y}};
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
return res;
if (t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus ||
t == tok_bitwise_and || t == tok_bitwise_or || t == tok_bitwise_xor ||
t == tok_eq || t == tok_lt || t == tok_gt || t == tok_leq || t == tok_geq || t == tok_neq || t == tok_spaceship ||
t == tok_lshift || t == tok_rshift || t == tok_rshiftC || t == tok_rshiftR ||
t == tok_mul || t == tok_div || t == tok_mod || t == tok_divC || t == tok_divR) {
Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("_" + operator_name + "_"));
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
res = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {res, x});
return res;
if (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
// do the following transformations:
// a && b -> a ? (b != 0) : 0
// a || b -> a ? 1 : (b != 0)
SymDef* sym_neq = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("_!=_"));
Expr* lhs = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
Expr* rhs = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
Expr* e_neq0 = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym_neq, {rhs, create_expr_int_const(v->loc, 0)});
Expr* e_when_true = t == tok_logical_and ? e_neq0 : create_expr_int_const(v->loc, -1);
Expr* e_when_false = t == tok_logical_and ? create_expr_int_const(v->loc, 0) : e_neq0;
Expr* e_ternary = new Expr(Expr::_CondExpr, {lhs, e_when_true, e_when_false});
e_ternary->here = v->loc;
e_ternary->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
return e_ternary;
v->error("unsupported binary operator");
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_unary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
TokenType t = v->tok;
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name) + "_"));
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
// here's an optimization to convert "-1" (tok_minus tok_int_const) to a const -1, not to Expr::Apply(-,1)
// without this, everything still works, but Tolk looses some vars/stack knowledge for now (to be fixed later)
// in FunC, it was:
// `var fst = -1;` // is constantly 1
// `var snd = - 1;` // is Expr::Apply(-), a comment "snd=1" is lost in stack layout comments, and so on
// hence, when after grammar modification tok_minus became a true unary operator (not a part of a number),
// and thus to preserve existing behavior until compiler parts are completely rewritten, handle this case here
if (t == tok_minus && x->cls == Expr::_Const) {
x->intval = -x->intval;
if (!x->intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
v->error("integer overflow");
return x;
if (t == tok_plus && x->cls == Expr::_Const) {
return x;
return create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {x});
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_ternary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* cond = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_when_true(), code);
Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_when_false(), code);
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_CondExpr, {cond, x, y}};
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
return res;
static Expr* process_function_arguments(SymDef* func_sym, V<ast_argument_list> v, Expr* lhs_of_dot_call, CodeBlob& code) {
SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
int delta_self = lhs_of_dot_call ? 1 : 0;
int n_arguments = static_cast<int>(v->get_arguments().size()) + delta_self;
int n_parameters = static_cast<int>(func_val->parameters.size());
// Tolk doesn't have optional parameters currently, so just compare counts
if (n_parameters < n_arguments) {
v->error("too many arguments in call to `" + func_sym->name() + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
if (n_arguments < n_parameters) {
v->error("too few arguments in call to `" + func_sym->name() + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
std::vector<Expr*> apply_args;
if (lhs_of_dot_call) {
for (int i = delta_self; i < n_arguments; ++i) {
auto v_arg = v->get_arg(i - delta_self);
if (SymDef* param_sym = func_val->parameters[i]) { // can be null (for underscore parameter)
SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() != v_arg->passed_as_mutate) {
fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(v_arg->loc, func_sym, param_sym, false, v_arg->passed_as_mutate, v_arg->get_expr());
Expr* arg = process_expr(v_arg->get_expr(), code);
Expr* apply = new Expr{Expr::_Apply, func_sym, std::move(apply_args)};
apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue | (!func_val->is_marked_as_pure() * Expr::_IsImpure);
apply->here = v->loc;
return apply;
static Expr* process_function_call(V<ast_function_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
// special error for "null()" which is a FunC syntax
if (v->get_called_f()->type == ast_null_keyword) {
v->error("null is not a function: use `null`, not `null()`");
// most likely it's a global function, but also may be `some_var(args)` or even `getF()(args)`
Expr* lhs = process_expr(v->get_called_f(), code);
if (lhs->cls != Expr::_GlobFunc) {
Expr* tensor_arg = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
auto v_arg = v->get_arg(i);
if (v_arg->passed_as_mutate) {
v_arg->error("`mutate` used for non-mutate argument");
Expr* arg = process_expr(v_arg->get_expr(), code);
tensor_arg->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
tensor_arg->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
Expr* var_apply = new Expr{Expr::_VarApply, {lhs, tensor_arg}};
var_apply->here = v->loc;
var_apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
return var_apply;
Expr* apply = process_function_arguments(lhs->sym, v->get_arg_list(), nullptr, code);
if (dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(apply->sym->value)->has_mutate_params()) {
const std::vector<Expr*>& args = apply->args;
SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(apply->sym->value);
tolk_assert(func_val->parameters.size() == args.size());
Expr* grabbed_vars = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(args.size()); ++i) {
SymDef* param_def = func_val->parameters[i];
if (param_def && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_def->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
if (!args[i]->is_lvalue()) {
args[i]->fire_error_lvalue_expected("call a mutating function");
if (args[i]->is_immutable()) {
args[i]->fire_error_modifying_immutable("call a mutating function");
grabbed_vars->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
Expr* grab_mutate = new Expr(Expr::_GrabMutatedVars, apply->sym, {apply, grabbed_vars});
grab_mutate->here = v->loc;
grab_mutate->flags = apply->flags;
return grab_mutate;
return apply;
static Expr* process_dot_method_call(V<ast_dot_method_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
sym_idx_t name_idx = calc_sym_idx(v->method_name);
check_global_func(v->loc, name_idx);
SymDef* func_sym = lookup_symbol(name_idx);
SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
tolk_assert(func_val != nullptr);
Expr* obj = process_expr(v->get_obj(), code);
if (func_val->parameters.empty()) {
v->error("`" + func_sym->name() + "` has no parameters and can not be called as method");
if (!func_val->does_accept_self() && func_val->parameters[0] && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(func_val->parameters[0]->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(v->loc, func_sym, func_val->parameters[0], true, false, v->get_obj());
Expr* apply = process_function_arguments(func_sym, v->get_arg_list(), obj, code);
Expr* obj_lval = apply->args[0];
if (!obj_lval->is_lvalue()) {
if (obj_lval->cls == Expr::_ReturnSelf) {
obj_lval = obj_lval->args[1];
} else {
Expr* tmp_var = create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, obj_lval->e_type);
Expr* assign_to_tmp_var = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {tmp_var, obj_lval});
assign_to_tmp_var->here = v->loc;
assign_to_tmp_var->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
apply->args[0] = assign_to_tmp_var;
obj_lval = tmp_var;
if (func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
tolk_assert(func_val->parameters.size() == apply->args.size());
Expr* grabbed_vars = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(apply->args.size()); ++i) {
SymDef* param_sym = func_val->parameters[i];
if (param_sym && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
Expr* ith_arg = apply->args[i];
if (ith_arg->is_immutable()) {
ith_arg->fire_error_modifying_immutable("call a mutating method");
Expr* var_to_mutate = nullptr;
if (ith_arg->is_lvalue()) {
var_to_mutate = ith_arg->copy();
} else if (i == 0) {
var_to_mutate = obj_lval;
} else {
ith_arg->fire_error_lvalue_expected("call a mutating method");
tolk_assert(var_to_mutate->is_lvalue() && !var_to_mutate->is_immutable());
grabbed_vars->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
Expr* grab_mutate = new Expr(Expr::_GrabMutatedVars, func_sym, {apply, grabbed_vars});
grab_mutate->here = v->loc;
grab_mutate->flags = apply->flags;
apply = grab_mutate;
if (func_val->does_return_self()) {
Expr* self_arg = obj_lval;
Expr* return_self = new Expr(Expr::_ReturnSelf, func_sym, {apply, self_arg});
return_self->here = v->loc;
return_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
apply = return_self;
return apply;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_tensor> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (v->empty()) {
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
res->here = v->loc;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
return res;
Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_item(0), code);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
int f = res->flags;
res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {res}};
for (int i = 1; i < v->size(); ++i) {
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_item(i), code);
f &= (x->flags | Expr::_IsImmutable);
f |= (x->flags & Expr::_IsImmutable);
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = f;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
return res;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_tensor_square> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (v->empty()) {
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
res->here = v->loc;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
res->here = v->loc;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
return res;
Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_item(0), code);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
int f = res->flags;
res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {res}};
for (int i = 1; i < v->size(); ++i) {
Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_item(i), code);
f &= (x->flags | Expr::_IsImmutable);
f |= (x->flags & Expr::_IsImmutable);
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = f;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list), false);
res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
res->flags = f;
res->here = v->loc;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
return res;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_int_const> v) {
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
res->intval = td::string_to_int256(static_cast<std::string>(v->int_val));
if (res->intval.is_null() || !res->intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
v->error("invalid integer constant");
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
return res;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_string_const> v) {
std::string str = static_cast<std::string>(v->str_val);
Expr* res;
switch (v->modifier) {
case 0:
case 's':
case 'a':
res = new Expr{Expr::_SliceConst, v->loc};
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
case 'u':
case 'h':
case 'H':
case 'c':
res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
v->error("invalid string modifier '" + std::string(1, v->modifier) + "'");
res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
switch (v->modifier) {
case 0: {
res->strval = td::hex_encode(str);
case 's': {
res->strval = str;
unsigned char buff[128];
int bits = (int)td::bitstring::parse_bitstring_hex_literal(buff, sizeof(buff), str.data(), str.data() + str.size());
if (bits < 0) {
v->error("invalid hex bitstring constant '" + str + "'");
case 'a': { // MsgAddress
int workchain;
ton::StdSmcAddress addr;
bool correct = (str.size() == 48 && parse_friendly_address(str.data(), workchain, addr)) ||
(str.size() != 48 && parse_raw_address(str, workchain, addr));
if (!correct) {
v->error("invalid standard address '" + str + "'");
if (workchain < -128 || workchain >= 128) {
v->error("anycast addresses not supported");
unsigned char data[3 + 8 + 256]; // addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 0, static_cast<uint64_t>(4) << (64 - 3), 3);
td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 3, static_cast<uint64_t>(workchain) << (64 - 8), 8);
td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, 3 + 8, addr.bits().ptr, 0, addr.size());
res->strval = td::BitSlice{data, sizeof(data)}.to_hex();
case 'u': {
res->intval = td::hex_string_to_int256(td::hex_encode(str));
if (str.empty()) {
v->error("empty integer ascii-constant");
if (res->intval.is_null()) {
v->error("too long integer ascii-constant");
case 'h':
case 'H': {
unsigned char hash[32];
digest::hash_str<digest::SHA256>(hash, str.data(), str.size());
res->intval = td::bits_to_refint(hash, (v->modifier == 'h') ? 32 : 256, false);
case 'c': {
res->intval = td::make_refint(td::crc32(td::Slice{str}));
return res;
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_bool_const> v) {
SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->bool_val ? "__true" : "__false"));
return create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, {});
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_null_keyword> v) {
SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__null"));
return create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, {});
static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_self_keyword> v, CodeBlob& code) {
if (!code.func_val->does_accept_self()) {
v->error("using `self` in a non-member function (it does not accept the first `self` parameter)");
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("self"));
SymValVariable* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(sym->value);
Expr* res = new Expr(Expr::_Var, v->loc);
res->sym = sym;
res->val = sym_val->idx;
res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | (sym_val->is_immutable() ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
res->e_type = sym_val->get_type();
return res;
static Expr* process_identifier(V<ast_identifier> v) {
SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->name));
if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValGlobVar*>(sym->value)) {
check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_GlobVar, v->loc};
res->e_type = sym->value->get_type();
res->sym = sym;
res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsImpure;
return res;
if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValConst*>(sym->value)) {
check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
auto val = dynamic_cast<SymValConst*>(sym->value);
Expr* res = nullptr;
if (val->get_kind() == SymValConst::IntConst) {
res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
res->intval = val->get_int_value();
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
} else if (val->get_kind() == SymValConst::SliceConst) {
res = new Expr{Expr::_SliceConst, v->loc};
res->strval = val->get_str_value();
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
} else {
v->error("invalid symbolic constant type");
res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsImmutable;
res->sym = sym;
return res;
if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value)) {
check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Var, v->loc};
if (!sym) {
check_global_func(v->loc, calc_sym_idx(v->name));
sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->name));
res->sym = sym;
bool impure = false;
bool immutable = false;
if (const SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value)) {
res->e_type = func_val->get_type();
res->cls = Expr::_GlobFunc;
impure = !func_val->is_marked_as_pure();
} else if (const SymValVariable* var_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(sym->value)) {
tolk_assert(var_val->idx >= 0)
res->val = var_val->idx;
res->e_type = var_val->get_type();
immutable = var_val->is_immutable();
// std::cerr << "accessing variable " << lex.cur().str << " : " << res->e_type << std::endl;
} else {
v->error("undefined identifier '" + static_cast<std::string>(v->name) + "'");
// std::cerr << "accessing symbol " << lex.cur().str << " : " << res->e_type << (val->impure ? " (impure)" : " (pure)") << std::endl;
res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | (impure ? Expr::_IsImpure : 0) | (immutable ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
return res;
Expr* process_expr(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
switch (v->type) {
case ast_binary_operator:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_binary_operator>(), code);
case ast_unary_operator:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_unary_operator>(), code);
case ast_ternary_operator:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>(), code);
case ast_function_call:
return process_function_call(v->as<ast_function_call>(), code);
case ast_dot_method_call:
return process_dot_method_call(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>(), code);
case ast_parenthesized_expr:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>()->get_expr(), code);
case ast_tensor:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_tensor>(), code);
case ast_tensor_square:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_tensor_square>(), code);
case ast_int_const:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_int_const>());
case ast_string_const:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_string_const>());
case ast_bool_const:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
case ast_null_keyword:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
case ast_self_keyword:
return process_expr(v->as<ast_self_keyword>(), code);
case ast_identifier:
return process_identifier(v->as<ast_identifier>());
case ast_underscore:
return create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, TypeExpr::new_hole());
throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_expr");
static Expr* process_local_vars_lhs(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
switch (v->type) {
case ast_local_var: {
auto v_var = v->as<ast_local_var>();
if (v_var->marked_as_redef) {
Expr* redef_var = process_identifier(v_var->get_identifier()->as<ast_identifier>());
if (redef_var->is_immutable()) {
redef_var->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
return redef_var;
TypeExpr* var_type = v_var->declared_type ? v_var->declared_type : TypeExpr::new_hole();
if (auto v_ident = v->as<ast_local_var>()->get_identifier()->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
return create_new_local_variable(v->loc, v_ident->name, var_type, v_var->is_immutable);
} else {
return create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, var_type);
case ast_parenthesized_expr:
return process_local_vars_lhs(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>()->get_expr(), code);
case ast_tensor: {
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->loc};
for (AnyV item : v->as<ast_tensor>()->get_items()) {
Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(item, code);
res->flags |= x->flags;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
return res;
case ast_tensor_square: {
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->loc};
for (AnyV item : v->as<ast_tensor_square>()->get_items()) {
Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(item, code);
res->flags |= x->flags;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
res->flags = res->args.at(0)->flags;
res->here = v->loc;
res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
return res;
throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_local_vars_lhs");
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(v->get_lhs(), code);
Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_assigned_val(), code);
Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x, y}};
res->here = v->loc;
res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
return blk_fl::end;
static bool is_expr_valid_as_return_self(Expr* return_expr) {
// `return self`
if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_Var && return_expr->val == 0) {
return true;
if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_ReturnSelf) {
return is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[1]);
if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_CondExpr) {
return is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[1]) && is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[2]);
return false;
// for mutating functions, having `return expr`, transform it to `return (modify_var1, ..., expr)`
static Expr* wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(SrcLocation loc, CodeBlob& code, Expr* return_expr) {
Expr* tmp_var;
if (return_expr->cls != Expr::_Var) {
// `return complex_expr` - extract this into temporary variable (eval it before return)
// this is mandatory if it assigns to one of modified vars
tmp_var = create_new_underscore_variable(loc, return_expr->e_type);
Expr* assign_to_tmp_var = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {tmp_var, return_expr});
assign_to_tmp_var->here = loc;
assign_to_tmp_var->flags = tmp_var->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
} else {
tmp_var = return_expr;
Expr* ret_tensor = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, loc);
std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
for (SymDef* p_sym: code.func_val->parameters) {
if (p_sym && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(p_sym->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
Expr* p_expr = new Expr{Expr::_Var, p_sym->loc};
p_expr->sym = p_sym;
p_expr->val = p_sym->value->idx;
p_expr->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
p_expr->e_type = p_sym->value->get_type();
ret_tensor->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
ret_tensor->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
return ret_tensor;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_return_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_return_value(), code);
if (code.func_val->does_return_self()) {
if (!is_expr_valid_as_return_self(expr)) {
v->error("invalid return from `self` function");
Expr* var_self = new Expr(Expr::_Var, v->loc);
var_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsLvalue;
var_self->e_type = code.func_val->parameters[0]->value->get_type();
Expr* assign_to_self = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {var_self, expr});
assign_to_self->here = v->loc;
assign_to_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
Expr* empty_tensor = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, {});
empty_tensor->here = v->loc;
empty_tensor->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
empty_tensor->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor({});
expr = empty_tensor;
if (code.func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
expr = wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(v->loc, code, expr);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, code.ret_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "previous function return type " << code.ret_type
<< " cannot be unified with return statement expression type " << expr->e_type << ": " << ue;
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Return, std::move(tmp_vars));
return blk_fl::ret;
static void append_implicit_ret_stmt(SrcLocation loc_end, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* expr = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
expr->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
expr->here = loc_end;
expr->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
if (code.func_val->does_return_self()) {
throw ParseError(loc_end, "missing return; forgot `return self`?");
if (code.func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
expr = wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(loc_end, code, expr);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, code.ret_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "previous function return type " << code.ret_type
<< " cannot be unified with implicit end-of-block return type " << expr->e_type << ": " << ue;
throw ParseError(loc_end, os.str());
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
code.emplace_back(loc_end, Op::_Return, std::move(tmp_vars));
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_sequence> v, CodeBlob& code, bool no_new_scope = false) {
if (!no_new_scope) {
blk_fl::val res = blk_fl::init;
bool warned = false;
for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
if (!(res & blk_fl::end) && !warned) {
item->loc.show_warning("unreachable code");
warned = true;
blk_fl::combine(res, process_statement(item, code));
if (!no_new_scope) {
return res;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_repeat_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "repeat count value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
if (tmp_vars.size() != 1) {
v->get_cond()->error("repeat count value is not a singleton");
Op& repeat_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Repeat, tmp_vars);
blk_fl::val res = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code);
return res | blk_fl::end;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "while condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
Op& while_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_While);
while_op.left = expr->pre_compile(code);
if (while_op.left.size() != 1) {
v->get_cond()->error("while condition value is not a singleton");
blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code);
return res1 | blk_fl::end;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_do_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Op& until_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Until);
blk_fl::val res = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code, true);
// in TVM, there is only "do until", but in Tolk, we want "do while"
// here we negate condition to pass it forward to legacy to Op::_Until
// also, handle common situations as a hardcoded "optimization": replace (a<0) with (a>=0) and so on
// todo these hardcoded conditions should be removed from this place in the future
AnyV cond = v->get_cond();
AnyV until_cond;
if (auto v_not = cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
until_cond = v_not->get_rhs();
} else if (auto v_eq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_eq && v_eq->tok == tok_eq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "!=", tok_neq, v_eq->get_lhs(), v_eq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_neq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_neq && v_neq->tok == tok_neq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "==", tok_eq, v_neq->get_lhs(), v_neq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_leq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_leq && v_leq->tok == tok_leq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, ">", tok_gt, v_leq->get_lhs(), v_leq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_lt = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_lt && v_lt->tok == tok_lt) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, ">=", tok_geq, v_lt->get_lhs(), v_lt->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_geq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_geq && v_geq->tok == tok_geq) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<", tok_lt, v_geq->get_lhs(), v_geq->get_rhs());
} else if (auto v_gt = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_gt && v_gt->tok == tok_gt) {
until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<=", tok_geq, v_gt->get_lhs(), v_gt->get_rhs());
} else {
until_cond = createV<ast_unary_operator>(cond->loc, "!", tok_logical_not, cond);
Expr* expr = process_expr(until_cond, code);
auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "`while` condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
until_op.left = expr->pre_compile(code);
if (until_op.left.size() != 1) {
v->get_cond()->error("`while` condition value is not a singleton");
return res & ~blk_fl::empty;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_throw_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<Expr*> args;
SymDef* builtin_sym;
if (v->has_thrown_arg()) {
builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw_arg"));
args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_arg(), code));
args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code));
} else {
builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw"));
args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code));
Expr* apply = create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, std::move(args));
apply->flags |= Expr::_IsImpure;
return blk_fl::end;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_assert_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
std::vector<Expr*> args(3);
if (auto v_not = v->get_cond()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
args[0] = process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code);
args[1] = process_expr(v->get_cond()->as<ast_unary_operator>()->get_rhs(), code);
args[2] = process_expr(createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, true), code);
} else {
args[0] = process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code);
args[1] = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
args[2] = process_expr(createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, false), code);
SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw_if_unless"));
Expr* apply = create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, std::move(args));
apply->flags |= Expr::_IsImpure;
return blk_fl::end;
static Expr* process_catch_variable(AnyV catch_var, TypeExpr* var_type) {
if (auto v_ident = catch_var->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
return create_new_local_variable(catch_var->loc, v_ident->name, var_type, true);
return create_new_underscore_variable(catch_var->loc, var_type);
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
code.require_callxargs = true;
Op& try_catch_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_TryCatch);
blk_fl::val res0 = process_vertex(v->get_try_body(), code);
// transform catch (excNo, arg) into TVM-catch (arg, excNo), where arg is untyped and thus almost useless now
TypeExpr* tvm_error_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(TypeExpr::new_var(), TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int));
const std::vector<AnyV>& catch_items = v->get_catch_expr()->get_items();
tolk_assert(catch_items.size() == 2);
Expr* e_catch = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->get_catch_expr()->loc};
e_catch->pb_arg(process_catch_variable(catch_items[1], tvm_error_type->args[0]));
e_catch->pb_arg(process_catch_variable(catch_items[0], tvm_error_type->args[1]));
e_catch->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue;
e_catch->e_type = tvm_error_type;
try_catch_op.left = e_catch->pre_compile(code);
tolk_assert(try_catch_op.left.size() == 2);
blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_catch_body(), code);
blk_fl::combine_parallel(res0, res1);
return res0;
static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_if_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
TypeExpr* flag_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
try {
unify(expr->e_type, flag_type);
} catch (UnifyError& ue) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "`if` condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
if (tmp_vars.size() != 1) {
v->get_cond()->error("condition value is not a singleton");
Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, tmp_vars);
blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_if_body(), code);
blk_fl::val res2 = blk_fl::init;
res2 = process_vertex(v->get_else_body(), code);
if (v->is_ifnot) {
std::swap(if_op.block0, if_op.block1);
blk_fl::combine_parallel(res1, res2);
return res1;
blk_fl::val process_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
switch (v->type) {
case ast_local_vars_declaration:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>(), code);
case ast_return_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_return_statement>(), code);
case ast_sequence:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_sequence>(), code);
case ast_empty:
return blk_fl::init;
case ast_repeat_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>(), code);
case ast_if_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_if_statement>(), code);
case ast_do_while_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>(), code);
case ast_while_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_while_statement>(), code);
case ast_throw_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_throw_statement>(), code);
case ast_assert_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_assert_statement>(), code);
case ast_try_catch_statement:
return process_vertex(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>(), code);
default: {
Expr* expr = process_expr(v, code);
return blk_fl::end;
static FormalArg process_vertex(V<ast_parameter> v, SymDef* param_sym) {
if (!param_sym) {
return std::make_tuple(v->param_type, nullptr, v->loc);
SymDef* new_sym_def = define_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name), true, v->loc);
if (!new_sym_def || new_sym_def->value) {
v->error("redefined parameter");
const SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
new_sym_def->value = new SymValVariable(*param_val);
return std::make_tuple(v->param_type, new_sym_def, v->loc);
static void convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(V<ast_function_declaration> v, V<ast_sequence> v_body) {
SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name));
SymValCodeFunc* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(sym_def->value);
tolk_assert(sym_val != nullptr);
CodeBlob* blob = new CodeBlob{static_cast<std::string>(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc, sym_val, v->ret_type};
if (v->marked_as_pure) {
blob->flags |= CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure;
FormalArgList legacy_arg_list;
for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_params(); ++i) {
legacy_arg_list.emplace_back(process_vertex(v->get_param(i), sym_val->parameters[i]));
blk_fl::val res = blk_fl::init;
bool warned = false;
for (AnyV item : v_body->get_items()) {
if (!(res & blk_fl::end) && !warned) {
item->loc.show_warning("unreachable code");
warned = true;
blk_fl::combine(res, process_statement(item, *blob));
if (res & blk_fl::end) {
append_implicit_ret_stmt(v_body->loc_end, *blob);
static void convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(V<ast_function_declaration> v, V<ast_asm_body> v_body) {
SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name));
SymValAsmFunc* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValAsmFunc*>(sym_def->value);
tolk_assert(sym_val != nullptr);
int cnt = v->get_num_params();
int width = v->ret_type->get_width();
std::vector<AsmOp> asm_ops;
for (AnyV v_child : v_body->get_asm_commands()) {
std::string_view ops = v_child->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val; // <op>\n<op>\n...
std::string op;
for (char c : ops) {
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
if (!op.empty()) {
asm_ops.push_back(AsmOp::Parse(op, cnt, width));
if (asm_ops.back().is_custom()) {
cnt = width;
} else {
if (!op.empty()) {
asm_ops.push_back(AsmOp::Parse(op, cnt, width));
if (asm_ops.back().is_custom()) {
cnt = width;
void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files) {
for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
for (AnyV v : file->ast->as<ast_tolk_file>()->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
if (auto v_func = v->try_as<ast_function_declaration>()) {
if (v_func->is_asm_function()) {
convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(v_func, v_func->get_body()->as<ast_asm_body>());
} else if (!v_func->marked_as_builtin) {
convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(v_func, v_func->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>());
} // namespace tolk